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We entered the elevator to proceed to the 8th floor. "Now what?" Gina asked.

"Now it gets tricky." I said. "First, we find out what are the room numbers next door." We left the elevator and walked in the direction of room 809. I had to find an adjoining room numbers, and then see if one or the other were empty. I would rent that room and try then to move on to the next step. We found the room and the fact that the rooms were numbered consecutively, rather than evens and odds on opposite sides of the hall told me this was an important move. I had to get either room 808, or 810, and it had to be an adjoining room.

I took Gina with me to the front desk. I meandered toward it until the guest who was there left, and then walked with a purpose, holding Gina's arm like a father. "Hi, my name is Jason Williams. My wife reserved a room for us and at the last minute our daughter was able to join us." I nodded toward Gina. "We thought the room would be big enough, but, well.. you know how these things are."

The clerk was more bored than caring about my problem. He said nothing.

"So what I am wondering is whether either of the rooms beside ours is open, 808 or 810. If one of those is, and it is adjoining, I sure would like to make things more comfortable for us." My case was laid out and probably far more complicated than it need be, but I hoped that would make it more believable and comfortable for Gina too.

"Let me check." He pecked at the keyboard to his computer and responded in seconds. "Yes, 810 is adjoining and available. The rate is $179." He was almost too disinterested.

"That'll be fine." I took care of the paperwork, received my keys and escorted Gina to room 810. We entered and immediately looked for the adjoining door. It was there.

She started to say something and I motioned for her not to. I turned out our single light and twisted the lock on the door and opened it slowly. There was enough light coming through the cheese cloth like curtains from the parking area below to see that there was obviously another door there. What I was interested in was how the bolt worked on my door and the other one. I would not be able to jimmy that lock. It was all for naught. We failed. I could not get through to the other room. Just then we heard a muffled scream, not of fear or panic, but of sheer delight next door. It was followed by some laughter. We both instinctively put our heads to the door to listen.

"Oh! Yes! Oh!, NO, Yes, there!" It was Gina's mother. She was having the time of her life and we could do no more than hear. After several minutes activity and exclamations there followed a period of dead silence. Obviously round one was over. I pulled Gina away from the door.

"Damn!" Gina shouted as she stomped her foot on the carpeted floor. "You can't get the door open?! How can you do everything else and not get that damn door open!" She was almost mad but more on the frustrated side. I was surprised at her faith in me, and a bit sheepish to justify my answer. Then I had an idea. It was risky, but if there was something in it for me, I might just try it. If I was right in my thinking, the consequences of guessing wrong might not even be that bad. "All right, I have an idea."

"Oh good!" Gina jumped up in glee. "What is it?"

I walked over to the bed and sat down at its base. I was scheming, trying to capitalize on my new found follower. How could I put this so it would sound right? I decided there was no way to cover bribery and extortion. By the time I was ready to make my demand, Gina was already on to it. She said, "So you are going to hold me up? Why you scoundrel, you!" I could see enough to see her teeth again as she smiled. She walked over to me and pushed my shoulders back enough to force me back on the bed, feet dangling to the floor.

I reached back to the bed stand to turn on one of the brass lamps. Gina was already unbuttoning her blouse. Her fingers moved over the surface of her breasts between each button to the next, smoothing the silk to her form. She was not wearing a bra, not needing to with such firmness to support her. Her cleavage gradually revealed, she dropped her blouse from her shoulders. It was only now that I truly looked at and admired her perfectly proportioned breasts. I wanted those puppies in my hands, in my mouth. Not able to reach her from where she stood, and I lay, I contented myself to finish my examination.

She wore a tight leather skirt, no longer than mid thigh. How did I miss that, I wondered. It was riding so high on her thighs and wrapped so tightly at her waist it looked a size too small. I liked the look of her bulging slightly over the waist band, straining the leather to let her out. Her breasts above were stainding full and proud and I could see immediately that I was very fortunate indeed to have such a perfect young beauty standing between my legs.

Instinctively, I brought my knees together to make contact with her thighs, but she simply pushed me back open with her legs. Her skirt was the next article to fall as she undid the clasp at her back and dropped the short zipper. Just watching her undress was making me hard enough to break my own zipper. Gina was not missing that fact either as she continued to eye my crotch while shedding her clothes. She was standing there now in pantyhose alone, having kicked her shoes and skirt away. I hoped she would leave the hose on for awhile as it turns me on to reveal a woman's treasures in ever increasing temperatures of making love.

Gina leaned forward and knelt as if hearing my thoughts and busied herself with my pants. The buckle and snap came undone first, followed by the slow movement of my zipper. I was so busy shifting my gaze back and forth from her face to her breasts I felt her hands rather than saw them reach in and pull down my jockey's with one and grasp my now rock hard cock with the other. We moaned at precisely the same moment, and finally made eye contact.

Gina curled her lip in the most curious way as she looked almost threateningly at me, and I started to bring my hands in to grab her head and kiss her.

"No!" She shook me off and dismissed my attempt. "Lie still. It's my turn to work, and yours later." And with that said, she dropped her head to the head of my cock, licked it, covered it, and then swallowed the entire shaft in one hot, wet sucking motion. My arms flew out to my sides and flapped down on the bed palms up. I was not one to argue with a woman on a mission. I also thought guiltily that I had better get her into that next room when this was over, or I would be squat in her mind. For now, however, it was time to let her do what she was about to do, and that was fine by me.

The motion on my cock was electric. This woman knew what she was doing. She would stop for a moment at the head of my dick, commence a suction that was quite noticeable, and then let her head be sucked right down my shaft until she was breathing pubic hairs from my crotch. She must have been inhaling me as she dove. It was unbelievable. It was so different from the standard blow job. Soon I was as involved with the analysis of her technique as I was with the enjoyment of its results. Her mouth maintained an even suction throughout, punctuated only by sudden releases, presumably for her to breath, and followed by subsequent resumption of pressure. It was exquisite and I did not want it to end.

Gina on the other hand, looked like she was enjoying this too, for she pursued her activity with a zest that could not be mistaken. She liked sucking cock, that was for sure. And despite our age difference, she was not in the least unhappy about my cock in her mouth. She would "hum" it every now and then, probably as much from her own enjoyment as from an attempt to give me mine. And she sure did that. Each time I felt the vibrations of her humming I felt my dick bolt straight up again.

Finally, I had to warn her, "Oh, Gina, you are tooooo good at this, Baby, I am going to cumm any second."

I half expected her to remove her mouth from my cock and splatter my juice all over my pants as she jerked me to fruition. But once again this hot little number surprised me and continued her suction right through a huge load of spurting jism and into the next world. It was perfect, and I could scarcely believe the evening had come this far. Then I remembered the promise I had made and began to relax and think.

We both knew there was a mission to perform and as hard as it was, I managed to start to rise off the bed. Gina stood from her knees and reached for her blouse while wiping a small drip of lingering sperm from her mouth. I interrupted her movement. I was afraid I might not get another chance, depending on the course of events about to unfold, so I said, "Please, let me help you."

I took her blouse from her and draped it over her shoulders while I stood before her. Her face could not have been higher than my upper chest area. I then knelt down as if to button the silk but I stopped at holding both sides of the blouse open. I leaned in and took one breast in my mouth and began a gentle but consistent sucking pressure on it. Perhaps, I thought, she might like the same treatment she had given me.

Her instant moan of satisfaction told me all I needed to know. I let go of the blouse with one hand and brought it down between her legs. I put the other hand on her other breast and began to massage the ripe young melon to warm it up for my mouth. My lower hand had found her crotch by way of her inner thighs and was already sensing the moisture gathering there. I was now torn between attempting to take this young harlot here and now, or wait till later to see what develops. I had to admit I was curious about more than simply watching the couple in the next room. I wanted to see if this hot young lady before me was going to blow her stack, jump in, or even steal the hunk in the next room away for herself. In any case, it was an opportunity to see action I and probably few others had ever seen and I didn't want to miss it. So I played the gentleman and simply sucked and kissed and massaged her tits, tormenting her, and stroked and felt her cunt until she came on her feet. The juices and her aroma were now prevalent on both her panty hose and in the air. I was as hot as I could get and still be in any kind of control. The one good thing that came from this was that I was now bold enough to try just about anything, even with the much bigger and younger stud in the next room. Time to fulfill a promise.

Chapter 3

"Turn out the light and keep totally quiet, understand?" I instructed Gina. I took my room key and the one from Gina for 209, swiped up the bedspread in a rather splashy flurry, much to Gina's amazement and curiosity, and exited our room, closing the door behind me after checking the hall for people.

I looked for cameras too, but figured they were probably better hidden if indeed they were there. What the hell, I thought, you only live once. Damn the cameras and full speed ahead. I leaned my ear against the door and could hear nothing. I should have listened from our room first. If I was lucky, they might be napping after their first round of orgasms. If I am unlucky, they are wide awake, lying there in bed, lights all on and about to hear and see an amateur break into their room. I needed another piece of luck too, and I got it. The door between our rooms was near the entrance door to both as well. The luck came in when I found the hinges on the two doors, the hall and the adjoining, positioned so that the latches were at their closest possible range. I could keep from having to enter the room completely. It was one thing if they caught Gina in their room, but it was something entirely different if they caught me, a stranger, and I was no match for the monstrous and younger stud with that delicious looking lady.

I did my best, after one more glance down the hall to see it was clear, to poke and stuff the bedspread into the frame around the top of the room's door. Once done, I wiggled under it, between it and the door, and used the key to open the latch. I spent time in the Army, and in war, so the covertness of the operation was actually a welcome challenge. At least here, if caught, I wouldn't be killed. A chill ran down my spine when I thought about that again. The latch operated and the green light came on. The last possible hitch at the door would be if they remembered to bolt the door, or engage the swing latch. I dropped the handle slowly and pushed the door just enough to be able to find they had not.

There was noise I could make out now, and the room was lit, probably back near the bed like Gina and I had done. The sounds gave them away immediately. The two people were eating each other out! There was no doubt about it. There were muffled noises of pleasure from mouths and sloppy slurping from body connections. They had to be in a state of sixty-nine and a click at the door would be the absolute last thing they would be expecting, or listening for. There was one last chore to perform now before exiting – unlatch the bolt on the door to our own room next door.

I pushed the door open another foot or so to let myself in further and further. At about two feet open, I was able to stretch my body and arm in far enough to reach the adjoining room door's latch. I knew that at this point if the couple eating on the bed looked, they would be able to see my arm. I just gambled that they were too involved and reached in anyway. It was a silent snap to twist the little knob and leave the door unlocked from this side.

I pulled my hand back as slowly as it went in, backed out through the door, and let it close slowly and silently behind me. It took a total of about five minutes for the simple tasks, but it was required if I was to be able to pull it off with maximum chance for success and minimal chance of detection. And it had worked. I could hardly wait to see the look on Gina's face when I showed her the door was now open.

Once outside in the hall, I quickly removed the bed spread from the jam and let myself back into our room. There had been no one in the hall the entire time. I had not let any noticeable light into the target room, and the two love birds were snug in their embrace and about to be the subject of some serious voyeurism. All was well so far.

"Well?" Gina was beside her self with anticipation.

I looked at her dejectedly for a moment. Her face sank like a landslide of mud. It was painful for me to watch. I quickly brought back a smile however, and watched her eyes light up as I whispered, "The door is open Madam. Let the fun begin!"

Chapter 4

Gina lit up like a beacon. She grabbed my arm and smiled as broadly as was possible on her cute round face and I could see the gratitude in her eyes. She tugged me toward the adjoining rooms' doors.

Our side was already open and we both listened for a moment. I could barely make out the sounds I was hearing minutes before, but only because I knew exactly what I was listening for. Gina frowned a bit and looked at me questioningly. I knew what was going through her mind. Had they missed all the action? Were they asleep? Or worse, had they left already?

I took one last look around to ensure the lights were out and touched the door latch. I opened it slowly, all the time watching Gina's expression. It was one of intense anticipation at the moment, and I almost laughed as I had motioned her to interrupt her thoughts and shut off our light. She'd done so and was back at my side instantly. Then I'd motioned her to the window curtains. She was getting impatient with me, but they had to be closed if we didn't want to silhouette ourselves in the doorway.

Finally, I eased the door open a quarter inch at a time. I knew we couldn't be more than eight feet from the foot of the bed and the slightest noise now could hardly go unnoticed. After a minute, the door was open sufficiently for both of us, my head directly above Gina's, to see into the room.

What better time, I thought, than to let my hand slide down Gina's back to her ass. I felt her tense at my touch, but knew she wouldn't do anything to stop me for fear of making noise. The control was quite exciting. Her cheeks were quite inviting.

There was light entering from the other room's windows, which unlike us, they had not bothered to close curtains in front of. The cheese cloth drape that obscured detailed viewing from outside merely served to diffuse the parking lot light bathing the room in a soft glow. Gina's breath suddenly sucked in as her eyes adjusted to the scene.

Gina's mother was lying on her back, head hanging off the foot of the bed. Either side of her head were the large muscular thighs of her black stud date. Though it was difficult to tell for sure, I guessed he had his knees against the mattress, and Veronica's shoulders, with his feet planted on the carpeted floor. His body was lying horizontally above the waist, on top of Gina' mother. His cock, which had to be at least eight inches long judging from the exposed portion on withdrawal strokes, was alternately buried in Veronica's throat, and pulled back until only the head remained between her lips. The angle had been worked out to enable this woman to pull him entirely into her by dropping her head back over the edge of the bed, straightening the angle from her mouth right down her throat. He could have had 15 inches of cock meat for her, and it would all have slid right down that chute. The woman was voraciously hungry for this cock too, for she was accentuating the black partner's thrusts with motions of her own, pushing her head forward and back in cadence. Her hands on his thighs were also pulling him into her as far as she could get him.

Gina couldn't take her eyes of the point of insertion. She could now make out her mother's eyes, open and staring directly at the man's balls as they continued to pummel her face about her nose. The daughter was sure the mother was trying at each thrust to pull those golf ball sized sperm generators into her mouth as well, though they remained free to bounce. This was her MOTHER!!!! Gina was torn between glee that her mother was fulfilling a fantasy, finally getting treated like a real woman, in bed getting the sex of a lifetime, and the thought that this was her mother in this depraved state, and position, getting face fucked by a black man half her age and obviously out for the one night frolic.

As Gina considered these thoughts, her eyes wandered to take in the rest of the scene. There were clothes in disarray on the floor, obviously discarded at convenient moments and simply tossed wherever. The stud was holding her mother's legs back by inserting his arms forward and using his upper arms to brace up against her thighs and pull them toward the foot of the bed. This left Veronica's feet high in the air in a kind of total surrender, like a dog wanting its master to rub its stomach. His head was moving from side to side, twisting, and making all kinds of slurping sounds as it obviously worked on her pussy and whatever else it could reach in the sure to be wet crack. Gina could not imagine a more bizarre moment than spying on her mother in such a scene.

I was equally interested, though as much from the scene itself, two people in the depths of sexual abandon, as I was in watching Gina's reaction and feeling her ass. The young lady looked more surprised than angry, more intrigued than critical of her mom's activity. She even broke a smile when she heard her mother moan her satisfaction with the black stud's work between her legs. But Gina absolutely beamed when she heard the black man's growl signifying he was close to emptying his balls into her mother's mouth. I looked closely at Gina's face and I was sure there was a note of pride in her eyes at her mother's expert handling of the huge member between her lips. Her mother was going to bring this big black stud off with her mouth and take every ounce of his cum right down her throat, non-stop to her stomach as if in a mad effort to pour all the way down into her pussy.