MMM Ch. 14: Capturing Love

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Bradley arranges a photo shoot for three.
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I was snuggled in the arms of my fiancé Max falling asleep in bed on a Sunday night after an exciting weekend of dancing, sex and an official proposal from Max with a ring. I heard my other lover Bradley on the phone, but I didn't have the energy to figure out who he was talking to.

"Hey," Bradley said, gently shaking my shoulder, "Are you awake?"

Max said yes and I just made a sound.

Bradley continued excitedly, "I want you to come by after work tomorrow and do a photo shoot with me. I know a great photographer who does photos of couples. He specializes in capturing love. I want you to see what it's like. Both of you."

"Really?" I asked, turning towards him and becoming more alert.

"Yes," Bradley confirmed.

"What should I wear?" I asked, instantly going through my entire wardrobe in my head.

"It doesn't matter," Bradley assured.

"Why? Will we be naked?" I asked, nervously.

Bradley answered, "Probably, but don't worry, the camera memory card will be ours. No one will ever see the photos but us."

"Sounds fun," I said, rolling back over to go to sleep with a content smile. I knew I was one lucky woman.

In the morning, I saw the light coming through our bedroom window. Bradley's hand was over me on Max's stomach. He was caressing his muscles while kissing my neck. Max put his hand on Bradley's arm caressing him back. It was so fucking cute and loving. I couldn't imagine a better way to wake up.

"Good morning," Bradley said, kissing me.

"Good Morning," Max and I said together. Max turned my face to him and put his lips on mine.

"Ready to be models today?" Bradley asked us with a huge smile.

"I still don't know what to wear..." I sighed.

"I've got this," Bradley said. He got out of bed and picked out our clothes. He picked a classic black suit with a white shirt and a sophisticated tie for Max. He picked out casual black pants and a white shirt for himself. And finally, he picked my black floral dress he said he liked the other day when I came home from work. Then he went to the dresser and took out my matching black lace bra and underwear. Then he found my black strappy heels.

"There!" he said, looking pleased with himself, "Appropriate for work all day and then ready for the camera later. Black and white will make us really pop."

"You're the expert," I said, kissing him to thank him.

All day at work I tried to imagine what the photo shoot would be like with the three of us. Would we really be naked? Would we have sex? Did lots of people do things like this?

I went to Max's work after I was done with my workday. It was the first time I'd seen his work friends since our official engagement. Max was thrilled to see me and he showed off my ring to everyone who would listen. Many congratulated me with a brief hug. A few girls looked like they wanted me to accidentally fall off a cliff. A few of the guys looked like they wanted to eat me for dessert. Max was blissfully happy and seemed oblivious to anyone's reactions.

On our way to the address Bradley gave us for the photo shoot, I asked Max, "Did you think some of the people at work reacted weirdly to our engagement,"

"They're just jealous, baby," he said smiling, "They should be. I won."

"Oh you won, did you?" I said laughing, "I'm the prize?"

"Hell yeah!" he said, giving me a sweet kiss.

We got to the address Bradley gave us and I was surprised it was just a regular brick building. I guess I thought photo shoots occurred in glamorous places because they always end up looking so glamorous.

When we got inside, the room was large with white sheets draped everywhere. There is a white couch. A variety of chairs and a bed off to the side in all white sheets and pillows. Everything was white.

Bradley appeared and walked over to us looking just as sharp and fresh as this morning. I silently wondered how many times he had been in and out of his clothes today. There aren't many jobs that require getting naked, so it was a valid question, but I kept it to myself.

Bradley greeted us both with a kiss on the cheek. I giggled because he never greeted Max that way, but I guess that's how it's done in the modeling world.

Bradley introduced us to the photographer, Sven. He was exactly as I imagined a professional model photographer would be. He had a slight accent and was very laid back. I got the feeling nothing surprised him, least of all our threesome.

"Come," Bradley said motioning to the couch. I saw a bottle of champagne and three glasses. "Sit. Let's toast the engagement." Max and I followed Bradley to the couch and sat. Bradley opened up the champagne and poured it for us.

"These photos are my gift to you!" he said, raising his glass.

"To us!" I said raising my glass looking at both of my men. Then I heard the camera start clicking.

The clicking of the camera was distracting to me. It wasn't something I was used to hearing.

Seeing my reaction Bradley said, "Ignore it." Then Bradley told Sven to put on some soft background music. He did, and came back clicking all around us. I tried to ignore him, but it was difficult. It wasn't like being watched at the sex club or even our neighbor, Ron, watching us through the window. Being watched was a turn-on, but this felt more like being examined under a microscope. Bradley helped me focus on him by keeping me looking at him.

"Let's take pictures of all three of us," Bradley said to me as we finished our drink. Bradley directed us to stand by the big white sheet backdrop. We stood together in various poses. Sometimes Bradley had us looking at him and sometimes he directed us to look at the camera.

"Look at the camera and think of me," Bradley whispered in my ear as Max held me around the waist. Sven was unphased by our threesome. I guess for him it was just another day at the office, I thought to myself as I stifled a giggle.

Bradley and Max took our glasses and refilled them with champagne, leaving me alone by the backdrop.

"Before I give you your drink," Bradley said to me, "Let's do some pictures of just you."

"Me...I..." I stammered.

"Just look at me, baby," Bradley said. I followed his directions. He told me to stand looking at him. He told me to face away from him. Then I turned my head towards him. Sven took pictures of me and also snapped pictures of Bradley and Max looking at me.

Then Bradley joined me and we took pictures together. Bradley knew just how to stand. He held me and I got lost in him. He kissed me, ran his fingers through my hair, looked me in the eyes and just held me. I saw Max watching us smiling.

"Now you," Bradley said to Max walking away from me and sending Max towards me. Bradley directed us.

"Hold her," he told Max, "Kiss her. Love her." Max started to loosen up looking at me.

"I love you, baby," I said, looking into his eyes.

"I love you forever, baby," Max said, picking up my hand to look at my ring. "Forever," he said again, kissing me.

Bradley rejoined us and I touched Max's necklace on Bradley's neck.

"You're a part of our forever too, baby," I said to Bradley, kissing him as I was still in Max's arms.

"Wait!" I said, "I want pictures of you two together looking so fine!" I jumped out of the way and stood next to Sven.

I tried to give instructions, but I had no clue what I was doing. Bradley told Max to follow his lead, copying his moves. They looked awesome together. After just a few serious pictures, Bradley got silly with his poses and the two of them were play punching and pretend wrestling.

"Boys!" I said, feigning annoyance.

Bradley stopped and stood back from Max fixing his shirt and tie.

"Let her make us a mess instead," Bradley said, looking at Max smiling. Max looked tense again to me.

"Relax," Bradley said to Max, obviously noticing too.

"Come here baby," Bradley said to me. I obeyed. "Take off his tie." I smiled and took off Max's tie. My mind was racing with ideas for how to use the tie.

Sven spoke for the first time in a while, "Bradley, talk to your lovers with your eyes and your hands instead of your mouth. It's better for the pictures." It struck me funny that he called me and Max Bradley's lovers. I always thought of Bradley as our lover, but yes we were his as well.

Bradley nodded. He held his hand out for me to hand him Max's tie. I did. He put it over his shoulder and lifted my dress over my head.

"Oh!" I gasped. I wasn't really ready for that. Then Bradley put Max's tie loosely around my neck, letting it hang down in between my breasts. I was in just my heels and the matching bra and panties Bradley had picked out for me this morning. It definitely made me more comfortable slowly easing into fully naked. The lacy black bra and panties perfectly accented my black strappy heels and Max's tie. It was a damn sexy look I thought to myself.

"Mmmmm," Bradley said, trying not to talk as Sven had suggested, but he gave Max a look and nodded his approval with a smile. Bradley took off his shirt and brought my hands to the buttons on Max's shirt where he helped me unbutton them all, so I could slide the shirt off of his shoulders. I loved seeing both of them without their shirts.

Bradley turned me around to face Max. He slid his hands down Max's arms, putting them around my waist. Bradley moved closer behind me and kissed my shoulder.

"Kiss her," Bradley whispered to Max. He did. For a long time. Then Bradley turned me around to face him. First, he leaned me back against Max to trace his fingers down the tie hanging in between my breasts. Bradley's eyes followed his finger down. My eyes did too. Then Bradley brought his finger to my chin and brought my lips to his. I felt his fingers on the neck of the tie. He was taking it off.

"Get on the bed," Bradley requested, taking the tie off of me. Was he going to tie me up? I was scared and excited all at once. I tried to shake my head no, but he just stared at me, smiled and waited for me to obey him. I sat on the bed.

"Model your sexy bra and panties for us," Bradley said. I still had no idea what I was doing, but I got up on all fours and looked at the camera. I turned and looked back to flirt with the camera lens. I did whatever I could think of that might look sexy, but in the end, I flopped on my back and covered my face laughing. I was certainly no underwear model!

"Good girl," Bradley whispered to me. I loved hearing Bradley's praise so much I was beaming. I looked at Sven, but still no expression. I looked at Max. He was smiling. I couldn't tell if he was getting hard in his pants but I hoped so. This photo shoot was more of a turn-on than I had imagined.

Then Bradley took Max's tie and climbed on the bed with me. He kissed me for a little while. I love feeling his soft lips gently and then with more urgency. Next, his lips left mine and trailed down my neck. He popped the front clasp of my bra open and as it revealed my breasts, he took time lavishing each nipple with his tongue. I arched up into him and saw his jaw clench. He was trying not to get too frenzied.

Bradley took the tie and made a comfortable knot around one of my wrists. He lifted my bound wrist over my head and tied it to the headboard.

"Oh!" I gasped. He lifted my other wrist over my head and tied them together. I smiled as my mind raced with possibilities. I was on my back though so I figured no spanking. Bradley leaned over and took my shoe off. He looked up at Max to do the same with my other shoe. Max moved to the bed on my other side and took that shoe off. I was just in my panties and they were both in their pants and shoes. I lifted one eyebrow at the imbalance of the clothing. They got the hint and stripped down to just their underwear too, sexy black boxer briefs. Then I noticed Bradley was getting hard but Max wasn't yet. Bradley must have noticed too.

"Kiss her," Bradley whispered to Max. Max laid alongside me and kissed me. He wrapped his fingers in my hair at the back of my head, bringing my mouth to his so his tongue could explore mine.

"Mmmm," I moaned and squirmed a little against the tie restraining me. Then I felt Bradley lay on my other side. He kissed my shoulder and I felt his fingers glide over my breast circling the nipple. Then I felt his lips on my nipple. "Mmmmm," I moaned again. His fingers continued down my stomach. Bradley reached over and put Max's hand on me too. They both caressed my stomach. Max was still kissing me.

Then, I felt Bradley slip his hand into the top of my underwear and his finger plunged right into my wet pussy.

"Oh!" I gasped, breaking from Max's kiss and arching my back into Bradley's finger harder. It felt so good to finally have some stimulation after all of this build-up. I turned towards Bradley to kiss him. Bradley looked at me and then to Max.

"Help me," Bradley said smiling. He lifted his hand so Max could slip his hand into my underwear with him. His finger slid over my clit. Bradley brought my juices up to my clit so both of their fingers were stroking me. Then I felt Max's finger slide into me while Bradley's finger stayed on my clit. They seemed to be taking turns until I felt both of their fingers inside me. I threw my head back and closed my eyes, "Ohhhhh..."

"Open your eyes, baby," Max said to me. I did and looked at him. He said the same thing the first time we made love. He liked us to look into each other's eyes the whole time we made love. So intense and amazing. Max's finger was still inside me with Bradley's, then I felt his thumb glide over my clit. I looked at Bradley and his thumb did the same. That did it.

"Oh! Baby!" I screamed, "Oh....I....Yes...." The first wave of my orgasm crashed and my whole body bucked as their fingers kept going. My pussy spasmed, squeezing their fingers. "Oh!... Oh!... Oh.... ohhhh...." My orgasm eventually slowed and my lips went back and forth between theirs, kissing them in gratitude.

"Oh!" I sighed, finally still from my orgasm. "You boys!" I giggled. Max reached up to release my wrists. Bradley looked down at Max.

"Everything ok?" he asked, touching his waist. Max's cock was barely hard. Bradley was hard and ready to go. They usually both were after playing with me.

"I'm ok," Max said looking at both of us, "I'm still not fully comfortable. It's hard to forget where I am, to fully let go..."

"I know," Bradley said looking at Max and caressing his tense shoulders, "It can be difficult to block everything out. You need to lose yourself and then everything out there will fade away. You'll be hyper-focused on just us."

"I'm trying," Max said smiling, "I mean look at this fine piece of ass we have here! I should only focus on her!" He gave my ass a playful smack and I smiled.

"Take your underwear off," Bradley said to both of us while he did the same, "You needed to be shocked into focus. Do you trust me?" Bradley asked, looking into Max's eyes and grabbed him by the hip.

"Yes," Max said without hesitation looking at him.

"Promise to say stop if you're uncomfortable," Bradley said.

"Yes," Max said.

"No," Bradley said more directly, "Say, I promise to say stop if I'm uncomfortable. Say it all. I need to hear it."

"I promise to say stop if I'm uncomfortable," Max said and glanced at me. I had never seen him say stop yet, so I was dying to know what Bradley had in store for him.

"Kiss her," Bradley said to Max. Max obeyed and turned his head to kiss me. "Close your eyes," Bradley whispered. We both obeyed as our tongues tangled.

I felt Max catch his breath. I opened my eyes to look down and Bradley was stroking Max's cock. Max was now getting hard. I looked back at Max, his eyes still closed but his lips in a slight smile. He knew that it wasn't my hand on him. He wasn't saying stop. I turned my head to look back at Bradley. He looked intently at Max's cock. I saw him lick his lips. Fuck, this was hot. I looked at Sven as he kept taking pictures. I had glanced at him a few times before but didn't notice any facial expressions. This time I saw one side of his lips upturned in a slight smile.

I looked back at Bradley and he mouthed to me, kiss him. I went back to kissing Max.

"Mmmmm," Max said as my lips touched his. He was breathing hard against my kiss.

"Baby," I said looking at him with my hand now on his cheek, "I love you." His eyes opened and he looked at me.

"I love you, baby," he said. Bradley lifted his body up and pulled my hips back so I was directly over Max's very hard cock. He guided it into my pussy.

"He's ready for you, baby," Bradley whispered in my ear as he pushed my hips down so that I took in all of Max's length.

"Oh!" Max groaned, "That feels so good, baby!" I kissed him and ground myself down on him with a rocking motion. I felt Max spread my ass cheeks for Bradley. I felt Bradley's slick finger push against my puckered hole.

"Oh!" I hadn't planned on this. This was more than just being naked or having sex. This was just putting it all out there. In front of the camera. I tensed up.

"Relax, baby," Bradley whispered in my ear, "Let me make love to my lovers." He must have thought Sven's earlier comment about us being his lovers was interesting too. Bradley slid a second finger in.

"Ok," I said to Bradley but looked directly at Max. Then Bradley took his fingers out of me and lifted me off of Max's cock to back me up onto his cock.

"Only for a second dude," he said to Max, pumping in and out of my pussy to get his cock slick and ready for my ass. Bradley then guided my pussy back onto Max's cock. Next, I felt Bradley's hands on my hips and his cock head at my opening. I started breathing quickly. Bradley slid in a little bit and stopped. Then slid in a little more. Once he was finally all the way in he started rocking me on Max's cock.

"Oh!" I said panting and already feeling dizzy from breathing so hard. I was filled up in two holes and my clit was rubbing against Max's pubic bone just right. "Ohhhhhh!" I moaned louder and louder.

"Baby," Bradley whispered in my ear and I saw Max lock eyes with him. "I love you...both." He quickened his pace gently and that was it for me. I didn't even have time to respond before I felt the first wave of my orgasm crash and my pussy squeezed Max's cock.

"Oh!" Max said, thrusting up into me with his cock stiffening and making its first throb. Bradley felt it too.

"Oh! Yes! Cum!" Bradley screamed and I think he meant both of us. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Bradley screamed and I felt his cock pulsing in my ass. We rocked and writhed for a couple more minutes until we collapsed on the bed.

As the three of us lay still, I continued to hear the camera clicking. We kissed and caressed each other in our post-orgasm state, and I knew these pictures were going to be special.

It was late when we finally got home from the photo shoot and we all had work in the morning. We all promised to be home early from work so we could look through the photos together. I thought about the photos all day. My panties were absolutely soaked by the time I got home.

When I walked into the apartment Bradley and Max were sitting on the couch with Bradley's laptop open.

"Hey!" I said, "You promised we'd look at the pictures together!" I stomped over to the couch and squeezed in between them.

"Relax there, baby," Bradley said, "I didn't even put the memory card in yet. We were waiting for you. Max was just showing me something."

"What? Porn?" I laughed.

"Ha. Ha," Max said with a mock laugh, "If you think I need porn you are insane. I can barely handle all the sex we have going on here!!!" I genuinely laughed.

"Sorry," I said, "I just thought you started without me."

"Nope," Max said, pulling the camera card out of his pocket.

"Why do you have it?" I asked.

Bradley answered for him, "He asked for it because we have to be careful these pictures don't get out. His career is on the line."