Miracle on Slutty 4th Street Ch. 09


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"So, you must really be a really big fan of my ass to have bought me a thong," she began, letting her pants fall to her feet, leaving her standing in just her thong and her tight top. She then turned around to show off her heart-shaped ass to him again. "I can't blame you. I mean, Mom's butt has gotten so gross and fat and saggy, and mine is perfect and firm and squeezable. It must be torture being around me and my perfect ass all day..." she sighed, bouncing her ass ever so slightly, making the perfect cheeks jiggle in just the right way again. Damn... her ass was fucking perfect. Dan did his best to never look at his daughter's hot body, but now that she had given him permission to stare, he couldn't look away. He didn't know how he could ever stop staring from this day on, this image of Gwen's thong-clad ass burned into his memory. The perfect, round, tight cheeks. The sexy thong, framing her rear end, the string disappearing in between. Damn, it was just perfect. She was right. Her butt was so much better than her mother's, for the reasons she described. He'd never looked at his wife's ass with the heat and passion he was now looking at his daughter's.

"I bet when Mom was telling me to cover up, you were wanting me to wear less... right? To show more skin..." she teased, smiling, bending over slightly to show off her perfect ass even more. He had never specifically thought the way she said, but he did always think Connie was too conservative about such things. So indirectly, it was true. Part of him didn't mind his daughter wearing skimpier clothing, not to this degree, obviously. Although... deep down, he probably didn't really mind here in this case either.

"I mean, just because Mom never had a good body doesn't mean I shouldn't get to show mine off..." she purred. It was true. Gwen's body was out of this world, her athletics combined with her natural gifts and copious curves in all the right places... her body was a 15/10. Connie... she had never had a body like this, even in college, and she hadn't put in the work to keep things in place, spending more time at the Church than exercising and dieting. And for Gwen, that work she put into herself had paid off. She deserved to show it off.

Gwen then climbed onto the bed, crawling onto all fours for a moment, jutting her ass out, her rear end pointed right at him. Then, she bent over, face down, ass up, making her father's eyes go wide.

"Oh my God!" Dan sighed. Bent over like this, her firm, juicy ass-cheeks parted naturally, allowing him to see the entirety of the valley between the cheeks. He admired the way the full, round cheeks turned inward artfully till they met in the middle, forming her ass-crack. And it was in that valley where he could see the full length of the tiny string of her thong, traversing the valley until it met the triangle covering her vagina. She was so spread apart, and the string of her thong was so tiny, that he could literally see Gwen's asshole, barely obscured by the thong. Dan's eyes were wide, and his mouth was watering by this lewd sight. It didn't even matter that this was his daughter. This view was undeniably wicked and sexy.

"So, Dad..." Gwen asked, raising her head so she was up on all fours, looking back at him. "Do you think it's sexy?"

Frozen in place, looking down at his lewdly posed daughter, staring at her thong-clad ass, sweat on his brow, he looked her in the eyes, communicating the answer that his mouth couldn't. But just to confirm it, she glanced downwards, lower on his body, before grinning wide.

"Oh my!" she began, giggling. "I think I have my answer!" Dan glanced down at himself, and to his horror, he realized his dick was now absolutely throbbing, a fact very evident through his lounge pants. He'd been fighting these erections all morning, and earlier he had maneuvered it so that it was pointing up towards his hip, to hide its girth as he cooled down. But after seeing all of this, his daughter presenting herself so lewdly, there was no holding back the lust coursing through his veins. His cock was throbbing hard, so hard it was visible through his pants, the bulge caused by his lengthy meat outlined and showcased for his daughter to see. She could see his impressive length and thickness as his clothed, straining meat pointed up towards his hip. If anything, in an attempt to hide his bulge earlier was allowing his daughter a better view of him now. At the revelation that he was very obviously hard, he brought his hands down, trying to cover his bulge, but the damage was done.

"I... I need to go, Gwen," he began, taking a step back.

"Hold on," she said softly, getting up on her knees and stepping down onto the floor. As she got to her feet, a move that caused her boobs to jiggle, Dan knew he had to get out of there. His daughter's body was affecting him in ways he couldn't control, and he had to get out of her room before doing something he'd really regret. He reached back to rest his hand on the doorknob, but she spoke up first. "Wait, wait, wait!" she said, stepping over to him quickly. She grabbed her father by the arms and pulled him back, guiding him back into the room towards the bed. "You can't go out there like that, Dad."

"I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't be reacting like this," Dan said, his mind in turmoil, apologizing as she pushed him onto the bed in a seated position.

"Dad?" she interjected.

"I don't know what's going on," Dan said, his mind a flurry of disjointed thoughts. "I mean, I didn't even get you the..."

"Dad!" she said again, looking down at him.

"I'm your father! I should be controlling myself, I'm sorry..." he said again.

"DAD!" Gwen said loudly, pulling his focus away from his inner turmoil, making him look up into her eyes. At this, she smiled down at him warmly, looking down at him she kept her hands on his arms. "Dad. Trust me... don't worry about it! Honestly... it's what I wanted. I mean, especially from a guy like you, who's so kind and friendly and well-built and good looking... trust me, it's a compliment. Especially, because, you know... you're my dad, and you're married. Haha! No one would blame you though. I mean, obviously, Mom's no fun anymore, and you're a red blooded man that has needs she's not meeting, clearly. And with me around... no one would blame you, especially when I'm dressed like this!" she said, looking down at herself and giggling.

"I... I still shouldn't be reacting this way!" he replied, registering every word she said as truth. Connie, she was great, and he did love her, and she was such a big-hearted woman. But she had become conservative in all ways, and their sex life had gone down to near zero. He honestly did still love her, and they did have a lot of fun together. But he still did have desires that weren't being met, and most of the time, it wasn't an issue, but here... it was causing problems.

"Like I said, don't worry about it," she said, smiling. "I won't tell anyone that you got a giant erection over your own daughter, and I also won't tell them you got me a super sexy, super slutty thong for Christmas!" she said, grinning. "It'll be our little secret!" He glanced up to her, slightly shaking his head. He could still just come clean about not being the one who'd bought the thong for her, but it felt like things had gone so far beyond that fact that it felt like it didn't even matter anymore. That would only make things more confusing, and she seemed to be so excited by getting this gift from him that telling her the truth would diminish that excitement.

"But I will say..." she began, pulling her hands from his arms and standing back up, standing up straight in front of him. "If you ever want to go the same route with a gift like this, you should really get me a matching bra." At this, she turned to the side and walked over towards her bag, digging through it, going through her clothes, and Dan could only watch in silence. "I mean, this makes all my bras look like crap in comparison," she said, pulling out some plain, functional bras. From this angle, her side was facing him as she kneeled down to go through her bag, and this allowed him to see nearly the entire side of her ass-cheek as well as the rest of her bare leg. There was something oddly thrilling about seeing her doing something normal while wearing such wicked underwear. "I mean, this, like... totally outweighs the boring old gifts I bought you. So I was thinking, like... if I had a nice bra, I'd give you a good show right now. Give you something to remember when Mom leaves you hanging, you know?" She said this all offhand, in effect telling her father that she wanted to give him some prime material to his spank bank, a fact that made his head spin. How could she be so cavalier about this whole thing? He was her father!

"Yeah, I got nothing here..." she said to herself, looking into her bag, shaking her head. At this, she stood up straight, before padding back over to him, standing right in front of him again, her large boobs bouncing in her tight top as she came to a stop. He looked up at her as she drove the action, far more in control of this crazy situation than her befuddled father. "Well..." she began, smiling, clearly very energized by this whole insane situation. "I'm trying to come up with something to give you as a 'thanks' for this amazing gift, something that's as good for you that this is for me," she said, pointing down at her thong-covered crotch. Dan was unsure where this was going, but he was about to find out. "So... I'm just gonna give you the gifts you deserve the most..."

Then, with her father watching, Gwen reached down, hooked her fingers beneath the hem of her shirt, and lifted her tight top up quickly, tugging it upwards until her massive bare breasts cascaded out of it, exposed to Dan for the very first time.

"Holy shit!" Dan couldn't help but say, his eyes wide, staring at Gwen's giant boobs. They were absolutely massive. Jesus... these suckers just vaulted off her chest, mammoth and round and smooth. They were the size of melons and just as ripe. Her boobs were perky and firm, with literally zero sag. Damn. They were so fucking big that they could probably be seen from behind her, and they were so full they formed a chasm of cleavage in the middle. Encased in silky, golden skin, flesh so smooth and perky it yearned for your touch. They were begging to be squeezed. And each massive melon was capped with a perfectly sized, mouth-watering pink nipple, sticking out, hard as can be, surrounded by a round pink areola.

For years, Dan had been a good dad and never looked at his daughter in any other way than a daughter, even as she filled out in all the right ways. Lesser fathers would let themselves sneak a peek from time to time, indulging in a forbidden glimpse for a single loaded moment. But not Dan. He was better than that, catching himself whenever an opportunity to look presented itself. It was only situations like the one earlier when they were going up the stairs where he would notice such things. Where he'd accidentally look, doing it without thinking, doing it with no dark desire. And when he did happen to notice such things about his daughter's body, such as her firm, upturned, juicy behind, or the fact that she had massive tits, he would simply note this fact and file it away. He would not give it further thought, not let himself get any enjoyment out of it. He had worked hard to keep the specifics about his daughter's body vague and unknown, and the fact that her mother did her best to keep Gwen dressed conservatively certainly helped out there. Overall, Dan had done a good job, better than a lot of men would. In all metrics, but especially this one, Dan was a good father.

And look where all that hard work got him.

Not only was Dan laying eyes on his own daughter's massive bare breasts, this was a sight that was being offered to him. Gwen was eagerly showing her own dad her huge naked boobs, showing her father a sight few are ever permitted to see. He'd worked so hard to never stare and ever be anything less than an upstanding father, and his reward for that was a long peek of the goods. He knew he shouldn't be looking, but with her asking him to gaze upon her big naked tits, he just couldn't look away. His eyes were locked on Gwen's giant boobs, studying every inch and burning the image into memory. This was a sight he would never forget, and frankly, a sight he'd never want to forget.

"What do you think?" Gwen asked girlishly, smiling wickedly as she let go of her top, leaving it clumped up near her neck, her boobs just hanging out for him to stare at.

"What are you doing?" he asked, clinging to a fatherly tone despite eagerly staring at her exposed melons.

"Well..." she began. "You're such a good dad. Not just because you bought me this killer thong, but, like, seriously. I mean... you work hard, and you care about your family more than anything. You deserve to be rewarded. Mom means well, but she's gotten so boring and, uh... churchy. I understand how men think, and what they need, and... and you deserve so much better than what Mom gives you. You're the best dad ever, and you deserve the best!" she said, smiling wickedly, her huge boobs quaking with this excited statement. Damn, the way the smooth, heavy flesh quivered was intoxicating. "And you understand how girls think, better than Mom does, obviously. She's a boring old stick in the mud who wants everyone to be dressed up like it's the fifties. You know better. You understand that girls like me want to dress sexy and show some skin and wear extra slutty underwear! You bought me this amazing gift that I'm gonna wear every chance I get. I'm gonna get even more attention from now on thanks to you, cause the guys will just know that I am up for anything! And it's all thanks to you! So that's why I'm showing you my tits, Dad. Because a guy like you deserves to see tits this big every chance he gets."

Dan heard her words and registered them, but he was so lost in his breast-induced daze to really respond. Like, it all made sense. There was a twisted logic to her words. Despite her better qualities, Connie had become a stick in the mud, and because of that, she'd become really boring. In truth, examining his marriage, the fact was that even though he still loved his wife, he stopped being attracted to her years ago. He hadn't been titillated in this way in a long time, possibly ever.

On some level, he recognized that he was a better husband to Connie than she was a wife to him. He'd kept himself in good shape and had stayed openminded as he had gotten older. She hadn't done as much work staying in shape, and she'd become far more narrowminded than she used to. She had become more focused on the things she was interested in than the things her husband liked. Sure, the things she did were good, and they bettered the world in so many ways, but at times, their marriage was put on the back burner. And to be honest, Connie was behind the times, in all the ways Gwen had explained. She'd gotten a bit prudish and restrictive about things in a way Dan could never fully agree with. That being said, Dan probably wasn't as openminded as Gwen might think. Seriously, he would never have actually bought his daughter a thong, no matter how much she wanted it, but the gift had been given to her anyways, signed with his name and written in his handwriting. He could point that fact out now, plead his innocence, and be done with this now, but... damn, her boobs were just absolutely massive!

"They're so big..." he said softly, eyes locked on his daughter's breasts, not even realizing he was saying this out loud.

"I know, right!" she said with a wicked smirk. "These are fat fucking double E-cups, by the way, but I think in a few months, they'll be F's. So, if you want to get me a bra, now you know my size. Haha," she said, laughing, before reaching up and cupping her own boobs between her fingers. "Mom wants to keep the girls covered up, taped down, and, like... hidden from the world. She'd be happy if, like... no one ever got to see them ever. I'm not surprised you didn't know how big they were, with the way Mom makes me cover up. But these shouldn't be covered up, right? You and I agree that I should be wearing tight, low-cut tops and show off my cleavage. I should be showing off my boobs to everyone, including you... right? Especially you, almost. I mean, I think so. These bitches need to breathe! Haha!" she giggled, making her heavy, fleshy tits jiggle. "You're a man, and you get that. Boobs this big and perfect need to be shown off, right? Everyone likes boobs. Who would complain about seeing more of them? You're a good, solid, upfront man, married to a boring, churchy wife who probably stopped wanting to have sex years ago. You work hard and support your family. The one joy a man like you probably gets is whenever you get lucky enough to get a glimpse at a pair of undeniably massive tits. And you're stuck with Mom, and her boobs are, like, nothing compared to mine. It must be torture for a man like you, who knows deep down he deserves to be with a girl with tits like mine, to have me around the house, driving you crazy. Right? You deserve to experience a pair of big, soft, succulent melons like this, don't you? I think you do. I want you to! So, you... you can touch them if you want?" she offered, still cupping her massive tits, offering them to him.

"What?" he croaked out. Was... was she serious? Was she seriously saying he could put his hands on her breasts? No. No... she must be joking. And besides, he was her father. He couldn't actually put his hands on Gwen's breasts, despite how massive and soft and smooth and perfect and squeezable they looked. God, they were amazing, though. He'd never seen a pair of tits this big, let alone get his hands on them. She was bouncing them in her palms, making them bounce, the rippling flesh damn near hypnotic. Her nipples dancing in the air. Calling to him. No. NO! Part of him wanted to put his hands on her tits and go wild, but the father in him knew better. He couldn't. He couldn't cross that line, despite how perfect her boobs were. And they were perfect. And massive. And they looked so sinfully soft...

"No..." he said, both to himself and to Gwen.

"Why not?" she asked, playing dumb, as if the answer wasn't obvious.

"Gwen... you're my daughter..." he said, so overwhelmed he could barely think straight. His body was alight with energy, heat coursing through his veins, affecting his state of mind. But he clung to that last shred of decency, even if every fiber in his being wanted to surrender to the raw, lustful desires encouraging him to give in to his daughter's request. He was right on the edge and about to fall over the precipice. But at the moment of truth, he was pulling back. He just couldn't do it.

Gwen smiled at her dazed father, but inwardly, she rolled her eyes in annoyance. How could he be bold and confident enough to give her that tiny, slutty thong, but be so stubborn and resistant about this? She thought they were on the same page here. She could see his straining bulge through his pants. It was obvious that he was thoroughly enjoying this delicious, daughterly temptation. But... but maybe to him, there was something about gifting her the thong and them sharing a sexy little secret together that was different than actually getting physical with her. Yeah, that sounded right. Her dad was such a kind, good hearted, decent man. When all her friends joked about their dads getting some action on the side, she could never relate. Her dad was such a stand-up guy, and without knowing any specifics, she could just tell he was the type of guy who would never cheat on his wife. He was a loyal man all the way through. So... so maybe he couldn't make the decision to cross that line himself.
