Mission to a New World Ch. 02


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"We better get going again," Brian suggests after what seems like only a minute, although I know we have been in the water for much longer. "We have a schedule to keep you know."

I know well enough, but I do not want to leave. The water feels refreshing. It is like a relaxing evening bath after a long day at work, but I also know we have a long way to go yet. It is only about midnight. We are supposed to drive another 5 hours before stopping for daylight.

I follow Brian and step out of the water into the sizzling night air. We step into the lights of the jeep where I can see him clearly. His bare thighs look terrific. His whole body makes me hot.

As I look at him, a mischievous idea comes to mind. It is a naughty, sneaky, mischievous little idea; but I can't help but consider it when I think about his deflated member. I get the nasty idea of changing into the next iteration of Longton clothing. I think about the next, more provocative article of Longton clothing. The reason I want to change into it is equally naughty.

"I think I should," I say before I realize I have said it. "I suppose I might as well get accustomed to my new wardrobe, exactly as you said before."

This seems to take Brian by surprise. He steps back, almost as if in shock. It is as though he perhaps guesses at my real intent, but I have no way of knowing for sure.

"I'll just step over here behind a few trees to change," I tell him as I untie my pack from the back of the jeep.

I see him take a deep breath and then swallow before answering: "Whatever you're comfortable with."

The second piece of Longton clothing contains more fabric, but it is more erotic and exposes more than the bikini. I call it the vertical swimsuit because it is composed mostly of two vertical strips of cloth that rise from the panty and go across my chest. A snap at the back of my neck connects them. Technically, it is a one-piece suite, but in reality it more closely resembles an erotic nightgown.

The two vertical strips of cloth both give the suit its name and make it so erotic. Because nothing goes around my chest in the horizontal direction, nothing is left to support my boobs. My tits are left free and natural. They swell out and make their slight plunge down from my chest just as though I wear no top at all, and the strips of cloth are narrow enough to allow someone to examine me in great detail.

I know this new article of Longton clothing will make me look especially sexy when someone looks at me from the side, as I know Brian will have the opportunity to do in the jeep. It fills me with ecstasy, although it also fills me with trepidation. I look down upon myself to see my entire line of cleavage exposed down the center of my chest. If I had a mirror, I would even be able to see my own undercleavage. I grow with trepidation at the sight Brian will encounter. My only solace is Brian's assured reaction.

"Ready to go," I step out from behind the trees. Brian already sits in the jeep. He looks only briefly as I join him. I notice the feel of metal against my buns and back when I sit down, reminding me that my entire back lays exposed and a thong again rides up my rear.

"Figured I might as well get it over with," I confess to Brian as we again drive off in the jeep.

It does not take long. Although I do not see him look, I can tell that he does so by his reaction. This time I do not hold up my hands to cover myself. I allow him to look as much as he wants, and soon I notice his reaction. A bulge again rises from his shorts.

It looks as big and substantial as before. I can't help but think what I would like to do with it. I imagine myself reaching over and casually lifting the little flap of fabric to give myself a better look. I am tempted to look, but of course I do not. I am not that kind of girl. I must remain content with my imagination.

I attempt to remove his cock from my mind, but Brian again makes it difficult. His bulge remains. I try not to look, but every few minutes the temptation overcomes me. I move my eyes without moving my head. I take a glance over and see it continue. It continues for a long time, and it is difficult not to notice.

Up one sand dune and down the next. We continue on. The journey becomes monotonous, but my mind remains occupied. I can't get him out of my head.

The fantasy returns. I again imagine him standing at the foot of my bed while I order him to first disrobe and then to harden. In my mind, he stands within arm's length, and I am taking advantage of his closeness. My arm is outstretched and my hand his encompassed around him. I imagine myself holding his toy cock in my hand.

I start with small, short, deliberate strokes on the base of his member. I make him aroused, and then I use my hand to increase his arousal. Soon, I see the resulting evidence of my actions as drops of pre-cumm slowly ooze out of the tip of his cock. In response, I increase the speed of my pistoning motion yet further to witness his reaction even more. One of the best things I like about a man is the feel of his thick cock in my hand. By the look of the bulge under Brian's shorts, I am sure his will feel very fine.

Much later, after I judge him sufficiently lubricated and most likely dripping, I imagine myself stroking up and down on his entire length. I imagine holding my hand out to his member. I fantasize pumping it up and down. I think about pistoning on the entire length of organ.

The fantasy turns more vivid as I imagine myself reaching for it now, reaching out my hand to the driver's seat. I imagine what it would be like to reach out right now and give him a slow, deliberate, and ever-constant stroking action.

I shake my head in an attempt to erase the fantasy out of my mind. This is not like me. 'Here I am sitting next to a man with a firm cock between his legs, and all I can think about is what a pleasure it would be to have sex with him.' But not just any ordinary sexy, but kinky sex. 'If Brian only knew the thoughts in my mind!' The thought makes me blush with embarrassment.

But then I realize he must be having equally vivid fantasies. 'He must be!' There is no way he can remain hard without it. The realization makes me wonder what he is thinking. 'Is he fantasizing about my boobs?' I ask myself. 'Or maybe he is picturing me topless and trying to figure out what my hard nipples must look like.' A hot wave of ecstasy travels through my body as I consider it. I find myself wanting to show him. I know he wants to see. He's had his eyes locked on my chest all week. I caught him several times during our lessons with his eyes firmly locked on my chest. I even caught him trying to look down my top when I bent over on the one day. His actions disgusted me then, but for some strange reason I find them exciting me now.

I shake my head again to get the thoughts out of my mind. It is not like me to have such fantasies about a man while I sit so close to him. My dreams usually come at night or in the early morning hours. They usually happen only after men are far away and I have time to think about it. But this is different. There is little else to think about.

"There's another oasis not far ahead," His voice interrupts my thoughts. "If you want, we can stop for dinner. It's getting to be about that time."

The clock on the dashboard reads 2:00 AM, Longton time. In reality, it is closer to 7:00 PM Earth time. We purposely landed with our bodies still on daylight hours to avoid falling asleep while driving through the Longton night. I failed to notice my hunger before, but the mention of dinner quickly reminds me that it is past my normal dinner hour.

"That sounds like a good idea," I agree. "I do feel awfully hungry."

A naughty idea fills my head. Brian looks at me first with a look of shock on his face, and then he smiles. I am not sure, but I think he has read my mind. I think he understands the hidden meaning behind my words. I really do feel awfully hungry, like I said, but not just for food. I also feel hunger for his cock.

"I need a rest stop anyway," He quickly recovers. "I know it's still a couple hours before I should be feeling tired enough to go to bed, but all this driving can be really tiring on the body."

I can't help but think about how tiring it must be for all the blood to constantly flow down to his hard erection too.

"I can take over, if you want," I offer. "I mean after dinner, if you don't mind. I would like to take a turn behind the wheel of this thing too. It looks like fun."

"Are you sure you can?" He questions. "It's not as easy as it looks."

"Don't you think a woman can handle it?" I guess his thoughts. "I bet I've had a lot more experience driving this sort of vehicle than you. I used to drive around in little three-wheelers all the time as a kid. And besides, with the way you drove into the last oasis, it wouldn't take much to better you."

He shrugs his shoulders and refuses to respond. I know Brian does not like to be bettered by a woman, which only encourages me to tease him further. I notice the bulge in his shorts has diminished too. I must remember not to tease him too often.

* * * * *

We stop to eat dinner a few minutes later at the next oasis. The jeep is parked right up next to the life-giving water. The headlights remain on, and Brian hangs a lantern by the rollover bar. This gives him lots of light to see me by, but I really don't care anymore - especially after what I just experienced.

I have just walked back out of the water. Before we ate, both of us decided it better if we first washed ourselves off and cooled ourselves down. I walked into the water almost as soon as he brought the jeep to a stop.

Pleasant to my delight, I discovered the pond at this oasis was both larger and deeper than the first. The water came up to my neck in the middle of the lake, which gave me the idea of unsnapping the rear hook and lowering my top. After all, there was no way he could see anything under the water. I did it to feel more comfortable and to better wash myself. I never expected what else it did.

"Not as cold as the first spring," I attempted to make idle conversation as Brian walked in after me. Being taller, the rose only came up to the middle of his chest, giving me an excellent view of his chest and bulging biceps. I couldn't help but think about what he would have seen had I been just as tall.

"Water feel good," Brian attempted to switch languages and speak to me in a type of broken Longtonese.

"Me think so too," I agreed in more proper Longtonese, although I must admit that even I do not speak it very well. "Try lower all under," I suggested.

He was close enough for me to see a look of intense concentration on his face. For a moment I thought he was looking at my boobs, but then I realized he was only trying to translate my phrase.

"I said you should try to lower yourself all the way under the water," I repeated the same in English. "Dunk your head under. It feels good."

He did so, and then I did the same, but careful not to bounce up too high.

We continued our little conversation, talking about little bits and pieces of information without really talking about anything at all. The main purpose of our talk was to practice the Longtonese language, not to communicate any worthwhile information. I remain amazed at how well Brian speaks it after only 5 days of lessons.

As we talked, an unexpected sense of eroticism came over me. It occasionally dissipated, but then I kept remembering again my near nudity under the water. We stood only a few feet apart. I occasionally thought he might be able to see my naked boobs through some weird reflection of light off the water, but then I always came back to my senses. He in fact saw nothing at all. I think that is why he conversed more openly with me. He was less intimidated when I was better covered.

His bulge made it worse. I no longer saw it because it was under water. In fact, I hadn't seen it for a long time. I observed it dissipate while still driving in the jeep. By the time we got to the oasis, I noticed it no more. Our brief conversation in the jeep must have erased whatever dirty little fantasy he carried in his mind.

But I couldn't help but think about how long it remained hard. He remained at a hard-on for nearly the entire drive. He was hard almost the entire time since our last stop, and that was almost two hours ago. 'Impressive,' I kept thinking to myself, and then considered what a waste it was for his hard cock to remain unused for so long.

This gave me a thought. It was a naughty, very erotic thought. I wanted to slap myself for considering it. But I couldn't help it! As we continued practicing simple Longton phrases in the water, I raised my hands up to my chest.

"What eat for tonight?" I questioned what we were planning to have for dinner as I felt over my own nipples.

"Bread...lettuce...carrots," He hesitantly attempted to list the menu in Longtonese as I pinched my nipples. It tingled and even hurt a little, but it also gave me a sense of erotic voyeurism. 'If he only knew what was going on just under the surface,' I couldn't help but think to myself.

"Anything for dessert," I asked as I next moved my hands down and supported my boobs from below.


But what kind?"

"Oatmeal to simulate the grains on this planet," He said in English as I heaved the heavy mass of my tits up into the air.

'I bet he would really like to see these,' I naughtily thought to myself as I carefully sunk lower to keep my tits under the waterline. They never in my life felt so heavy.

"Now in Longtonese!"

He has forgotten the names of the three most common cereals cultivated by the Longtons, so I tell him.

We talked for several minutes more, and the whole time I continued to play with my tits under the water. I squeezed them, pushed them together to give myself cleavage, rubbed across my nipples, and then squeezed them once more. I did this as I continued on a normal conversation with a man who stood only a few feet in front of me. It was a wonderful experience.

Briefly, I wondered if Brian was doing the same. I pictured him taking hold of himself, feeling himself, massaging up and down his own length as we continued our pleasant little conversation. But then I shook my head. It was a ridiculous thought. His hands remained mostly floating on the surface where I could see them. And with the water being so cold, I doubt if he could have done anything at all. As the cold hardens my nipples, I realized it also shriveled his cock. Still, it was interesting to consider.

"Think lunch be now," He told me in Longtonese that it was time we got something to eat. "Keep schedule must."

He was right. I came back to reality. We had a job to do and needed to stay on schedule.

I followed him out of the water, discretely putting my top back on as we left the relative protection of the dark water and entered the light of the jeep again. We walked back to the jeep and now eat a light dinner.

* * * * *

As I sit on the back bumper of the jeep with a cookie in one hand and a cup of water in the other, I find myself wanting to give him another hard-on. My vertical suit is no longer enough to do so, even in the substantial light of the lantern. I see he has become accustomed to my sizeable tits. It is then when I think about the toga.

I shiver at the thought. The toga is the third and most revealing of my Longton outfits. It is far more revealing than the bikini or the vertical swimsuit.

It is called a toga for obvious reasons. It looks suspiciously like to the toga worn by the ancient Greeks and at uncounted numbers of college fraternity parties. One part wraps around the woman's waist. The other swings up and over her right shoulder. The only problem is that there isn't enough clothing to cover everything of importance. Specifically, the piece that goes over the woman's shoulder is too small. It is only wide enough to cover a single breast. My other boob will be left completely exposed.

"I'm thinking about changing cloths again," I tell Brian. "Into the toga."

He almost falls off the back bumper. I smile, almost giggle; pleased at his reaction.

"I'm thinking I might has well get accustomed to it," I try not to show my elation. "I don't want to, but I figure the sooner the better."

It takes several minutes for him to gather himself enough to answer. "It's up to you," He finally says.

"I think I will," I conclude, seeing the bulge again start to form beneath his shorts. It forms amazingly fast, and it does so long before he even has a chance to see me. The mere suggestion gets him hard.

"Yes, I think I will," I conclude for certain now. I finish eating the oatmeal cookie for dessert and then reach into my backpack and pull out the toga.

"Don't look!" I warn him as I walk away, and then think about how ridiculous my statement sounds after considering the clothing I am about to put on - or lack there-of.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," I say to myself as soon as I am far enough away to know he cannot hear. I was afraid to wear a bikini a few hours before. Now I am about to leave a breast uncovered. 'And it is such a substantial breast,' I think to myself as I look down upon it. My tits have never felt so big before. The toga covers my left boob far better than the bikini or vertical swimsuit, but I do not wear a single stitch of clothing on the other.

* * * * *

"You still want to drive?" He asks from the passenger seat as I approach.

I see he has packed up everything. Even the lantern is turned off and packed away. It has taken me several minutes to change clothing, but not so much just to change. Most of it was spent gathering enough confidence to join him.

"Sure," I accept.

I know he has seen me. I notice him take a quick glance up from the passenger's seat to look at my bare boob. But very politely and probably with great control, he does not draw attention to it.

I sit down next to him, right up close to him, our hips touching. Much to my trepidation, I realize it is my closest boob that remains bare to him. I wish the strap of the toga covered the opposite side of my chest.

"I want you to know," He speaks shyly, looking away. "I really admire you, I mean at what you are doing. I know how difficult this must be for you, and I think it's really great the way you are willing to put yourself through all of this in order to help these people you never met."

"Thanks," I appreciate the compliment. It is a very nice thing to say.

I notice him take another glance at my bare tit. This time, I see him look. He even pauses for a long moment when he looks, as though he is trying to freeze the image on his mind.

"Thanks for not being a jerk about it," I return the compliment. "If it was with anyone else, I don't think I could do this."

"I'm not doing anything special," He counters. "You're the one who has the hard job."

"True," I have to agree.

He glances at me again. This time he does not look down at my tit. He smiles at my face. And then I smile back at him.

"Why don't you look?" I offer. "If you want, just go ahead and take a look. You're going to eventually see me anyway."

I'm not sure what I am doing, but I feel as though I have to do it. Someone has to break the ice.

Brian accepts, but only for a second. The expression on his face makes him look even more embarrassed than I am.

"Really, it's all right," I prompt him. "I'm sure you've been to strip joints and seen it all, especially with you being a Marine and all. I've heard stories about you guys."

"What kind of stories?" He accepts and turns to face me again. This time it is more than just a glance. He looks hard, almost stares right at my bare boob. He looks directly at my naked, exposed, and what feels like a very large boob; and he keeps on looking. I ignore his question.