Miscarriage and Depression

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A miscarriage leads to depression and a marriage in trouble.
13.2k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 12/19/2023
Created 02/05/2023
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All characters engaging in sexual activities are 18 years of age or older.

Any spelling or grammar mistakes are my own.


Jackson simply didn't know what to do anymore. He had tried to get his wife Tara to go to counseling alone, she told him no. He had tried to get her to go to couples counseling together, but she told him no. He even had her family try and talk to her, but that was to no avail as well. Every time that he or her family would bring it up, she'd just tell them that she was just fine; and go back to doing whatever it was she was doing. A month earlier, Tara had suffered a miscarriage.

Tara was a beautiful woman. Standing five foot, five inches tall. She weighed one hundred and forty pounds. She had thick brown hair, that she always kept cut to shoulder length. She had beautiful blue eyes. She looked similar to actress Amanda Peet. Tara had worked out in a gym at the country club that her sister belonged to. She was a Senior Project Manager at North American United Industries.

Jackson was six feet, one hundred and eighty pounds. He worked out in the home gym that he made three days a week. He rode an exercise bike Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. He jogged a five mile route in the neighborhood on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Jackson took every Sunday off. That was his day to relax, to watch football and to eat pizza. His day to decompress and enjoy himself.

Jackson and his best friend Joseph started a computer network security business, called American Network Security Systems. Jackson was more interested in and better at the security and computer aspects of the business. Joseph was more of a people person and friendly, so he handled meetings with current and possible new clients. Both of them together made them incredible co-owners. They made American Network Security Systems, one of the best in the country. They had contracts with public and private businesses all over the country, from New York to Los Angeles.

When Tara had her miscarriage, Jackson took all the time he needed off of work to stay home and try to be there for his wife. He held her as she cried. He kept his cool when she would lose her temper and blame him or blame her own family for what had happened. She would be angry one moment, then sobbing the next. She didn't want to do anything with Jackson or anybody else. She just spent most of the time sitting in the loveseat, in the front room staring out into space.

Their sex life was non-existent. It wasn't like it was rip roaring to begin with. Tara was never really into kinky, but they haven't done anything in months. One night Jackson was taking things into his own hands while in the shower when Tara came in. She started yelling at him, which started one of the few fights they ever had in their marriage. She ended up locking herself in the guest room and crying herself to sleep.

After six weeks, Tara decided that it was time for her to go back to work. Jackson supported her decision. He had also started working a few days a week, whenever Tara was sleeping. He thought that if she went back to work, the routine of their daily life before the miscarriage would start the process of her healing and feeling better. It certainly couldn't get any worse, is what he thought.

For the first few days that she went back, everything went pretty well. She came home and would talk about her day. It seemed like she was really trying to open up and talk. Tara even cooked supper on that second day back. It was only Tuna Mac, but it was the first time she'd cooked anything in months. They did the dishes together and had a small water fight. That night in bed, they cuddled together.

By the end of her second week back on the job, Tara had gone back to the way she was before. She didn't really want to talk anymore than was necessary. She had gone back to just sitting around and staring off into space again. This time when Jackson made the suggestion once again to see a counselor, she got angry at him. They had another fight. He tried to explain to her that their marriage was suffering, and he was trying to help. Tara just yelled at him over and over again that she needed more time and to leave her alone.

Over the next few months, things didn't get any better. Jackson and her family continued to try to talk her into getting help. Her sister Patricia and her husband Bill tried to get Tara to stop pushing Jackson away. They suggested that they go on a vacation. Just the two of them go someplace where she could unplug her brain and remember why she loved him and get their marriage back on track. Once again, Tara refused any suggestions from anybody.

Jackson had finally gotten tired of dealing with Tara and with everything that came with her. So when a client called with an emergency, he took the opportunity to fly out of town and handle it himself. He flew out on Friday morning after Tara left for work. He spent that afternoon and all day Saturday fixing the problem. Instead of sleeping in a hotel on Saturday night, he decided to sleep on the plane, since they were leaving to fly back home at five in the morning.

When Jackson got home at eight-thirty on Sunday morning, he noticed that Tara wasn't home. He put his things away and took a shower. He got out and got dressed and she still wasn't home. He called Tara's sister Patricia. She told Jackson that she was at her house but was in their spare bedroom asleep. Jackson told Patricia to have her call him when she woke up. They talked for a few minutes about the job and hung up.

Jackson made himself breakfast and had just sat down to eat when his phone rang. It was his brother-in-law Bill. He told him that they had invited Tara to a summer party at the country club they were members of. She had too much to drink and was dirty dancing with a guy that, he nor Patricia knew. He wanted to let me know that they both lit into her about her behavior on the way home. Jackson thanked Bill for his honesty and telling him why she wasn't home and where she was, and hung up the phone.

Tara never called, instead she walked in the door just before noon. She looked like she had been out drinking. Jackson followed her to their bedroom. He tried to talk to her, but she waved him off as she got undressed and walked into the master bathroom. He sat down on the padded mattress in the bay window and heard the shower start up. He closed his eyes and took some deep breaths while praying to God to help him get through this.

When he heard through the door that she was in the shower, Jackson got up and decided to check out her clothes. There were no semen stains or crust in her panties. Her clothes smelled of her perfume and her scent. That was a relief to him. He walked into the bathroom and asked Tara if she wanted something to eat. She told him that she'd eaten at her sisters' house. Jackson acknowledged her reply and went back downstairs. He was watching the pregame coverage when Tara came downstairs.

She sat down on the loveseat and was looking at Jackson. He waited until the commercials came on and muted the TV. He asked her if she had fun. She smiled slightly and said she had and wished that he had been able to be there with her. He asked her where she went. She told him the truth. He asked what all she did. She told him that while she couldn't remember everything, she did remember dancing with a client from work quite a bit. She admitted that Patricia and Bill were not happy with the way she was acting and made sure she understood she embarrassed them and herself.

We watched the one o'clock game and they talked about the emergency job that he went out of town to fix. They talked about his job and her job. She apologized for what happened and for not calling before coming home. At four o'clock, he called and ordered his usual pizza order. Tara decided that she wanted a small pizza like his but with mushrooms added. They both sat and ate supper while watching the second game of the day. At seven-thirty, Jackson was doing the dishes that he dirtied up making breakfast, when Tara came up and hugged him from behind.

She led him by the hand up to the bedroom and pulled his sweatpants and boxers down. Tara blew and slobbered all over his cock for about five minutes before standing up and pushing him on the bed. He scooted up and watched her undress. She crawled up and straddled Jackson. She bent her head down and played tonsil hockey with him while she lowered her pussy onto his cock. It took five or six thrusts before he had all seven inches buried completely in her.

She rode him through two orgasms before Jackson pulled her down and rolled her over, so that he was now on top. Jackson put his arms underneath hers so that his hands gripped her shoulders, and started pounding into her while she wrapped her feet and ankles around his knees. She threw her arms around him as she had her third orgasm a few minutes later, causing Jackson to fill her full of his cum.

Jackson laid on top of her for a minute as they both were breathing heavily. He rolled off of her and she snuggled up into his side and started crying. Jackson just held her and kissed her on the head. They ended up falling asleep in that position. The next morning she woke him up with another round of sex. They showered together and had a great breakfast. When Jackson got home that afternoon, Tara had gotten home early and made Jackson's favorite dish of hers. Chicken breast baked in stuffing.

The following morning when Jackson was in the shower after his morning jog, Tara got into the shower with him where they had a passionate and vigorous bout of shower sex. Jackson was in a great mood at work that day. Joseph had noticed and ribbed him about it. He told Jackson that he was happy for him and hopeful that things were finally turning around for the both of them. Once again, she was making supper when he got home. That night they made love. Afterwards while cuddling together in the aftermath, Tara told Jackson that she loved him for the first time in months, as she drifted off to sleep.

The following morning it was the same. They had breakfast together, kissed each other and departed for work. Jackson was thinking that this time, things had really turned the corner and they could start to rebuild their marriage and life together. He had a great day at work. He was working on a brand new security computer program. The mid-week meeting with the floor team leaders went well. Jackson was feeling happy driving home that day.

He pulled his Blazer into the garage. He walked into the kitchen from the garage door entrance and could hear Tara crying. He found her sitting on the loveseat, looking at the sonogram pictures. He sat down beside her and hugged her. A few moments later, she started hitting and yelling at him. Telling him that it was his fault. Then it was Patricia's fault. Then it was God's fault. She ended up running into the bedroom and locking it shut.

When he tried to get her to eat later, she refused to come down and eat. Jackson had made a chicken veggie wrap, so in an effort to get her to eat; he took the bedroom door off the hinges and sit the plate down on the small table on her side of the bed. He had just about gotten to the door when he felt something hit him in the back. He turned around in time to see her run into the master bathroom and slam the door. On the floor by his feet was the wrap that he'd brought to her. Jackson threw it away, fixed the door and slept in the guest room.

For the next month it was similar. He'd come home to find her crying, or she'd be moody and short with him, or she'd blame him for everything. Jackson continued to push his feelings aside and tried to help Tara. She wouldn't do anything except go to work, come home, and push him away. He took his emotions out in his workouts. Pushing himself harder than ever. He'd jump in the shower and from time to time, he'd let it all wash over him and he'd cry. He'd get dressed, try to get Tara to talk, get shot down, then he'd go to work.

On a Friday morning, Joseph called Jackson and told him that his sister had gone into labor and was having difficulties, and needed him to take the morning meeting. One of their biggest clients had flown in for a meeting to see if they were going to renew their contract. He had done this a few times and while he was never really a people person, he was usually able to get through it without too much help from the meeting team.

Jackson went to Joseph's office and got his notes while Sheila and Beverly got the meeting room ready with drinks, donuts and muffins. He took the meeting after they all signed NDA's about what they discussed, and for two hours he used Joseph's notes about who the people were and their interests. He talked to them about the new program he was working on and how he would be installing it in parts so as not to disrupt service, how the new program would save them money, he answered questions throughout, he was able to make them laugh with a few well-timed jokes.

Jackson finished the meeting with a ten-minute presentation on the results of a beta test with the new program and reminder that American Network Securities Systems is a twenty-four hour, three-hundred-and sixty-five-day service. That if they couldn't fix it remotely from here, they had a plane on-call with a team ready to go whenever and wherever they're needed.

Jackson received a standing ovation from the client representatives, as well as Sheila and Beverly. He had gotten them not only a contract renewal, but a contract extension for the company but also a bonus. After Sheila and Beverly made sure they all got to the cars to take them to the airport, they came back and gave him big hugs, congratulations and how proud they were of him for "not sweating through the carpet."

Jackson called Joseph and asked how his sister was doing, and he was filled in on that situation. His sister had always been nice to Jackson, so he was happy to hear that the C-section went well and that mama and baby were doing fine. He then filled him in on how the meeting went. Joseph was extremely happy and proud of how Jackson had filled in at the last moment and did than even he might have been able to do.

When Jackson hung up the phone, he was feeling great. He managed to not only keep a high-profile client, but he also got them to sign an extension worth eight figures every year. Jackson wanted to share this wonderful news with Tara. He grabbed his jacket and drove over to where she worked. He had just parked his Chevy Blazer, when he saw Tara walk out of her office building and get into a Jaguar.

He immediately switched on the dashcam that he'd installed when he bought the Blazer from the dealership. Jackson let the Jaguar pull out and he followed them. His heart was thumping in his chest. His stomach was in knots. The happy mood he was in from the meeting was gone. He had a strange and horrible feeling about what was going on. Now he felt like he was just waiting for the guillotine to drop.

Jackson was right behind them and he could clearly see inside the car. He saw that his wife was in the car with another man. It was a man that he didn't recognize, not that it made a difference. When they came to a red light, he saw Tara lean over and kiss a man on the lips. His first instinct was to go pull the guy out of his fancy car and beat the shit out of him. His cooler side prevailed, and he quickly wrote down his license plate number.

He called a friend of his that worked in the police department. He had him run the license plate number of the Jaguar. He could do nothing but wait for his friend to call him back, while continuing to follow his wife and the man. Jackson's phone rang a few minutes later and told him that the car was registered to a man named Bryan Vorst. He also texted him the address of the man. He thanked his friend and hung up.

Anger and pain filled his mind, body, and soul, as he continued to follow them for another fifteen minutes. Whenever they stopped at a redlight, they spent the entire time kissing each other. Tara had pushed him away for almost a year. She barely had any form of intimacy with him, and here she was giving what is rightfully his, to this asshole in an overcompensating fancy car.

After following them a bit longer, the man turned into a Marriott Hotel. Jackson was forced to go down the road a little bit farther before being able to turn around and come back. When he found a parking spot that his dashcam could still see them with, Tara and the man were already walking into the hotel holding hands. Seeing this public display of affection only made Jackson more angry and more hurt. When they walked through the doors, he turned off the dashcam, got out and starting walking to the hotel entrance.

They were getting in the elevator when Jackson walked up to the counter and the young lady there greeted him.

"That's my wife with that son of a bitch. I want a copy of their hotel confirmation, please."

"I'm sorry sir, that's against company policy." the young lady replied.

Jackson pulled out his wallet and put a one-hundred-dollar bill down on the counter. The woman just continued smiling at him. He pulled out another one-hundred-dollar bill and laid it before her.

She smiled weakly "Meet me over by the side hallway door. I'll be there in a minute."

Jackson walked around the corner and waited. It seemed like forever, but it was only a few minutes later when the young receptionist came out. She handed him a copy of the hotel confirmation. He folded up the paperwork and put it inside his jacket pocket. He was just about to start walking away when the young lady grabbed him by the arm.

"This is their room number and here's the paperwork for a free weekend stay in one of our suites here. I've included six free meal tickets at our in-house restaurant as well. You'll need someplace to stay and clear your head, while you figure out what to do. I'm very sorry that you're dealing with a cheating spouse. I've been where you are before. Good luck." the young lady said, then walked back through the door.

Jackson got into the elevator and up he went for the confrontation. As he watched the numbers light up, he continued to fume. When he heard the ding and the doors opened, he wanted to fly out of there and break down the door. He walked out of the elevator and down the hall. He knocked on the door. He heard a male voice ask who it was. Jackson covered the peephole with his left hand. He knocked again. When Jackson heard the doorknob click to start opening, he pulled his hand away from the peephole.

Bryan opened the door wearing only a robe and Jackson lost it. He hit him with a quick jab to the nose causing his head to snap back. Jackson rushed in and hit him with full force on the right side of his job. Bryan slumped down to the floor unconscious. It happened all within seconds.

"Oh my God Jackson!" Tara yelled with a look of shock on her face.

Jackson noticed that she was fully clothed.

"Don't you even fucking think about come home Tara." he said pointing at her.

Jackson turned and walked out the door. As he was walking towards the elevator, he could hear Tara yelling for him. He just flipped her the bird as he turned the corner and pushed the elevator button down. The doors opened immediately, he stepped inside and hit the button for the lobby. Jackson could hear Tara running down the hallway and hollering for him. The doors closed before she got there. As he rode the elevator down to the lobby the low whirling sound of the motor, his anger started to dissipate. When got down to the lobby he said to the young lady at the front desk,

"Clean up in room 567."

He got in his Blazer and started driving home. He was only a few blocks away from the hotel when his cell phone started ringing. He answered it on speaker phone.