Mission to a New World Ch. 07


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"Hurt more?" He questions.

I shake my head, unable to speak. The only thing I can think about is his erupting cock. I imagine it cumming, cumming over my bed as he stands to the side, and I imagine it cumming violently. A picture plays again and again in my mind of massive explosions of sperm shooting out of his cock. One of my girlfriends once told that large men cumm with greater force. She jokingly said it was because they have a longer barrel to accelerate their jism. I have no idea if it was true or not, but I have the perfect specimen to conduct an experiment.

"Debbie good!" I regain my composure enough to finally respond. "Step wrong, but good now. Hurt when turn side," I make up an excuse.

"Good!" Jelick nodes his head and bobs his cock up and down ever so slightly at the same time. "Me think me go make baby juice now."

It hits me again. I can't believe my own ears. Jelick is telling me that he is now going to go and jack himself off.

I turn to leave, but I cannot leave. I remain frozen and look at it.

And then the truly amazing happens.

"Debbie like help Jelick fire baby-make juice?" He asks.

I feel myself start to fall over. I almost faint.

"What?" I question out of habit, not believing my own ears.

"Help make baby-juice," He says again. "Debbie know, like this."

Unbelievably, he demonstrates. He grabs his own erection and gives it three quick pumps.

"Or maybe Debbie like taste," He opens his mouth wide to demonstrate. "Debbie like baby-juice? Debbie like eat Jelick baby-juice?"

I have to grab the nearest tree to prevent myself from falling over. One of the buckets spills slightly. I realize he offers me either a hand job or a blow job. Apparently, the choice is up to me.

My first reaction is to accept the offer - and accept it quickly. I want to accept - desperately - but I do not know the right thing to do. It is too much at one time.

"But need water at village," I make up an excuse. "Need for breakfast."

A sorrowful look of disappointment comes over his face. "Debbie go water to camp. Jelick not want delay water. And way Jelick look now, cause long delay. Long delay cooking."

For a brief moment I actually feel sorry for him. I feel bad that I have to leave him to erupt to his own devices.

A moment later I feel like kicking myself. 'What are you doing?' A voice in the back of my mind screams. 'This is the opportunity of the lifetime. Grab it, literally!'

"Maybe Debbie come back," I surprise to hear myself say. "Maybe Debbie get water more."

Jelick smiles and looks up to me with gratitude. "Good! Very good! Debbie not cook?"

"Debbie no cook. Get water," I assure him. "Jelick wait for Debbie?"

The man looks down at his engorged cock. "Jelick wait, but not long."

I look down along with him. "Debbie hurry!"

* * * * *

As soon as I reach camp, I set the water down and make an excuse to leave. I say another item has come up - which isn't too far from the truth. Judith waves me off without question.

I am soon back on the path. I walk at a brisk pace and have a hard time believing what I am about to do. 'I'm walking into the forest in search of a naked man,' I think to myself. 'And not only that, I'm searching for a well-endowed man who happens to have an erection waiting for me.' And once I find him, I will relieve his erection the only way I know how.

I picture his cock in my mind as I walk closer, his long 12-inchs of man-meat standing at attention in front of him, with its big head poking up like an arrow at the very top. I fantasize myself stroking it and wonder what it will feel like between my fingers. I already know it will feel big - bigger than I have ever felt before - but I want to feel it for real.

I hear a whistle. Instinctively, I turn my head. I look over and see him stand up against a tree with his hands positioned behind him. He remains naked, of course, and he remains at an erection. His body is positioned at the perfect angle to give me a side profile and amplify his majestic size. I imagine him as the man of my dreams, walking up to the side of my bed like a helpless slave. I quickly march over in anticipation of relieving his bursting hard-on.

"Please hurry," He pants, begging me to advance faster. "Jelick not stand it much longer."

I stop when I notice the light glisten off its wet surface. His cock has been pre-cumming. I realize he has been pre-cumming in anticipation for my arrival. His entire 12 inches looks to be soaking wet.

"I start myself almost," He confesses. "Then Jelic remembered Debbie big milk holders."

He looks down upon my bikini covered boobs as he talks. I look back at him, and I more specifically look at the most private part of his body pointing back up at me. I wonder if he feels as excited looking into my cleavage as I do looking at his cock.

"Please! Milk Jelick cock," He begs.

I gasp again. I have never before heard the term milking in conjunction with a man's cock. Only tits were milked - especially my own. Men always wanted to breast feed and milk on my nipples because they were so big. But now, as I stare at Jelick's member, I realize it is the same with his cock. Stroking a cock is really no more than milking on a man. The only difference is that no man has ever drawn milk out of my tits. I gasp as I think about his cock and the "milk" I will soon receive. I think about the white, milky substance I am going to extract from Jelick's big cock.

I walk up to him and see a hand reach out. I can hardly believe it is my own. I see it reach out and travel towards his cock.

I take a deep breath.

It feels good. It feels wet. I run my fingers along the front side of his shaft and then circle them around to the back. Along the way drops of pre-cumm rest on my fingers, and I spread his juices all around. The shaft of his cock feels as hard as it looks. It is truly magnificent.

I reach down further to feel the rest of him. I reach down to his sac and realize Jelick told me the truth. Even his balls are large! They are the size of two large eggs, bigger than any human males. They feel like a human male with a gigantic set of swollen balls, swelled with semen desperate to escape. I realize Jelick really does need to be relieved.

By the time I make my way back up to the shaft of his cock, its head is coated with copious amounts of pre-cumm again. I run my fingers through it, passing over the thick head of his cock, at which point he pre-cums even more. I have never seen a man pre-cumm quite so much. I am pleased to discover Longton men are excellent pre-cummers. They have to be! I mean, with the size of their larger cocks, they naturally have to produce large amounts of pre-cumm to cover it all. I wonder if I will enter this into my report when I get back.

I continue to work over his shaft, repeatedly running my fingers over his head and then spreading his pre-cumm all around. I soon find his entire cock shimmering in its own juices. I like the way the light glistens off its surface when it is wet.

"Debbie good teaser," He compliments between panting breaths.

I decide it is time to move on, and so I go down to my knees. I reach out for his cock once more, except this time I wrap my fingers around and hold his manhood in my hand. It feels incredibly hard and monstrously large. I notice my fingers can only reach half way around its circumference and half way up its length. This is by far the biggest organ I have ever experienced.

I want to hold out and tease him some more, but I cannot hold out any longer. I begin to pump on his meat.

Jelick lets out a moan as I travel my hand up the length of his shaft and then come back down again. I easily feel the difference in size between him and every other man I have ever felt before. This one is clearly much larger. His shaft is both bigger in length and wider in circumference than a normal human male. He also feels harder. Even the head of his cock is hard, I notice. I can clearly feel it rub against my fingers as they travel across it.

I pump on his meat again and again, slowly traveling up the length of his fantastically long cock and then back down to the base again.

"Good!" Jelick tells me. "Good, but faster."

I increase my speed - but only slightly. I think he must be impatient with lust, and I don't want to force him over the edge too quickly. I think I might never get to experience anything like this again and therefore want to make it last.

"Squeeze!" He also instructs. "Squeeze more."

I also increase the pressure on his meat - but again only slightly. Jelick seems to want to come quickly, but I want to saver the moment even more.

Despite the speed and tightness of my strokes, he does not cumm. I am able to continue stroking him again and again. As I do so, I can't help but think about other things I would like to do with his cock too. It feels wrong, but I think it only natural for a girl to have such thoughts. I can't help but think about what it would be like to have intercourse with this man. As I experience the thickness of his cock with my fingers, I can't help but think about how much he would spread me apart between the legs. I think I would be too tight and he might hurt me at first, but then I remember Brian and his use of the large dildos. I begin to wonder if I might eventually grow big enough to accept him. It will take many more practice sessions with Brian, but I really don't mind.

"Faster! Faster! Faster!" Jelick interrupts my pleasant fantasy. I again obey, but again only slightly.

"Tighter! Squeeze!"

I put more force into my stroke, but it is difficult to tell how tight I squeeze. By now, my hand is soaked in his cumm. I feel it oozing between my fingers. His big cock amply lubricates itself for my pumping enjoyment.

I am not sure how long I have been stroking either. At least several minutes, I know, which naturally makes me think about intercourse again. If Jelick can last several minutes with my hand, I am sure he will also be able to last several minutes inside my pussy. He will almost certainly be able to bring me to orgasm. The thought makes my hand accelerate its pumping action. I clearly feel that I am wet between the legs.

"Yes, feel good," I hear Jelick say from above me. "Very good, ah yes!"

His cave-man talk only serves to increase my ecstasy further. I begin to think about what he said previously about being milked. I think about the white, milky juice that is soon going to be flowing from his cock. 'No, not flowing!' I think to myself. 'This one isn't going to ooze. He's going to jet out in large squirts. I am going to take this man's milk, the milk he now holds in the udder of his nut sack, and I am going to empty it out over my hands.' I even think about taking the opportunity to taste his male seed.

My hand seems to have a life of its own. It increases its stroking action one more notch, without my command. I hear Jelick breath heavy above me. Clearly, he likes it. My hand provides much pleasure. I think he must be getting close, but it is all right if he cums now. I feel ready to make him cumm.

But against my wishes, or perhaps in accordance with them, he refuses. I must continue to stroke still longer. I have been pumping on him for a long time now, at least five but probably more like ten minutes. And it isn't a light pumping either! I'm really going at it. Jelick is doing an excellent job at holding out. The intensity in his voice and the hardness of his cock make it appear as though he is about to eject, but he still refuses to do so. He clearly has much more stamina than a normal human male, which again makes me think about intercourse. 'If his cock can withstand several minutes of pumping with my hand, just think of how long it could last in my pussy!' I remember back to my first siesta in a Longton bedroom and hearing the couple next door. They went at it for many minutes, and now I think I know why.

"Debbie high skill at milk," Jelick interrupts my pleasant thoughts. "Jelick much enjoy. Slow start. Weak start." He says between breaths. "Later faster. Later stronger."

I realize these Longton males are accustomed to a much longer and more forceful sexual encounter than a human, which makes a lot of sense to me. 'Of course!' I realize. With such large equipment, Jelick logically needs the ability to withstand a tighter squeeze. My narrow pussy, I know, would crush his cock against its walls.

I increase my pumping action still further at the thought. All I can think about is intercourse now. I desperately want Jelick to fuck me. If not for his size, I think I would ask him to do it right now, but I fear his large cock might split me apart. He might hurt me.

I pause for a moment to rest my stroking hand. While my hand sits motionless, still encompassed around his organ, I give his meat a tight squeeze. Simultaneously, I witness a large glob of pre-cumm ooze out of its tip. The sight looks very arousing, so I do it again. A second glob of pre-cumm drips out.

I can't believe it. He seems to have a never-ending supply of pre- cumm. In response, I keep my hand tightly squeezed around his meat and go back to stroking.

"Yes! Good!" Jelick sounds like he enjoys this even more.

I squeeze hard enough to make his pre-cumm ooze between my fingers. It is very arousing to watch and even more arousing to feel. I notice drops of pre-cumm drip on the ground at my knees.

I think he will almost certainly cumm now, but Jelick is unbelievable! I stroke him again and again, and yet he still holds out. I stroke him with so much energy I begin to tire. My hand starts to feel numb, but then I remember I have a well-rested second hand.

I do not go slow when I start up again. I let go with my right hand and take hold of his handle with my left. I grab onto him with a new, well-rested hand.

First I squeeze. Then I crush. I squeeze his cock with all my strength and then, without letting up my grip, I stroke on him with my opposite hand.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Jelick really likes this.

Bountiful pre-cumm leaks onto my dry hand to quickly cover it. It squeezes between my finger. My hand is soaked in it.

"Oh Debbie! Debbie much talent!" Jelick yells out at my new found strength. I realize this man is a walking sex machine. I know he will almost certainly be able to bring me to a double orgasm or maybe even a triple if I ever get the chance to be fucked by him. I've been stroking on him for at least fifteen minutes now. I can't imagine what it would be like to be fucked by something so big for so long.

The thought of fucking gives me strength. It also makes me horny. It makes me wet. I will definitely allow Brian to fuck me tonight. I will need it! My cunt will need it! I am going to complete his fantasy and allow my male master to fuck me as though I am his sex slave.

This gives me a nasty idea. I chastise myself for even thinking it, but I can't help it. I actually think about tasting it!

Normally, I'm not much into oral sex. I especially cringe at the thought of swallowing a man's jism. I've tasted it before, yes, but it was nasty. I didn't like the salty taste. Besides, I long ago concluded it was such a waste. A cock in the mouth robs a girl of the pleasure of taking it between her legs.

But Jelick is different. I find myself actually wanting to taste it. I notice my free hand is still soaked with pre-cumm.

I can't believe what I do! I can't believe how horny I am! Without thinking, I bring my cummed-soaked fingers up to my mouth and taste him.

Even more unbelievable, he tastes good. I don't think he tastes different than any human male, but his size makes him so much better. The taste of his pre-cumm is exquisite. 'It's even warm!' I realize, and then I think about how the pre-cumm I am eating was in his body only seconds before. It is like eating a bowl of homemade chicken soup - except this soup is more like, I think to myself, 'cream of cock.'

As soon as I finish with one hand I switch to the other. I grab his organ with what is now a well rested right hand and start up again. I grab him hard; squeeze him tight. I try to crush his organ as tight as I can inside the palm of my hand. And then, without releasing my grip, I begin pumping as fast as my hand will allow. With the other hand, I taste him.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Jelick likes this even more. It is unbelievable that he can withstand such an intense masturbation without squirting jism across the room.

I trade hands two more times before I think of something more. I see him pointed up at me, his mighty cock, pointed up at an angle towards my face and pointed up to...

I try to shrug it off. I attempt to erase it from my mind, but I can't help it. I am too much in heat to think of anything else. My pully feel soaked. My hormones force me.

I stand on my knees. I am at the perfect height. I see the pre- cumm oozing out of its hole and think about taking it directly. I realize his mighty member is pointed at my face and pointed directly at my mouth.

Then I see myself pulling it down. I stop stroking for a moment to pull down on his cock so it points directly at me. I point the head of his monstrous member at my face and take a lick across its massive head.

It feels like I am pointing the barrel of a shotgun into my mouth; like I am getting ready to kill myself, but this barrel tastes terrific. I eat on him, and as I eat him I notice it feels warmer and tastes even better than what was in my hand. It seems to almost burn upon my tongue.

I take another lick, and then another. I stroke and lick in unison, forming a type of rhythm between my hand and my mouth. Each time my stroking hand reaches the base of his cock, my tongue takes advantage of the exposed head. I make a quick swipe and lick it off like a lollypop. And with each stroke, he produces fresh juice for me to taste.

"Yes!" Jelick says loudly. "Yes Debbie! Good Debbie!" Obviously, he likes the sensation.

It barely fits! I reach down on it further and realize his cock is as wide as my mouth. This only makes me think about how much wider I will need to open my cunt to accept him. The insight makes my own pussy cumm some more.

Unbelievably, he is so big that I can only fit in the tip. I pucker up my lips and suck on it. The rest of his length remains outside and free for my hand to use.

"Debbie good with baby maker," He tells me a minute later. "But do lower too. Do baby make juice come from."

I must think for a moment to figure out what he wants. I think about baby juice and where it is made. I think about sperm and where it comes from.

As soon as I understand it, I don't hesitate. I almost forgot about his nuts, but I quickly make up for lost time as I take Jelick up on his invitation. With the head of his cock in my mouth and my left hand still stroking his meat, I bring my still tired but willing right hand up to his balls.

As soon as I touch them I am again reminded of his big balls, and this naturally makes me think about the vast quantities of sperm that must be inside. 'When these empty, I think to myself. 'He's really going to cumm. He's going to go squirting all over the place.'

I am sure he will eject now as I squeeze and stroke on his cock nearly as fast as I can. My tongue licks him while my opposite hand plays with his nuts. I think he must surely erupt now, but still, he holds out! I never dreamed a man could be so resilient and powerful. It is unbelievable that he has not yet exploded. I can't imagine how a woman could possibly take so much fucking.

"Squeeze," He interrupts one pleasant thought to replace it with another. "Squeeze hard."

Again, I take him up on his invitation. There is no way a girl can refuse such a pleasant invitation. Although my hand squeezes tight as I stroke, I squeeze it even tighter around his rod.