Miscarriage and Depression Pt. 02

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Questions are answered as Jackson and Tara start moving on.
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Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 12/19/2023
Created 02/05/2023
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All characters engaging in sexual activity are 18 years of age or older.

Any spelling or grammar mistakes are my own.

There is some Spanish dialogue in this story. Don't worry folks, I put the English translation next to it.

Jackson watched Tara sign the divorce papers on his computer monitor in his office.

"I hope that wherever he is, God lets him know that I'm sorry and that I love him more than my own life. I'll never forgive myself for what I did." he heard her say.

His partner Joseph had pulled a chair next to him and was watching as well.

"Do you even think they remember that we run their security systems?" he asked Jackson.

"I doubt it. They're too busy with the lawsuit my attorney hit them with this morning." Jackson replied.

"Do you really think you'll get anywhere with that lawsuit Jackson?"

"Yes. Everyone there knew that he was a skirt chasing asshole. They all knew she was cheating. We think they'll settle rather than have it go public."

"How much are you asking for?" Joseph asked.

"One million dollars after taxes plus attorney's fees."

"That's all? That's chump change considering how much you're worth as co-owner of this company and all your stocks." Joseph replied surprised.

"The money isn't for me; I'm going to give it to our employees as a Christmas Bonus later this year."

Joseph laughed and patted Jackson on the shoulder. "You truly are an incredible man and boss. I'm proud to call you my best friend."

"Thanks" Jackson replied sitting back in his chair. He spun and looked at Joseph.

"I heard that Bryan ended up in the hospital. I wonder how that happened?"

"I don't know." Joseph said smiling. "A guy like that sure makes a lot of enemies though."

Joseph stood and started walking towards Jackson's office door. He turned back towards Jackson and leaned against the frame.

"By the way, Blackwater Defense Security gets free service for the next ten years. I came to an agreement with them a few weeks ago."

Jackson looked at Joseph. "Really. You came to an agreement with Blackwater Defense Security?"

"You remember Petty Officer Smith? Well, he works for them now. I flew out to have lunch with him and catch up. He asked why you didn't join us, and I explained about your situation, and he was sympathetic to your plight. He mentioned his new employer was looking for a new network security business. One thing led to another, and we came to an agreement."

"I thought you never wanted to work with companies like them because they tend to not exactly follow all aspects of the law?" Jackson said standing up and walking towards Joseph.

"The bonds of brotherhood aren't severed when you leave the service. Day or night. Rich or poor. Tomorrow or twenty years from now. You fuck with one, you fuck with all." he responded to Jackson.

"Tell Petty Officer Smith, thank you for me. I understand that piece of shit won't be the same for this rest of his life." Jackson said stopping in front of him.

Joseph smiled at Jackson and replied, "Like banana hands knew how to put an IV in and where to cut."

They smiled at each other and hugged.

"Thank you brother." Jackson said.

They separated. Joseph looked at Jackson.

"You're really gonna give everyone twenty thousand dollars as a Christmas bonus?"

"Of course. We're a twenty-four-seven, three-sixty-five company. They work their ass off, and we wouldn't be where we are without them."

"Glad somebody does. Lord knows I'm not getting my ass outta bed before noon on most days." Joseph replied with a chuckle.

"A sunrise is a beautiful thing. You should see one sometime." Jackson replied with a chuckle.

They laughed again as Joseph walked out of Jackson's office and down the hall into his own. Jackson made his rounds talking to all the employees and asking about their weekends. He really did take an interest in the well-being of their employees. Jackson got back to his office forty-five minutes later and found Patricia sitting in his office waiting for him.

"Really Jackson, an entire mini fridge of Crème Soda." she said smiling at him.

"What are you doing here Patricia?" he asked as he walked over and sat down at his desk.

"Can I ask you some things?"

"You can ask, doesn't mean I'll answer them."

Patricia looked at him with a small smile.

"You changed all the locks on the doors when you kicked Tara out, but you put a spare key in the same spot as the old one. That's how Bill and I got inside. Did you do that on purpose?"

"Yes I did. I figured it would've been Margret to find it though." he answered.

Jackson saw Patricia take a breath. "Are you still going to be friends with Bill and I?"

"I'm certainly going to try Patricia. I won't lie and say that our relationship is going to be the same though. You don't divorce someone without things becoming complicated and changing." he answered honestly.

"I understand Jackson." Patricia said with sadness in her voice that he could hear.

"I always liked you and Bill. I don't hold Tara's actions against you or him." he quickly replied hoping it would reassure her a bit.

"I know my sister made the worst possible mistake she could in a marriage but...." Is all she got out before Jackson interrupted.

"She cheated on me Patricia. She had an on-going sexual affair with someone other than me. I know she didn't fuck him, but oral sex is still sex."

"I understand and I agree with you Jackson. Lord knows if Bill ever that did, I'd cut his god damn balls off."

That made Jackson chuckle. He doesn't hear Patricia cuss very often. His chuckle made her chuckle.

"I got to ask though Jackson. For my own sanity and my own piece of mind."

"I know you do Patricia. Go ahead and ask and I'll tell you the reasons you want to know."

"Is there any way, any way at all, that you can forgive her and move past this?"

"I tried to get her to go to therapy by herself. I tried to get her to go to therapy with me. I supported her while she was going through the pain and loss of losing a child. But there is something that she and nobody else seemed to understand. Do you know what that was Patricia?"

"What was that?"

"That I lost a child too. I was in pain too. Something that we both wanted and were so excited about, had gone tragically wrong. I wanted us to mourn together as a family. The way it should have been. Instead, she pushed me away. I didn't even have the chance to mourn the loss of our child."

"You're right Jackson. It never even crossed my mind. I'm so sorry."

"I put all of the pain that I was feeling, aside for the sake of my wife and my marriage. That is what a spouse is supposed to do from time to time. They're supposed to support the other when he or she needs it. She repaid me by giving her heart to someone else and then lying about it for months after I'd caught and confronted her. She didn't trust me and showed that she couldn't be trusted either. With all of that said Patricia, I forgave her the moment I yelled at her and walked out the door, at that last counseling session. I truly do wish her the best. I hope that she gets better. I hope that she treats whoever she ends up with next, better than she did me. Life is too short to carry around the type of hurt and pain and anger that I experienced."

Patricia was silently crying as she heard Jackson talk. She herself had a bevy of emotions going through her. She felt ashamed and embarrassed that she had never once, thought about how Jackson must have been feeling after losing a child. She was angry about what her sister had done. She was also happy that Jackson said that he'd remain friends with her and Bill. She felt a little bad about being happy about that. She finally stood up and walked over to Jackson and they embraced.

"Don't be a stranger Jackson. I'll talk to you later." she said and walked out the door without giving him the chance to say anything back.

Jackson sat down in his chair and got back to work. He worked through lunch. He hadn't even noticed the time until the two-forty-five alarm on his phone went off. He closed out what he was working on and sent out an email to his employees letting them know that he was taking a vacation and would be gone for a little while. He grabbed his jacket, locked his office door and walked out to his Blazer. Sitting in her car next to his was Tara. When Jackson was about twenty feet away, she got out and waited for him.

"Hello Jackson."

"Tara" he replied as he stood a few feet away from her.

"I signed the papers."

"Good. Thank you Tara."

"The police questioned me today. Do you know why?" she asked.

"Because your asshole boyfriend got what was coming to him."

"He's not my boyfriend Jackson. I haven't seen him since that day, and I never want to see him again." she replied with a sigh.

"Well, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy" he replied laughing.

"They thought that you might have been involved. He told them that he thought you had something to do with it."

"Well I didn't have anything to do with it. My attorney has already given them all the information they need to prove my alibi and whereabouts. If they have any questions, they can wait until I get back from vacation."

"You're going on vacation?" Tara asked surprised.

"Yes I am. The plane is getting ready now. I'm on my way to the hotel to pack my stuff and head there now."

"Where are you going?" Tara asked. She couldn't believe that he was actually going on a vacation.

"I don't know. I'm just going to board the plane and tell Stanley to fly me wherever the hell he wants, as long as it's at least a time zone away from here." Jackson replied opening his door and starting his car.

"I'm going to continue seeing Dr. Meyers. She's really helping me get better. I understand now that I mistreated you. You deserve someone better than who I was at the end."

"Yes I do Tara."

"Please call me when you get back. I'm interested to hear where you end up on vacation. It's been a long time coming and much needed." she said.

Tara got in her car, started it, and drove off. Jackson just stood there and watched her leave. He got in his Blazer and started driving back to the hotel. As he drove, Jackson went through the continuing feelings you have when going through a divorce. He was sad. He was angry. He was happy. He was thinking about whether or not he should call Tara when he got back, when his phone rang. He saw it was his lawyer, so he put it on Bluetooth.

"She signed the papers Jackson. I've filed them with the court."

"How long?" Jackson asked.

"Ninety days."

"That long. Whose ass needs kissing then." Jackson asked with a chuckle.

His attorney chuckled. "That's standard Jackson. Nothing we can do about that."

"Well, thank you for letting me know and for everything." Jackson told him.

"It's my pleasure. I've never seen a woman not fight a divorce when the husband is worth fifty million dollars. I'll call you if anything comes up." he said and hung up.

Jackson parked his Blazer, said hello to the valet and got into the elevator. On the way up he thought about everything that had happened already today. Patricia came to see him. Tara came to see him. He doubted they had choreographed it. Patricia was very upset with Tara, and they really weren't talking all that much. He hoped that that would change in the future, and they'd be close again. The elevator rang and the door opened. Jackson got out and rounded the corner.

He saw the maids' cart beside his open hotel room door. As he got closer, he could hear giggling. Jackson got to the door of his hotel room and saw two young maids messing around. One of them was wearing one of his flannel shirts without pants and was posing on the bed. The other one was taking pictures of her on a phone. Jackson quietly stepped inside and watched. They didn't notice that he was in the room.

"El hombre que se quenda aqui es lindo" (the man who stays here is cute) said the young woman taking the picture.

"Se que desearia que me destrozara" (I know, I wish he would ravish me) said the young woman wearing his shirt.

"Si vive aqui, sabes que tambien tiene dinero" (if he's living here then you know he has money too) said the one taking the pictures.

The young woman on the bed rolled on her stomach and pulled Jackson's shirt up. She was wearing a black thong. Jackson couldn't help but to admire her shapely ass.

"El dinero no es todo lo que eres vaca codiciosa" (money isn't everything you greedy cow) the young woman said as she looked back at the phone smiling and laughing.

"El dinero lo es todo" (money is everything) the woman taking the picture said with a giggle.

"Dame amor sobre dinero cualquier dia" (give me love over money, any day) said the young woman on the bed as she rolled over and stretched on the bed with her hands above her head.

"Tienes un titulo universitario, como puedes ser tan igenuo. (you have a college degree, how can you be so naïve) the woman taking the pictures said with a sigh.

"Puedo ganar mi propio dinero, quiero un companero de vida que puedo enjejecer y tener hijos con. (I can make my own money; I want a life partner that I can grow old and have child with) the young woman on the bed said.

Jackson decided to make presence known at that point.

"Hola senoras como estamos hoy. (hello ladies, how are we doing today)

The two young ladies were startled. They screamed and jumped. The woman who was taking the pictures dropped the phone and moved over to the other side of the bed quickly. The woman on the bed rolled onto her knees. Her and Jackson were staring at each other. The woman hiding on the other side of the bed just kept saying,

"Lo siento, senor. Lo siento, senor." (I'm sorry, sir. I'm sorry, sir)

Jackson was ignoring her and looking at the other woman on the bed. They were reading each other. Finally after about twenty to thirty seconds, she spoke first.

"Callate Juanita, nos entiende." (Shut up Juanita, he understands us.)

"Quieres hablar en espanol o ingles?" (You want to speak in Spanish or English) Jackson asked as he went to the closet and pulled out his luggage.

The young woman that was on the bed got up and extended her hand towards Jackson.

"I'm Sofia." she said.

It didn't seem to bother her that she was only wearing a shirt. She was acting like this was just any other encounter on the street. Jackson reached over and grasped her hand firmly.

"I'm Jackson. Why are wearing my shirt and going through my stuff while I'm away?" he asked.

Juanita decided to make good her escape and ran out the door. Jackson and Sofia watched, as she grabbed the cart and moved on down the hallway. Jackson and Sofia went back to staring at each other. Sofia decided that telling the truth was the best course of action.

"I find you quite attractive Jackson. When we came in to turn over your room, I saw your shirt hanging on the closet doorknob. It smelled good, so I decided to put it on." Sofia said all in one breath.

Jackson looked at Sofia. He could see that she was telling the truth. She was blushing and the redness made her light-colored brown skin glow. She had her long black hair in a ponytail. She had big brown eyes that were looking right back at Jackson, like she was trying to bore a hole and read him. She looked pretty similar to Mila Kunis.

"Thank you for the compliment Sofia. I appreciate it. I'm going out of town, so I need my shirt back."

Sofia unbuttoned his shirt, that she was wearing, right there. Jackson looked at her body. She was wearing a black lace bra that matched her thong. She had a fairly flat belly with a little bit of fat on it and her sides. For the first time in many months, Jackson felt a surge following into his cock. He took the shirt from her and started packing his luggage before things got too far out of hand. Sofia walked over to the chair and started putting her uniform back on. Jackson was watching her discreetly, when she looked up and smiled at him.

"Me gusta lo que ves?" (Like what you see)

"Si, pero mi divorcio no es definitive." (Yes, I do but my divorce isn't final) Jackson replied.

Sofia smiled at Jackson.

"I'm sorry that your marriage is over." she said as she then picked up her phone off the floor.

"Thank you. It's in the past now. Nothing I can do but move on to bigger and better things." Jackson said as he walked over to the desk and sat down in the chair.

"Where did you get your degree from?" he asked.

"NYU" she replied.

"What did you major in?"

"Business Management. Why do you ask?"

"How old are you and where are you from Sofia?"

"I'm twenty-four and I'm from New York."

"What's your last name Sofia?"

"What's your last name?" she replied putting her hands on her hips.

"Brown. First name Jackson. My name is Jackson Brown."

"You might be very cute Jackson but you're coming across as very creepy right now."

"Says the young woman who stripped down to her underwear and was wearing my shirt while getting her pictures taken in my room. Now, who's creepy again?"

Sofia laughed at his reply. "You have a point there Jackson Brown. My name is Sofia Hernández."

Jackson put his phone down on the desk. "Did you get all that Freddy?"

"Yes I did, give me a few moments boss." came a voice over the speaker phone.

"You tell me what the hell is going on Jackson or I'm calling the cops." Sofia said.

She was a bit scared. She was getting annoyed. She was also curious about what was going on. Once again, Jackson and Sofia were having another stare down. Jackson in the chair and Sofia sitting on the end of the bed. The phone broke the silence.

"Sofia Hernandez, graduate of NYU with a 3.5 GPA in Business Management. She is a member of Delta Phi Epsilon though she's no longer in touch with her sorority sisters because of an inner house dispute her senior year. She's single right now, just out of a serious relationship with a man she met her senior year at NYU. She currently works two jobs. The Marriott Hotel as a Housekeeping Specialist and at WorldCore Health as Billing and Coding Specialist."

"OK, OK, thank you. Freddy, I need you to have Franklin come pick me up in the car and drive me to the airport. I want you to catch a ride here with him and follow us to the airport and leave it parked at the hanger."

"You got it boss. I'll see you in a bit." Freddy said hanging up.

"Who the hell are you and how did you get all that information about me so damn fast?" Sofia asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

"Sofia Hernandez. You are making about seventy thousand dollars a year before taxes, working two jobs and barely getting enough food and sleep, am I right?"

Sofia grabbed the phone and called the front desk. She told them where she was and who she was with. Jackson just watched as Sofia nodded her head and looked at Jackson. After a minute she hung up the phone and looked at him.

"Juanita is on the way back up here with help."

"No she's not. She three rooms down the hall doing her job and hoping that she doesn't get fired. Which she will not be, because I'm not saying anything to the manager."

"You are a very smart and perceptive man Mr. Brown. Thank you for not telling the manager about what we were doing. I appreciate it."

"Sofia. How would you like to put your college degree to use and work only one job for more money than you're making now?" Jackson asked with a smile.

She looked at Jackson with shock and surprise.

"I don't know Mr. Brown. I can't just quit my jobs and I couldn't just leave my cousin here alone."

"Are you loco!" They heard from behind.

Juanita had come back to check on her cousin Sofia. She had cleaned three rooms and was worried when she hadn't come back to join her. She walked over and sat down on the bed next to Sofia.