Mistress Of The Lake


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Phil blushed, as well, when he realized the young woman caught him looking at her panties.

"Sure, no problem," he said as he handed her the book she requested.

The short blonde had twinkling blue eyes and round cheeks, Phil noted as he handed her the book. She was probably the same age as one of his children, yet there was something in those eyes that captivated Phil.

"Have you read much of his stuff?" Phil asked the young woman.

"I've read about three of his books so far," the woman replied with a smile that revealed two rows of perfect teeth. "I'm not as convinced as others are that he was a great writer. Maybe for the day, but nowadays some of the stuff he wrote wouldn't cut the mustard. I think he was half-hype, half-genius."

Phil was taken aback by the answer. He felt the exact same way about Hemingway, but didn't expect to hear that opinion reflected back at him from a youngster.

"What? Are you a Hemingway apologist or something?" she asked.

"No, first of all I'm shocked that a kid actually reads a hardcopy book. I thought you youngsters just read iPad books. But I'm also surprised because you're the first person I've ever met who agrees with my opinion of Hemingway. I think he was a pompous blowhard who wasn't nearly as good as everyone else thought he was."

The woman giggled. It wasn't a sound Phil had heard too often up close and personal in the last year.

"I hope I'm not being too forward miss, but could we continue this conversation over a good cup of coffee?"

"Yeah, that would be great. Let me check this book out first," she answered.

The pair walked over to a near-by Starbucks.

Chantal Pierson turned out to be a 25-year-old graduate of Indiana University with a degree in marketing. She worked as a copywriter for a small ad agency in Fort Wayne. Phil gave her the Reader's Digest version of his life, including his divorce.

She found Phil as engaging as he found her. When they were about to end their visit an hour later, she asked to see his cellphone. He thought she needed to make a call, so he handed her the phone. She started thumbing numbers and letters furiously for several seconds, then handed back the phone.

"There you go. Got my digits and my name. I'd love to do this again with you," she bubbled cheerfully.

"Yeah, me, too," Phil answered shyly.

Phil spent the next few days thinking about the young woman. She was the first woman he had connected with since he divorced his wife. Still, he felt awkward with the fact she was half his age. It took him another few days to make the phone call.

"Hey, I was hoping you'd call!" Chantal enthused. "I really enjoyed your company the other night."

"How about we expand on that and do dinner this time? How would you like to do Oyster Bar?"

"Ooh, I'd really like that. I haven't been there in a long time. It's not somewhere I get to go on my budget," she said.

The pair was halfway through a great dinner when Chantal addressed the elephant in the room.

"You're pretty cool for an older guy. You know that?

"You're like the first guy that hasn't tried to undress me in the first half hour of a date in the last year. Either I don't interest you or you are a gentleman. Which is it?"

Phil blushed and got a deer-in-the-headlights look, which caused Chantal to giggle.

"Y-y-you definitely interest me," Phil said. "But I am also a gentleman. Been this way my whole life. My father would have beaten me within an inch of my life if some girl had said I was handsy with her.

"But you're also a lifetime younger than me."

"How about we just enjoy this moment right now?" she asked.

"You know, you also might be a lifetime smarter than me," Phil said.


Rawley and Glenn Zahm were just finishing up when Glenn asked her if she was up to another "date." She always enjoyed the dates Glenn set up for her, and she had to admit things were much easier without having to worry about her ex-husband. That also gave her free weekends, which she often used to entertain dates.

"How would you feel about a younger guy this time? Say someone about 30?" Glenn asked.

"As long as he has your seal of approval. You know I trust you," Rawley said.

Rawley's date was the son of one of Glenn's friends. He was a former college basketball player and still in good physical condition. While he didn't necessarily have the refinement of many of Rawley's other dates, he had youth and physicality on his side. He pounded Rawley mercilessly for about 45 minutes before coming the first time, then after a 10-minute break was shoving his sticky cock into her mouth to start the second round. Rawley screamed through several orgasms along the way before the pair went to bed after about 2-1/2 hours of relentless sex.

They finished up the next morning with Rawley deepthroating the young man for his first come and then him pounding Rawley some more in the shower for his second.

While she enjoyed the sex, Rawley admitted the young man was a bit more than she was used to physically.

"God, I need a nap," she said to herself as the young man handed her a stack of bills on the way out the door.


Phil was amazed that despite the difference in ages between he and Chantal, they were still dating six months later. They became intimate on their third date. Although he was not physically the man he was 25 years ago, Phil made up for that with experience, enthusiasm and love. Although she only had a few suitors to compare him to, Chantal thought he was an excellent lover.

The two were cuddled together after an exhilarating session of lovemaking. Phil was big on cuddling after lovemaking and taught the young woman to appreciate the act, as well. After a few minutes, Phil felt her body stiffen. He looked down to see her looking up at him with an unreadable expression on her face.

"Phil, you know I love you, right?" Chantal whispered.

Phil was pretty sure he knew where this was going, and rolled onto his back, letting out a large sigh.

"No, no, Phil. It's not like that!" Chantal quickly blurted out, realizing what Phil was thinking. "I think we're great together, but I think you can do better."

"Do better? Than you? Not likely, Sweetie," Phil chuckled.

"Well, what would you say to me plus 25 years?"

"Huh?" Phil mumbled.

"There's only one other woman in the whole world I could think of who would be better for you than me... and that's my mom. Could you do me this one little favor and take her out once. Please."

"Your mom? Seriously? But wouldn't it be weird if we were to wind up... here?"

Chantal batted her blue eyes and gave Phil her most charming smile.

"Shit," he whispered.

Phil was shocked when he picked up Lori "Lala" Pierson for their date two weeks later. Chantal had told Phil that her mother was 25 years older, but if Phil didn't know better, he would have guessed she was Chantal's older sister. The resemblance between the two was uncanny, except Lala had strawberry blonde hair.

Two years younger than Phil at 50, Lala had been married for 18 years to Chantal's father before divorcing him because he was a serial cheater. As Chantal explained to Phil, she and her father reconciled after several years apart. Her mother, however, still wasn't even talking to her ex.

Both Phil and Lala enjoyed their date, even though Lala caught him looking askance at her several times throughout the evening.

"What?" she finally asked.

"You and your daughter are so much alike it's almost scary," Phil answered. "It's kind of like dating sisters. Ummm... how much did you guys talk before this date? Should I have performance anxiety?"

Lala giggled; sounded just like Chantal. Phil loved the sound, but thought it was still weird.

"That's up to you. I wasn't making any definite plans. Chantal trusts you completely, so I figured I would just follow your lead. It's not like either one of us is a kid anymore, now are we?"

"I guess that takes some of the tension out of it then," Phil said.

"But I need to warn you, I'm not nearly as flexible as my daughter is," Lala said.

"I understand perfectly," Phil chuckled.

The pair did wind up at Phil's place at the end of the evening.


It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Rawley was going to host a family dinner. The kids were scheduled to arrive Thursday morning, and Phil and a plus one were coming in the afternoon in time to eat.

Before the big day, however, Rawley was enjoying her new favorite client, 30-year-old Jason Lafforge, and one of his friends, Tommy Wickersham. Rawley was introduced to Jason right after her divorce from Phil, and he quickly became her favorite due to his age and vigor. He had asked Rawley if she would be willing to do her first threesome, and she agreed after a moment's hesitation.

Rawley was riding Jason on a chair in her kitchen while Tommy was holding her head and face fucking her when Rawley's younger son, Robbie, let himself into the lake house with the key he had. As he led a young woman into the house, he stopped in his tracks when he looked into the kitchen and saw his mother entertaining a pair of guests.

"Mom!" he cried in anguish.

Rawley tried to speak when she realized there were more people in the house, but with Tommy's dick deep in her mouth all she could do was moan loudly. The intense noise sent Tommy off immediately, causing the young man to shoot a bucket's worth of cum into Rawley's mouth. She swallowed as much as she could before the remainder dribbled down her chin and onto her breasts.

The resulting action caused Jason to shoot deeply into her pussy, and he came, grunting harshly while Rawley was sputtering and choking on Tommy's load.

"We've gotta go!" Robbie said to the young woman who started to walk in the house after him.

The young woman was frozen to the spot watching the action in the kitchen as Robbie tried to push her back out the door. Her introduction as Robbie's fiancée would have to wait until later.

"Oh, God... noooo!" Rawley finally yelled as she disengaged from her young lovers.


Phil's phone was ringing even before Robbie pulled his car out of the driveway at the lake house.

"Oh shit, Dad! She was fucking two young guys at the same time when Claire and I walked into the house! How can I ever face her again?" an exasperated Robbie blurted out when Phil answered his phone.

"Wait. What?" Phil responded. "Slow down and talk to me, Robbie."

Robbie explained to Phil that he had come home a day early for the holiday and to introduce his fiancée to his parents. He wanted to surprise his mother and didn't call, using his key to enter the house. The surprise was on him.

"You have to remember, Robbie, your mother is a single woman now and doesn't have to answer to anybody for what she does in the privacy of her own home. You probably should call in the future before using your key, or maybe even give the key back," Phil said.

"I can't believe you, of all people, are defending her being a skank, Dad."

Phil thought for a second, then chuckled. Teaching children is a lifetime thing, he thought to himself.

"If you were lucky enough to have two girls in your room, would you consider yourself a male skank, Robbie?" Phil said.

"I'd consider myself a dead man, because Claire would kill me," Robbie said.

"But if you weren't engaged, then what?" Phil said. "Just because your mother is over 50 doesn't mean she isn't a sexual being."

"Well, I can tell you what, Dad, she's only getting a plus-one invitation to the wedding like everybody else, not a plus-two," Robbie joked.

"Seems fair to me," Phil said.

Robbie and Claire spent the night at Phil's house. The next day, Thanksgiving, everybody drove over to the lake house for turkey and all the trimmings.

Rawley took her son and his fiancée aside and apologized as soon as they got to the lake house. When Phil walked in, he looked at Rawley and silently shook his head. She blushed appropriately.


After a half-dozen dates with Lala, Phil knew he was over Chantal, but he didn't want their friendship to die, so he called her and set up a lunch date. For her part, Chantal was effusive over the relationship Phil had formed with her mother.

"But how would you feel if we took it further, Chantal? I don't want this to be weird for any of us," Phil said.

"I'm okay, Babe. Remember, I was the one who gave you to Mom," she said, smiling brightly.

"Okay, okay, you've got a point. But I would still like to keep you in my world as a friend, you little minx. You've grown on me."

"How about as family?" she enthused. "I would make a great daughter-in-law, you know. Mom thinks I'm a great daughter."

"You are about as subtle as a pie to the face," Phil said. "It's only been six dates."

"Yeah, but we've been out on a lot of dates, too. Can't you just transfer my account to her?"

Phil put his head in his hands and shook his head. He raised his head with a big smile.

"You two make a great tag team: half-pints squared."

She giggled and smiled.

"Don't wait too long, Phil... and if this doesn't work out, don't hurt her."

"I could never hurt either of you," Phil said. "I've got a soft spot for sprites. You know that."

Phil asked Lala to marry him six months later. She moved into his house a month after that.


Rawley took her good friend Glenn Zahm to Robbie and Claire's wedding and Phil took his fiancée, Lala. The two couples came face to face for the first time when they sat down next to each other in the groom's parents row a few minutes before the ceremony was to start.

"So we finally meet, Phil. I'm Glenn Zahm, a friend of Rawley's," Zahm said as he approached Phil with his hand extended.

Phil looked blankly at Zahm and didn't extend his hand.

"Friend and pimp is my understanding," Phil said just loud enough for only the foursome to hear.

"Yeah, whatever," Zahm said as he retracted his hand.

Rawley glared daggers at her ex-husband. She was too busy to notice Claire's mother glaring similar daggers at her. Claire had told her parents what she had seen at the lake house the year before.

Robbie had introduced his mother to Claire's the previous night at the rehearsal dinner. When Rawley started to step forward for the expected hug, she got a firm hand to her shoulder from the other woman, stopping her forward movement. She looked up, shocked, and blushed a deep red, knowing Claire's mother had heard about the lake house meeting.

Claire's mother didn't hesitate to hug Lala, and it was obvious that the two women had spent time in each other's presence before. Rawley knew she was the odd woman out.


Glenn Zahm was not a happy camper when he was notified by the Kosciusko County Health Department that a sexual partner of his had contracted syphilis and he needed to get tested and turn in the results to them within a week.

"God damn it, Rawley, I warned you about these young guys, always thinking they're fucking invincible, fucking everybody bareback!" he screamed at her over the phone.

Rawley had moved the phone away from ear during the outburst. She sat on the edge of her bed sobbing. She had found out about her STD the day before from her doctor's office. The continued burning pain in her crotch told her she had a big problem.

The next day Rawley found out she had an even bigger problem. In the ensuing years, several other homes had been built on the street on which Rawley lived. One of those homes belonged to a highly-regarded doctor and his wife, the latter who figured out exactly what Rawley's occupation was.

Glenn Zahm's attorney was a good one, and combined with the arrest being the first for Rawley, she wound up being sentenced to just one year jail time, with six months probation, although she could have gotten up to six years on the felony charge.

Worse than the conviction, though, was the effect the crime and resulting publicity had on her family and her life in general. Her children and her parents were mortified.

"So that day I caught you at your house fucking those two guys, that was business? Oh my god, Mom. A slut and a prostitute?" Robbie said in a phone call several days after Rawley was arrested. "How many guys have you fucked?"

Rawley didn't answer the last question, hoping it was just a poor reaction to the situation and not a real ask.


While Rawley was spending her days in orange, Lala chose cornflower blue for her wedding dress. Robbie served as his father's best man and Chantal was the maid of honor for her mother.


Rawley's conviction encouraged the Kosciusko County prosecutor's office to take a further look at Glenn Zahm, especially with the encouragement of several of Zahm's neighbors. Zahm at first laughed off the investigation, but when it branched out to several of the cities in which he had dealerships, and several areas of his various businesses, it became a considerable concern. The negative publicity of Zahm being investigated for being involved in an escort ring sent his dealerships into a steep decline.

Zahm lost millions when he sold his dealerships two years later.

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Ocker53Ocker533 days ago

The ex husband exchange with his son after his son caught his mother in a threesome is just ludicrous, absolutely ludicrous, no one would support the ex wife in those circumstances and certainly not someone who was the victim of her prolific cheating. But I still enjoyed it despite the 2 ridiculous paragraphs.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

NitpicNitpic4 days ago

The ending with the bit about the dealership doesn't ring true.

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

It had a promising start, the dip back into the past was unnecessary added nothing and detracted from the pace and tension.

The discovery via the completely unprofessional banking slip up was an absolute no-no.

The chance of catching and being able to charge the wife as a prostitute was absolute zero, considering the way it worked. Tax evasion perhaps.

Not sure how getting with the mum of your partner can work whether it's with their blessing or not. It kind of requires an appreciation of love and compartmentalisation that seems out of place for someone that got so bent out of shape over his wife's surprising career move.

AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

I am now officially fed up reading your stories. Read one read them all. Try for once to have a reconciliation. Not RAAC. But a reconciliation nonetheless. You are predominantly a BTB merchant not necessarily by the husband as you include circumstances in the BTB. Your stories seem to follow the same trope, naive husband and slut wife, husband good guy wife not so much. It gets boring after a while. You are a talented writer and I originally enjoyed your stories but after a while it is just same old, same old. I will give reading your stories a rest for now and come back later to see if you have expanded away from this style of story line. Thank you for your stories.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 1 month ago

chugged along nicely but ended quickly. my inner pervert was pulling for a FMF threesome with the mother and daughter. The daughter was an endearing character but I didn't get much feel for Lala as the story was moving pretty quickly by that point.

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