Mind_Hack.exe Ch. 06


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Alicia was staring at a login and password screen. Her memories were not helpful here. She just didn't know much about this guy. His name was Mr. Blankenship, she didn't know the first name. He had a family, Dan could tell that by the pictures on the desk. Alicia's thoughts also indicated that he was overweight, couldn't tie a tie right, and seemed a little dim at times. Those were Dan's favorite people in the hacking world. They were the ones that always wrote down their constantly changing passwords somewhere because they were always forgetting them. With this hope in mind, Alicia began a frantic search. She looked under the keyboard and found only dust. As she peered behind the picture frames and underneath office supplies, she jostled her purse causing most of the contents to spill out onto the desk. Undeterred, she kept, next burrowing through each of the drawers. Looking down into the depths of what just seemed like useless junk and snacks, her vision was occasionally skewed by her long red hair. This is why she liked to keep it up, so it stayed out of the way while she was working. Alicia's body responded to the minor annoyance by mechanically reaching into her overturned purse and pulling out the pin she had taken out earlier. She continued surveying the current drawer's contents while her body reflexively put her hair up the way she always like it.

While rummaging through the last drawer, she hit pay dirt. The login and password were right there on a sticky note taped to the side. Things were finally starting to look up. She punched in the information and quickly found the correct directory. She scrolled to Chance's name and hoped beyond hope that this time it worked. She selected No Access and put in Blankenship's password. Chance Kirkwood's name went from red to green and to the side it now read Public Access. If this worked, they should be able to find him in Mind Hack now. She closed the screen and was about to stand when the door opened. If it had been Blankenship, Dan felt confident he might have been able to talk his way out of it, but instead it was the surprised face of Darren that was quickly morphing into one of anger.

Darren was about to say something to her, but his eyes fell upon the digital display of the burner phone that had slid to the corner of the desk when the purse had tipped over. The screen was turned towards him and it was clear that there was a call in progress. Not wanting anyone overhear him tear into a subordinate, he took three quick steps and pressed the button to end the call. Outside the building, in a car parked just a few hundred yards away, Stephanie never heard the soft tone that indicated the call had been terminated. She had been too distracted at the occasional movements of her captives in the back seat. She hadn't heard anything in awhile from the phone except for a few banging sounds of drawers, and now all she heard was Kate snoring loudly.

Alicia made a desperate grab for the phone but Darren got there first and put it in his back pocket. His anger was growing. This woman who had spurned him was on his floor. She was not supposed to be on his floor, and especially not supposed to be in this room on this computer. And her behavior with the phone, what was going on?

Dan was not sure how he was going to get out of this. Maybe Stephanie would suspect something and pull them back now. But just in case, he'd better start lying his head off. Alicia stood up casually, smoothing the creases in her outfit and putting on her best poker face. "Hey Darren, I was just leaving Mr. Blankenship a note and..."

"What the hell are you doing up here?" Darren asked in a low growl.

"I was just telling you," Alicia resumed in a haughty tone as she walked towards him. "I had to leave a note about a file we're missing downstairs."

"Well he's on the top floor right now," Darren said, fixing her with a suspicious gaze. "So you can give the note to me."

Alicia tapped a finger on her chin as if considering this option. "No, it's really supposed to be for his eyes only, so I'll just come back later and give it to him. Phone please." She said this as a demand and not a question and she extended her palm towards him.

Red flags were popping up all over the place for Darren. "I could have you fired for this," he warned, ignoring the request for her phone.

"Do what you got to do I guess," Alicia said icily. "I suppose I wouldn't have to see your face again so you'd be doing me a favor. You can keep the phone, I was done with it anyway."She brushed by him and had her hand on the doorknob when she felt a finger touch the back of her neck.

"What's going on with this?" Darren asked, the suspicion in his voice was now at its apex as his index finger touched the blinking light of Alicia's signal square. Darren had seen that somewhere, but couldn't remember where. It was important. He had seen it recently.

Alicia took a breath, cursing the fact that she had put her hair up. Then she daintily spun around and put on her best confused expression. "What's going on with what?"

"Your signal square. It was blinking. I've seen that before." Darren was sharp, this wouldn't elude him. His mind raced, trying to recall the memory.

"Oh, is it doing that blinking thing again?" Alicia said with a bat of her hand. "I'll get one of the tech boys to look at it before I go home today. Ta ta." She turned and placed her hand on the knob again and twisted. It had opened just a few inches when she felt a hand clamp down on her shoulder. Without turning back, she said with a shaky anger, "Get your damn hand off of me Darren."

Darren knew he was not supposed to touch another employee, but this was too bizarre. He couldn't let her leave. Instead of loosening his grip on her, he tightened it as his mind thought back to yesterday. They had combed over hours footage looking for any clue to this cyber brain threat. The thing that had stuck in his memory, and probably most of the men in the office, was watching an incredibly hot blonde get done doggy style by her husband. She hadn't spoken in that video and according to the husband's interview, had not been acting like herself. When he had been thrusting in her though, the light from her signal square had been plainly visible. It had been blinking. It had been blinking while someone had supposedly hijacked her cyber brain. Several pieces fell in place for Darren. "You're not Alicia," he said accusingly, and menace dripped from his voice.

Alicia quietly shut the door again and the hand let go of her shoulder. She tried to calmly whirl back around to face him but did it all a little too quickly and she almost lost her balance. She then tried to force a derisive laugh that Dan knew came off as disingenuous. "What do you mean? Of course I'm Alicia?"

"I don't think so," Darren was eyeing her now from top to bottom. "One of our memory specialists showed me an interesting video the other day. A woman was getting plowed by her husband from behind. That's the kind of thing we have to watch sometimes during an investigation. This woman was really hot too, and she never spoke, not once the whole time her husband was giving it to her."

Dan tried to keep Alicia's voice from shaking but it faltered regardless, "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because we've had a breach in our security. That's why all the higher ups are meeting on the top floor right now, to share what we've learned." Darren lifted a palm and caressed Alicia's cheek. She didn't pull away but stared at him, frozen by what he might say next. "It seems someone has leaked a program that lets others hop into someone's cyber mind using our system and control them like little puppets. They can impersonate who they jump in to in every way it seems and no one would know the difference. That wife's husband certainly didn't. There appears to be one obvious give away though, and I believe it's flashing on the back of your neck."

Alicia shot Darren her most charming smile, then pulled the pin from her hair, letting it fall over her neck once more. "That is an annoying feature. Tell you what Darren," Alicia's hands slipped behind her and she unzipped the black skirt and let it fall to the floor, "what you have right here is an opportunity. You knowing about that little flashing light could be a very good thing." She unbuttoned her lavender top, noticing Darren's anger was being replaced with lust. She opened the shirt and showed off the purple bra underneath that did a wonderful job supporting her ample bosom. When Darren's jaw fell as his eyes drank her in, she knew she had him. "I'm really sorry for making that scene at the office party that time. Is there any way I can make it up to you?" She looked at him and licked her lips lasciviously.

"I...you're not talking you're way out of this?" Darren stammered.

Alicia smiled sweetly. "No, I won't. I won't be able to do much talking at all with my lips wrapped around your cock." With that she dropped to her knees and deftly started undoing his pants. Dan made a brief motion as if to block her, then began helping her. A sizeable erection soon became visible and Alicia wasted no time enveloping it with her mouth.

Jay blinked as yet another face appeared on the screen. He had never seen so many important people at once and the anxiety of the moment was affecting his stomach which had managed to twist itself in several knots. As the meeting finally got underway, Adam listened as quite a few details of their adventures with Mind Hack were laid out before him. POM knew a lot. They had brought in everyone they could. They interviewed Candace's husband and had his video of their hook up where it had been Adam inside her. They had testimony from Dan's neighbors, the Stevens, all of which had fallen prey to their experiments when they were learning how Mind Hack worked. But Adam struggled to hide his emotions as video footage of his parents and aunt were played back. They weren't very helpful, all acknowledging missing time, and that their bodies had been taken advantage of sexually. Adam's mom kept breaking down during the interview, and Adam knew why. They all thought he was dead. Guilt pangs riddled his body and he regretted so much when it was over.

His sadness was interrupted as Victor began speaking. "That leads us to today. Yesterday, an online personality made a program known to the public as Mind Hack. It is apparently the culprit that got past our security and put everyone's minds at risk of being taken over."

The room erupted at this and it took a minute for Victor to restore order. "None of you in this meeting are vulnerable. From what we have been able to ascertain, this program only has access to those who appear in Peace of Mind's network, and as you all know, none of you show up on this network. We will begin taking steps today to make sure none of our employees show up as well so no one gains access to our systems internally."

"How could something like this happen?" a voice on the screen said.

"Why don't we just turn the whole system off until we eliminate this Mind Hack?" another chimed in.

"Who is to blame for this?" a third asked angrily.

Victor allowed a thin smile to appear on his face. "Some of you know already, but the man I believe responsible for letting this situation snowball into the avalanche before us is our former CEO, Chance Kirkwood, who I will now allow to answer those questions some of you have posed."

As if on cue, a slightly larger image appeared in the center of the screen. The handsome visage of Chance Kirkwood was now front and center, appearing completely calm and unruffled amidst several worried faces. "Good morning everyone. I see you've been apprised of the situation thus far, and while I appreciate the need for a good scapegoat, I would say I am not your man. Nevertheless, you have made your choice, but I remain at your service. To answer your questions, this happened because a very talented hacker by the name of Adam Holland, whom you all learned about a few minutes ago, created a...rather good program that let him gain access to the advances my father created for the good of all mankind. How that is possible I cannot say for sure and since my father is no longer alive, we will have to find the answer ourselves."

Adam swore that when Kirkwood referenced him, his eyes had flashed directly on him. He was probably just imagining things with all the nerves he was feeling.

Another voice asked, "So we pull the plug on all this until we figure out what caused it and how to stop it."

Chance laughed at this. "I'm afraid that's not possible. While I don't know everything about my father's technology, I do know more than most. One of the most important things is this. It should never be shut off. If it were, if all of our facilities failed, power would be lost to everyone's cyber brains and they would all shut down, effectively killing off everyone with one installed. It's one of the reasons we have so many backup power systems at all of our facilities, to ensure something like that can never happen."

The murmuring in the room rose again at this news. It was a shock to some, but most seemed to know this fact. Powering down was not an option. Victor asked the next question, "So what do we do propose we do Kirkwood? We can't temporarily shut it off. Making everyone invisible in our system defeats the entire purpose of having it in the first place. There would be anarchy in the streets overnight. It would be the uprisings all over again."

Kirkwood shot him a condescending smile. "Oh, I'm sure we'll be able to figure out a solution with all the talented people we have working for us who care about our way of life. Maybe we start by asking the person who discovered this problem in the first place." This time his eyes traveled down the table and Adam knew for certain this time that they were fixated on him. All the other eyes on the screen and at the table turned towards Jay as Chance continued. "I believe it was Jay Griffith here in this very facility, working as one of our regular agents who first came across the issue. Good work Mr. Griffith. You have done a lot in a very short period of time."

Jay's face flushed red. This was the opposite of what Adam wanted.

"You really got everyone zeroed in on this issue of cyber brain attacks. We should try to understand why someone would do such a thing, don't you think?"

Jay realized this was a question to him and he needed an answer. "Uh, yes sir," was the best he could do.

Kirkwood smiled at him patiently. "What do you think is going through their minds, these people who wish to take over someone's body from the inside?"

"I would, I mean, I guess, control?"

Kirkwood nodded. "Yes, control, power, everyone craves those that to some degree. There also seems to be a pattern of sexual activity. Did you notice that?"

Jay's mouth went dry at this line of questioning. "I, uh, it sure seems that, some people had sex."

"Some?" Kirkwood asked curiously. "I'm pretty certain in my reports that every time we have on record of an attack, some act of sex happened." Chance's face came closer on the screen. "In fact, one even used this program to have sex with his own mom. What do you think about that? What's going through someone's mind when they make something like that happen? They're pretty sick, aren't they?"

Everyone else seemed to have faded away and the conversation was only happening between Jay and Chance. "I'm not..." Adam was completely thrown off. He attempted to adjust. "It does seem that, yes, there is a pattern of sexual, uh, trysts that, to some, might seem abnormal and..."

Chance cut him off. "It's almost as if when they were in control of someone, their senses and emotions were in some way heightened, which lead to more sexual encounters."

This observation had the ring of truth to Adam. Even now, his anxiety seemed to be greater than usual. Every emotion he had come across in another body and been seemingly overwhelming at times. Was that a byproduct of using Mind Hack?

The room had gone silent at this awkward exchange. Victor cleared his throat. "If you could maybe suggest something helpful instead of making unhelpful observations to the nature of sexual deviants, that would be great."

Kirkwood's gaze stayed on Jay for a moment, then he winked at him. Winked! Like they were old friends sharing an inside joke. "Nothing else is coming to mind Victor, so I'll take my leave. If anything surfaces, I'll let you know." His face disappeared from the screen.

"What a pompous ass," Victor said. "I'll tell you one thing we're doing right now. All agents will be using non lethal means to procure a subject whose mind has been hijacked. Those victims will be our unfortunate guinea pigs that will help us find a way to prevent more attacks. Now if you'll direct your attention to your tablets in front of you you'll see..."

Alicia couldn't believe the stamina of this man. Darren's cock had remained hard and firm for several minutes, far longer than her boyfriend would have lasted by this point. It really was a nice dick too. It was clear Darren spent time grooming both upstairs and downstairs, something Alicia really appreciated. His hands were on her head down and he began to fuck her face. She gagged repeatedly but managed to suppress the desire to throw up. All at once he stopped and pulled her up. Darren tore the purple bra from her chest and began feeling her boobs with greedy ferocity. This caused an extra torrent of juices to flood Alicia's dampening pussy. She couldn't help it any more. Even though this guy was a jerk, he was quite good looking, and she hoped he'd help her get off.

As if reading her mind, Darren told her, "If you want me to stay quiet, whoever you are, I'm going to need more than just a blowjob from this slut."

Alicia smiled and walked past him towards the desk, slowly taking off her panties, purple, like the bra. Darren's eyes followed her every move. She used an arm to clear a space, shoving office supplies and a picture to the floor. Then she hopped up on the desk and spread her legs invitingly. "I'm sorry again for ever rejecting you. Please know that my pussy is all hot and wet for you. Please stuff it with that big rod you have between your legs and make me cum."

Darren practically ran at her in a horny, frenzied state. She guided his tip towards her dripping pussy lips, then all at once, he thrust forwards, balls deep into her. She gasped, then pulled one of his arms that had been at her waist to her breasts, making him squeeze her. Alicia moaned. It would not take her long to cum at this rate. Being fucked in the office was a fantasy of hers, and now it was happening by someone she loathed, which made it even hotter. He thrust into hard for a minute, then abruptly stopped when she had almost reached her climax. "Why did you stop?" Alicia whined.

Darren saw the disappointed look on her face and thought it was exquisite. As a response, he grabbed her arm and spun her around, shoving the back of her face down towards the desk, making her ass jut out. "Because I want to fuck you like the bitch I know you are."

Alicia lifted her ass towards him and groaned, "Yes please!"

Darren gave her butt a hard slap, causing Alicia to cry out, then he took her from behind. Alicia was awash with pleasure as this position seemed to hit all her pleasure zones. When Darren leaned forward and tugged hard on one of her nipples, she bit her lip to keep from outright screaming as she came. A second later Darren pulled out of her as hot ringlets of semen shot across her back. Darren then collapsed into a sitting position on the floor, still admiring Alicia's upturned ass. When Alicia had caught her breath, she went over and retrieved her purple panties from the floor. She took them to Darren and handed her the panties. "Could you use this to wipe your cum off my back?"