Mind_Hack.exe Ch. 04


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Paul's brow creased. He clearly did not like the prospect of getting serious later, but knew it would be unavoidable. "Okay, I'll go have a talk with my 'son.' I'll let you know how it goes."

"And tell him to take a shower before he goes out," Sarah said as she sidled up to her husband and slid her arms around him, letting her boobs press into his hard chest. "Be sure to not go easy on him, no matter what those pesky memories and emotions might say." And then she kissed him. For her, it was like an automatic response, something her body would just naturally do with her husband. It seemed to take her a little by surprise but Paul responded eagerly, letting his hands slide over her and cupping one of her breasts. She broke off the kiss and made a face. "Weird. Kissing my old friend like that. Anyway, go get him dear." Sarah gave her husband's butt a playful slap as he left the room.

At the bottom of the steps, Paul looked back at his wife. "Wait, won't Adam having time in the shower give him a chance to...take care of business?"

Sarah flashed him a dangerous smile. "Trust me on this one."

Paul smiled and shook his head. He ascended the stairs and then stood outside his son's door for a moment to prepare himself mentally for the role he was about to play. Then he did something his wife rarely did, he knocked. "Son, I'm going to come in, okay?"

"Dad, could you please, come back in like, 3 minutes?"

"No can do kid. I'm here on your mother's orders." And with that Paul entered the room. He gave Adam's domain an appraising look, having seen it many times before in his head, and yet also seeing it for the first time. It was quite messy, clothes lying everywhere. Plates and glasses that Adam had brought up for a late night snack were strewn about. The wastebasket next to his computer was overflowing with tissues, which Paul would use as a springboard into what he hoped was a very awkward conversation. "That's a lot of tissues there, son. Glad to see you're staying busy." He took a seat on Adam's bed and fixed him with a serious gaze.

"Uh, yeah," Adam said as he just stared blankly at his computer screen. If he had just had another few minutes he wouldn't be suffering from blue balls right now. He loved his dad but resented him for this sudden intrusion. "What do you want?"

"It's time we had a serious talk. Your mother and I have respected your decision to take a year off after high school, but you will need to get a job."

Adam's jaw dropped and he turned to stare at his dad, clearly shocked by this turn of events. "What? No. I told you I needed this time to finalize a program I've been working on. It's my ticket in to any college I want. I need to see this through first."

Paul arranged his face carefully into a stern grimace. "Adam, your mother and I know what you've been spending most of your time on."

Adam looked at his father with dread as that statement hung in the air. He did not want to have this conversation. "Dad, yes, I masturbate a lot. I'm still a teenager and, well, I'm horny all the time. You always said it was natural."

Paul nodded in agreement with his son. "Hey, I know. I was a young man once." Paul paused to chuckle at this. "The issue isn't about your need to rub one out once or twice a day..."

"More like three...or more," Adam interrupted.

Paul let out a low whistle. "Wow, men really do always think about sex." Paul had let that slip and noticed his son's confusion so he quickly went on the offensive. "But it's not about how many times. Your mother and I are more concerned over your subject matter."

The color drained from Adam's face. "What do you mean?"

Paul tried to make sure his face looked as stern as possible. "I mean that almost all of what you watch and read is entirely devoted to some facet of a mother and son sexual relationship. Now please understand, I get it, your mother is very attractive and..."

"Dad, I don't...what?" Adam would have paid any amount of money for a way out of this conversation. "How do you know what I look at on the computer? It's protected."

This seem to stump his father momentarily, but then he continued. "Your friend Dan, my former colleague showed me a thing or two. Your mother wanted to see what you were working on so she encouraged me to investigate. Unfortunately all we found was, well, I'm saying that I don't blame you for this perversion. It's actually quite common, depraved though it may be. I guess your mother and I hope that by making you get a nine to five, you'll burn off some of those fantasies you have of your mom's body. We both love you and..."

"Why are you making it sound like I want to have sex with mom?" Adam practically screamed. His father's conclusions had seriously jumped the rails. Fantasizing was one thing but actually going through with it...

Paul cocked his head disbelievingly. "Son, during lunch there, your eyes were all over your mother. You drank in her curves like a man who just found water in the desert."

Adam quickly played by his memory of lunchtime events. "I, she was acting weird! I do not want to have sex with my mother. I just like that kind of porn okay! Can we please be done with this discussion?"

"We'll consider it closed. Now go get a shower and then get out there and look for a job. There's several stores that allow for part time work and they'll probably interview you on the spot."

"Dad, please don't make me..."

"Adam, you're living in our house, eating our food, and we're not asking for a dime. But you will find other ways to be productive than..." Paul waved his hand towards the tissue filled waste basket. "Now no more excuses. Go shower, put on something nice, and get out there, right now." He then stood up and backed out of the room with an air of finality that Adam knew would be foolish to counter.

As Adam surveyed his room for clean clothes hidden under piles of soiled ones, he tried to understand the events of the day so far. His parents were acting normal, but also, not normal. And they wanted him to get a job. He felt his accomplishments so far greatly outshone any mundane task that any proprietor would pay him for. It wouldn't matter anyway once he was able to jump into the mind of anyone he wanted to, then he would be able to escape all this for good. He needed Dan to hurry up.

Adam headed towards the bathroom. He saw the door was not shut, but only open a few inches. In their house, the unspoken rule of a not fully shut door meant that it was not occupied and safe for entry. He thought nothing of it as he pushed the door wide open and stepped one foot inside. There was his mother without a stitch of clothes on her. She was standing just outside the bathtub, slightly bent over as if she were about to turn the water on, her rear pushed upwards towards him. Her dark hung about her shoulders and stood in stark contrast with the paleness of her light skin. His eyes immediately focused on the one boob he could see that hung low. The nipple was large and stood out prominently as if it had recently encountered a chilly breeze or been pinched.

Adam was in the moment when you see something so beautiful but also dangerous and you don't know for a second what to do. His mother's head had been turned towards the faucet and when she turned it on, he made a movement to close the door, his hand making a small metal clink on the knob. Sarah's head whipped around and gaped at her son with a mixture of shock and rage. She stood up straight as her hands flew to cover her privates, struggling to contain both boobs with one arm. "Adam, what are you doing in here? I'm about to shower!"

"Mom I'm so sorry, dad told me that I should...I'll go, I'm sorry," he stepped out and was beginning to close the door.

Sarah noticed slyly that even during his retreat, his eyes never left her figure. "Adam wait!" she said sharply.

Adam froze at the door, continuing to look at his mother as if he had an excuse to do so now. He was trying to look her in the eyes but it's like they had a mind of their own because they kept stealing tiny glances at her legs, where her hand was over her pussy, the hand that was cupping a boob, the tiny bit of red from the jam that still resided on her breast. He couldn't stop looking. He needed to stop looking. It was torture, but the best kind of torture.

"Adam, I'm sorry, I know this is partially my fault. I guess I didn't shut the door all the way. I'll try to be more mindful in the future. I guess I was just in a hurry to get all this sticky stuff off of my tits." When she said tits, she used her arm to lift up her cleavage, drawing attention to the bit of jam she had left there. The combination of her words and gesture caused Adam's member to once again achieve lift off. "Oh, Adam," she said softly, almost, sensuously. "I didn't mean to make you stare at my breasts. I'm not trying to give you more to fantasize about while you..." She bit her lip and looked down at his erection then she licked her lips. She then did an abrupt subject change, as if everything were completely normal and she was just giving him motherly advice. "Sweetie, make sure you wear something more appropriate for dinner. We'll be having company." Her eyes drifted back up to catch his stunned expression as he finally found the will to close the door. She smiled, very proud of her performance.

Adam threw clothes on and rushed out of the house, hoping to escape any more embarrassing scenarios. He had just seen his mother naked. His favorite genre went from fantasy to reality and if he hadn't ever really entertained the idea of sex with his mom, he was entertaining it now. But, it didn't set right with him, especially the bit with the jam on her breast. Why had she left it there when a normal person would have just wiped it off right away and gone about the rest of their day? It was like it had been staged. It was like someone was controlling his mother's body, making it more perverse than usual. That idea shocked Adam, but he reasoned Dan wouldn't go to such lengths to get him back for putting him in his sister's body one time, would he? As paranoia set in, Adam dialed Dan's number on his cell.

Dan answered on the second ring. "Hello friend. I thought we agreed to keep contact to a minimum and that I'd be in touch soon."

Adam couldn't believe it. Dan answered so it couldn't be Dan. Well, it could be him if he engaged the backup option, but that would mean he'd have to be close by since you could only transfer consciousness in the same sector and he lived one away. "Yeah, I know, sorry man. I kind of have an urgent question though. Where are you right now?"

"What? I'm at home. That's your urgent question?"

Adam hesitated. "Okay, send me a picture of you at your desk right now with your thumbs up?"

There was silence on the other end of the line, then Dan's voice returned, "I can't believe you missed seeing my face that much. Here's almost what you asked for, but your mom probably won't want you to frame it."Less than a second later, Adam's phone alerted him that he had picture mail. He clicked it and there was Dan, sitting in his office chair with his computer in the background. He was flipping him the bird. "Alright dummy, now see if you can hold yourself back from reaching out again until I say it's okay." And then the line went dead.

Adam shook his head, puzzled as he walked towards the nearby business district. He had been so sure, but there was no way Dan could be inside his mom right now if he was all the way in another sector. His paranoia left him as the image of his mother's tits once again took up the majority of his thoughts.

Sarah didn't shower but was now in her bedroom putting on a skimpy black dress that showed off her best assets. Adam was very right indeed, she had staged that bit in the bathroom, knowing he'd walk right in since the door hadn't been shut all the way. This was so fun but felt a little bad for what she was doing as memories of him growing up came into her memory. She forcefully shoved them aside as she remembered a time when Adam had not given her a choice. Her husband walked into the room.

"So how about a quickie?" Paul asked, practically drooling at his wife's choice of outfit.

"No, we're saving all that up for Adam later today."

"Did I hear you say we'd be having company for dinner?"

Sarah had been admiring herself in the mirror but now spun excitedly towards her husband. "Have you been going over the memories available to you?"

"Uh, well no to be honest. I'm just enjoying walking around with a dick again. These things get excited so easily. And right now all this body wants to do is stick it in you and..."

"Down boy, I need you to think. Find the memories of my sister."

Paul looked deep in thought for a moment, then his eyes grew wide. "Holy fuck! You have a twin sister, and she lives here in town! Did you know about that before?"

Sarah laughed. "I didn't. Never met her when I was here last and I don't recall Paul, well, you, ever talking about her. But yeah, did you note the part where she's identical to this body?"

Paul nodded slowly. "Yeah, but, so what? You've invited Adam's aunt, who happens to look exactly like you, over to dinner tonight? Isn't that too much? Won't it complicate things?"

"On the contrary," Sarah replied with a sly smile, "I think this will make things run very smoothly. And remember, after this we won't have time for fun and games, so let's cram in as much debauchery as possible."

Paul mirrored her smile. "So what do we do till Adam gets back since you don't want to fuck?"

"With this little addition to our party, I'm going to fill you in on what I have in mind. First, I need to set a timer in Mind Hack with Adam's computer. If we play this out right, it should be amazing."

While Adam's parents schemed, he was finding little luck in the job department. His parents had never made him get a job, and everyone wanted some type of college education or experience. His smug bravado probably didn't help endear him to any potential employers, but he knew every time they said no, it was their loss. He figured he'd stay away long enough to show his parents he'd tried, and then hopefully talk them out of this foolishness over dinner.

It was an hour before dark when he neared his house again. His aunt's car was in the driveway. Aunt Cindy lived on the other side of town and since her divorce last year, she popped over at least once a week. Adam cringed at the timing. Except for the way his aunt wore her hair, she was a dead ringer for his mother. He had confused them on more than one occasion but had not, until very recently, thought about her sexually. Now as Adam opened the door, he tried desperately not to think about the fact that by seeing his mother naked, he had basically seen his aunt naked.

Before the door had fully closed, Adam's mother spotted him and approached him quickly. She had changed from earlier and was now wearing a low cut red top with a cute black skirt. She pulled him into an embrace and then gave him a peck on the cheek. "Welcome back, son. Did you have any luck getting a job today?"

Adam noted that his mother was choosing to ignore their previous awkward encounter in the bathroom. He wanted to rip the bandage off though so he could move forward. "Put in some applications, had a few interviews, nothing yet. Look though, I'm sorry about what happened earlier. You have to know that I didn't mean to...to see you."

Adam's mother furrowed her brow, seeming genuinely puzzled. "What on earth are you talking about?"

Adam rolled his eyes, frustrated that his mom was going to make him spell it out. "You know. Right before I left, in the bathroom...seeing you naked." Adam watched as his mother's eyes widened in disbelief, then the truth hit him. This was his aunt.

"Holy shit!" Cindy exclaimed. "Sarah, Adam walked in on you naked? Why didn't you tell me that?" Cindy's eyes drifted down to Adam's midsection and she gave a pitying smile. "That would explain the bulge I felt when we hugged just now. Oh you poor boy. Of course it was an accident."

Adam's face was bright red as he struggled for words. "How come...you both look more alike than usual? You're hair is even the same as Mom's?"

Cindy blushed slightly. "Oh, well, your mom called me earlier and invited me to dinner. She said that it would be funny if we looked alike tonight because she had some joke planned. I hope this wasn't it?" As they both walked into the dining room, Cindy met her sister's gaze and with an accusatory look asked, "This was not the joke, right, to prank your unwitting son after he's had an embarrassing moment with you today?"

Sarah was putting the last dish down on a full spread, but paused and shot her son a mild disapproving gaze. "I had planned on taking that secret with me to the grave, Adam. But no, it wasn't for that purpose. I'll explain to you in a little while Cindy." She looked at the clock on the wall as if she had a specific time in mind. "For now, let's all sit down for dinner and try to keep the subject matter away from...topics such as that. Adam, sit over there, across from your Aunt and I?"

Adam silently and obediently sat down at the table across from the two women. As soon as he saw his mother he knew he would have to work overtime in the distraction department of his brain to keep his hormones in check. His mother also wore an identical red top and black skirt. Everything about them matched, their outfit, hair, right down to the makeup and nail polish. What the hell was going on? He couldn't recall a time they had ever looked so similar. Adam had listened to stories about them pulling pranks on teachers, and had given his dad a hard time once in awhile about confusing them when he and Sarah had begun dating. But Adam had never seen it with his own eyes. It was just another in a long list of things today that made his dick twitch in his pants.

Paul entered the dining room and noticed his son. "Oh good, Adam's back. We thought we might have to start without you. How was the job search?"

"He struck out," Sarah said sympathetically. "You'll get them next time dear."

Everyone sat down and began helping themselves to the nearest bit of food. Adam was taking a piece of roast beef, but froze as he felt something graze his leg. It wasn't an accidental brush that sometimes happens when wayward feet collide under a table. This was more a caress, a purposeful exploratory touch that lingered. He looked across the table at the two women that both resembled his mother. They both acted as if nothing had happened as they continued to talk casually and pass food. Adam made a move for the gravy when he felt something touch him again, but much higher this time. His body jerked a little, but he composed himself and looked down. He was able to see a bare foot, well manicured, but without any nail polish. The toes wiggled at him as if saying hello, then retreated. He made a show of dropping a fork and bending low to retrieve it. Both his aunt and mother's feet were bare. Both looked the same and neither had polished their toe nails.

When he righted himself, he thought he noticed the hint of a smirk on his mother's face. It quickly vanished as she looked at her sister and asked, "How silly of me, I forgot to put out the drinks. Cindy, could you give me a hand please?"

The sisters stood up and walked out of the room. Adam heard excited whispering from the kitchen, then giggling. When they returned, they put glasses on the table and resumed their seats but...they were both acting suspicious. Adam looked closer for distinguishing characteristics. That's when he realized that neither of them were wearing a wedding ring. Of course Cindy hadn't since her husband left her last year, but his mother also wore hers. Adam's voice rose a little higher with suspicion as he asked, "Mom, where's your wedding ring?"