Mistake at the Resort - Alt Ending

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A wife gets carried away on holiday. She gets caught.
14.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 12/28/2022
Created 12/25/2022
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Truth and consequences. Things do not turn out well for Chris.

The moment her tongue touched my clitoris I knew I was lost. The explosion in my head almost caused me to black out.


"Well, what do you think?" I asked him as we unpacked in our room.

"Chris, I love it. I reckon we could get an hour or two at the pool that we passed on the way before dinner, what do you think?"

"Sounds good to me."

I took out my new bright lemon bikini from the case and held it to my body waiting for his appraisal, "You like?"

"Ooooh, I like. I so like, but it is very, erm, showy?"

It was basically a yellow thong type bottom with very high cut legs and a triangle top with string.

"Very sexy babe, I know this is an adults resort but that might be a bit too much, even for here."

"Nonsense, I need to get an all over tan and this will just about get it."

It was our first holiday without the kids, they were at nanny and grandads for the week. Sarah, aged 7 and Billy, 4. They were great kids, a bit annoyed that mum and dad were going abroad without them, but we needed this.

The hotel was fabulous, it was a five star resort. Right on the beach, three huge pools with BBQs and music. Bars, a nightclub, all-inclusive with waiter service, and best of all no kids in sight. God we so needed this break to rekindle our relationship. James worked long hours in the city, he had a high stress job in banking. The pay was fantastic but it cost us at home, he was hardly ever home. When he was, he was shattered. Most nights were early nights, the only time we ever went out these days it was for corporate events. We used to have a date night but that seemed so long ago now.

He hardly got to see the kids and they missed him. I had asked so many times for him to slow down, we all missed him and they needed their dad around more. He promised he would but it didn't ever seem to happen.

I booked this holiday for us, I needed him to see me again, what he was missing. Then when we got home we would talk of our future as a family, he might see he needed to be home more.

My plan was to get the sexiest outfits I could find, drive him insane all holiday. Basically fuck the life out of him, make him remember what he had at home. I have had two kids but I was a gymnast at school, my body popped back into shape quickly, I make sure with daily workouts. I am a fox at 29 years old and to be quite honest, I know it.

I asked James to pop down to the pool near the bar, get some drinks and beds. I'd be along just as soon as I had touched up and got ready, "Ten minutes max, ok."

I looked in the mirror as I slid the thong up and patted it into place,

"Fuck, if this doesn't get his juices going, nothing will."

A black see through shawl, matching sunhat and my new black Louboutin's finished it perfectly.

"Damn girl, I'd fuck you myself!" I hissed to myself.

I clicked my way down the stone floored hallway, exaggerating the sway of my ass on my heels into the dazzling sunlight of the pool area, dropping my glasses to my nose I scanned the surrounding sunbeds for James.

The hair on the back of my neck rose as I saw him over the other side of the pool, he was sitting talking to a stunning blond beside his bed. I could feel my anger rising, I had gone to all this, I mean I looked like a goddess and he is there talking to another woman!

I tried to calm my thoughts and walked towards the pair when a man, as gorgeous as she was, shook James's hand and sat down next to her. Relief washed over me like a spring shower, they all stopped talking as I made my grand entrance.

James rose from the bed and took my hand,

"Chris, this is Marvin and Tina." He turned to them, "Marvin, Tina, this is my beautiful wife Christine."

Marvin stood and reached out a hand, his piercing green eyes were the first thing I noticed, he was magnificent, I mean his body, the whole package, he was just magnificent. His light olive-brown skin contrasted with those eyes like I had only seen in movie stars.

"Chris, you can shut your mouth now." I heard from a distance, "Chris!"

James was smiling at me from my side, "You can stop catching those flies if you want Chris."

I was transfixed, his words didn't sink in until I heard from the stunning woman on the bed beside us,

"It's ok James, he has that effect on a lot of women, I get used to it ha, ha. He loves it, don't you, you lump of man meat!"

"Oh shit, sorry, I-I didn't mean to stare....I, shit, shit sorry."

I was bumbling my words, my sexy grand entrance had well and truly gone out of the proverbial window.

Tina stood beside her husband and leaned into embrace me, the first thing I noticed was she smelled divine.

"Chris, it's ok. He gets that reaction a lot. My husband is one of the worlds top male models, he is a grade one hunk and he knows it!"

Marvin gave her a playful punch on the shoulder, "Enough Tina, enough."

James was killing himself laughing beside us, it broke the ice and helped hide my embarrassment a little. After all the introductions were out of the way we sat with them and ordered a round of drinks. The next three hours flew by, myself and Tina got on so well, it was like we were old friends reuniting after a long break. The boys got on just as well and arranged a round of golf for the next day.

We decided to meet up and share a table at dinner, it was an amazing restaurant. Beautifully set out and intimate. They seemed to have whatever you wanted, there was a buffet of every country you could think of or you could order off the menu.

We sat at our allocated table, James ordered drinks.

"I hope I haven't gotten too dressy for this evening." I whispered to him as the waiter placed our drinks in front of us.

In fact I knew I had, I had on my sexiest dress, I didn't want to be outdone by our new friends.

"Chris, you look stunning. And yes I'd say you have gone a bit too dressy." He said smiling all over his face as he looked me up and down.

"You might just get lucky tonight with that answer mister."

As I said it, I noticed people all around us stop and look towards the door. Marvin and Tina came into view, my god they looked like they stepped out of a movie set. She had on a little black Chanel dress with matching shoes and bag, her legs were to die for, in those shoes they seemed to go on forever. He, in a fitted Armani suit and it fitted him to perfection. The room had a quiet hush as they sauntered over to us.

"Tina, you look amazing." Said James as he took her hand and kissed it, turning to Marvin he said with a huge smile on his face, "You scrub up ok-ish too mate."

These two had only known each other for an afternoon and behaved like they were brothers all their lives, it was nice.

Tina shuffled in next to me, "Talking of scrubbing up well, you look stunning Chris." She patted my thigh with her elegantly manicured hand, "and I just love those shoes."

It felt good getting a compliment off of a woman like her. We drank, danced, chatted all night, I would easily say it was one of the nicest nights I could remember in a very long time. Myself and Tina were on that dancefloor more than we were in our seats. The boys talked sports and shit while we danced the night away.

I found myself getting a bit carried away trying to keep up with her dancing, she would grind into me on the more raunchy numbers. I looked over to James, he just smiled and gave me the thumbs up sign. I did notice most of the men on the surrounding tables were glued to us too.

"Lets give them a show," Tina whispered into my ear.

"What do you mean?"

"Look around you, they are all looking at you. They all want you, you know. You are such a sexy woman Chris, just go with me, move with me."

Tina took my waist into her hands and moved her hips closer to mine, she swayed with the music pushing her thigh into my groin area, I pulled away a bit, a little shocked. She pulled me back to her.

"Move with me, go with the rhythm. Put you hands around my neck."

I looked at James again, he eyes were riveted to us. I looked around, so were nearly everyone's in the place, it reminded me of the Britany song 'all eyes on us'

The DJ put a slow sultry number on and Tina pulled me closer, "My neck, hold my neck." She said.

I did as she asked and she slipped her leg between mine, I felt her thigh touching my thigh as we danced. Her smell was intoxicating, her hips were gyrating around so sensuously as she ground her leg into my now dampening crotch. Her face so close to mine, her red painted lips so close to mine. Her dreamy eyes, half open looking into mine.

God, I was on my way to an orgasm in the middle of the dance floor! As if in a trance I looked over to the boys at our table, James and Marvin had big toothy grins watching us. I felt Tina's thigh jam into my wet crotch and slide over it.

"You like?" she whispered to me.

"Mmmm." Was all I could respond.

The music stopped and as couples left the floor we stood alone, she still held my waist and said, "We better get back to the boys."

I felt eyes all over staring at us as we walked back to our table.

"Fuck Chris, that was hot. I never in a million years thought you would do that. I loved it!"

"She is a great mover James, you have a hot wife there." Gushed Tina.

I felt embarrassed and went crimson, I slid over on the bench seat and Tina followed me in.

"God she had me all hot and bothered out there." Said Tina,

"You're not the only one." Laughed my husband.

I felt her hand go back onto my thigh and squeeze as we sat, it didn't move back to her side for three to four minutes. My pussy was soaked, she had such an effect on me. I had never felt like this before, I was on such a sexual high. I could not wait to get James home to our apartment and fuck him senseless.

Then I felt it again, her hand back on my exposed skin, only this time higher. Her palm was half on my hem of my short skirt, her fingernails scratching gently at my thigh. The boys were deep into conversation, I looked sideways at her, Tina had her eyes fixed on mine.

Her hand slowly stroking my thigh, I felt myself squirt a little into my panties. I looked across at them, they had no idea. They were oblivious to what was occurring just three feet from them. I could smell my arousal, I am sure I could, could anyone else?

I felt Tina move across closer to me, our thighs were touching again she leaned in and whispered, "Well, do you like it, have you ever had a woman touch you before?"

With that I felt her hand slide under the hem of my dress and onto the gusset of my panties, I squirmed and let out a small gasp, coughing, trying to mask my groan. I felt a finger slip under the last protection I had, the protection of the thin lace was breached and the softness of her probing finger touched my wet lips. I again squirmed in my seat looking directly at James, he was still oblivious and carried on as if nothing was happening. I noticed Marvin look at Tina, he had a twinkle in those piercing green eyes as he smiled at her. He knew!

Tina slowly extracted he fingers from my panties and I felt her long nails trace lines down my thigh.

"What are you two doing while we have a golf day?" I vaguely heard James say as I tried to compose myself.

"Sorry. What?"

"Tomorrow, do you have any plans or just tanning?" he said again.

I looked sideways at Tina, she had her forefinger between her red lips toying it with her tongue.

"Well," she said, "I thought we could have a girlie day in the hotel spa. What do you think Chris?"

I found it hard to speak as she put that wet finger back in and sucked. Both boys were looking at me for my reply, none came.

"That's a great idea." Said James. "Book her in with yourself please, our treat. Are you ok Chris? Had too many brandy's eh?"

I nodded, "I think it's time we called it a night." Said James, "Thanks for a great night Marvin, I'll see you tomorrow at 7am ok."

Tina stood first and I slid across the seat looking behind me just in case I had left a trail, there was one. Tine smiled and looked at me knowingly.

"Well, goodnight Chris. It was a lovely night of dancing, also it was great having a partner to groove with," she looked over at Marvin, "He is lovely to look at but can he dance? Ha, ha, not a chance." Tina leaned in to kiss me goodnight, instead of my cheek she kissed me full on the lips, her tongue grazed my teeth.

"Ooooh, steady on girls, I am getting jealous." Laughed James. If only he knew.

Back at the room he said as we undressed, "Shit, she is totally full on isn't she."

"I know, did you see the way she kissed me at the end of the night."

"See it, I wished I had taped it!"

"Oh fuck off James, that's all you men think of!"

"Damn babe, she is hot though, you have to admit that. Not as sexy as you but very close."

"You are treading on thin ice James."

"Ha, ha, yes but you are the one I want to bury this in tonight!"

With that he turned and his cock was jutting out from a neatly trimmed bush.

"Had a haircut, just for little ol me?"

"You know it, I think we need to christen our hotel bed, don't you?

He felt so good in me, he slipped in like butter I was so wet. It didn't last long enough though, I needed more. James would never go down on me once he had deposited his gunge so I had to douche if I wanted oral. It killed the mood and we drifted off to sleep frustrated.


The next thing I heard was the kettle, it was 6.15am, "Fuck sake James, it is 6am!"

"I know, but I am going with Marv, remember?"

"Ok, ok, but keep it a bit quieter, not all of us need to get up so early."


He carried on like a bull in a China shop for the next half hour, then at last, peace as the door shut. I was awake now and no matter how I tried to get back to sleep, I couldn't. I gave up and made a coffee, my mind drifted back to last night as the kettle boiled. My hand found its way to the v between my legs as I waited for the kettle. It seemed to go on boiling forever, it was only the click of the button that woke me from my daydream and a sticky finger.

I took my coffee to bed and flicked on the tv, morning news in Spanish, great. I tapped the remote until I found an English speaking channel, 'law an order' I'd seen this so many times I was bored of it.

I scrolled through a bit more until PPV, what was PPV? I clicked on it and was shocked, porn. Porn! on holiday tv.

I went back to our kitchen and popped a slice of bread into the toaster, my hand wandered again. I was absentmindedly thinking of Tina and porn.

"Porn!" where did that come from I thought to myself. I took my toast and a fresh coffee back to bed. The tv was still on the PPV stations, I scrolled through the titles,

'Babes in toyland'

'Stepmom gets horny'

'Girls only'

'Little women, BIG boys'

Leaves little to the imagination these, I thought to myself. I scrolled back to 'girls only' it wouldn't hurt to just peek, would it? my mind was still on Tina last night.

I clicked 'buy', shit, a message came up, it said it will be charged to our room, James would see it on our bill. "Fuck!"

The movie started, "too late now" I thought.

A housewife doing her washing, "for fuck sake, how cliché can these films get!" I said out loud.

She was bent over putting her washing in when a girl looked through the window, I assume was her neighbour. Of course she got stuck in the machine! Her neighbour came in to help and was faced with a sexy ass staring at her in a small black lacy thong. "Always happens to me this." I thought to my self and got a fit of the giggles.

I got up and made a glass of orange, by the time I was back on the bed the girl had her face buried in the ass of the poor woman stuck in the machine. "Of course" I thought. But what amazed me was within 2-3 minutes I was banging my clit like it was going out of fashion.

Tina was the girl, I was stuck in the machine. 'BANG' my orgasm went whooooosh, I was shaking and shivering through what I can only describe as a tsunami smashing through my whole body. The pent-up tension from last night from Tina and James had been welling up and just exploded. I actually squirted for the first time in my life. I soaked the sheets. All I could think of was "The poor cleaning lady."

10am I had gotten showered and dressed, I was on the way to suite 19, Tina's rooms.

The wing they were on was identical to ours, only mirrored. I was a bit nervous after last night but I knocked, Tina came to the door in a wraparound towel with another on her head. Her bare feet about the same size as mine. She still looked stunning with no makeup on, I was envious. She disappeared into her bedroom, I heard her shout "Tea, coffee, wine?"

"Wine would be nice," I replied, I was still a bit nervous and needed some dutch courage.

"Help yourself, there is an open bottle on the side, could you pour me one too please."

I poured two glasses and took a sip, it was an expensive one, a very nice chardonnay. It hit all the right spots.

"Can you bring mine in Chris?"

I walked into their bedroom, again I felt the nerves. Tina was sitting at her dressing table drying her hair,

"We have an hour or so, so no rush." She said.

"Chris, about last night...."

"It's ok," I said, "It shocked me, that's all. No-one has ever done that before."


"No, I mean, yes....of course someone has...but I-I mean...no-one other that James."

"Really? James is your only one?"

"No, no, I-I mean......shit...sorry, you make me so nervous....I mean no-one since James."

Tina spun on her chair,

"Sorry, I hope I didn't overstep the mark, I felt there was something between us on the dancefloor, a spark. I had to touch you, taste you."

I felt my pussy leak again at her words and squeezed my thighs a little. She put the dryer down and shook out her hair, she was gorgeous there was no getting away from it. Tina stood up and said "I am sorry if I did overstep, I really am."

"No, no, it was nice. Just a bit of a shock that's all."

With that she took a step toward me, I stepped back. "Are you afraid of me Chris?"

"No, no. I-I just-I...."

Tina's towel dropped from her body to the floor leaving her naked. "Oops, I hope you don't mind, silly me."

She put a finger to her mouth as she spoke, like it was a mistake. My eyes went from her perfect breasts to her flat stomach to her bare mound, she was in perfect proportions all over. Tina crossed the floor between us and looked into my eyes,

"Have you ever been with a woman before Chris?"

"No, I-I, don't know, I....."

"Shhhhh, just go with the flow."

Her lips got closer to mine, her eyes never left mine. I could smell her body odour, it was scintillating, it was overpowering. I felt her soft lips touch my mouth, her tongue traced a line along first my top lip then my bottom. Her hands came up to my face and held my cheeks, she kissed me full on the mouth, I kissed her back.

"Feel me Chris, touch me. I am naked before you, explore me."

My fingers roamed across her shoulders and down both arms, I held her waist as she kissed me. I wanted to reach up and touch her breasts but something held me back, she sensed it I think and took my hands in hers. I was shaking.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Her hands came up between us and she planted my hands onto her boobs, I had never felt any except my own. They were firm, they were as soft as silk, her nipples stood firm and hard.

"Suck one, hell suck them both." She said as her hand went to the back of my head guiding me closer. The nipple came close to my mouth, I was still afraid to take that final step. She pulled my head down and I clamped on, I was surprised how spongy, yet firm it was. I felt it grow in my mouth as I sucked the first nipple since my own mothers. I could hear her moaning above me as I squeezed and sucked on her boobs. I felt her arm moving and looked to see where the movement was, she was toying with her pussy as we kissed and played. My own pussy was on fire, I had never felt this way even with James.....James,,,,,oh shit,,,,,James!