Mind_Hack.exe Ch. 01


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The erection in Mark's pants was painful as he quietly undressed. He didn't know why, but he felt like if he called out or made a noise, it would break whatever erotic spell had been woven and the erotic atmosphere would break. But he was being silly. She was just getting her groove back. She had to have known he'd be coming in here after putting Austin to nap. She must be performing for him, trying her best to get him harder than he'd been in a long while. Well it was working and he leaned forward and put his mouth to the breast her hand was not groping, being sure to avoid her nipple. The instant his lips made contact with the soft skin, he heard a low moan, much lower than usual. A split second later his wife's boob disappeared from his mouth as she had pushed back from him so forcefully that she almost flew off the other side of the bed.

Adam felt Candace's body had been very close to orgasm when an additional touch had registered, warm, wet, and welcome on the side of the slightly larger breast. He had not been able to keep from letting out a sound of appreciative lust, when the obvious dawned on him. Candace's eyes flew open and Adam saw Mark sucking on a breast. He reacted before thinking at the sight of a man hovering over his temporary body and flung himself back with his hands, trying to get away. He felt empty space below his head and was grateful he hadn't fallen to the floor. But now there was a man looking at him with a disturbing hunger in his eyes, and Adam was sprawled before him, Candace's pussy inches from his face.

In a flash, Adam mulled over his predicament. Mark wanted to fuck him, or her really, that much was obvious. Adam was not a fan of that at all, as he had never had any sexual predilections towards his own gender. He could put a stop to it by explaining the situation. Not a great option as he was in clear violation of several laws and probably many new ones they would have to create. He would no doubt face a severe punishment or probably the death penalty. He could bolt from the room but this body was naked and if he went outside like that, it would also be a crime and authorities would be alerted and everyone's POM's would be scanned in a square block and then he'd be found out that way. He couldn't say he had a headache or didn't want this, because for one, as soon as Candace spoke and Adam's voice came out, the jig was up. And two, he had just been masturbating furiously and was clearly very turned on. It was suddenly curious to him why it was his voice in her body. This would seem to indicate that the cyber enhancements were put in more than just the brain, which is something POM had not released to the public.

Adam forgot to be curious as Mark's tongue slipped into his wife's hairy bush and licked with the fervor of a man dying of thirst and this pussy was the last place to find water. Adam accepted his fate as the pleasure racked Candace's body again, different and more intense than before as this was clearly not Mark's first rodeo. Mark's strong hands went underneath Candace's body and he gently lifted her and positioned her against the headboard, all the while continuing the cunnilingus he was so adept at performing. Adam strained not to make a sound as the body he was in control of writhed in delight of Mark's oral dedication. Adam threw both hands over Candace's mouth to stifle a scream as he came in his temporary feminine form.

Mark felt his wife's legs tense up and knew he had given her something to remember. He smiled at her but then looked puzzled. "Is this a game you're playing with me? Not making any noise?" His wife looked at him quizzically, still coming down from her sexual high, and then gave a slow nod. He found this odd, and a little kinky. "Do I win if I make you scream?"

Her face registered panic at this and she shook her head profusely. Mark was confused at that response and started to climb towards her body, her legs open wide before him. With a playful smile, he asked, "So, you don't want me to make you scream?" She nodded. "Okay, you just don't want to make any sounds, is that right?"

Candace smiled at him brightly, as if he had answered correctly in a game of charades. Her smile quickly faltered however, as he positioned himself in front of her, the pushed his cock at the entrance of her sopping wet snatch. He looked down and with one hand, he moved the tip of his penis up and down her slit, not letting it go in, knowing it was having an effect on his wife by the way her hands clenched beside him. He looked up and saw the expression on his wife's face seemed to be a mix of surprise, uncertainty, and lust. Whatever was going on with his wife, he was going to take full advantage of it. He gave his hips a thrust and the entire length of his dick disappeared into his wife's slick and inviting hole.

Mark was in ecstasy by the sudden warmth that enveloped his cock. He always loved the moments he got to be inside his wife and it had been so long. He was sure that ramming his member balls deep into her would have surely elicited some sound from her sexy, open mouth, but all that escaped was a gasp of air followed by rapid breathing. He smiled at this. She was acting like she had never been fucked before and was still refusing to make any noise. He slowly withdrew, taking in every bit of her expression. As his penis exposed itself to air once again, he saw that she actually looked disappointed. She looked down at his cock and acted like it was completely alien to her, but something that she wanted more of. Candace's eyes then met his and she looked imploringly at him. She hesitantly put both her hands around to his backside and started to draw him back into her. That was all it took for him to plunge back in, seeing the same gasp come out of her mouth and again, a look of surprise as if she had never felt anything better.

Mark started to withdraw again but her hands found his ass and she started to push him back in, even further this time. He knew what she wanted now and he began to pound her pussy. He steadied himself with one hand, letting the other travel down her leg. It was bumpy with stubble but he did not care. This was his wife, the woman he had married and to him she was sexy as hell. His hand traveled back up to her stomach and he felt her goose bumps underneath his fingers. She didn't like it when he touched her there since giving birth, as it still showed signs of stretch marks, something she was very self conscious of. She said nothing though, either because of whatever game she was playing or because she was too lost in the feeling of his dick slamming in and out of her, faster and faster. Mark wasn't in the best shape of his life, but he was still young enough to have fairly decent stamina, and he wanted to make the most of this.

Mark's hand found his wife's breasts and he squeezed them each firmly, one at a time, knowing that before getting pregnant, she really liked it when he'd be rough with them. They had become off limits as he watched them swell up and become increasingly tender. She had not allowed him to suck on the nipples anymore because they were now for their child. Since then he had treated them much more carefully but now, now he decided to press his luck. After grabbing them quite harder than normal and seeing no signs of discomfort from her, he lowered his mouth and began to suck on her tit. He thought he heard a low sound escape her mouth, but paid no attention as her hands squeezed his ass and pulled, thrusting him inward. The message to him was clear, she wanted him to go faster, so he gave her what she wanted.

Adam was no longer conflicted at being penetrated by this man. It felt too good to stop and he continued to encourage Mark to thrust harder by moving underneath him and grabbing at his backside. Adam's breathing was loud, as if he was running a marathon, but he kept his voice in check. He wasn't sure he'd be able to for much longer however, as he felt this body ascending to the top of the mountain once more. He noticed Mark was making a weird face, contorting in what seemed like a happy grimace. Suddenly Adam felt the penis inside him pulsing and warmth flooded into his new crotch. A moment later, Adam experience another orgasm and wondered how women were ever able to get anything done. Then Mark collapsed like a dead wait next to him, panting and happy.

Mark hoped this was not a one time event. He draped an arm around his bride and pulled her closer, kissing her cheek. "I love you babe. If you ever want to play that game again, just let me know."

Adam panicked as the afterglow began to fade. He needed an excuse to leave the house and get back to his own. He needn't have worried about having an excuse though, as Mark began snoring next to him a minute later. Adam maneuvered out from under Mark's arm, then began dressing as he formulated how he could make a plausible exit from this body and raise the least amount of suspicion. It was very possible the authorities knew he had hacked someone's mind and they were already on their way. It was also possible nothing like this had ever happened before and they had no idea what was going on. Either way, he needed to cancel his stream of consciousness to Candace's cyber brain implants and try to cover up his tracks.

Adam had time to think about what those tracks were as he struggled with the bra. He was a computer genius, but bra technology was beyond him. At last he figured it out the clasp, put on the rest of her previous attire, and went to their bathroom. He found her prescription medication, looking for something he could use. There was one to treat insomnia that should do nicely. He opened it and left it on the bathroom counter. He went to their kitchen and searched for alcohol. He found they had a bottle of wine and poured some into a glass. He took a little sip to get the taste in her mouth, making sure to leave a tiny bit in the glass, then put it where he had been sitting when he first found himself transported here. He was not at all sure if this would work, but he had to paint a picture for Candace when she was herself again.

Adam found car keys hanging on a hook and went outside to find a minivan. He hopped in and drove the short distance to his house. His parents were both at work, which was a huge plus. The door wasn't locked, something people rarely did now with the crime rate hovering just above zero. He went upstairs to his room, opened the door, and there he was, passed out with his face next to the keyboard. It was beyond surreal. He approached the computer screen and saw that he was still logged into POM and that his program was still running, still sending his signal. Adam hoped that when he undid this, that his body would be the one to come to first. He propped his body up in the chair and spun it towards his bed. He took his wireless keyboard and positioned Candace's body horizontally onto his bed, still close enough to see the computer screen. He selected Connected on the screen and options popped up. "End Connection. Y/N?" He typed Yes, and hit Enter. A few seconds later, his vision blurred, and darkness.

Adam jolted upright in his chair causing the wheels underneath him to creak. He looked at Candace lying on his bed and saw her start to stir. He grabbed the keyboard from her lap and hoped that she had not been aware during the time he had been in control of her body. He also hoped that she would buy what was sounding like a crazy story that seemed crazier the more he thought about it, but it was all he had. He watched as her eyes fluttered, looked around very confused, then sat bolt upright to look at him.

"What? Where am I? How'd I get here?"

Adam took a deep breath, moment of truth. With concern in his voice, he said, "Mrs. Porter, oh I'm so glad you're alright."

Candace focused on Adam, then recognition kicked in. "Adam? What's going on? Am I in your bedroom?"

She was starting to look like a cornered animal and Adam spoke quickly. "You're okay. I guess you don't remember. You drove into my neighborhood a few minutes ago and almost ran me over. You stopped and apologized and, well, you weren't making a whole lot of sense. You said something about you had been tired so you took some medicine for sleeping and had some wine. You mentioned, um..." Adam felt his cheeks burn hot. "You said something about getting intimate with your husband, but in different words. Then after you wanted something to eat and got in your van and then almost ran me over. You told me all that and then passed out and I took you inside and now you're awake. I was about to call an ambulance for you. Do you still want me to, or do you feel better now?" He waited, gauging her response.

Candace couldn't remember any of what Adam just said. She had been watching television while her son played beside her. She had been sleepy but, she was always sleepy these days. Had she taken something? She couldn't remember but, she did have the taste of wine in her mouth, and she could feel a soreness like she had been well fucked recently. Adam must be telling the truth. He had been a good kid mostly, why would he lie.

"Mrs. Porter," Adam asked again, "shall I call someone for you? An ambulance, or maybe the authorities?"

"No!" Candace yelled, then calmed herself. "Um, no please Adam. You know what they do to people who drink and drive these days. I can't believe I did something so foolish. I must have blacked out and, thank goodness I didn't kill you! I'm so sorry! And then for you to bring me into your home and look out for me. I owe you Adam."

Adam reigned in the smile that was pushing vehemently at the corners of his mouth. "Absolutely not, Mrs. Porter. You were the best babysitter I ever had when I was younger and I'm just happy I could repay the favor and watch out for you for once."

"Still, you're amazing. And, um, you'll keep this between us?" she asked with a hopeful smile as she stood up, ready to leave.

Now Adam allowed himself to beam. "I will never tell a soul, Mrs. Porter. I would hate for you to get in any kind of trouble."

Candace approached Adam, and saw as he stood that he was now taller than she was. She put her arms around him and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you Adam. I really mean that."

Adam returned the hug, fully aware of her chest pushing into him. That had been his chest moments ago, beyond surreal. His body began to respond at these thoughts and he broke off the hug. "No problem, Mrs. Porter. Happy to help. Here, I'll walk you back to your van."

Adam watched from his driveway as she drove away, then ran back upstairs. He quickly logged off from POM. He should have no problem accessing it now with his program, but it would all be moot if one of several things had gone wrong for him. It was possible, but unlikely, that they had traced his digital interfering back to his computer. It was much more likely that they had noticed his signal was missing, or that it had jumped a few miles away, or that Candace's signal had disappeared altogether. He didn't know how all that worked, but if he wasn't busted within a few hours, he should be in the clear. The one thing he knew he had going for him was that thus far, a crime had not been committed in their area, or at least one that anyone knew about, and so any signal interruption might just blow over.

If he was still here tomorrow, he would try to go deeper into POM and find out about the cyber implants they all possessed. They were clearly more extensive than he knew. If he could access them, maybe he could help himself by keeping the host's voice. Was he really thinking of doing this again? He remembered how it had felt to be in Candace's body. If he hadn't already been caught, he was definitely doing this again, but he would be more prepared next time. The hard part would be the next few hours, waiting to see if someone was coming for him.

Many miles away, in a large building that staffed more computers than personnel, information was pouring in, a constant geyser of consumer data that burst forth in a never ending torrent. Crime had continued its downward trend, but there was loads of other, much more valuable things to go over, such as, where was the money being spent and how could the corporate overlords get more of it?

One analyst had gone over as much data as he could in one shift. Now he compiled his daily end of shift report and highlighted areas of concern for his supervisor. Instead of sending the information electronically, he actually took the time to print this report, as he wanted to hand it off in person. He knocked on his supervisor's open door to announce his presence.

"Got the numbers boss. Printed mine out because I thought you might want to see something interesting?"

"Put it next to this stack," the boss motioned at a leaning pile of paperwork. "Something caught your eye did it? I don't remember any crime being reported in your area?"

"There wasn't but, well, something weird happened. A signal stopped."

The boss didn't look up at this but continued looking at official documents that appeared to need his undivided attention. "Signals stop all the time. Happens when people die. That's hardly interesting or weird, just a fact of life."

The analyst knew this. Each time a person died it was flagged as a signal interruption. If a crime was reported in the area, those cases were investigated immediately and the perpetrator caught quickly. If there was no crime, and there hardly was anymore, it was investigated as time allowed, often times getting backlogged for days. When someone got to it, it was usually a death due to natural causes. If the person was alive, which was almost never the case, they were brought in, opened up, whatever issue fixed with their cyber ware, and then sent home the next day. But this issue was much different than death or a faulty signal.

"I'd agree boss, but this signal stopped, then resumed a few miles away, where another signal stopped, but did not resume."

The boss stopped looking at his paperwork. "What? That shouldn't...did you monitor remotely? I don't remember a request for that one and feel like I'd definitely remember a scenario like that."

"I didn't request a remote viewing because by the time I noticed anything suspicious, both signals were back. The first signal returned to its point of origin, then the second signal resumed and, well, that's it."

The boss mulled this over. They were only allowed to ever remote view if a crime had been committed in the reported area. When the technology had come available at first, many within POM had taken advantage of the situation and let it become their own private peep show. Swift action had been taken and the perverts had been removed. Spying on the general public with POM's technology was a serious crime, and each staff member's visual records were examined daily to ensure this kind of illicit surveillance was not happening.

The boss made a decision. "Okay, so if both signals are back, that had to be a glitch or something. If there was no crime involved, we do nothing for now. Flag both their signals and if it happens again, we'll bring them in and fix whatever's wrong."

The analyst nodded and left. He stopped by his computer and flagged the two troublesome dots. If anything else funny happened, they'd know immediately.

To be continued...

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KriptoKriptoabout 6 years agoAuthor

Almost finished but will have to go back and edit it. Hope to submit it by the weekend.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Looking forward to the next chapters!

How's chapter 2 coming along?

newfield1981newfield1981about 6 years ago
Very interesting

Great story idea! Well written. I would say this, what he's doing is so dangerous and illegal, then why risk his freedom or life for a little perving on the neighbor? Anyone smart enough to hack what previously has been unhackable, would have a plan worthy of the hack. I gave you five stars and I added story to favorite's hope to see more to this story.

KriptoKriptoabout 6 years agoAuthor

Regarding the voice, I briefly alluded to this but that will be explained more in chapter 2. There's much more that was added that the public was aware of.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Pretty good setup but the voice thing doesn't make sense at all. Your voice is physically, it's not affected by the brain

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