Miss Pepperidge Ch. 02


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Mr. Stratton quickly took position and unzipped his trousers, pulling his semi-hard member into view. When he sat, Miss Pepperidge adjusted her position and wrapped her lips around it. How wonderful! She finally got to taste his lollipop, that big wonder tool she had only seen previously. And it was hard again. This was good. Mr. Stratton had another round in him and Miss Pepperidge intended to take full advantage of it. She'd fuck him right here if possible. Otherwise, she would kidnap him, if necessary, to take him to her room. Tracy had looked so happy sucking on it earlier. Now Miss Pepperidge had her turn. She loved the way it filled her mouth. She would definitely find another place for it, later, if she could arrange it.

"Mmmm," she hummed appreciatively, licking and slurping his tasty treat. This was more like it. If only the guy with her boobs knew what to do, this would be wonderful. Still, two out of three wasn't bad. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't bad.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Ah, yes, two out of three definitely wasn't bad.

As she savored Mr. Stratton's dick, Miss Pepperidge glanced toward the center of the mall. She thought she saw Tracy peeking at the scene, poking her head around a corner just a little from time to time. That girl definitely had potential.

Miss Pepperidge wriggled her hips and stroked the nice hard-on she had trapped between her stomach and her skirt while she avidly sucked Mr. Stratton's big boner. For additional stimulation, and maybe just a little meanness since the fussy businessman didn't seem to like cum, she rubbed her big breasts across that unworthy guy's legs. The fabric rubbing her nipples helped and she thought happy thoughts about the mess her cum-covered breasts would leave on his trousers. It would serve him right.

Mr. Stratton clearly enjoyed her sucking but he showed the endurance of a man who had already cum twice that day. The happy spanking businessman, on the other hand, showed clear signs that he was about to cum. His penis and balls throbbed in her grip and in response to her stroking fingers. She wriggled her hips more and stroked more intensely and was rewarded mightily as he exploded with a huge blast of cum.

God, but she was good, he thought in a daze as his hard-on hosed her stomach and skirt with a super load. He tweaked and stroked her clit convulsively in his passion. Her hip and hand movements felt so good as he throbbed with pulse after pulse of cum. With his addition to the supply, all the cum in her skirt made it feel more like a pussy than ever. It was amazing, an experience like he had never felt before but wanted to feel again, and again. He wondered if he could get to see her again and what other surprises she might have in store. Intense pleasure and the lethargy of a truly great orgasm took over as he released the last of his load into her welcoming touch.

Miss Pepperidge thrilled with the tweaking of her clit, eagerly playing the refreshed supply of cum over the shrinking hard-on of her benefactor and sucking even more intensely on Mr. Stratton's turgid, tasty tool. With just a little more, she was sure she would cum and release some of the tension, the frustration of her evening. It wasn't, she realized, as though the frustration was all bad. Like the spanking she enjoyed so much, the frustration added to her sexual energy and promised to make her imminent release that much better.

Between peeks around the corner, Tracy hung around the kiosks in the central court. Two of the mall security officers showed up, talking excitedly into their radios. Tracy edged closer to hear what was going on. All of her experience and everything she had heard said that none of the mall security officers were noted for their intelligence. Many of her fellow students believed that they were like empty police cars left parked to deter crime, visible but with no meaningful content. The officers seemed to spend more time hassling students at the mall than protecting merchants or their wares. They didn't even notice that Tracy was close enough to hear their chatter.

"You two just wait there until I arrive," the voice on the radio chided. "I don't want you to jump in there and mess things up. There are more pervs in that alley than you can handle. I'll be there in a minute."

The smaller of the two officers mimed a snippy attitude. "Like he'll know how to handle anything," he commented. They both laughed.

"He's the shift boss," the larger office responded. "I just try not to get him upset."

"I know what you mean," the smaller agreed. "He can get upset enough all on his own."

The officers waited, as they had been ordered, looking around idly in the meantime.

Tracy looked down another alley and saw the banty-rooster officer scurrying toward the central area. She quickly walked out of the court and toward Miss Pepperidge's party. She had to do something. Miss Pepperidge shouldn't have to put up with hassles from those security officers.

Gazing blankly toward the center of the mall, Miss Pepperidge realized that Tracy was hurrying toward the little group. The girl was clearly concerned. What was wrong, did she need help?

"Mall security is coming!" Tracy exclaimed. Without waiting for a response, she turned and walked at a more leisurely pace toward the center, the gait of someone who hadn't seen or encountered anything disturbing or out of the ordinary.

Was her frustration never to end? Miss Pepperidge leapt to her feet. "Cover up, guys, mall security is on the way." While she tucked her big boobs into her blouse and buttoned up, the men struggled to put their equipment away. Well actually, only Mr. Stratton struggled as he was still hard and big. The businessman who had just cum tucked his toy away with no trouble and didn't even seem to notice the cum smears on his trousers. The fussy businessman was already tucked away but appeared ready to become obsessive with his cum smears.

As soon as Mr. Stratton was safely covered, Miss Pepperidge took his arm and began to walk casually toward the center of the mall. She was very aware of the double load of cum in the front of her schoolgirl skirt, particularly since it was running down her stomach and down her legs. She felt globs hitting her feet as she walked and thought that those might be dropping directly from the front of her skirt to her feet or the floor, whichever was in position to receive them.

Just then, just as they had started walking, three uniformed officers of mall security rushed past them. The officers only spared half a glance for the casually strolling couple and the two businessmen several steps behind, then rushed on. None of the four turned to observe the actions of the mall officers. Miss Pepperidge released Mr. Stratton's arm as they continued to walk.

Behind them, the officers rushed into the religious store. Their leader, the fearless banty-rooster, firmly believed in talking with the complainant first unless a perpetrator was obviously committing an offense along the way. He had been yelled at, on previous occasions, for apprehending someone who seemed, to him, to be an obvious perpetrator, when the complaint was about someone entirely different. It didn't make any difference that the woman was dressed like jail bait or that her skirt looked short enough to reveal everything underneath.

"Where have you been, it took you long enough to respond," the most offended clerk berated the three security officers. "While you were lollygagging around, those perverts escaped. I'll bet you just walked right by them and didn't even notice." Her outrage was so deep that her face glowed red. She didn't know that her red face matched the color of Miss Pepperidge's well-spanked butt.

"We got here as fast as we could, ma'am," the banty-rooster officer objected. "Exactly what did you see?"

"Well, we couldn't see everything because the bench faces away from the store," she reported. "But the woman stood with one breast naked, opened her blouse to expose the other one, and got into the men's laps again. It sounded like they were spanking her. And worse, she seemed to be letting them do it."

"Is that what you saw?" the banty-rooster asked the other clerk.

"I didn't really see her breasts," she responded. "But I did hear the spanking sounds. And I thought I saw her bare . . . her . . . her bare bottom through the slats in the bench."

"You saw her bare bottom?" the banty-rooster prompted.

"Why are you standing here when those perverts are getting away?" the first clerk demanded. "If you don't arrest them for public indecency, I'm going to report you as unfit for working here."

That got the banty-rooster's attention. "You two go and look by the bench for clues," he ordered his underlings. "We'll chase them, ma'am, I promise. If they haven't left the mall, we'll catch them. You know we don't have jurisdiction outside the mall."

She just glared at him so he joined his fellows by the bench. Just as he arrived, the larger one slipped in something on the floor.

The happy businessman caught up and walked next to Miss Pepperidge. "That was incredible. Can I see you again?" He was so eager that it was difficult to maintain their casual pace. In contrast to his physical pace, his mind raced. What options could he suggest? What could he offer to encourage her acceptance?

"I thought it was pretty wonderful, too," Miss Pepperidge responded. "What do you have in mind?" This could get even more interesting. This trip to Templeton College was turning out so much better than she had feared. Who at Longwood would ever realize that a trip with the stodgy Mr. Stratton could turn out like this?

The businessman thought quickly. This opportunity might be so fleeting that there was no time for protracted negotiations. "I'm Jeremy Johnson and I'll be back in town next week. I'm staying at the Soldier's Motel tonight. I really want to do more with you." He felt like he blurted all of that out like a schoolboy but didn't care. If the time was limited, he had to make the best possible use of it.

Miss Pepperidge smiled. He sounded as eager as she felt. But Mr. Stratton was hard, or able to get hard almost immediately. And Mr. Johnson might take a little while to be ready for seconds. "Give me your card, Jeremy," she invited. "I'm Mandy Pepperidge and I'm staying at Soldier's, too. Give me a little time after you get back there. Then look around. Maybe, if you can find me, we can do something." She really wanted to invite him to fuck, but didn't know what might happen with Mr. Stratton. She also thought of giving him her room number. That might not work, though, if she and Mr. Stratton decided to go somewhere else. No, it was better to leave it a little indefinite and have Mr. Johnson search for her.

"It's a deal," Mr. Johnson responded, handing her his business card. This wasn't as good as he might wish. It would be better to take her back to his room and play some more. But she seemed interested. Hope was such a good thing.

"Eric, I'll need to talk with Jeremy a little later. But I need to talk with you first," Miss Pepperidge spoke quickly to take any jealous edge off of Mr. Stratton's feelings. "I'll tell you a little more about that when we get to the car."

As they entered the central court of the mall, Miss Pepperidge spotted Tracy, standing to the side. Tracy looked concerned but relaxed instantly when Miss Pepperidge gave her a thumbs up gesture with a smile.

This was so neat, Tracy thought. All in one evening, she got to help with a special assignment on the New School Method of discipline, she got to taste the big, wonderful tool of a visiting professor, and she got to save the bacon of two visiting professors. This was the kind of rewarding day she always longed for and never experienced. As she watched the professors and the two businessmen walk through the court, she giggled. She noticed that Miss Pepperidge was leaving a trail of cum blobs through the mall. Those two businessmen must have deposited quite an amount. Tracy wished that she could have been closer, to see that happen.

Tracy peeked around the corner into the spoke of the mall where the security officers had run. They were returning slowly, intent on something on the floor. They must have discovered the cum trail. That was amazing in itself. The security officers had a reputation for being dim bulbs, more inclined to hassle kids and assert their egos than protect against real crooks. One or more of them must have stepped or slipped in the cum or they would never have spotted it. The officers picked up speed, apparently hoping to catch the culprits before they could get out of the mall. She couldn't let them do that. She had to give Miss Pepperidge time to escape. She moved away from the entrance to the spoke and waited, off to one side, for them to emerge.

Tracy looked around the central court and spotted a narrow passage between two kiosks that the officers would have to navigate if they chased Miss Pepperidge. The officers raced into the central court and Tracy walked casually toward the narrow passage. She timed her walk so that she would arrive there just seconds before the officers. She turned her head so she couldn't see them, relying on her timing to put her in the right place at the right time. She stopped in the gap and braced herself for the impact. How would it feel to have three Keystone Kops bowl her over?

A heavy hand landed on Tracy's shoulder, but there was no other impact. She turned to see who was there and nearly burst out laughing. One officer, the largest, was right next to her. The other two had obviously run into him when he stopped to avoid hurting her.

"Yes, sir, what do you want?" Tracy asked in her most innocent voice. And for Tracy, that was a really innocent voice. There was much more involved in being a successful suck-up than just asking what professors wanted. An entire range of acting skills, projecting a variety of emotions, was also required. Tracy had mastered many.

"I'm sorry miss, but we're trying to catch up with some perverts," he responded. "Can you get out of our way, please?" This officer, at least, had some sensitivity to customers. That was unusual. But he obviously deserved the dim bulb reputation. It made no sense to alarm shoppers with warnings about perverts.

"Perverts!" Tracy struggled to turn her amusement into the full appearance of shock. She planted her feet and looked around wildly, not moving a step from her blocking position. "Where are the perverts? Are you going to protect me?"

"Relax, miss," one of the skinny officers suggested, apparently one with more brains if less courtesy. "There aren't any perverts around. We just had a call at the other end of the mall and needed to hurry to offer our help. Will you please move out of the way?"

Tracy reluctantly moved, allowing the officers to proceed. When she looked in the direction they were moving, she saw Miss Pepperidge and Mr. Stratton just walking out of a mall exit. She had done the visiting professors another good deed. She was so proud of herself.

In the car, riding back to the motel, Miss Pepperidge giggled. "I'm glad this is a rental car, Eric," she observed. "All your cum and the cum of the other guys will be quite difficult to clean, I should think." The two were unaware of the Keystone Kop drama that had played out in their wake through the mall.

Mr. Stratton laughed in response. "I think you're right, Mandy. Are you all right?" He thought about all that she had been through in the evening. "Have you felt the humiliation we tried to show you?"

"I'm fine, Eric," she answered with another happy laugh. "I'm more than fine. But I don't think I'm going to feel that humiliation. Instead, I've felt lots of pleasure and even more frustration. When we get back to the motel, I think I'll want to ask you a favor, if you don't mind."

"You can always ask, Mandy," he said graciously. Would she ask for something interesting or want to work on their written report some more? He needed something interesting. Those damned mall cops chose just the wrong time to appear. Miss Pepperidge was sucking him so nicely and so intensely. Would she ask for more of that? That would be unlikely, she said she needed a favor. That would be a favor for him, not for her, wouldn't it? On the other hand, she had asked to suck him. Maybe she really liked sucking him. He felt his own frustration and worried that he might have to take care of that by hand in his room. Would it be too much to hope that she would help with his frustration? If she had some kind of work-related request in mind, he'd politely decline and return to his room and his able hand.

He parked the car. Miss Pepperidge jumped out and walked to his side, grabbing his hand and pulling him along. "Come to my room and I'll tell you about the favor," she invited.

Well, he could always make his excuses there, if he needed to. Her hand was sticky with the cum she had inspired that night and quite a bit of it was his. Maybe there was some hope.

In her room, Miss Pepperidge left the curtains and door open. That was how they were for the most interesting parts of the evening and she wanted the rest to be interesting, too. "Eric, I'll speak plainly," she said earnestly. "I haven't experienced the humiliation I was supposed to experience. But I've experienced lots of frustration. I've also experienced lots of pleasure and some pain that enhanced the pleasure. Will you help me rebuild the frustration and then release it?" She stood, eagerly awaiting his reply. His confused look was a little disappointing but as long as he didn't refuse her outright, she thought she would have a chance. And if he crapped out, there was always Mr. Jeremy Johnson. Maybe she could have both. That would be wonderful. Her smile broadened as she thought about Mr. Johnson. If things worked out, she might open a whole new line of travelling salesman jokes.

"How do you want me to do that?" Mr. Stratton asked. It sounded like she wanted more spanking and then some kind of release. Surely she wouldn't use such flowery language if she wanted to fuck. Once again, Mr. Stratton's caution prevented him from jumping to anything close to a conclusion.

Sometimes he was so stupid, the embodiment of the dumb professor. "Eric, I want you to spank and fondle me, like you did earlier, but even more vigorously. When I get really horny and frustrated, I want you to fuck me with your huge wonder-tool. There, I've said it. That's about as plain as I can be. Will you do it? Will you fuck me?" She finished her request on an almost belligerent tone. His equipment was ready, she knew that. Would he turn stodgy on her again and leave her hanging?

Yes! Better than yes! He couldn't have even fantasized that request. His answer was obvious. "Mandy, I'll be happy to help," he responded. He groaned inwardly. His words sounded so lame, especially compared to his excitement and the growing response in his pants. Although he had already cum twice that day, he had only had one brief penetration of her pussy and a delightful time in Tracy's mouth. He had an almost frantic desire to fuck Miss Pepperidge. And she was willing, even eager. There was no way in the world that he would turn down that request. "But I want to make a stop first. I'll be right back." He walked to the bathroom. If she really wanted to be frustrated, let her wait a little. Actually, he would have to let his boner subside just a little, so he could pee. But he knew that it would come back, with the amazing Amazon, Miss Pepperidge, as the stimulus and target.

Miss Pepperidge quickly moved to the door and peered out. Sure enough, Tracy was there. Sometimes, having an eager student stalker had benefits, and this was definitely one of them. She motioned the girl over.