Mistaken Identity Ch. 03

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Waylon begins to understand; Noreen makes a friend.
4.5k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/14/2008
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(Author's Note: This is a 'what if' side story for The Perfect Pussy series. I never felt that I really had a chance to let Waylon talk about his feelings for Keni and think over what drove him over the edge. A lot of you have suggested that for his crimes he be locked up or sent to a mental hospital, maybe he will agree with you, but let him speak for himself and then decide from there okay, after all this is still America and the process of being innocent until proven guilty is still a part of our freedom...God Bless America...!)


Waylon lay back on the bed and watched as Noreen came in from checking on the girls. They had been hard to get to calm down tonight, let alone send them up to bed and go to sleep. She smiled as she walked over and settled on the bed beside him, wrapping her arm across his bare stomach. "Keni really loves kids doesn't she...?"

Waylon nodded. "She is totally involved with other people, especially with kids. I can just see her and Harley with a whole houseful."

"She's hoping to, she's a little afraid that she might have the same trouble her sister and mom had. The doctor told her that it is doubtful, but she still doesn't want to rush. I guess your brother has been talking to her about going back to school too, seems she had a college fund that she's been using to help out and he thinks she should at least take some classes in something she likes..."

"I can see her reaction to that..." Waylon chuckled at the thought of her choices of classes.

"Actually, she's been thinking about it. She just isn't sure what she wants to take. She likes to learn she told me, but all different things, says she's never been real good at any one enough to concentrate on it. Except making your brother happy that is, god she loves him something crazy."

"That about describes how the two of them are, Crazy with a capital C. Never seen Harley so happy though, I'm glad to see it."

She turned to look at him. "Do you feel any jealousy?"

Waylon considered it, did he? "No, if anything I feel like it's all better between us, me and Keni, we talked about it while you were getting the kids ready for bed and Harley went out to pull the truck up in the drive way, and lock it up. She doesn't want anything between us and told me it's better to clear the air. And she thinks me going to a hospital for a while might be a good idea. I got 'some issues", as she put it, to work out. I think she's right."

"Well, if you do, then we'll all work on them together. At least you're willing to try and get help Waylon. That's more then some are willing to do."

He turned to look at her and ran his hand over her face. "Noreen, if you and I are going to together, there is one thing you got to do, put the past behind you. I'm not that sick son of a bitch you were married to, and gods help him if he ever comes near you or those girls again. He'll have the three Barnes boys to show him how to treat a lady. That came direct from Harley by the way. We maybe asses, but we don't like men beating on wives or kids. Well at least not the way he did, maybe a little in bed for fun..."

She nodded. "I can tell," her fingers reached out and stroked his face. "Are we going to talk all night, or do I have to make the first move...?"

Waylon grinned. "Why honey, I may be a jerk and an ass, but there are some things I don't take for granted, especially with a lady like you. Hell, I never have been around a lady like you before, not going to just crawl in without an invite. So...are you inviting me...?"

"Oh hell yes..." She moved to kiss him and Waylon loved the feel of her lips and how the very tip of her tongue pushed past his to explore his mouth. Her full breasts pressed into his chest and he let his hand slide around to the full bottom he had loved to watch as she moved around his hospital room. She was full and ripe and as soft as a cloud, and he pushed her night gown up so it bunched up at her waist as he slipped his hand between her fleshy thighs. At the first touch of his fingers on her slit, she moaned.

"You like that," he whispered the words, "so do I. Damn you feel good."

"Hmm, your fingers feels wonderful, it's been so long..." Noreen ran her lips over his face and down to his throat as he explored the slick slit between her legs, she was soft and plump lipped and he used his thumb on her small little clit as he let two fingers slide inside her. She was tighter then he expected from a woman with two kids, but he didn't mind. If anything it only excited him more to think how she would feel wrapped around him. He was in no hurry though; he wanted to make her feel extra good the first time they were together. He wanted to hear her moan and call out his name over and over, to feel her cum around him and feel her flood his face. When he thought about it, he wanted it all from her. He wanted all that she had for him to take.

Finding her mouth, he kissed her deeply and heard a deep throated grunt from down the hall. It was followed by a high pitched squeal and a giggle. He didn't need to ask to know that Harley and Keni were having fun of their own. He began to work his fingers in and out of her and rub her clit harder. Waylon wanted to hear her squeal just the way Keni had, to know he was making Noreen happy. He felt her hips begin to jump and he put his lips by her ear.

"That's it honey, cum for me, I want to make you feel good...you mean so much to me Noreen, I want to please you and take care of you and the girls forever." He bit her throat and sucked at the skin to leave behind a cherry red mark. "This is just the beginning honey; I'm going to spend the night making you feel good."

She swallowed hard as she pulled his mouth down to hers and he felt himself swallow her scream. The power of her climax was more then he had ever expected and he had to crawl between her legs and push himself into her before it ever ended. He felt her lock her legs around his waist and grip his shoulders as he moved in and out of her slowly, then building speed as he heard her beg for more. Lord, she felt so enjoyable and so tight, he was no king Kong, but still he could feel her everywhere, and he loved it, reaching below her, he gripped her bottom and struggled to his knees to really be able to love her better. God, it had been so long, and it was so fine.

Soon, he began to understand what it must have been like for Harley and Keni that first day. He could feel the bed shaking with the joining of his and Noreen's bodies and the sounds that came from their bodies slapping against each other. Was this how it felt when you found your other half, your soul mate? When your body met its needed half? He had known more then his share of women but none of them had ever done what she was doing to him.

"Noreen, oh my god honey, what the hell is happening to me? It's never been like this, not once in my whole damn life." He felt scared to death, but more alive then he had in a long time. "Oh my Lord, Noreen...I can't wait, I can't hold out..."

She gripped his arms and arched up to meet him. "You don't have to Waylon; I'm already there before you..."

Yes she was, even as his first shot rocketed out of him, he felt her clench and spasm around him. Yes, it was glorious, it was heaven, it was the whole world exploding around them and seeming to take a life time to come back together. When it did, he could only lay down on her supporting himself on his elbows and stroking her face with shaking fingers. They were kissing like he had never kissed any one before and when he found his breath, he looked at her.

"Tell me I pleased you Noreen, tell me that you enjoyed that as much as I did and that you never wanted it to stop."

She looked at him in amazement. "Please me? I never knew it could be like that...as far as enjoying it, god Waylon, give me more anytime you want and please never let it stop..."

Pulling her close as he settled down to sleep, he knew that it never would, he was as hooked on her as Harley was on Keni, and he had no complaints what so ever.

* * *

Noreen slipped out of bed and used the bathroom, then dressed and went downstairs. It was early yet, but from the sounds from the kitchen, the girls were already up. It took her a minute to remember that they were no long alone in the house, but the last thing she expected to see as she entered the kitchen was Keni at the stove, making pancakes and talking to the girls about the farm. "I've spent the last ten summers there, and I love it, and you can get to know Kimber and her brothers. Maggie is about the best friend I've ever had and her husband Scooter, he is hilarious. I really think you'll like it there."

Hannah looked at the woman standing at her mother's stove. "Will you and Harley be there too?"

"For a while, but when we move, you and your sister will still have my sister and Harley's to spend time with, and I'm pretty sure your mom and Kate will get along great, they're about the same age. I'm just a kid compared to most everyone there," she looked up, and smiled at Noreen. "I got fresh coffee on and I figured you might enjoy a day free of cooking breakfast."

"Coffee sounds great." She started to get it, but Keni shooed her to the table with her girls and she went gratefully. Hannah brought her a cup and settled back on her chair. Noreen noticed that Keni was drinking a mug of it herself, and thought how normal it looked for the girl to be doing things like that. "Surprised you're up so early, you and Harley had a long drive yesterday, then a late night..."

Keni giggled. "I wasn't the only one, but we won't talk about that. This is about the time Harley and Dean get up for work, so it's normal for me, and what with getting ready for the wedding and fixing up Harley and I's place, I am constantly on the go..." She put pancakes on two plates for the girls and brought them over. "I'll let you doctor these up. How many you want Noreen?"

"Just a couple, but you don't..." Even as she started to speak, she stopped. She was wrong, Keni did need too. She needed to keep busy, to cook and clean and take care of things.

Her protest fell on deaf ears as Harley came in the kitchen, he wore only a pair of jeans, and she had to admire his build. Noreen watched as he walked up behind Keni, nuzzled her ear and she heard him whisper something to his woman. She was glad she didn't know what it was, because from the way Keni blushed, she could guess it was something adult only. Keni only shivered openly and smiled. "Harley, the kids are in the room."

His laugh was deep and joyful. "Hmm, then let's go back up stairs. I finally got you all to my self for more then a few hours."

"Harley James Barnes, behave, or I will burn your breakfast." She sounded as if she was teasing, but Noreen watched Harley take a step back.

"Oh honey, you wouldn't do that to me, would you?" His eyes took on a mock horror stricken look.

"No...but seriously, we are guests here, so act a little human okay?" She gave him a quick kiss as she handed Noreen her pancakes. "Now sit down, drink your coffee and show your muscles off to the girls. Hannah, Leigh, those muscles will be around to help Waylon keep your future boyfriends in line."

Watching as Harley and Keni bantered back and forth, Noreen saw how perfect they were together. They had the kind of relationship she had always dreamed of, playful, loving, and totally full of life. That was how it had been at the first with her ex husband. But over time he had changed and now she was glad he was long gone. Last night with Waylon, she had learned what folks had told her for years. That last night had been how it should be between two people. She doubted she could ever be as open about her sexuality as Keni was but then they were two different people.

When Waylon came in he grinned at Keni, then walked over and Noreen bent her head back to look up at him. His kiss was soft and easy but filled with the same passion she had tasted last night. He pulled out the chair beside her and took the plate his sister in law handed him. Keni, she also noticed didn't fix herself a plate, instead she settled for coffee. When the girl saw Noreen's unasked question, she smiled.

"I was sick a while back, my body is still taking it's time over what it will or will not let me eat."

Harley nodded. "She pushed herself too hard, so the doctor said. My sugar takes on too much and doesn't know when to stop..." He gave Keni a loving smile. "Which reminds me, we forgot to tell you Way, you have been in official custody of two sworn Crossroads deputies since we got here. Can you believe that, me a cop?"

Waylon almost choked on his coffee. "You are kidding me...?" The idea of Harley begin a lawman was about as believable as any of them being a priest.

"God honest truth little brother, Sheriff Jones thought it might be a good idea if there were any problems between here and home. Like speeding tickets and such..." He took a bite of his pancakes as if realizing he was saying too much.

Keni chuckled. "Which he got three before that truck ever left Oklahoma, and two more once we crossed into Texas. I think most of the cops thought we were joking until we showed them the warrant and all, which reminds me, I need to serve you with it as soon as breakfast is over. So I suggest you plan on spending the day packing this place up so we can get back. You'll be placed under house arrest at your mom and dad's until we can get this straightened out, okay?"

Waylon nodded. "Works for me, I ain't going anywhere. Noreen and the girls will need to get settled in and as for me, well, I need to get my act together big time."

"Yes you do, Noreen, do you know who I will have to talk to at the hospital to get the records of how long he was there and when he was brought in?"

Noreen told her the information she would need to ask for and gave her the name of the police officer and detective as well. Keni nodded as she wrote it all down. Despite the early hour, she was on the phone and leaving messages before the rest of the table had finished eating. She saw Harley look at Keni with a worried look in his eyes. "Slow down honey, we got a couple days."

Keni nodded. "I know, but I want this settled so we can get home. And I keep thinking how close McCall is to my folks. Well, it's not like he will show up at my mom and dad's front door."

Noreen saw Waylon pale and heard his deep intake of breath. "Oh my lord..." He looked at Keni, "Keni, he knows you're from Oregon..."

Keni paled so much Noreen was afraid she might pass out. "Does he know where Waylon?"

Waylon was trying to think. "God, I swear I am never drinking more then a couple beers from now on, no more whiskey for me. We talked about so much, he was interested in all the family, but when I talked about you and Harley, that was when he really got interested, but Anita would know...maybe Sheriff Jones can talk to her, she might remember." He looked sick.

Noreen nodded. "Make the calls Keni, better to be safe then sorry."

It was clear that the sheriff would talk to Anita as soon as possible; the calls to her parents were something else. "Mom, listen to me, you and dad, you got to be careful, this man is fucking insane. Well how the hell am I suppose to act? Dammit mom, I'm scared for you and dad. Just promise me okay, you know what Waylon looked like right, well he's like him. Mom, you and dad, please?" Her father seemed easier to convince and when she hung up, it was clear that she was breathing easier. "Pretty damn good, mom is more carefree about a possible murderer showing up on her door step then dad is. Dad's going to get them a motel room for a few days. He thinks they need some time to be alone anyway..." Her fear changed to a smile. "I hope they don't charge for extra noise."

Harley laughed and nodded. "Okay babe, now relax a little. All we need is the proof that Way was here all the time this has been going on, and then it's over."

Noreen saw Keni take a bite of her lower lip before she answered him. "Will it Harley, will it be over...?"

* * *

It was a question Noreen was asking herself as they packed the house up. There wasn't a lot she wanted, most of it was things she had gotten at thrift stores and was worth little as far as sentimental value to her, when they finished just after sunset that night, and she sat on the couch looking at the entire contents of her life for the last two years. It wasn't much, some clothes, her computer, the girl's things, a few odds and ends. Keni came and sat next to her, putting her arm around her and Noreen wondered how the girl had known she need comfort right them.

Wiping her eyes after she had cried herself out, she looked at Keni. "How do you do that, know when someone is hurting like I was...?"

Keni shrugged. "I don't know, I just do sometimes. I guess I would feel the same way if it was me, or Kate or my mom...it ain't easy being a lone woman raising two girls. I got a friend back in Portland, I used to baby sit for her after school, and she was like you, abusive husband, trying to cope with all that was going with her around her. Sometimes she would just need to cry, so I'd sit with her and talk...not about anything special, just odds and ends. My aunt, who is a great believer in people having special powers and reincarnation and all, she says that I have this talent for just knowing things and it's one I should work on. I guess maybe in a way, she's right. I knew from the minute I met Harley that he wasn't as bad as everyone said. That there was a part of him that just needed someone to believe in him and be there for him through good and bad, personally, I think it was just me feeling all the love for him that I feel now."

"He's a good man." It wasn't clear how Noreen could make a judgment about a man she barely knew, but it had been the same way with Waylon. The minute she saw him in that hospital bed, she had known there was a man full of hurt and need for understanding under those bandages. Harley gave her that same feeling when she saw him and Keni together or heard him talking to his brother.

"Yes he is, so are Waylon and Dean. Dean was no angel before he met Kate. My sister said the first time they met; she poured a beer over his head because he was acting like such an ass. He just looked at her and for an instance she really thought he was going to hit her, then he just started to laugh and that was it, they been together every since." She looked around and made sure Harley and Waylon were occupied somewhere else. "Let me tell you what happened the day Harley and I got together..."

Noreen listened in stunned silence as Keni told her how she had caught him in her room at her sister's and what he had been doing. "My lord, he wasn't...was he?"

Keni laughed. "Swear to god, I was so shocked I just about turned and ran out, but I knew that it might work to my advantage and damn if it didn't. I would have never told on him, but still, always nice to have some blackmail fodder for the future if you need it. Now I admit, I am rude, crude and I definitely have an attitude, but around him, I have to. He's not a normal man is he?"

Noreen watched as Harley and Waylon came into the room. "No, he's not, neither of them is; but would we want them any other way?"

The younger girl shook her head, "no freaking way. Hey sugar..." She got up and moved to wrap her arms around the tall, good looking man. Harley gave her a suspicious look but wrapped one arm around her and bent his head to claim her mouth. It was a deep, loving kiss and you just knew that he put all he felt into it.

Waylon grinned at her as he sat down beside her. "I told you those two are crazy about each other, about as crazy as I am about you and those two little girls we got upstairs." He put his arm around her and rested her head on his shoulder. "I would like to know how the hell he can kiss her for so long and never come up for air, seems like they would pass out after a while."