Miscarriage and Depression Pt. 07

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Jackson chooses between the women in his life.
4.8k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 12/19/2023
Created 02/05/2023
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All characters engaging in sexual activity are 18 years of age or older.

Any spelling or grammar mistakes are my own.

I would like to thank everyone for all the great comments in this series. I appreciate them all and look forward to more as I finish this series and continue to write new and exciting stories.

In August of 2023, I fractured the L4 in my lower back. I dedicated the last half of this year, focusing on physical rehabilitation. My writing took a backseat to getting better.


Jackson was sitting in the cockpit talking to Steve as he flew the private plane back to the airport. The company legal team was in the cabin enjoying breakfast and ready to get home for some sleep. He had originally wanted to wait to start getting things rolling but changed his mind. Steve and the team immediately responded and flew out to meet him. They worked long into the night, getting a rough plan for what was going to happen, down on paper and laid out.

He'd always wondered what all the gauges and instruments were for, and what they did. Steve was happy to tell and explain it all to him. He liked Jackson. He'd been invited over to his house when he was married to Tara. He'd had him over to a few BBQ's at his own house. Jackson gave nice bonuses and took the time to get to know him and his family. Jackson was just looking out the window, when he heard Steve ask him the question that he knew was on everybody's mind.

"Who are you going to choose Jackson?" he asked looking at him.

Jackson looked over at Steve and smiled.

"How do you know I haven't already made up my mind?"

"Have you?"

"Yes I have."

"Well, who is it?"

Jackson chuckled.

"Don't you think that I should tell her first, before I start broadcasting it?"

"It's just you, me, and that flock of geese over there. Nobody is gonna know."

"Which team do you belong to Steve?" Jackson asked.

Steve looked at Jackson. Jackson knew what he was thinking.

"You should know by now, that I'm not going to fire you for having an opinion."

Jackson saw Steve take a deep breath in and blow it out.

"Team Tara. I think you should get back together with Tara."

"Why?" Jackson asked.

"Because you both love each other. What she did to you was horrible. I don't even want to think about what you went through. You lost a child and a wife. I'm not going to excuse what she did. I can tell you that not only has she gotten the help she needed and should've gotten before, but she's an even better person now. She knows and understands what she did wrong. She'll never put herself in that position again. She'll spend her the rest of her life making it up to you, and you know she will. I think that the two of you are made for each other. That's all."

"Had that on your mind for a while, huh Steve?"

"Yes I have. You asked though." Steve said with a wry chuckle.

"It's fine Steve. It's not like I'm going to fire you for having an opinion." Jackson replied.

"Thanks. We'll be landing in half an hour."


Beverly and Sheila had been setting up decorations at the building since six o'clock in the morning. They had ribbons, balloons, a welcome home banner, they had a batch of his favorite cupcakes in the oven, back at the bakery. The mood and morale of the people went up drastically, once word got around that Jackson would be back today. Sheila and Beverly had bribed Lee, the car dealer, to call them and let them know when he landed. They'd also bribed Frank, the daytime security guard, to alert them once Jackson got into the parking lot.


Lee watched as the door to the plane lowered. He had never been inside a private hanger. He couldn't believe how big it was. He'd known Jackson for years, so he felt bad and at the same time excited, when he called to tell him that the Blazer finally went out. Lee was shocked when Jackson asked him to not only meet him at the airport, but to also bring a new pickup truck that he'd thought he'd like.

Lee knew that Jackson and his whole family were Chevy men, even the wives drove Chevy's. He watched a few men and women, in very nice clothes, deplane. He figured they were lawyer types. They seemed to have that look and aura about them. He started walking towards the plane, when he saw Jackson come walk down the steps. Lee chuckled to himself. He liked that Jackson hadn't changed a bit since he made it big. Still wearing boots, jeans, and flannel with his hat.

Jackson looked up, smiled at Lee, and waved him over. Lee watched Jackson stop at the bottom of the stairs and wait for someone. The pilot poked his head out the door and was talking to Jackson. Lee didn't want to interrupt anything, so he stopped walking. He heard the pilot tell Jackson,

"Whichever lady you end up choosing, is a lucky woman and I'll support your decision."

Lee watched them shake hands and knew what they were talking about. When he saw Jackson look back at him and start walking, Lee started walking to meet him. A few moments later, Jackson spoke to him.

"I swear to God, if you brought me a Ford, I'll never spend another dime with y'all."

"Oh come on now, you know I know better than that." Lee replied shaking his hand.

"So what'd you bring me then Lee?" Jackson asked while they walked towards the hanger door.

"I brought you a 2022 Chevy Silverado 1500 LT with four-wheel drive."

"Why not a 2023?"

"Honestly, it's not as good for you, as the 22. The 23 has a whole lotta bells and whistles on the inside, and quite frankly, is much too snazzier, even to my tastes, let alone your own. I also understand that you've bought yourself a big boat. This truck has plenty of power and towing capacity to get the job done. It also tested out a perfect five out of five stars on all the crash test ratings, just in case you decide test her out that way." Lee replied with a laugh at the end.

Jackson looked at him and replied,

"Well alright then. Let's see how she drives."

They stepped outside the side hanger door.

"Well looky here, you even brought me one in silver." Jackson said out loud.

"Of course. You can't believe that I'd bring you a truck that was colored maize or blue do you." Lee replied with a smile.

"You sure are a salesman Lee, I'll give you that friend." he smiled back.

They both walked over to the truck and walked all around the outside of it, checking it out. Lee watched him kick the tires, he liked that it had ventilated disc brakes, he checked out the durabed. As they got to the front of the truck, Lee leaned on the passenger side hood.

"Jackson. Do mind if I take off my salesman hat and put on my friend hat for a moment?"

"Sure, what's on your mind Lee?" he replied, leaning on the driver's side hood.

"I heard what you said to the pilot. Now I don't know everything about your situation. You know I love Tara, but once that road is hoe'd, there ain't no going back."

"She's not the same person she was back then Lee."

"I know she ain't Jackson. Linda and I have seen and had lunch with her a few times since the divorce. Hell, I just sold her a Traverse last year."

"Really, a Traverse. Well.....at least it wasn't another Malibu." Jackson said.

Lee chuckled and smiled at that comment.

"I'm just saying, as regretful and sorry that someone might be, and as much as they both still love each other; sometimes it's just best to let sleeping dogs lie and move on. I've been there."

"Alright Lee. Put your other hat back on and let's see how this thing drives." Jackson replied.


Joseph walked through the front door, a little bit after eight-thirty.

"Morning Ashley." Joseph said as he got closer to the front desk.

"Morning Joesph. You need to call Mrs. Stella Shipley the moment you get into your office. She's called twice already this morning."

"Oh really now. Thank you Ashley."

Joesph walked down the hall and into the bullpen. He saw a bunch of decorations hanging up everywhere. Up on the walkway, he saw Sheila and Beverly talking on Beverly's phone. She was holding between her and Sheila's ear. He stopped.

"Hey! What's with all the white balloons, this isn't a catholic virgins wedding!?" he yelled up to them laughing and walking towards the stairs.

Beverly and Sheila hung up the phone and started walking towards Joseph as he climbed the stairs.

"Jackson just left Lee's. He bought a truck." Beverly said.

"Good for him. I wish it was a Mercedes so he could style and profile with me, but a truck Is nice."

"He told Lee that he had to meet someone, then he'd stop by the office."


Jackson walked up and rang the doorbell of a familiar place. It took a few minutes before someone answered the door.

"Oh my God Jackson, how are you!" Patrica exclaimed hugging him.

"I've been good. How are you Bill doing?" he asked, as they released.

"We're doing good too. Come on in."

Jackson stepped through and followed her into the kitchen.

"Grab yourself something to drink and I'll go get Bill."

He grabbed a cup and poured himself some coffee. Jackson sat down at the kitchen table and waited. After waiting for a minute, he heard the garage door open.

"Well, I'll be damned." Bill said as he walked in seeing Jackson.

Jackson stood up, walked over, and hugged him.

"Good to see you Bill."

Bill and Jackson sat down while Patrica went over and got two more cups out of the cabinet.

"How you been doing Jackson?" Bill asked.

"I'm doing good. Just got back into town after being away for three months."

"Three months! Where the hell did you go?" he asked.

Jackson told Bill and Patrica about Sofia, and how that ended. He told them about the Blazer finally giving out. He told them that he'd purchased a new truck this morning, and that he bought a boat and sailed down the east coast, across the Gulf of Mexico and hit a few spots in Mexico.

"I can't believe you bought a boat." Patrica said.

"What kind did you get?" Bill asked.

"I got a Ranger Tug R-43 S. It has two staterooms, so I'd like you both to join me on the boat next year. We can fish, trap our own lobsters and crabs, just get away from everything and just be out there in the fresh sea air."

"We'd love to, thank you Jackson." Patrica said smiling.

They told Jackson about their vacation, talked about the family, and what everyone was doing. It was Patrica who brought up Tara.

"Tara got offered a big promotion and might be moving to....."

Her rhythm was broken up by Bill clearing his throat.

"Oh sorry Jackson, I didn't mean to...."

"It's OK guys. You can talk about Tara. I'm happy to hear that she got a promotion. She was always good at her job." Jackson said, looking between the both of them.

"We just don't want you to feel like we're trying to push her onto you is all." Bill replied.

"I understand, and I didn't think that you were, or are. So, what is the promotion and where is it?"

Bill and Patrica looked at each other.

"She was offered the Vice President position at their branch in Kansas City." Patrica said.

"Wow! That's an incredible opportunity for her. Must be a hellava pay raise to get her to consider her to move to Tornado Alley. "Jackson said with a laugh.

"Yeah well, four-hundred-thousand a year, plus a car and an expense account, will make you rethink about a whole lotta things." Bill said, taking a drink of his coffee.

"That's a hellava package. Good for her." Jackson said smiling.

He was genuinely happy for Tara. Jackson had forgiven her long ago for cheating on him. He was glad that she had finally gotten the help she needed after their miscarriage.

"If you just got back into town this morning, don't you have to go to the office? Gotta make sure Joseph didn't burn it to the ground." Patrica said.

Jackson looked at his watch.

"I have someone there now that is getting things ready for my return here in a bit. Beverly and Sheila wouldn't let him tear the place to shreds, so I'm not worried. I wanted to make sure that I came over to see and invite you onto the boat."


Joseph was on the phone with Mrs. Stella Shipley.

"My divorce is official in ninety days." she told him.

"Congratulations Stella. What are you plans now that you're a free woman?"

"Well, I think it's time that we stop hiding our relationship."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? People will talk you know."

"The people who matter, know the truth Joseph. The rest of them can talk all they want."

"I'm just not sure if this is the right time Stella."

"Of course it is. Jackson is back in town, and he's finally come out of his shell. You said that you were wanting to get away for a bit and see what it was like to settle down."

"I do want to see how that would be for a bit, but the timing would make it harder, don't you think?"

Beverly and Sheila walked into Joseph's office. Joseph was leaning back in his chair, facing away from the door and didn't hear them come in. They looked at each other and smiled. They quietly walked behind him, and Beverly hit the speaker phone button on his phone.

"Hi Stella, how you doing?" Beverly said.

Joseph spun around in her chair, the phone still to his ear.

"I'm doing good Bev, how are you?" Stella replied.

"Do you fucking mind, I'm talking here." Joseph replied with a bit of anger.

"No, I don't mind at all." Beverly replied with a smile.

Beverly and Joseph both looked over at Sheila, who was staring at the door, with a slight scowl and not blinking. When they both followed her gaze, they saw Christina leaning against the doorframe.

"I'll call you back." Joesph said and hung up the phone.

"You need to embrace the change in yourself Joseph. There isn't anything wrong with loving one woman and staying with her." Christina said.

"How do you know so much about all of us?" Beverly asked.

"I told you already. Jackson and I are very close friends. Besides, I'm the one who got her soon to be ex-husband to sign the papers."

"So I should be grateful then?" Joseph asked.

"You started seeing Stella a few months after she found out her husband was a cheating slimeball. You did nothing wrong and have nothing to be ashamed of, other than the fact, that you can't be man enough to take the chance."

"Well son of a bitch. You've actually said something that I agree with." Sheila said.

"Hey, it's not easy for me or anybody for that matter." Joseph said, defending himself.

"You're right. It's not." Christina said, as she started walking over to his desk.

Joesph stood up as she got closer.

"You've got absolutely nothing to lose in this Joseph. Use this ninety days as a trial run. If it doesn't work out, then nobody can say a damn thing." she said as she sat down on the desk.

"She's right Joseph." Beverly chimed in.

"You three hens need to keep your damn beaks outta my personal life. Christina, you go into Jackson's office and do whatever he asked you to do, and leave me the hell alone. Now, all of you get out. I got a few phone calls to make." Joesph said, pointing at his door.


Jackson walked into the lobby. The receptionist asked if he needed any assistance. He told her that he knew where he was going, and thanked her for the offer. The elevator ride up to the top floor seemed like an eternity. He wondered if he was making the right decision. He was so proud of Tara. She had accepted responsibility for what she did. She finally got the help that she needed. She'd also grown into a better person than she was before.

Jackson heard the ding and stepped out of the elevator when the doors opened. The floor receptionist smiled as she saw him approaching. Before she could say anything, Jackson spoke.

"Is Tara still in C2?"

The receptionist fumbled some words.

"Did she change offices Barbara?"

"Um, Um, no."

"Thanks. Good to see you again." Jackson said, as he walked away.

He walked down the hall, past some offices with their doors open. Looking in as he passed by, he didn't recognize a single one of their faces. Jackson turned the corner past office C1, and saw that it was empty. He was halfway down the hall, that led to Tara's office, when he started to walk past a meeting room with clear windows from floor to ceiling. As he looked he saw Tara, standing there with Roger, who was our family attorney, her boss and their legal staff.

They were engrossed in their conversation, that Jackson was able to walk by and into the room, without being noticed.

"You're going to do great in Kansas City Tara." Jackson said.

Tara gasped in surprise, as her hands covered her mouth and her eyes widened. As Jackson got close, Roger stepped back. Jackson put his arms out, Tara smiled and embraced him.

"Thank you Jackson. How did you know?"

"Bill and Patricia told me this morning when I visited them."

"I need a new start somewhere, and this promotion is just the kick in the pants to make it happen." Tara said, as they disengaged from the hug.

"I trust Roger here, made sure you didn't just sign anything that would hamstring you in the future?" Jackson said with a smile, as he shook hands with him.

"I made sure the contract was more than fair Jackson." he replied.

"Good man. I'm glad that you stayed on with Tara after the divorce."

"You're both great people, gotta keep you both around."

Roger hugged Tara, congratulated her and said goodbye. Her boss and the company legal team walked out with him. That left Tara and Jackson alone in the room. Jackson sat down in a chair, and motioned for Tara to follow suit.

"Well, you're all sunburnt Jackson; what have you been up to lately?" Tara said, as she sat in a chair next to Jackson.

The swivel chairs faced each other.

"I bought a boat and I've spent the last few months travelling the coast."

"Oh my god, you finally did it. Does this mean you're going to sell the company and travel the world in your boat?"

Jackson chuckled.

"No, but I am going to take more time for myself though. I've been taking too many meetings and flying everywhere at a moment's notice. It's not for me."

"Good for you. I'm glad to hear it. You changed Jackson. You became more social and got outside your comfort zone. You were always a confident person, but now it seems to just pour out of you."

"So I've been told." Jackson replied.

"I heard that you and Sofia broke up. What happened?" Tara asked.

Jackson took a deep breath and sat back into the chair.

"She said that she could never bring a white man home to her family, especially one that wasn't a Catholic."

"That's horrible. I'm sorry that you got your heart broken again Jackson."

"Just another setback. Besides, I already have a solution. I picked someone."

"Oh really.....is it somebody that I know?" Tara asked.

"Yes you do."

"OK. Well, I'm sure you're going to make them incredibly happy. You're a wonderful man Jackson. You deserve it." Tara said, as she stood up.

Jackson stood up as well. He took two steps towards Tara, and briefly kissed her on the lips. Their lips parted and they hugged each other.

"I love you Jackson and I'm sorry for ruining our marriage." Tara whispered in his ear, and started crying.

"I love you too Tara. I always will. You're going to make some lucky man very happy." Jackson replied.

He pulled back and smiled at her. She smiled back at him with tears on her face.

"I'll see you later Tara."

She watched Jackson walk out. Once he turned the corner, she sat back down in the chair. Tara felt strangely content. She would've loved it, if Jackson had chosen her. She was such a better woman now, than she was when she cheated on Jackson. The therapy with Dr. Meyers had helped so much. She understood and accepted that while he loved her, he'd never be able to fully trust her again. Tara knew that if the shoe was on the other foot, she'd never be able to trust him either.