Miracle on Slutty 4th Street Ch. 06


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"Oh, they're not so bad, are they?" Sylvia said, pulling the candy cane from between her lips. "I was at the Capital-Mart a few weeks back. 'North Pole' has really cleaned that place up. They added all these renovations and these big, fancy displays, and they sell some really good stuff there now. And I tell you, I dealt with the most delightful young woman over there who really sold me on a few things. I was won over."

"Well... I'm still skeptical," Jon said, before lifting up the mistletoe between himself and Deb. Smiling, they gave each other a soft, loving kiss under the mistletoe. Pulling back, he smiled sadly at his wife. "Sorry, my love... I didn't feel any jolts of electricity."

"Me neither..." Deb said. "I guess that means we're not meant to be."

"Well, we had a good run," he said, smiling at his wife as she smiled back. Tossing the mistletoe to the side, they leaned forward and kissed each other again. Pulling apart again, Jon spoke up. "Yeah, still... nothing."

"Well, you tossed the mistletoe away. You did it all wrong," Deb said. "Things like this are why we aren't meant to be." They all laughed at this, and as Jon sat back, he looked up to see Sylvia looking right at him. Looking away quickly, his smiled dissipated again as he tried to ignore her. Sylvia thought she was being subtle, but she wasn't.

Jon had Sylvia read like a book.

Jon was not stupid. It didn't take long after meeting her for him to realize that she had a bit of a crush on him. He didn't know for sure what level that crush was at, if it was just a bit of affection and light attraction, or if it was something far more explicit. Either way, these feelings were inappropriate. Jon couldn't believe someone her age would behave this way. And it wasn't like it was hard to see. She acted like a lovestruck teenager around him. He didn't know how anyone else didn't see it. Maybe it was because he had a bit more of a trained eye.

In his college days, he'd been young and stupid and hooked up with some girls he wasn't exactly proud of hooking up with. As a relatively well-known football player in school, it was inevitable he'd gain a lot of attention. And this is why he had an eye for this kind of thing, when girls wanted something from him beyond just friendly conversation. And Sylvia, his mother-in-law?

Yeah, she wanted more.

It wasn't even that subtle. Jon still remembered the wide-eyed surprised on her face when Deb introduced them, and he swore she gave him the once-over right then. And if she hadn't, she'd done it many times since. Even from the start, she'd been touchy-feely, putting her hands on him whenever she got the opportunity, rubbing his shoulders every chance she could, just overall being too handsy. She would laugh at some of his jokes too hard, as well. Like, she would laugh like he had told a 10 out of 10 joke, when it was maybe a 4 out of 10 at best.

It got more blatant. Whenever he'd try to give her a kiss on her cheek as a greeting, she'd always go for his lips. She'd always get really dressed up when he was around, in tight figure-hugging clothing, to the point where even Deb noticed, wondering why her mother was so overdressed. And when the opportunity arose, she was eager to show skin.

The previous year, Sylvia and Roger had invited them to a beach house they were staying at. Even though Deb wasn't a huge fan of the beach, being more of an indoor girl, the young couple accepted. And while his wife was conservative with her choice of beach ware, a cute, stylish one-piece, her mother's choice was not so conservative. Sylvia had taken the opportunity to bust out a hot pink two-piece bikini, showing off a lot of skin. It wasn't obscene or anything like that. It covered her up where it counted, and it could pass without being viewed as obscene. But with the curves she had, she was almost spilling out of it. Now, don't get him wrong. She was a gorgeous woman, especially for her age, and she had a great body. Jon could admit that. She was very fit, even for her being in her mid-forties. She had long legs, a nice butt, and enormous breasts. She certainly had the body to work a bikini like that. Every step she took, her boobs jiggled, and threatened to escape the bikini cups. And whenever she walked away, you could see the round, firm cheeks of her rear end struggling to be contained by the bikini bottoms. And throughout that whole day, she made it a point to really strut her stuff around him, taking every opportunity to show off her exposed body and luscious curves when she knew he couldn't avoid looking. It just seemed wildly inappropriate, but no one else seemed to notice. Maybe they were used to her in a way he wasn't. He wasn't about to raise a fuss in front of everyone, despite his annoyance with this whole thing.

The contrast between mother and daughter was really highlighted. Deb was quiet and introverted, while Sylvia was loud and gregarious, both in personality and in choice of outfits. Sylvia had these insane curves, while Deb was a bit slimmer. She certainly didn't inherit her mother's big breasts or her shapely ass, but her petite b-cups and her cute butt were more than enough to keep him happy.

That was the moment, there at the beach house, that really emphasized that what was going on between them wasn't just in his head. She was his mother-in-law. Yet, every signal she was giving him was that she wanted him. She had never taken things beyond this flirting, but he had never played along long enough for things to reach that level. From the start of this, he kept his distance, more put-off than anything by this odd affection. She had kept it up, undeterred by his constant rebuffs of her little games.

At the start, he wondered if he was just being conservative in a way he usually wasn't, getting annoyed just because this older woman was dressing fashionably. But after dealing with this so many times, he knew that something off was happening here.

Jon remembered talking to Roger once, and he would say that Sylvia had a gift of being able to win over anyone. And to Jon, this seemed crazy. She was so obvious in her flirting with him, yet no one else could see it. Despite her intense beauty and raw physical appeal, he had never once been tempted. He'd been put off by her from the start and had never even gotten close to being won over by her.

So, Jon's mother-in-law was being flirtatious towards him. What was his response?

Well, firstly, he kept his distance, never volunteering for any family meetups unless required. When they did have to be in the same room, he kept his distance, making sure never to be alone with her. It was in situations like that where she was more aggressive in her flirting, and he didn't want to give her the chance. She would often volunteer him for some task that would involve putting him and her together, alone. Yet he had a talent for deferring or slithering out of these sticky situations by bringing someone else along. He'd hoped she'd get the message eventually, but alas, there she was, sitting on the couch opposite him, fellating a candy cane, hoping to get his attention. Well, he wasn't playing along, never giving her the pleasure.

No one else had ever noticed her. Jon certainly wasn't about to volunteer to his wife that her mother was constantly hitting on him. Deb could sense that he didn't exactly have warm feelings for Sylvia, but she just chalked it up to that being the standard feelings a guy has towards his mother-in-law. And Liam was often too involved in his own stuff to sense anything off with his mother either. And at this point, Roger was probably so numb to his wife's flirtatiousness that he hadn't noticed anything amiss.

"I tell you, this is the best candy cane I've ever had. I swear!" Sylvia announced, sliding the spit covered treat from her mouth, holding it up in the air. At this announcement, Liam looked away, and Jon only gave her a light smile. As she took another lick, she closed her eyes and took in the flavor, her body swaying as if she'd taken a stiff shot, before a shudder went through her. Jon shook his head lightly at Sylvia's overacting. It couldn't taste that good. Just Sylvia trying to be the center of attention again.

"These cookies are really good too," Jessa stated.

"Oh!" Sylvia began. "I was about to get to baking some cookies of my own. I could use some help... Jon?" she volunteered for him. But at that same moment, Roger entered the room, winter coat on his shoulders, about to head outside.

"Sorry, I was about to help out Rog with shoveling the driveway," Jon stated. At this, Roger turned to him and smiled as his son-in-law volunteered to help, and Sylvia hid her frown behind an empty grin.

"I can help," Jessa volunteered to Sylvia, trying to be friendly.

"I can help too," Deb offered. Glancing at him for a moment, Sylvia smiled at the two young women and nodded.

"Sounds good," she stated.

As they all, save Liam, stood up and made their way to their respective positions, Deb noted the gender imbalance.

"Women in the kitchen, men doing the big, strong man stuff," Deb joked. A proud feminist, it would have been a surprise for her to not notice this, but she took it in stride and good humor.

"Me man. Dig snow," Jon joked, talking like a caveman. At this, they all laughed.

And Sylvia, as always, laughed just a little louder.


Jon had always dreaded these family get-togethers for the constant Sylvia radar he was forced to have, but after this much time, he'd gotten good at avoiding her attention. Now, he was never impolite, and when she kept things on the level, he was happy to interact with her. But as soon as he sensed things were going to that other level, he checked out.

Luckily, on a busy day like this, it was easy to avoid her attention. He spent an hour or so outside with Roger, cleaning up the snow off the driveway and the sidewalks. By the time they got back inside, the girls were so wrapped up in the cooking and baking that Sylvia didn't have the opportunity to flirt with him. And honestly, things went great. They got to all hang out like family, and even when Sylvia and he did interact, it was on a normal familial level. Jon only wished it could always be like this.

Jonathan wished he didn't have to deal with her teasing and flirting on a regular basis. He wished he didn't have to be around her and dread the moment she put her hands on his shoulders and rubbed him in a far too intimate way. Or when she'd find an excuse to squeeze past him, and totally accidentally rub her big boobs against his back. Or when she'd be cleaning around him and would totally just happen to have to bend over with her legs straight, pointing her butt at him in the process. It would nice to be able to be around his wife's family and not have to be on constant alert.

The day was fun. And Christmas Eve dinner was fantastic. A well put together meal, one of the best he'd had. And through it all, Jon was able to relax and spread his attention in a way he rarely was able to whenever Sylvia was around. He got to talk to Liam, and get to know Jessa a bit, and listen to Roger and some of his tales from his time as a lawyer. Overall, it was a pretty stellar day, and Jon had a small hope that maybe the rest of his time at the in-laws' would go smoothly.

Once dinner was done and night set in, things began quieting down, and they were all in the living room, relaxing. Sylvia had baked a pie, so they were all snacking on the delicious dessert as they conversed. And it was nice. It was exactly the type of familial interactions Jon would prefer over what he got. And Sylvia was acting normal, so Jon hoped that maybe she'd finally gotten the message.

Roger had already gone up to bed for the night, so it was Jon, Deb, Liam, Jessa, and Sylvia enjoying the evening. Sylvia was immersed in the conversation, as were the rest of them, so Jon saw an opportunity. All of them had finished their desserts, so as everyone else was distracted by the conversation, he quietly gathered up the plates, and took them down the hall and into to the kitchen, looking for a moment alone.

They had a pretty nice kitchen. They'd had it renovated a few years prior to really modernize it, and it showed. All the shelving and cupboards were made from warm golden wood, matched with black marble countertops. The appliances were all a silvery color and very fancy. They had a big kitchen island in the middle, and they had this apparatus above it that allowed you to hang pots and pans and other kitchen essentials from.

Jon took the stack of plates in his hands and set them in the sink. Relishing the moment of privacy, he began washing them. At home, one of the chores he always took care of was the dishes. And honestly, he never minded the task, which is why he didn't hesitate to do it here. Finding a few more leftover pots and pans and some of the china from Christmas Eve dinner, he began washing those too. Looking forward through the window out into the night, with the snow falling to the ground in the chilly night air, he felt at peace.

Then, a voice behind him.

"Oh, look at you," Sylvia said, entering the kitchen, her sudden presence making the younger man stiffen up. "What a husband you are! Lord knows you'd never catch Roger volunteering to do the dishes." He stayed silent as he kept at it, until she spoke up again. "You don't have to do that, you know? I can take care of it."

"It's fine," Jon said, focusing on the task at hand. "It relaxes me." It was true. There was something very peaceful about this, as strange as it may sound, at least to him. The peace and quiet and focus... it was nice. At least, it would be nice, if he was alone.

"Well, fair enough," Sylvia responded. "Lord knows you need to relax a little. You always look so tense. You know, I do give excellent shoulder massages." She said, moving towards him.

"No!" he said, a little too loud. "I mean... no. It's okay. I'm fine."

"Okay, okay... well the offer's always open," she added. Clearly, she was taking advantage of being alone with him for the first time, beginning the tease all over again. She'd obviously taken none of his rejections as a reason to stop. "You sure you don't need any help?" At this, Jon turned off the faucet and looked back at Sylvia, seeing her leaning forward over the island, just watching him, not doing anything else.

"I'm just finishing up," he said shortly. Grabbing a towel, he began drying off the dishes. She couldn't resist involving herself, grabbing some of the dried dishes and putting them away. He finally reached some of the nicer dishes and dried them up, having a stack of them ready to put away. "Um... where do these go?"

"Oh... those go in that cabinet in the dining room," she replied. Jon nodded, and quickly gathered them up and walked away. The dining room was directly adjacent to the kitchen, connected by a small, snug, open doorway. Luckily, Jon was walking alone, and after finding the cabinet his mother-in-law was talking about, he put the nice plates away. He began moving back towards the kitchen with his head down, only to stop with a jump as he was met at the entranceway to the room by his mother-in-law.

"Oh!" he called out with a jump.

"Just wanted to make sure you found it alright," she said, leaning on the doorframe, standing a little too close to him in the cozy entranceway. Even though she was standing close to the far edge of the doorframe, her big boobs were jutting out, dangerously close to him. She made no effort to move out of the way as he tried to get past her, almost asking him to make contact with her giant boobs in order to escape. She just stood there, looking up at him expectantly.

"Sylvia, do you mind?" Jon asked firmly, making his intentions to get by crystal clear as he began to step forward, towards the kitchen, trying to force her to move. Instead, she just stood there, blocking his progress, reaching up to put her hand on his chest, impeding him.

"Wait, Jon. I mean... look," she said, smiling, pointing up at the top of the entranceway. Jon, mildly annoyed, looked up above him, only to see the 'Electric Mistletoe' hanging above him. Sensing this was all some plot to end up in this position, his annoyance turned to anger. He'd had enough of these little games with her. This day had been going so well until now. As his eyes drifted back down to look at her and give her a piece of his mind, he began speaking.

"Sylvia, I'm getting tired of..." he began, looking to meet her eyeline, ready to finally let her have it... but he was already too late.

Sylvia acted first.

Before he could finish speaking, Sylvia leapt forward, savagely pressing her open mouth against his. Taking advantage of his parted lips, she slid her eager tongue into his mouth, sliding against his before he knew it. She then stepped forward, pressing up against him, wrapping her arms around his neck, clutching herself tightly around him, never breaking their lip lock.

"Mmmppphhh!" Jon groaned in shock as he was forced back against the edge of the doorway as his wife's mother forced herself against him. He was suddenly forced to deal with his mother-in-law's energetic tongue in his mouth, mashing against his, dancing in his mouth. Now that she'd crossed the first barrier, she was taking advantage, her tongue swirling in his mouth, forcing a deep French kiss on her handsome son-in-law.

Jon was in shock. What was happening here? One second, all was normal, and suddenly, his mother-in-law was attacking him. Her plump, smooth lips, mashing against his. Mouths open, allowing for their tongues to duel. That being said, it wasn't much of a duel, with her talented tongue completely overtaking his as she forced her way into his mouth. His mind was in panic, unable to deal with what was happening. His mother-in-law was kissing him. His mother-in-law! And it was not a gentle peck, but a deep, nasty tongue kiss. Lips sliding across lips. Cheeks hollowed as their mouths formed a tight seal against each other. Heated saliva being swapped. His wife's mother was French kissing him under the mistletoe, and for a moment, he couldn't do anything but just take it. He was in shock, so surprised that he couldn't fight her off.

But then, a funny thing happened.

Earlier, when he had put the so-called 'Electric Mistletoe' over his and his wife's head as they gave each other a peck on the lips, they felt nothing special. None of the promised electricity. Just a normal kiss. The mistletoe didn't add anything, because how could it? It was just some dumb, decorative thing with a fancy label making false promises. But here and now, under the 'Electric Mistletoe', sharing a wicked, illicit kiss with his mother-in law...

He felt sparks.

There was no other way to describe it. A bolt of electricity coursing through his entire body, lighting up every nerve ending, energizing every muscle, getting the blood pumping. He'd never had a kiss like it. Not with his wife. Not with any other girl. Only with his 46-year-old mother-in-law, under the mistletoe. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before.

That was why he couldn't fight back. It was as if as soon as their lips locked, his brain shut down. He immediately succumbed to the illicit kiss, falling into it. As their lips smacked into each other, as they swapped spit, as she kept her tongue deep in his mouth and made him take it, he kept falling deeper and deeper under her spell. He wasn't actively participating in the kiss, his tongue not sliding into her mouth yet. But he was certainly going along with it, not fighting back in the slightest. If the tall, young, well-built former athlete wanted to break this kiss, he could. Yet as it went on longer, he kept falling further. His body was racked with electric bolts of pure, concentrated pleasure, coaxing him into keeping this kiss going, to the point where when she finally broke the kiss, pulling back from him and easing her tongue from his mouth, his lips followed, unconsciously. But Sylvia pulled back enough to break the kiss, their lips connected by a single band of spit, but it might as well have been a spark, the kiss was so electric.