Miscarriage and Depression Pt. 03

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With the divorce final, how do they move on.
3.8k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 12/19/2023
Created 02/05/2023
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All characters engaging in sexual activities are 18 years of age or older.

Any spelling or grammar mistakes are my own.


Jackson was sitting in a meeting and staring at the numbers on the white screen from the power point projector. He didn't completely understand what was being said. Across from him was his business partner Joseph. He needed to understand all this, so that he could communicate with their current and future clients. Also in the meeting were the company tax attorney, business attorney, CPA, criminal defense attorney, two junior staff accountants, and the three shift leaders.

This was their quarterly financial staff meeting. It showed what money was spent. How it was spent. Where it was spent. Where they were in the financial plan set at the beginning of the year. What the projections were based on past years and current year. Leading the meeting was the Executive Staff Accountant, Sofia Hernandez.

Jackson had found Sofia by accident while he was divorcing his ex-wife Tara. She was working as a hotel maid at the Marriott Hotel where he stayed for a bit. Sofia was a quick learner and was not afraid to ask questions or have something repeated until she understood it. By the time her predecessor Denise Holcomb had retired in the spring, Sofia had earned the respect of everyone at American Network Security Systems.

Jackson understood enough to know that things were looking great. Expenses were down and profits were up. They now had contracts with all the top businesses in twenty-five states and ran network security for many city and town governments. Their advertising budget was almost nothing with social media outlets, word of mouth and their reputation. Sofia was speaking about plowing the employee parking lot, when Jackson noticed something about the numbers.

"Miss Hernandez, your numbers are off." Jackson interrupted.

"What! Are you serious? I got to memorize these things by next week." Joseph said as his head shot up and he stopped writing.

"What do you mean Mr. Brown?" Sofia asked.

"Every year our employees get a two percent raise. You do not have that figured in. Where is it?"

"Yes, I told you!" Joseph exclaimed loudly as he jumped up with his hands in the air.

Jackson heard groans from around the table. He looked and saw that everyone was reaching into their wallets or pockets. He noticed that Sofia was smiling, when there was a smack on the table. Jackson turned and looked at Joseph.

"Come here you big bear, I could kiss you right on the mouth."

Which made everyone around the table start laughing. Jackson noticed that everyone had put money on the table. Joseph got up and started walking around and collecting the money.

"What the hell is going on Joe?" Jackson asked.

"I made a bet with everyone that you'd notice that particular "oversight" in the presentation today."

"Ummmmmm, why would I not notice it?"

"Alright. Now that you've gotten everyone's money and proven that you're a weird creeper with googly eyes for your best friend (which caused everyone to laugh again), let's get to the reason those numbers are not here." Sofia said, taking charge with an ease that Jackson noticed.

The three shift leaders stood up and walked up front. Sofia stepped to the side. Allison, who was the second shift team leader spoke up.

"Jackson. The twenty-thousand-dollar gift that you gave all us employees at Christmas last year, meant more to all of us than you will know."

Allison had tears falling down her face, as she pulled out a piece of paper from a folder that she was holding.

"This is a petition with signatures from every single employee. We are forgoing our yearly two percent raise for the next three years as a thank you. I speak for everyone that signed this petition here, that if you do not accept, we are prepared to walk out at the conclusion of this meeting. We love working here at American Network Security Systems and we love having you as our boss."

Allison then walked over to Jackson and held out the petition for him to take. Jackson stood up, took the petition and gave Allison a hug. She walked back up front and stood with the other shift leaders.

"Well, you guys have me over a barrel with my pants around my ankles."

Everyone laughed as Joseph came over and put his arm on Jackson's shoulders and gave him a bro hug.

"On behalf of myself and Joseph, I accept this petition, with our thanks. We couldn't ask for better employees and people. We are blessed and grateful to have you work for us."

Everyone in the room clapped. Then they got back to business and finished the meeting. Jackson congratulated Sofia on a great presentation and her wonderful work. As she was shaking his hand, she said.

"Did you notice that Joseph didn't collect money from me?"

"No, I didn't."

"I knew that you'd notice. I'll never doubt that big heart of yours Jackson." Sofia said and then walked out of the meeting room.

Jackson went back to his office and typed up a thank you email for all the employees. He told them how touched and grateful he was for their sacrifice and hard work. He had just hit send, when Joseph came into his office and sat down in front of Jackson's desk.

"I have to admit, I like this new chair. It's much better than the last one." Joseph said as he rubbed the arms of the chair.

"I trust that you're going to report your winnings to the IRS right." Jackson joked.

"How about I buy you a meatball sub and we keep it on the DL." Joseph replied chuckling.

"Put it in my fridge and I'll eat it tomorrow."

Jackson and Joseph looked at each other for a brief moment.

"Today just proved once again, that you're the heart and soul of this company." Joseph said to Jackson.

"Naw, without you we'd be flat ass broke Joe. I can't do that wining and dining shit."

"Jackson, didn't you hear Allison's words?"

"I heard what she said."

"She said that they love having you as their boss." Joseph said, pointing to Jackson.

"She meant both of us. It was just a phrase."

"I'm not jealous or upset Jackson. It just reminded me that I couldn't have picked a better man to start a business with."

Joseph said while standing up and grabbing Jackson's coat. Jackson stood up as Joseph handed it to him and said.

"Now you need to go home, have a light supper, drink a lot of scotch, watch the Jackets game, and sleep in late tomorrow."

"I'm gonna go to my apartment, have a nice workout, eat whatever meal Sasha made, shower and then watch the game." Jackson said putting on his jacket.

"Are you finally going to hit that?"

"No I'm not. She is a Nutrition Major at the University, and I'm paying her to cook my weekday meals. Nothing more will ever happen."

"You gotta get back out there bro. Find someone to help knock the rust off." Joseph said smiling.

Jackson slapped him on the shoulder, "It's only been a year Joe. I'm OK with waiting."

"Just get outta here Jackson." he replied smiling.

As Jackson walked out, he thanked every employee that he saw and wished them a wonderful night. He walked out the new side entrance to the parking lot and had taken a few steps when he was hailed by one of the new security guards. After Tara had surprised Jackson at his car last year, he and Joseph decided that no employee should be harassed in their parking lot. Jackson wasn't angry that she had surprised him, just annoyed him and didn't want anything like that to happen to his employees.

Jackson walked over to the guardhouse.

"How goes it Frank?" Jackson asked, extending his hand.

"I'm a fifty-six-year-old man, making forty-five-thousand dollars a year, to sit in an air-conditioned booth and watch TV. I'm living the dream Jackson." Frank said shaking his hand.

Jackson laughed.

"Of course that's on top of your retirement pay from the force, plus you don't have to see horrible crime scenes anymore."

"That is definitely a plus." Frank replied with a chuckle.

"So what's up Frank?"

"Your ex-wife showed up. I wouldn't let her in, but she gave me this to give to you." Frank said, as he held out a white envelope.

Jackson took it in his hand and just stared at it for a few seconds. He was wondering if he wanted to reopen that particular scab. He had seen Tara once since the divorce. He attended Bill and Patricia's Anniversary Party. They were friendly to each other when they spoke briefly. She told him how she was still seeing Dr. Meyers, that she was still living in the house, work was going well. She asked about his work and tried to sneakily ask if he was seeing anyone.

Jackson stayed for the drinks at the beginning and talked to a few other people. He decided to leave before the big dinner, so he pulled Bill and Patricia aside to give him their gift. He got them a five-night Western Caribbean Cruise with a suite. He had remembered them talking about wanting to go on a cruise before they get too much older. Patricia screamed and cried. Bill was happy because he knew he'd be getting all kinds of sex on the cruise. He said his goodbye to them and got out of there.

Jackson opened the envelope and pulled out a letter.

Dear Jackson,

I hope that you are doing well and that you are continuing to find success with Joseph. I thought that you would be happy to hear that I've been given the all clear by Dr. Meyers. A year of intense therapy and medication have made me a better person. I know that what we had is gone but I'd like to try and be friends.

My actions and inactions during the last months of our marriage were what they were, and while a portion of it was out of my hands, there was a portion that was. I can never apologize enough for what I did, and I won't insult you by doing so again in this letter. We had some great times as well, and I hope that you choose to remember them from time to time as well.

I'm asking you to have dinner with me. Nothing more. There are no expectations from me. I simply want to share this moment with you. While it should've happened with us married, I feel that this moment of healing is owed to you as well. Call me in the next few days to give me your answer. My number and the house number are all still the same.


Tara Brown

Jackson put the letter back in the envelope and drove home. He pondered whether or not to go to dinner with Tara. He had forgiven her long ago and he didn't hate her either. He hated her actions but not the person. He did carry around some hatred for a while after he found out about her affair. He was angry all the time. He was angry at everyone. He'd see strangers on the street, and he'd wonder if they were fucking around on their spouse.

Next thing he knew, he found himself wanting to beat the shit out of this complete stranger that he'd never spoken a single word to. He was even watching TV differently. If a show came on and a segment was of the characters cheating or possibly cheating, he'd get angry and start yelling at the TV. He broke quite a few universal remotes against the wall, simply because he got angry at a show or movie.

Jackson drank heavily those first few months after catching Tara. He was going through a lot of Balvenie Single Malt Scotch. He would start drinking when he got home, oftentimes forgetting to eat supper. The scotch helped him relax and forget about the pain and anger of her betrayal. At the end of the night he'd stumble to bed and fall asleep on top of the covers.

He'd wake up to his alarm clock, splash water on his face and go for his morning run. He'd do a light workout afterwards. He'd jump in the shower, eat breakfast and then off to work. He was able to take his mind off of everything at work in the mornings. Lunchtime was hard because that's when he'd caught Tara. He'd get whatever sandwich was put in his mini-fridge and eat at his desk with three fingers of scotch. It took months of therapy and self-reflection, to realize that the bottom of a whiskey bottle is not the best road to travel, when dealing with anger and hurt.

Jackson pulled into his assigned spot. He was temporarily renting a one bedroom, one bathroom, fully furnished, tenth floor apartment. It came with all kitchen appliances, dining room table with chairs, sectional and chair with a coffee table and TV. It came with a king-sized bed, a dresser and a walk-in closet. It had an open floor plan with half walls separating the living room, dining room and kitchen.

He stopped and chatted with the lobby attendant. She was a pleasant older woman. Jackson asked about her family and how she was feeling. Her sinuses had her under the weather the last few days. She thanked him for the homemade chicken and vegetable soup that he dropped off for her in the morning. She was grateful that he took an interest in her, as she was pretty much ignored by the other residents. He told her that she was welcome, wished her well and went to the elevator.

Jackson continued to think about it, as he rode the elevator to his top floor apartment. He usually took the stairs, but he just wasn't in the mood now. The slow ride up to the top seemed to take forever. He was happy that Tara had gotten help. He hoped that she would eventually find happiness in her life. Their last therapy session together showed him that she finally got some sort of understanding of how badly she hurt him.

The elevator dinged and Jackson got out. He unlocked his front door and walked inside. He could smell that his Bourbon Pecan Pie scented candle had been used. Sasha must have lit them while she was here, he though to himself. Jackson locked, chain and bolted the door. He hung his jacket up on the hook and set his briefcase down on the table next to it. He put his keys in the bowl. He went over and sat down and took off his shoes and socks. He went to his bedroom to finish getting undressed for the day. He opened his door to a most beautiful sight.

Sofia was laying on his bed, wearing nothing but a smile. Jackson smiled at her and started unbuttoning his shirt as she sucked her middle finger and slid it down towards her shaved pussy. Jackson slid his pants and boxers off at the same time. His now fully engorged cock sprung back up and slapped against his abdomen.

"Extranaba la de mi papas polla grande." (I missed my daddy's big cock) Sofia said smiling.

She moved down to the foot of the bed, laying on her stomach. Her beautiful painted feet in the air. Jackson walked over to Sofia and stood in front of her. Sofia looked up at Jackson with those big brown eyes, as her tongue came out and tickled the underside of his cock. He smiled down at her and she took the first few inches into her mouth. Jackson put his hand on top of her head and started thrusting.

He had learned months ago that Sofia could breathe through her nose and didn't need to take big gulps of breaths through her mouth. It really turned her on to be used this way. He face fucked her for a few minutes and pulled out. He reached over and slapped her ass, as she played with his balls using her tongue and mouth. Jackson was smearing her pussy juices onto her butthole and teasing both of them.

Sofia got up on her knees and shoved her tongue into Jackson's mouth. She had her hands over his shoulders with her legs spread apart. He was rubbing his middle along her slit and stroking her clit. They were moaning into each other's mouths, as their tongues danced together. After a minute or so, Sofia groaned and pressed herself into Jackson shuddering from a mini orgasm. He held her as he slowed down.

Jackson pushed her down on the bed and watched as she slowly worked her way back to the top of the bed, while smiling at him. When she laid her head on the pillow, she spread her legs open and crocked her finger, giving him the come here signal.

As Jackson got on his bed, her pussy was wide open before him. Her lips were wet with her secretions. Sofia's smell was powerful and arousing. It filled his nostrils and made him want to bury his face and tongue into its source.

Jackson brought his head down and let his tongue slide between her vaginal lips. She groaned with pleasure as he made contact. He slowly licked up and down, tracing the inside and outside folds. He loved the way she tasted. She has a slightly sweet taste to her pussy. He plunged his tongue in and out of her hole, then would stiffen up and shove it as deep as he could. Then he would lick upwards until he got to her clit.

He would suck on her clit, then trace around it with his tongue before going back down to the bottom of her pussy. Jackson was slowly twisting his two fingers in her pussy. When he was slurping her juices, he would rub her clit. When he was tonguing her button, he was fingering her. The dual stimulation and switching had Sofia moaning loudly and lifting her hips off the bed.

A few minutes of this pushed Sofia over the edge. She grabbed Jackson's head and pulled it against her pussy. He felt the heels of her feet on his shoulder blades, as she lifted her hips a final time and screamed as she came hard. His mouth was flooded with her juices. Her fingers loosened and he continued to slowly lick her. Her feet now rubbing up and down his back, was turning him on even more.

Jackson lifted his face from her honeypot and sat up on his knees. Sofia was sweating and had a clump of her brown hair stick to her forehead. The scene before him made him almost cry internally. She was so beautiful and smiling at him. Jackson started scooting himself towards her. His hard cock was throbbing and bouncing with his heartbeat.

"Fuck me now Jackson. I need it so bad." Sofia said, as he lowered his hips to hers.

As he lined himself up with her, she used her heels to pull him forward hard as she reached up and grabbed his shoulders. The gravity caused him to fall forward and bury half of his cock in her at once. She gasped at the wanted invasion and pulled his mouth onto hers. Jackson was slowly thrusting back and forth as they poured their passion into each other's lips. He finally pulled back and slammed home hard.

His seven and a half inches were now buried all the way into Sofia. For forty-five minutes it was nothing but wanton desire. Kissing, licking, sucking, fucking, love making, Sofia's screams and moans of orgasms. Jackson's moans and groans of pleasure feeling her tight, wet pussy, squeezing and releasing his cock as he continued to switched from raw dog fucking to love making and back again.

Sofia hooked her ankles around Jackson's knees and thrusted her hips up, matching the deep strokes plunging so pleasurably into her pussy. Jackson was grunting and making the familiar sounds that she'd come to love, letting her know that he was about to fill her completely full.

"Cum.....in.....my.....pussy......" she grunted and moaned as she felt another orgasm approaching.

"I'm cummmmmmminggggggggggg" Jackson moaned as he shot thick, creamy ropes of cum into Sofia.

Sofia orgasmed again, as she felt Jackson empty himself deep within her. Deeper than any of her previous lovers. She clawed his back and bit down on my deltoid. Both of them moaning with the pleasure they had come to enjoy six months ago. Jackson lay on top of Sofia exhausted and spent. Both of them could feel each other's heartbeats. They could feel each other's breaths on their necks.

Jackson rolled off of Sofia onto his back. She snuggled up into his side. Both of them feeling that incredible euphoric feeling, after having orgasms and great sex. After a few minutes of just breathing and enjoying those feelings, Jackson spoke first.

"Well, that was a wonderful surprise to come home to."

"I'm glad you liked it. It had been far too long since we last got together."

"I agree. It certainly has."

Sofia kissed Jackson on the check.

"You jump in the shower while I pee, then I'll go put supper in the oven and join you."