Mistress Pearl


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"Well, why don't you take the right cheek, you can probably get a better swing that way."

"Certainly. What are we using to start with?"

"What ever takes your fancy, mistress. See his arse as a blank canvas awaiting your inspiration. We'll work up to a good caning so start with some rubber or leather, don't you think?"

"There's a cock under there to torment if you need a break."

I saw movement in my limited field of vision as mistress Valkyrie inspected under the table.

"Oh, mistress, it's unrestrained!"

"Don't worry, it won't be for long."

"It's also making a mess, mistress. Dripping all over the floor!"

"I've warned you about that before slave. Make him clean it up."

I felt a hand milk my cock Squeezing till it felt the head would split.

"I think that's all, let me check."

By balls were viciously squeezed the shaft milked again. Next I felt fingers being forced into my mouth and tasted the unmistakable sweetness of pre-cum.

"That's what we do for messy slaves. Let it be a warning."

Completely unprepared I felt the whack of a hand across the head of my cock. I flinched but was completely restrained. My only noticeable response was a pained grunt.

"I think Mistress Valkyrie, that we should take some before and after photos. That way we can let the others decide who is the more artistic of the two of us."

I heard and saw the flash go off a few times.

"Now mistress Valkyrie, I find -- WHACK -it useful - WHACK, WHACK- to build up slowly- WHACK, WHACK, WHACK- establish a rhythm and increase the force slowly. You'll find that slave will tolerate that much better. If you break the skin too early it can ruin your masterpiece."

The blows continued at an increasing rate, generally in the same area but occasionally on my upper thighs. There was a pause followed by blows to my left buttock. These were less regular, less accurate and varied in force more than Mistress Pearl's. Perhaps this reflected experience. The mistresses alternated series of blows till my cheeks had a glowing, puffy feel to them.

"Ok mistress, now try this."

There was a brief pause followed by a solid belt to my right buttock and an intense sting on my left cheek. A few seconds delay and another. I tensed for the next blow.

"Relax slave, there's a long way to go, conserve your strength."

As I relaxed, and before I could do so completely I felt another blow to the right. I tensed, contracting my buttocks.

"I said relax slave!"

"We're going to keep doing this until you can follow a few simple instructions!"

I took a deep breath, exhaled and took my mind elsewhere.

Three strong blows followed. I stayed relaxed.

"Good. Now it's your turn mistress. I'm going to check his cock."

The blows started on my right cheek. I wasn't sure what they were using but it had a tail that would flick the opposite cheek if the blow landed correctly.

"Oh, mistress, he's gone soft! Aren't you enjoying this slave? Hit him harder, that may help."

The blows became stronger but more erratic. When they fell on the same tracks as previous blows they hurt far more. While this was happening I felt my cock being stroked to erection under the table. That was followed by a nauseating blow to my balls.

"Sorry slave, does this feel better?"

The head of my cock was now being gently massaged.

"Yes mistress," I replied.

"Good, then keep the blows coming mistress, he obviously enjoys them."

"Don't you dare come on my hand slave or I'll feed it all to you and make you lick the floor clean!

The massaging of my cock intensified and to avoid coming I concentrated on the blows reigning down on my arse.

The hand eventually left my cock, but was immediately followed by one last slap of the head.

"Mistress, you have done well! I think my side has fallen behind in the artistic merit category. Let's get started with the canes, they're my favourite! We'll start with the light ones and move up to the heavy ones. Slave, this will hurt, particularly as your arse already looks quite bruised and there are a few welts, but if you complain we will only go harder and there will be no rewards. OK?"

"Yes mistress," was all I could muster.

I could hear the mistresses practicing their swings. The "whoosh" through the air was distinctive. I could only wait until the first one struck. As I expected it was to my left cheek. It felt like a thin cane, more of an intense sting than deep pain. Anticipating the blow I was able to remain relaxed.

"Very good slave."

A complement from my mistress, I felt pleased.

A further blow to the same cheek, harder this time. I flinched. Which cheek next?

The right. Very hard!

"Oh, that broke the skin already Mistress Valkyrie. Not to worry, I'll try to make one match on this side. Try a little higher next time, the skin seems a little less damaged there."

Whack. Lower! Was that deliberate so I wouldn't prepare for it or just bad aim.

"My turn."

Whack. Whack. Whack.

"How about some music mistress."

"That would be lovely."

"Anything in particular take your fancy?"

"You mean other than destroying the slaves arse? No, whatever you think suits the occasion."

"OK, you keep working."

I heard footsteps move to the corner of the room and immediately the blows resumed.

At some point the volume came up. Tom Waits, "Bad as Me."

"Keep going mistress, I'm just going to choose our next canes."

I could hear more swishes, some followed by pain on my arse and others from further away, Mistress Pearl practicing her swing with the next weapons.

"Here, try this. Oh, I think I really do have some catching up to do. Would you mind helping mistress?"

"Certainly, after you."

This was followed by a series of blows to my left buttock, firstly from my left, then the right, in time with the music. Occasionally mistress Valkyrie would beat her own side, my right buttock.

There was a pause and I felt a hand gently caressing my cheeks, moving down between my legs, over my balls and cock.

"Are you enjoying this slave?"

"Yes, mistress," I assumed was the correct answer.

"Good, slave. Your arse is looking a treat and we haven't even started with the heavy canes yet."

I cringed.

"Do you like me playing with my cock and balls?"

"Yes mistress.

That was true.

"They are my cock and balls you know, don't you."

A statement, not a question.

"Yes, mistress," I affirmed.

She gave my balls a very hard squeeze."

"And don't you forget it!"

I heard her stride across the room. I could hear what I thought was her sorting through the basket of canes, choosing their next implements.

Mistress Valkyrie appeared under the table, her face right in front of mine. I saw her hand, still holding a medium sized cane move down towards my exposed genitals.

"I'm looking forward to getting to work on the other side," she said, with a sadistic smirk. "I wonder how much damage mistress will let me inflict." I felt the cane knock the head of my semi-erect cock. Knocking back and forth as she let out a giggle, staring straight into my eyes as she did so.

"I'm only a beginner you know. It would be a shame if I made a mistake and damaged you a little more than I should." She gave my cock a few harder knocks as she was saying this.

"Wouldn't it slave?" A fierce blow glanced across the very tip of my cock. I recoiled as much as I could and grunted between clenched teeth, "Yes mistress."

She moved away and stood up.

"Here's your cane Mistress. Now, if you're not use to using such a heavy cane start lightly and build up slowly. We have plenty of time, there's no rush. It's good to learn what force is needed to cause bruising, what will cause welts and how much force you'll need to break the skin but ideally leave no permanent damage. It makes it more difficult next time if there's permanent damage.

The light touch of a cane on my left buttock made me flinch. A few taps made me realise she was taking aim.

The first blow fell. I winced. It hurt, a lot, but part of my buttock was essentially numb now anyway. Another blow on the same cheek only harder this time. A third. Lower down this time on a less warmed section of flesh. It really hurt. I grunted as I exhaled and relaxed, determined not to cry out nor ask for mercy.

"Lovely work,Mistress Pearl, three stripes all aligned beautifully!"

"Thankyou, have a try yourself."

Again I felt the flicker of aim being taken on my right cheek. The cane drew back, I tensed, but nothing happened. I exhaled and relaxed.

"Whack," was followed by a maniacal giggle. That was followed by two more rapid strikes, not accurately places as by her more experienced partner and the pain was not as deep.

"Nice theatre mistress but more control for the next series please. "

The "next" series I thought!

"This will be somewhat harder slave, but if you're very good we may have a reward for you. How many blows do you think we should give mistress?"

"How about another six?" Mistress Valkyrie replied.


"Wonderful idea!" There was a touch of glee in that response, she obviously meant three each.

"OK, I'll start. We'll use the whole buttock this time." I felt the cane rest across the middle of my buttocks.

I jerked my buttocks back as I felt a whack to the underside of my cock. Mistress Valkyrie had put her cane under the table to hit me. The blow was not too painful but took me by complete surprise.

"Stay still slave! " ordered Mistress Pearl. "Any more behaviour like that once we get started and we'll be forced to start again."

A tapping started up on my cock. It wasn't painful but terribly distracting, particularly when one was harder than the rest or applied to the head of my cock.


"I think you should count slave, we wouldn't want you to miss out and not get your monies worth."




By this stage my mind was complete mess. I didn't know where to concentrate.


I was distracted by the continual tapping on my cock, worrying me as to what might happen there. Could I protect myself if there was a strong blow? No. Dealing with the pain of the increasing severity of the blows, I was wondering what my arse would look like at the end of this session, but also had to focus on counting.

"Four." Only 2 more to go. Oh, no. That was only half I realised. Perhaps the more junior mistress would be less confident to hit me so hard.

"Ok, slave. These last two are going to hurt."

A couple of taps told me she was taking careful aim. The first took my breath away. I spluttered. Mistress Valkyrie chuckled. I caught my breath.


"Very good, slave."

She moved the cane across my arse like the bow on a violin, occasionally twitching to make me flinch. Mistress Valkyrie was holding the cane tightly against the underside of my cock, pressing it against my body as though stabilising me so that I couldn't get away. Small chance of that!

The cane left my cheek. There was a "swoosh" but no contact. Two different voices chuckled. The cane touched my skin and immediately was raised, another "swoosh" and it came down hard on my raw flesh.

I was now in that zone where this is a surreal experience. The searing pain is there but it's almost an out of body experience. I was conscious of the cane on my cock sandwiching my penis, and of the pain in the flesh of my arse. I wondered what it looked like. It felt wet but whether it was bleeding I had no idea. It was singing in a high-pitched tone. The cane on my cock flicked back against my balls, I let out a guttural groan. I may just have well have had plugs in my ears; the tinnitus of the pain was overwhelming. Endorphins had kicked in and as the next series of blows commenced, I mumbled out "seven to twelve" as mistress Valkyrie administered her punishment.

Time seemed to pause. For how long I wasn't sure. I'd asked for a relentless session so I assume it was only a short period of time. I felt almost tender caresses on my arse then through the fog I heard my mistress.

"Well done slave, but I just remembered, we had to give you 6 more canes for you earlier indiscretions."

I felt I was in some clichéd horror movie and just as I was free the monster returns.

"Mistress Valkyrie, he has been a good slave. Why don't you give him his reward as we discussed."

"But mistress, I wanted him to perform for us."

"Oh, he will. Don't worry. If he can't he'll be very sorry, trust me."

Mistress Valkyrie moved under the table, came up close to my face and in little more than a whisper told me, "By the time I've finished with that cock the last thing you'll be wanting to do with it is play with it!"

She gave my cock and balls one vicious slap before taking it in her hand and starting to masturbate me.

"You had better not come before I've finished here slave," warned Mistress Pearl as the first blow came down.

Mistress Valkyrie started working furiously on the head of my cock, obviously trying to force me to displease my mistress.

"If you get one drop of this on me slave I swear I'll force it back up your cock. I want it all in this bowl." She lifted what looked like a salad bowl to my face. At least it was wide.

Two more blows, but I knew I was close to coming.

"I don't think I can hold back, mistress."

"What was that," asked Mistress Valkyrie?

She knew full well what I'd said and started working even harder on my cock.

My mistress at the same time lined up and let fly with a particularly vicious blow across both cheeks.

I was past the point of control and grunted "I'm coming," just in time for mistress Valkyrie to raise the bowl to my cock. I couldn't see if any had spilled, as my field of view was limited.

"Oh, dear. He's been a very naughty slave mistress."

Mistress Pearl bent down looked in the bowl, then to me.

"I'm very disappointed slave, is that all you could produce after all my attentions."

"Let me see if there's any more there mistress," suggested Mistress Valkyrie.

She started milking my cock, squeezing it so hard I could feel the head swell well before her hand reached that end.

"Give me some more slave!"

Next she started masturbating me again. The sensation was intense. Too intense! I jerked and flinched against my restraints. I felt the cane on my buttocks again, followed by a quick whack.

Mistress Valkyrie concentrated her efforts on the head of my cock. What would usually be a pleasurable sensation pre-ejaculation was now unbearably intense pain. The only distraction was the regular whacking of my arse. I fought and strained against my bonds, the mistresses laughed.

"Stay still, slave, you're ruining my aim!"

I can't!" was all I could get out in between grunts and groans, the restraints having loosened just slightly with all my spasms. I was determined not to ask for mercy but I wasn't sure how much longer I could continue. It felt like my cock was being sandpapered and lemon juice used to moisten it.

"Slave, we're going to keep doing this until we can have some peace and quiet here. So, some decency and respect!"

I held my breath, straining until I thought I would explode, trying to ignore the intensity of the pain. I was quivering with the strain, mentally counting the blows to my buttocks, one, two three, mentally trying to disconnect from my penis.

It all stopped. I exhaled and sucked in a huge gasp of air. My eyes were watering and my nose running. I drew massive breaths in and out. Gradually the pain in my cock eased but that made me more aware of my stinging arse.

"Time to turn him over and pay a bit more attention to the other side don't you think mistress Valkyrie?"

"But what are we going to do about this?" She waved the bowl with my now liquefied come in it under my face.

"What would you like to do?'

"I think we should make him eat it," suggested Mistress Valkyrie.

I"I have an even better idea, bring it here."

The mistresses moved to the corner of the room. I had no idea what they were up to. A minute or so later they returned. I could see the flash going off a few times.

"What a work of art you've made mistress."

"Thankyou, you did contribute though."

I felt a finger enter my arse then be withdrawn. Immediately following that, something of a similar size but stiffer was inserted. I felt an odd sensation in my bowels and I realised mistress had injected my own semen into my rectum.

"Now hold onto that slave for the rest of the session or maybe we will make you eat it."

My shackles were released and I was ordered to turn over and place my arms by my side.

Turning over was itself an effort. All my muscles were aching from the involuntary fight against my restraints. It was like I had spent a couple of hours doing boot camp. Plastic wrap was then placed around me from my chest to my feet. At least 3 layers were applied. This again completely restrained me. I could wiggle my toes and my fingers, though they were within the plastic. The only other thing I could move was my head.

Mistress Pearl now came at me with a large pair of scissors.

"Now slave, stay very still, though I don't think that will be too hard will it."

Mistress Valkyrie blocked what little view I had by exposing her left breast and putting her nipple to my mouth. I could feel mistress run the blades of the scissors across my genitals, teasing me, trying to worry me that she may cut them. I had to twist my head to the side to grab a breath of air. Mistress Valkyrie forced her breast back into my mouth as I felt the touch of cold steel on my groin.

I could feel my cock and balls freed from the confines of the plastic wrap. My balls were roughly dragged up from between my thighs to allow complete access.

I could visualise my genetalia looking exposed and lonely on a sea of plastic. I was unable to move except to push my head into mistress Valkyrie's cleavage when both cock and balls where slapped and squeezed. My bondage was far more restrictive than when I was lying prone.

"Are you thirsty slave," asked mistress Valkyrie?

"A little mistress." I was wary of what she might be planning to give me.

She moved away and shortly after I heard the tap running. Meanwhile Mistress Pearl was preparing some items on a trolley. I couldn't see what they were but as I tried to look she picked up a crop and whacked the shaft of my cock.

"You'll feel this when I'm ready, slave. I didn't say you could look!"

"Mistress Valkyrie, slave likes to have his senses tested. Let's see how well he can learn our tastes when you've finished watering him."

"I would give you a glass of my special nectar but there's just not much there.....yet," Mistress Valkyrie smirked.

She took a few sips from her cup (nothing bad I assumed) then ordered me to open my mouth. She took another sip then allowed water to trickle from her mouth into mine. She smiled an evil grin, took another sip and repeated the process. Eventually the cup was empty.

"Oh, and I bet slave is still thirsty. You've been such a good slave as well. Let mistress help you. Open wide."

She closed her lips, her cheeks worked back and forth, and then she let out a long string of saliva into my mouth.

I swallowed. What else could I do?

"Well." A slap on my cock followed.

"Thankyou mistress."

"That's better, slave. Now open again."

The process was repeated twice more. While that was happening I could feel my cock and balls being bound with rope. I could feel my cock becoming erect again.

"That's good slave, something to aim at." It was Mistress Pearl.

I could feel my balls being stretched and assumed multiple loops of rope were being wound around the scrotum. I tensed; it was all I could do, as mistress flicked my balls.

Meanwhile mistress Valkyrie had positioned her armpit over my face.