Mistaken Identity Ch. 04

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Waylon goes to jail.
3.6k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/14/2008
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(Author's Note: This is a 'what if' side story for The Perfect Pussy series. I never felt that I really had a chance to let Waylon talk about his feelings for Keni and think over what drove him over the edge. A lot of you have suggested that for his crimes he be locked up or sent to a mental hospital, maybe he will agree with you, but let him speak for himself and then decide from there okay, after all this is still America and the process of being innocent until proven guilty is still a part of our freedom...God Bless America...!)

Mistaken Identity – Chapter 04

Waylon felt the sheriff put the cuffs on him and saw the girls were crying as they stood by Noreen. He knew this was necessary, but he would have preferred it hadn't been done in front of Hannah and Leigh. Well, at least Keni was here to help Noreen keep them calm. She was holding Leigh close and whispering something to her.

"You know I wouldn't do this Way, if it wasn't for that federal warrant that came through, they got to check things out..." Sheriff Jones looked at him. "The man from Montana said you can stay in our jail for now, until they run all the tests and get the results back. That way Noreen and her girls can at least see you regular. She sure has two pretty little girls. Why they love an ugly mug like yours is beyond me..."

That made Waylon grin, "Hey, I used to be pretty sheriff. Not my fault I met up with the wrong man."

"You did at that, your momma and dad, they handling this okay?"

"Yeah, thanks for at least waiting until the wedding was over. Heather looked damn pretty, and Mike will be a good husband for her..." They had gotten back the day before the wedding and walked into total chaos. Keni and Noreen had started to pitch in as soon as introductions were made, and it had all come off, but there had been a lot of frayed nerves up to the point that the preacher had pronounced them man and wife. He had never been so proud of his little sister in his life, looking so beautiful and in love with the long, tall Texan. Mike was perfect for her.

When the sheriff was done, Noreen came over and she smiled at him through her tears as she looked up at him. "I know it has to be done, but we haven't had enough time yet."

He wanted to reach up and wipe away her tears. "We will honey, I promise, when this is all over, we'll have all the time in the world. Mean while you take care of my folks and our girls. Not to mention yourself, you been looking pale the past couple days."

"Just all the changes, so much has happened in such a short time. But Maggie and Henry been so nice to me. I like them Waylon and I can see where you three boys get your looks."

"Hmm, just remember you are all mine sweetheart. No flirting with my dad or my brothers." He bent down and kissed her long and hard. "I love you Noreen, you just remember that, okay?"

She nodded and moved away as the sheriff helped in into the back seat of the squad car he was just about to close the door when a little girl's voice caught all their attentions. "NO...DADDY!!! I want my daddy!!!" He looked to see Leigh fighting Keni's grip and he saw the determined look on his sister in law's face. It was still evident when she brought the girls over to kiss and hug him before they left. It would have been better if he could hug them back, but feeling those long little arms wrapped around him was all he needed to make him self more determined to see this damn thing through to the end.

Finally though Sheriff Jones was able to close the door and it was clear from his expression that he wasn't happy with what he had to do. "Damn feds, they got all the paper work from Dallas, don't know why they have to go this damn far. Why the hell can't they just let you stay home with one of those bands or something...?"

Waylon let the sheriff mutter all the way to town, but he knew that the sheriff as well as everyone else that this was how it had to be. Max had to be drawn back to Crossroads, for all their sakes. That man was as dangerous as a rabid dog, and like all rabid dogs he had to be put down with little concern of how much he suffered in the process.

* * *

Noreen saw the fear in her girl's eyes and tried to smile reassuringly. "It will be okay girls; Waylon will be home soon."

Keni nodded. "Yeah, this is just for a bunch of tests and all that junk. Why don't you two go see if Maggie has anymore of those cookies? I think she could use some cheering up too right now."

The girls ran off and Noreen looked at Keni. "Okay, what haven't you told us?"

"Don't do that woman, talk about me reading people. Okay, but not here, not even Henry or Maggie know about this okay?" They began to walk to the house that she and Harley shared with her sister and brother in law. Once inside they settled at the kitchen table over cups of hot coffee. "The Feds are hoping that Waylon being in jail will bring Max Connor out into the open. They're going to do a whole big news conference and the whole nine yards. That's why the sheriff is taking him to the local jail. There are two feds there who will be cluing Way in as soon as he gets there. Now, I got to warn you, they may imply some things that none of us will like but it's like that special agent told me and Harley, we need to pull this fox out of his hole if we are ever going to get this all cleared up."

"They think he will come back here don't they?"

"Yeah, they think he will try to get to Harley and Way both. I mean they both know him up close and personal. There's also the idea that no one has seen that girl he kidnapped in Idaho. The question is, is she still alive, or has he found a new one?"

Noreen nodded. "What about your folks, are they all doing okay?" They had looked worn and haggard the first time Noreen had met them the day after they arrived in Crossroads.

"Yeah, they didn't like the idea of having a federal agent sleeping in my old room, but they were in just as much in danger as we all were here. You want the truth I wish he would go to my house; I got some cousins that would love to kick his ass all the way to hell. Well, at least we know Waylon is home and not guilty of some of the shit he's been accused of. Knowing what I know now, I dropped the charges here against him, and it's just as well. At least when he comes home, he will be free and clear."

Some how Noreen doubted it, "no, he still has things he has to work out Keni. He knows he has problems, and he needs to find a way to over come them."

"At least he's got someone to help him."

Out of the corner of her eye, Noreen saw Harley come in the back door and smiled. "The way Harley had you?"

Keni groaned. "Oh lord, don't you start now, that man was just fine, and he would have grown up eventually. No man so perfect could be completely bad, and Harley if you think you can sneak up on me, you are crazy honey."

Harley laughed as he walked up and put his arms around her. "Hmm, I should know better by now. You clue her in?"

"Yeah, he is getting settled in?"

"Yeah, just the way the Fed's wanted it, plenty of press, plenty of spectators. They ain't real popular with the locals right now, let me tell you. The news conference will be on in a couple hours. Sheriff Jones is doing the actual booking and all, but they are running the show."

"How long you give it?" Noreen asked the question softly.

"I give him a week, and we'll be hearing from him again. Max is no fool, and if he knows we're onto him, he'll come out like a rabid dog. He wants back at me, but he doesn't know we'll all be ready." He ran his hand over Keni's stomach. "Are you sure you're okay...?"

Noreen had a flash in her mind. "You're pregnant? Is that why you passed out last night?" She had been as afraid as the others at the wedding reception but both Keni and Harley had come home this morning in good moods.

Keni nodded. "Eight weeks worth, but don't tell anyone yet, we're going to do that tonight. They're a little worried because it seems that I'm one of those who can get pregnant even on the pill and I been taking it, but the doctor says I'm fine and they'll be monitoring me so it should be okay."

"Well, you know everyone will be helping you...but with all that's going on." Noreen didn't want to think what was ahead of them, but it was there.

Harley nodded. "I told her that if she wanted to abort, I'd stand with her, but both of us agree that it would only make matters worse. No, we need to face this and get it past us. And we need to get Waylon home."

Get Waylon home, which was the main thing in Noreen's mind as she went back to Henry and Maggie's. The girls were with Kate, her mother and Maggie, but when she walked in, they came running to her. Leigh looked around and sighed. "Where are aunt Keni and Uncle Harley momma?"

"Aunt Keni wanted to lie down; she was in the hospital last night remember?"

Hannah nodded. "Is aunt Keni okay momma? She was crying when they took Waylon away."

"I know baby, but she's fine. Just tired, her and Harley been through a lot lately."

Kate smiled at her. "So have you Noreen, and if it wasn't for you, none of us would know where Waylon had been or even if he was still alive. You eased a lot of folk's minds."

Maggie nodded. "You helped my son come home Noreen, that alone makes you one of the most welcome people in the world, and these two little darlin's, so beautiful. Henry and I are blessed, having three new granddaughters and a new grandson all so close together."

Janie James nodded. "Just so Harley and Keni doesn't have one too soon, thank gods I got her on the pill, the way that man is."

Kate giggled. "Mom, don't go blaming just Harley. Keni has had her eyes on him for a long time."

Noreen saw the woman from Oregon nod. "I know, I think she fell in love with him the first time she ever saw him. Tell the truth I think it's the only reason she was happy coming here during the summers. Don't get me wrong Maggie, I think you raised three fine sons, but a man like Harley; he's a bit much at times for the senses. Hell, I'm an old married woman, and I still feel his pull at times. He just radiates something that draws a woman in."

Maggie laughed. "Hmm, he was always that way. Dean and Waylon got their share of female attention, but not like Harley, he just had to smile so and women been falling at his feet. But Keni, she has a special touch with him. I admit I was even a little concerned after that first day, and they were so blatant about what happened, but watching them together and watching my boy fall in love with her the way he did, it was like watching a whole new world open up. They are devoted to each other, neither of them will ever stray; ever do anything to hurt the other. That's a love that only comes along once in a lifetime, and to see it in your children, well you just know you did something right..."

Noreen had to agree, she had seen it in Dallas. Theirs was a love that would last beyond time it's self, and in truth, it was a love that enveloped not only each other but all those around them. She had never expected her girls to trust another man after what their father had done, she had never expected she would be able to trust or love another man after Harvey, but Waylon and Harley, they just told you that they were nothing like her ex husband. It had shocked her beyond words when Leigh had called Waylon daddy today, she had never called anyone that before. Hannah had even been more affected then she had expected her to be.

"You're awful quiet over there Noreen." Kate gave one of her blinding smiles, a trait she shared with her sister. "Don't worry about Waylon, he'll be well treated, and he'll be home before you know it. I just feel a little guilty for thinking all the things I did about him and then finding out he wasn't the monster I thought he was."

"He didn't know what he was Kate, so don't feel bad. You should have seen him when he heard his brother had been shot and you all thought he had done it. He was low in the hospital, but I think that was even worse for him. He does admit he has some problems he will need to get worked out once this is all over, but knowing that everyone will stand behind him will help."

Janie smiled. "Well, Keni believes in him and that is saying a lot, she has a way of knowing things about people and it was always a mystery to me that she could tell who to trust and who not to trust when she was growing up. Jean says it's a gift; of course my sister in law is a real believer in those things. My brother is a good man, but the last thing I expected him to hook up with was someone who swore that there are such things as auras and how certain smells can cause this reaction in you, and all that stuff...I thought she was a ding bat when I first met her. Now, I'm not so sure..."

"Mrs. James, if someone says Keni has a gift, I got to agree with them. Except for Waylon, she and Harley have been the only people I've let in my life since my ex was arrested three years ago. I had hidden myself away, refusing to even go outside unless I had no choice. Let alone move from one state to another. But those two girls, they are the real proof; they have loved Harley and Keni since the minute they met almost. And Waylon, Leigh has never called anyone daddy, not even her real father. Now I am no expert on anything, but if it's believed that someone has a gift, then I got to believe it's those three people. They radiate love, and when you know them, you can't help but feel it too."

* * *

For the next few days, Noreen spent time helping Maggie around the house while the girls learned their way around. They went to the jail every afternoon to see Waylon and it was clear that her daughters had indeed taken him on as their new daddy. Waylon was more then willing to accept the role, and when they had a chance to be alone, he looked at her. "I want to marry you Noreen, and when I do, I want to adopt the girls. You think there would be any problem with your ex...?"

"You can figure on plenty of trouble with him, Harvey isn't one to give up something he thinks is his..." Noreen hated to think what he would try to do to her and the girls for even leaving Texas while he was still in jail. She hadn't told Waylon about the letter her ex still sent her. To the unknowing eyes of a stranger, they would appear to be love letters from a man to his wife and daughters, to her; they were threats of things to come. They were one reason she had let him talk her into coming here. With Waylon, she felt safe, loved, and so did her girls.

"Well, trouble is one thing we do know how to handle, and let's take care of one crazy man at a time. Mean time, before you go back to the farm, you talk to sheriff Jones, he's got a couple hundred dollars I won in the nightly poker games and I want you to have it. Buy something real pretty for you and the girls to wear or something."

Noreen shook her head. "Waylon...you don't..."

Reaching out he put his fingers on her lips. "Yes I do, you're mine to look after and support. Now daddy said once this is all settled, I'll be back working on the farm, and Uncle Fred was in here with him, and he's offering me a part time job at the feed store he owns. So it's not going to be an easy life, but it will support us and we'll get the house, so we'll never lack a place to stay. I been doing a lot of thinking about things, and I've decided that if my crazy ass big brother can change, so can I. I want to be a good husband and a good father, you hear?"

She heard. Bending her head to his, she rested it against his forehead. "You're already a good husband and a good father Waylon. It's been in you all along; you just never had a reason to let it come out before." Feeling his fingers on her cheek, she began to understand why Keni felt the way she did about Harley. It was something a woman felt inside when she met the right man for her. She should have been afraid of him, of the things he had been accused of and how her ex had treated her. Instead, she had let him into her life and her heart without even thinking about it. "Keni cried for you the other day..."

Waylon nodded. "I know, and it hurt as bad it did seeing you and the girls cry for me, but Keni is my past, you are my future, and don't ever forget that. I love you Noreen, and I love our girls." His fingers slipped down the bars to her belly. "I hear that Keni is going to have a baby, any chance we might have...?"

She shook her head. "No, but it's something we can talk about once you're out of here, and we can live a normal life, I think I'd like a little boy though. And the girls would get a kick from a little brother."

That made him grin. "Well, maybe I should talk to the sheriff about an over night pass, see what we can do to get one started. We haven't had nearly enough time to practice either."

Noreen felt herself blush. "Waylon, stop that." She slapped at his hand playfully and he chuckled. "You're as bad as your brother, I swear..."

"Hmm, wait until I get out of here, and we get to the bedroom."

* * *

She was still blushing when she went out to the main office and found Keni waiting for her and the girls. Harley had gone to work that morning and as she took the envelope of money from the sheriff, Noreen looked at the younger woman, "you going to go in and see him?"

"No, Harley and I are coming in after dinner, Dean and Katie too." They went out into the chilly, but sun filled weather. "God, I used to think it got cold back in Oregon. That was nothing compared to today." They walked to Noreen's car and she noticed the FBI men in a car across the street. Keni smiled as she waved to them. "The pair of them stick out like sore thumbs don't they?"

"Yeah, they do..." Noreen wondered how Keni could be so matter of fact, until she saw how pale Keni was and how tired she looked. Harley was looking just as tired, and she suspected it wasn't just from the wedding plans. They were all living under a curtain of stress and strain. "How much longer Keni?"

She shook her head. "The wedding is in two weeks, it should be over by then. I don't understand why he hasn't shown up before now to tell you the truth. It's not like we haven't told him where to find us..."

Noreen knew just what Keni meant. It was like they all had targets pasted to their backs. Not a new feeling for her, but one she didn't like and having her girls in the line of fire wasn't easy to handle either. Still, if Keni could handle it, so could she. She just hoped the younger girl didn't get hurt in the process.

To Be Continued

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rbloch66rbloch66over 1 year ago

You really suck for not finishing a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I Love The Two Little Girls

If you want to know what kind of man Waylon is, watch how he is with Leigh and Hannah.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Why didn't you finish the story?

This was a great story, why'd you leave us hanging?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago


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