Miracle on Slutty 4th Street Ch. 11


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Lacey and Devin finally had sex.

Lacey didn't want to like it. She really didn't. She told herself it was all about getting him out of her system. But unfortunately for her, he was really, REALLY good in bed. Like... holy shit, how could a guy his age be so fucking incredible? He had this long, smooth, deeply-veined dick that seemed like it got extra hard when it got ready to go. And that made it all the more fun to take down her throat and deep inside her tightest of holes. He showed a ferocity and experience that more than matched up with some of the older men she'd hooked up with. And in the same way that she knew upon meeting them that she knew they were gonna end up having sex, she knew after their first time that they would be doing it again.

There was something about fucking a man who was supposed to be, in a way, a subordinate of her husband's. Derrick taught this guy from his position as teacher, not knowing that he'd gotten a lot further with his wife than Derrick ever had. Derrick had never fucked Lacey up the ass. Derrick had never slid his cock into her cleavage. Derrick had never even cum on his wife's tits. But Devin had.

There was something just so funny about talking to her husband on the phone while in one of his student's bedroom. Her husband on the other end of the phone, unable to see her, asking her when she'd be home, thinking she was at an event with some friends. Alone with her, Devin could see her exposed for what she really was, walking around as she put herself back together, wearing only a tiny thong and a matching lacy bra. He was getting a view that most men would kill for, a better view than her husband ever got. It only turned her on more.

Devin had done everything he'd boasted he'd do. He'd fucked Lacey. He'd gotten his hands on her massive tits, squeezing them to his heart's content. He'd made her scream at the end of his cock. And he'd done it so well that she wouldn't even care if he bragged about it to all his friends. She didn't care if he told them that he stuck it to Mr. M's smoke-show of a wife. Devin was that good.

Remember, this was the woman who mere months prior was damn near saintly. But that first encounter with Bruce had injected her with something. Not just heaping amounts of big, thick, cock. Not just heaping amounts of hot cum. This kind, angelic young lady had had a bit of evil injected into her veins. And for a woman who was practically angelic, it was shocking to see how much evil suited her. How much she relished being a dirty, cheating, thong-wearing slut, who got off on betraying her own loving husband in increasingly risky ways. She enjoyed spending money, so she could dress up increasingly revealing, looking like the teasing minx she was. And she acted the part as well, perfecting her skills of teasing and flirting.

As time went on, she was screwing more and more men on the side. But most of them were spur of the moment, one-time hook-ups. The men she fucked most often were Devin and Bruce. With Devin, she probably had the most fun, but there was nothing like fucking Bruce. The older man took her to her limits like no one else could, and as time went on, she got better and better at pleasuring that evil old bastard. She had become a nasty, wicked little slut, and anyone that thought they knew her would be shocked at what she was getting up to in her free time. But despite this slow corruption of her person, one thing about her was still true. There was one thing that would never change.

She still loved Christmas!

It was only during Christmas where she behaved like the Lacey of old, acting sweet and kind and angelic. It was ironic that this holiday that brought out the best in her was also what led to her corruption. She acted all sweet and bouncy and friendly when discussing Christmas plans with her friends or with Derrick, but none of them saw the 'Mrs. Claus' branded thong threading between the cheeks of her perfect ass. None of them saw the tiny lace 'Mrs. Claus' branded bra struggling to contain her massive udders. None of them realized that she was very much on the naughty list this year.

Her reputation for loving Christmas gained some attention, as did some of the things she did with her free time, to the point that 'North Pole' reached out to her. For years, Lacey did not like this company, thinking them as being shady and corrupt and not good for their community. But a rep from 'North Pole' came out to meet with her, and she shocked Lacey by offering her a high paying job as a 'Christmas Ambassador', spreading the good word. The rep said that word of her Christmas spirit was out there, and that she heard Lacey had gotten through to people who hated Christmas, like Bruce, and they hoped that she would be able to do it again. The implication was that this was told to her by Bruce himself, but the rep had heard this from... other sources. Sources higher up the ladder at 'North Pole.'

It seemed crazy, but Lacey was actually considering it. This would obviously would take her from her current job, but Christmas was almost the best good she could do. Christmas was her favorite thing in the whole world, and embracing that as her job did sound like a dream come true. She had gotten through to a guy like Bruce, and there were probably plenty of men like Bruce that needed to be taught the spirit of Christmas too. Plenty of big, strong, hard men like him. That experience with Bruce was the most important one of her life, and the thought of repeating it, doing everything she could to spread the good word of Christmas... that felt like her true calling.

Suddenly inspired, Lacey accepted the job.

And with that... sweet, kind, angelic Lacey Allen no longer worked for a charity. She now worked for the bloated, corrupt 'North Pole' company she'd once sworn herself against. She was now on board with the people spreading their corruption through their Christmas spirit. Her hot body was about to be put to a far greater use than it ever had before. This Christmas angel had become a Christmas slut, spreading her legs to spread Christmas cheer.

And she was only going to get naughtier...


Old Brucey had already long cemented his place on the naughty list, and that wasn't gonna change.

Bruce hadn't changed one iota since the previous Christmas. If anything, he had gotten worse. He still fucked as many women as he could, whichever ones were foolish enough to fall into his orbit and into his grasp, close enough for him to seduce.

Lacey... she was more fun than most, he had to admit that. It was fun breaking her down and changing her, making her into the slut she was born to be. And with her living so close by, it made it easy to hook up with her regularly. He normally preferred not to return to the same girl again, always looking for a new slut to pleasure his cock with. They were always better the first time, and he always enjoyed that... transformation... that comes the first time a girl truly gets her brains fucked out. But Lacey was close by, and whenever he didn't have a girl on the docket, or if he was frankly feeling lazy, he'd shoot her a text and wait for the little minx to come bouncing over and drain his nuts in just the way she knew how. But he kept at it, fucking other girls every chance we could, which for and old bastard like him was shockingly often.

The big change for him was in how he recorded his misadventures. The previous Christmas, he'd been gifted a ton of really excellent recording equipment, far better than the older stuff he'd been using. He didn't know who gave it to him, and part of him even wondered if there was actually some sort of Christmas entity out there who'd provided this to him. It seemed silly and stupid to actually think Santa was real, but these gifts, suddenly paired with him giving in and putting up some decorations for the first time, made him think that this silly theory was actually possible. Nevertheless, he was gonna reap the benefits of this windfall.

Suddenly, he was able to record in HD quality, with perfect sound and different angles. Now, he had shockingly clear footage of all these gorgeous, huge-breasted women surrendering to his unyielding, masculine charms. He was so excited by this brand new footage that he even came to calling up old hookups, just to get their hot naked bodies in HD. Most of them would do anything for another fuck with old Brucey, not caring that they were being recorded. Some women, like Lacey, took to the camera like a natural, acting like little porn stars for his benefit.

He took a strange sense of pride in the footage he recorded, to the point he started releasing some of the footage online, where he started to gain a bit of a following. There was clearly a market for an old brute like him fucking the living daylights out of model-hot sluts, and the hungry masses ate up the footage, begging for more.

He didn't really bother getting permission from the women involved. They knew they were getting recorded, and he imagined that even if he did ask, they would say yes. They would agree to anything to get to his cock again. That was the type of hold he had over them.

But he was mistaken in one case. Or, at least... one specific case did end up blowing back on him a bit. He'd fucked this young chick, the daughter of some prominent city official. His daughter had had the time of her life, but that didn't matter to the official. If it got out that this was his daughter fucking some old guy online like a total whore, it would go against the image he had cultivated. They tried to get Bruce to take the video down, but he ignored them. Sure, he would make one guy happy taking it down, but they were plenty of men and women online that would be very disappointed if one of his videos ceased to exist. Eventually, the officials did some sleuthing, and found out that Bruce was the one in the footage. And they found out where he lived.

That's how that man's wife came to his doorstep.

The father was too prominent to deal with this kind of business himself, so he sent his wife. His wife was just as snotty as he was, religious and moralistic and all that boring shit. So, Bruce had to listen to this woman preach and yell about the sinning being committed here, how he took advantage of her daughter, etc. Bruce smiled inwardly... he did not take advantage of that young woman. Not in the slightest. She was more aggressive than he was, even.

The only plus was that the mom was as smoking hot as the daughter was. The mom couldn't have been over forty, and if so, just barely. Meaning despite all religiousness, this bitch had gotten pregnant young to have a legal-aged daughter. She looked just like the daughter too, long black hair, tanned skin, huge tits, a perfect ass, a naturally bitchy look on her face. She was dressed well, in a feminine business suit, and an expensive one by the looks of it and how it flattered her figure. Bruce couldn't help but wonder if she'd take to his cock just as much as her daughter had.

Bruce barely paid attention, watching some of his newest footage on screen. Lacey was the one there, riding his big cock furiously, moaning like a total slut. Damn, she'd really become something special.

"Listen, can you turn that off??" the mom said angrily, trying not to look at the screen. "I don't need to see you fucking some blonde whore!" Bruce smiled inwardly again. A few months prior, Lacey had been so uppity and kind and sweet, and she'd been in that same position, judging the girls on screen, thinking they were sluts and that she was above that kinda thing. But now, Lacey was the whore on screen being judged by this one, this uptight bitch who was clearly dying for some good dick.

"Why did you come here?" Bruce asked calmly.

"I want you to take down that disgusting footage of my daughter!" she demanded. "I don't know how you talked her into such sinning... we go to church. We're pillars of the community. She's not that type of girl!" At this, Bruce shook his head.

"That's not why you came here," he began, staring her down. "I know women like you. I bet, under all that church-shit, beyond all those morals and ethics... I think you're a huge fan of my work..."

"What!? No..." she said, completely taken aback.

"What... you didn't let your eyes drift to my other videos when you saw what me and your daughter did together?" he asked. "You didn't become a fan of how I can make little sluts scream in pleasure? You didn't become of a fan of seeing my big dick plowing into hot women?"

"No... no..." she replied, shaking her head.

"Oh... you were already a fan of my videos?" he asked, arrogantly.

"What? No..." she defended herself, nervously.

"You didn't leave comments on my videos, telling me to give it to those bitches harder? You weren't drooling over my cock, burning with jealousy that it wasn't you? Is that why you sought me out, instead of one of your hubby's interns? Was this too big of a job for them. Hahaha..." he said, laughing to himself.

"No... you're... you're disgusting! Your whole channel is disgusting!" she said, nipples hard through her dress shirt. He smirked and stood up.

"I tell you what..." he began. "I can prove it..."

Calmly, he began to unbutton his pants, lowering them to expose his underwear-clad bulge. This was the point where most women, the ones who were trying to pretend they weren't after his cock, would stop him. Lacey stopped him at this point. A lot of other girls stopped him at this point.

This one didn't.

The city official was furious a few days later as his advisors brought him news of the new video Bruce had just posted. One of him fucking the official's wife. His wife was screaming and moaning as she took his huge cock in her married pussy, screaming out about how much she was loving it, how he was so much bigger than her husband.

This video caught more attention in local circles, to the point where the official had to resign from office in shame and move away, the women of his life betraying him by fucking the same old bastard. He had never felt so low.

Bruce didn't pay his plight much mind. His wife was far more interesting. She was even better in bed than the daughter was. Sure, she was a bit older than most of his conquests, but she was well worth it, acting like a complete slut for him, taking to his cock well, to the point where she earned a repeat invitation back for multiple rounds of fucking. And if she wasn't a fan of his videos before, she certainly was after, openly commenting on his videos, publicly making it known that she was a huge fan of what he did with all those other sluts. And she wasn't alone. More and more people were becoming a fan of this evil old man's life's work.

Unbeknownst to him, his activities had caught some attention from some of the higher ups at 'North Pole'. Without him knowing why, he'd been suddenly promoted to a better position, one that put him in closer proximity to more gorgeous women, not only from his own work, but more importantly, women visiting from other companies, ones 'North Pole' was working out deals with. He'd reaped the benefits a few times, fucking a lot of the women from these other companies, to the point where he wondered if the higher ups at the 'North Pole' plant would catch on and put a stop to it. When they didn't have these visitors coming in, he kept fucking these hot young things that he worked with. Part of him wondered if maybe he had affected any business deals with his actions. Some part of him even wondered if he was maybe even helping facilitate these deals, and that's why he was put in the position he was. To turn these gorgeous, professional young women into cum sluts, allowing 'North Pole' to reap the benefits. If they knew what he was doing, all professional decency would require they fire him on the spot. But funnily enough, the 'North Pole' higher ups turned a blind eye. It was as if someone up there liked him...

So, a year later, you might wonder what Bruce was doing for Christmas. Sure, he would put up decorations, hoping to get rewarded in the same way he had been the year prior. (He would.) But beyond that, he'd probably be doing the same thing he did during the last one.

Fucking some gorgeous slut.

He was really beginning to enjoy Christmastime.


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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I want more stories with Sylvia and Jon. Maybe a spinoff series that goes more in depth about their escapades

mastadonikamastadonikaalmost 2 years ago

Kindly requesting more Kevin Burkhouse stories please.

Either expanding on the sex between him & Jamie that has already taken place or more that continues.


More Kevin Burkhouse type stories, if possible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Agree with suze_teacher's suggestion. Would love to see that part in more detail.

suze_teachersuze_teacheralmost 4 years ago
Lacey and Devin finally had sex

Lacey and Devin finally had sex - That should be a story in itself. I would love to read about how he managed to seduce her in much more detail.

Whether Devin bragging to his buddies got back to Lacey's husband.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Liam need to corrupt another couple of girls!

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