Mission to a New World Ch. 04


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"Oh my!" I speak a third time, and then notice the shelf full of implements.

"Oh my God!" I back away in shock. My hands go up to my mouth to cover it as though I am afraid of what might come out next. I can't believe it! It is even worse. On the wall I see whips, and above them is a shelf full of dildos - really big dildos! They are the biggest I have ever seen, and they are obviously dildos by their very life-like appearance. They are shaped with mushroom tips and a gentle curvature just like the real thing. They even have fake veins probing out of their lengths. And going from left to right, they increase in size, starting big and growing into gigantic. I can't help but imagine what it would feel like to have one of them inside me. My heart begins racing. The inside of my thighs begin to tingle. I break out into a cold sweat as I can't help but have very naughty thoughts of myself shackled in chains with one of the large pricks inside me.

"Well, well, well," Brian speaks softly. "This certainly will make a very interesting entry into our observation log."

The sound of his voice shatters the pleasant images in my mind. He starts to laugh, and then so do I.

"Yes, quite interesting," I agree, imagining the admiral's reaction when we tell him. I laugh along with Brian at our absurd situation. The sight before me is so unexpected I can't help but laugh. I started the day worrying about language, behavior, and finding a crashed satellite. And now I stand in what looks like a wild sex dungeon.

"I can't wait to tell the guys about this place!" Brian laughs some more. "These Longtons are a bunch of horn-dogs!"

I laugh at his choice of words, thinking about what it will be like to describe the place to the women back in the lab. I try not to laugh loud because I don't want our hosts to hear, but it is difficult. The attempt only makes me want to laugh more. It feels good. The tension of the day suddenly leaves me.

"I don't believe this place," Brian takes a deep breath once he is finally able to speak again.

I try to come back to reality along with him, but it takes longer for me to recover. I giggle every time I see the straps. And then I giggle some more every time I look at Brian.

"Maybe we should just lay down and try to get some sleep," He finally concludes. "It's been a long morning."

I agree. "The bed does not look like much, but I bet it's a lot more comfortable than the last place we slept."

The room has only one bed, and it is a very small bed at that. I know we will have to sleep together to complete the illusion. We don't want someone to walk in and see us sleeping apart.

"Which side do you prefer?" Brian graciously offers.

"The left, if you don't mind."

I start to laugh again when I see Brian sweep the chains off the side of the bed.

We wash in a small bowl located in the corner of the room. Brian allows me to go first and then he follows. I take off my top and lay face down on a surprisingly comfortable mattress. It feels like there are feathers inside. There are no sheets, only a blanket to cover us.

"Very comfortable," I tell him. "Just like home."

He turns out the lantern and lies down beside me. We are forced to lay close, touching each other. It feels erotic to be laying so close to a man in a sex chamber, but I do not mind. It feels good.

"Do you think all Longton bedrooms are like this one?" I whisper a question.

"I doubt it," He answers after a long pause. "There were no reports from the previous expeditions."

"But maybe they didn't report it," I think out loud. "I mean, it would have been kind-of embarrassing, you know, to report something like this to a commanding officer."

"They still would have reported it," He says. "Now keep quite and try to go to sleep."

I try, but I have a hard time sleeping. It is the room, I know. I can't get the thoughts of the chains and leather cuffs out of my mind. And Brian only makes it worse, and especially the way he lays so close to me. His arm lays on top of my shoulder. I feel the course skin of his thigh rub against my own. I can't help but picture him taking advantage of my body as I stand naked and bound.

Although exhausted and in need of sleep, images of the cuffs and chains flood my mind. When I close my eyes I start to visualize the cool feel of leather around my wrists, and when I open them again I am rewarded with the sight of one of the chains hanging from wall. I can't help but imagine myself bound, with my hands held high and Brian's hands upon my breasts. I imagine him feeling and manipulating my big tits, and then I experience the incredibly erotic image of being unable to stop him as he teases my nipples. I think too about the whips hanging on the wall and the dildos sitting on the shelf. The whips worry me. I've never been into whips or pain as sexual stimulates, but the life-like dildos are another story. As laughable and ludicrous as the situation has become, I can't help but wonder what it would feel like to experience one inside me. I feel as though I am in the equivalent of an ancient torture chamber - a sexual torture chamber.

Brian turns his body in the bed, pushing himself tighter up against me. His arm stretches across my back and his leg gently lays across half my rear. The touch reminds me again of my topless condition and nude behind. If someone would walk into the room and see me right now, they would think I was lying in bed wearing nothing at all.

Brian, I know, is already asleep, and it is no wonder! He does not feel the same sensations as I do because he has already gotten off twice today. He's had two orgasms while I have been left barren and dry. My body aches for the intrusion of a male cock and the sensation of my own orgasm.

Then I think about Brian and the chains. My mind returns again to its age-old fantasy of a naked man standing along side my bed, offering himself for my needs. I play and stroke on him like I usually do, but then I imagine what it would be like to shackle him. I picture Brian standing up along side the bed once again wearing an erection. I imagine him asking if I would care to take the pleasure of bounding him against the wall.

I know I can't, of course, especially with Jelick and Daniel sleeping in the adjoining bedrooms with their wives. In this male dominant society, I could never be caught with a bound male in my room. It would look very strange and awkward, and it would certainly endanger the mission. Still, though, there is nothing to stop me from fantasizing about it.

I have never bound a man, although the thought often entered my mind - especially on those rare occasions when I fucked a guy from above. I would often think about it as I bounced up and down, imagining him lying helpless below me, naked and tied. That is how I would take Brian, although I would not take him right away. He would first have to endure a relentless cock-tease. It would be so much fun to tease his cock to the brink of an orgasm and then leave him barren every time. I fantasize myself doing it again and again until he pleads with me to finish him off. It would perhaps take an hour or even better two or three. In between time, while I left him bound and helpless, perhaps trying to hump into air in an attempt to get off, I would use the dildos. I would use the dildos on myself while Brian, of course, watched. This would only leave him wanting more. I know by the time I finally got around to fucking him, he would shoot after only a few strokes.

I turn over in an attempt to remove the thoughts from my mind. Not that I want to remove them, for they are very pleasant and they make me hot, but I know I will have to do something about them if I want to get any sleep.

But I forget about his arm. After I turn, I realize his arm still lays across me, but now it lays across my chest. The palm of his hand rests between my boobs.

Brian lets out a slight moan and I fear I may have awakened him, but he only turns slightly and stretches his arm out further. His palm now lies squarely in the center of my naked, exposed, and very vulnerable chest.

I suddenly find myself wanting Brian to tie me down and fuck me violently. I know it is wrong, but now the sensation floods my mind without remorse. With Brian's hand resting upon my chest, I can't help but think about what it would feel like to have him squeeze down and manipulate it. He already has it positioned just right. My mound creates a natural orb for his open palm to form against. He holds my boob much like a young child would hold a teddy bear or a doll. It would be very easy for him to simply draw in his fingers and squeeze the milk out of my big tit. I want him to take advantage of me. I want him to do things to my body that have never been done before. He can start with my tits, and then I want him to do more with my pussy. I am so horny I can hardly stand it!

Brian does not take notice. I'm sure he remains asleep and unaware of the position of his hand. He does nothing to move it away or to go further. I desperately want him to give my tit a squeeze, but he does nothing while I continue to fantasize about his body and mine.

A few minutes later I begin to hear it. Moans originate from the other side of the door. I think it is from the room on our right, but it could equally come from the left. And then there is a sharp cry of ecstasy, I'm not sure from which way.

Brian wakes and draws his hand away. He sits up for a moment to listen. Then he looks at me.

I know the sound but ask anyway. "What do you think they're doing?"

Brian listens for a few seconds longer, and then he answers with a smile. "It sounds like they're fucking," He tells me directly, and then chuckles.

I chuckle too. "Sorry. I guess my question was kind-of stupid," I agree.

The grunts and moans quicken into a rhythm. I find myself picturing the woman lying down naked in the bed while the man fucks down on her from above. I can't help but picture Brian doing the same to me.

"Do you think the other rooms are like this one?" I have to ask. "I mean, do you think Jelick and Daniel have chains like this one? Do you think she is tied?"

I notice Brian take a hard swallow. "By the sound of it," He answers slowly. "I bet she is."

The moans get louder, and a minute later the grunts of a man join in. I easily picture them. I suspect the female is cuffed down to the bed while her man drills her from above. I can almost feel what the woman must be going through; the feel of a cock sliding in and out of her hole.

"They're really going at it," I say.

"Sure are," Brian agrees. "It sounds like you had quite an effect on them."

He confuses me for a moment. I don't know how I could have anything to do with what is going on in the next room, but then I look up to see where Brian's eyes are pointed. He looks at my chest, and I remember I am topless.

"Do you really think so?" I ask.

"I don't see why not," He continues looking.

The thought thrills me. As I listen to the lust sounding from the next room, I wonder if my big boobs may have fueled it. I begin to wonder if maybe the Longton man might even be imagining it is my body he is fucking instead of his wife's. The thought thrills me.

"I guess I should be a little more careful," I do nothing to cover myself. I allow Brian to look as I lay there, hoping it will fuel another erection.

"Yes, you should be," He agrees. "Those could be dangerous."

I look down at myself. Although my boobs look relatively flat now in the laying position, they continue to look large. I notice a hard nipple at the tip of each.

My thoughts are interrupted by a scream. "No! No!" I hear a female voice cry out in Longtonese. "No, not that! Oh my God, it's too big!"

I quickly get up and head for the door. "He's hurting her!" I worry. "Oh my God, she's being tortured!"

The first thing I think of is one of the giant dildos being plowed into the poor woman. My natural reaction is to go rescue her.

Brian stops me. He gets up, grabs me before I get to the door, and holds me in a hug. "It's their culture," He refuses to let me go. "We can't interfere."

"I don't give a shit about their culture!" I make a muffled yell into his chest. "I've got to help!"

I wrestle free but only make it two more steps. Brian stands in front of the door to block me.

"Not so loud," He speaks in a loud whisper, reminding me that I'm not supposed to speak English so loudly. "The natives might hear you."

"But they're hurting her!" I lower my voice and try to force my way past him. "This isn't right! I can't stand by and let this sort of thing happen."

Just as I finish, the female voice makes a drastic change in tone. Instead of fear, it turns to ecstasy.

"Oh God you're so big!" It cries out loudly, almost in a scream. "You're so big! You feel so big inside me!"

I am shocked.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" The voice begins to pant at a much faster rhythm. It is obvious what they are doing. The couple in the next room are back to fucking.

"It sounds like they were only doing a little playing," Brian surmises. "If I'm not mistaken, I think they were playing a little sex game. It sounds as though the scream you heard was only part of the act."

The woman in the next room continues to pant and moan. So do I, mostly from my struggle with Brian but also from the ecstasy I feel within myself. As Brian holds me tight, I notice he is again hard.

"They certainly don't believe in being discrete about their sex lives!" I conclude the obvious.

"What did you expect?" Brian reaches up to one of the chains hanging from the wall. "Especially when they put their sex toys in plain view for everyone to see."

I reach up and take hold of the same chain just below the point where Brian holds it. I notice I stand directly under the place where two of the chains hang down.

"Good point," I confess. "I never thought about it that way."

The panting of the woman gets louder.

"It sounds like she's enjoying it," Brian says.

"It sure does," I agree as I allow my hand to slide down to the leather strap at the end of the chain. "Do you think she's got one of these around her wrist as he's doing it?"

"I'm sure she does," Brian tells me. "I bet she has straps around both her wrists, and I'm sure she has two more around her ankles too."

I imagine what the woman is going through as I feel the smooth leather between my fingers. I imagine her hands held high above and her legs splayed far apart. And then I imagine myself in the same position. I again fantasize Brian feeling my boobs as I stand helpless to stop him.

"I wonder what it would feel like," I whisper my thoughts out loud as I let go of the leather and hold my hand just below it.

"The cuffs?" He questions. "Or do you mean his cock?"

"Both!" I surprise even myself by saying it.

Brian lowers his hand. I watch it as it slowly moves down the chain one link at a time and then takes hold of the leather.

"There's one way to find out," He speaks with a noticeably higher state of excitement.

I watch as he wraps the leather around my wrist and then loops it back through a miniature buckle on top. And then I feel it tighten as he gently pulls it through. A hot wave of ecstasy travels through my body, focused between my legs. As I listen to the woman next door being fucked, I find myself wanting to be fucked myself.

"Are you sure?" Brian asks after he has one arm secure.

I nod my head. "Keep going."

"Do you mean the other chain?"

I nod my head again.

"Are you talking about the chain and being tied up?" He asks yet one more time as though to be absolutely sure.

I nod a third time and then add a quite, "yes, if you want to."

I can't believe what I'm doing! I have never felt this way before. It is as though something is in the air - like there is some sort of poison to cause my hormones to excite. I have never felt so horny in all my life.

Brian raises my opposite hand. I feel him take me by the fingers and lead me up to the chain hanging to my right.

"Just don't do anything weird," I tell him at the last minute, as I feel the leather strap being wrapped around my wrist. "No whips! And don't do anything that might hurt me."

"I won't," He promises. "Just tell me when you want me to stop."

I don't want him to stop, not now or ever. I want it more now than ever before. The sensation of the leather straps around my wrists only serves to increase my sexual arousal.

I find myself tied; tied topless in the Longton bedroom with my arms held high above me. My big boobs lay exposed and helpless. Brian remains free to do whatever he wants with them, and soon he does.

He kisses me first, and I kiss him back. It is a deep, passionate, long kiss. I feel his tongue and allow it inside. And at the same time, I feel one of his hands. He moves it down my arms, down to my shoulders, and finally down to my chest.

"I want your tits," He breaks away from the kiss to tell me. "You're tits are incredible. They've been driving me crazy ever since the first time I saw you in the lab."

He kisses me again, and as he kisses I feel him lower his hand. His fingers touch the top of my swelling mound, and a moment later they touch me at my fullest extent. I can clearly feel four fingers, each one independently, each taking a parallel path down across my substantial boobs. One of them grazes my nipple and I hear myself yelp out with delight.

"It sounds like you like that," Brian breaks away.

"Oh yes!" I discover I am breathing almost too hard to speak, panting with exertion, yet this is only the beginning.

I brace myself as his fingers reverse course. One of them soon touches my nipple again. I notice the knob is already hard, yet this is only the beginning.

"You like it when I touch your nipples." He brings his fingers down and brushes over it again. "It sounds like you have some very sensitive nipples."

"Oh yes!" I have to say, panting. "Oh! My nipples!"

"And so big too," He does it yet again. "Everything about your chest is big!"

Brian teases my nipple. First moving up-and-down and then changing to a back-and-forth motion, he rubs across my hard nipple with his finger. The more he teases, the harder and more sensitive my nipples become. I find he is an excellent nipple teaser.

A minute later the thrill increases further when he uses both hands.

"Oh Brian! Oh Brian!" I pant as he moves his fingers all around my boobs, concentrating on the peaks.

"They are so firm for their size!" He tells me. "They are the biggest I've ever felt, and so firm too."

He keeps playing. First his fingers and then the rest of his hand, he drives me wild by playing them upon me. He soon encompasses a tit in the palm of each hand, and then he starts to squeeze them.

"Oh Brian! Oh Brian! I cry out some more. "Oh, my tits."

My hormones start to go crazy. Perhaps it is the exhibitionism of the last 24 hours that makes me horny, or maybe it is the fucking still sounding from the next room. Most definitely I feel a large portion of my ecstasy emulates from the leather straps around my wrists. I am surprised by how thrilling it is to have my tits felt up and not being able to do anything to stop it.

"Oh Debbie, they are just so big!" Brian tells me in amazement as I feel hands lower to the underside of my boobs and attempt to push them up. "They even feel heavy."

He squeezes them again, and then he presses my tits against each other to give me artificial cleavage. This he seems to like, for he does it a few more times more, becoming more forceful with each iteration. Then he begins to massage and manipulate my mighty melons all around.

I watch Brian as he watches me. I notice his eyes lock on my chest the entire time, never looking up to my face, only at my boobs. It makes me feel as though my chest is the only part of me that really matters, and I find myself enjoying the feeling. I realize that I like being an exhibitionist. I find myself pleased with the erotic ecstasy it gives me. It is as though I am nothing more than a stripper in a strip joint, prancing around stage and shaking my tits all around.