Mom and I XXXmastime Ch. 03


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"So, why switch brothers?"

Angie took in and exhaled a breath. "I had only been with Jess in the context of being with Tommy and he was headed to Chicago. I was going to be in the internship with Derek, so Tommy figured he would be attracted to me, due to my resemblance to his mom. Tommy encouraged me to say yes if Derek asked me out, thinking that it would be another piece of evidence that Derek is attracted to Marcy and as much pressure on his parents' pact as we could afford. I fell in love with Derek and the night he came home two days before Thanksgiving, I pushed Stan about Derek's attraction. Tommy and Jess intended to reveal the DNA results and their relationship on Thanksgiving Day. I wound up in a foursome with Derek, Stan and Marcy that night, then Stan reunited with Jilly the next day and had sex with Jess, not knowing she was his daughter, then the day after that was Thanksgiving. All the secrets were revealed and we did manage to get all seven of us into one bed, sort of. I went with Derek, Stan and Marcy to Jilly's club the following night, then the seven of us basically had an orgy on Derek and Tommy's last night before heading home. You throwing me out on that Sunday because of the swing club visit actually kept me from needing any excuses to see Jess, Stan, Marcy and Jilly, so I'm not that mad about it. I would have moved in when Derek graduates, anyway."

Debra chuckled, "So, while you were trying to plot incest in their families, you had no clue about your father and sister?"

"None, until I accidentally walked in on them on Friday in this apartment. If they had been using Wendy's unit, I probably still wouldn't know. If not for that discovery, Dad might have stayed quiet about it yesterday after finding out about Bridget, Pat would have gone home with him and not been in Derek's bed and you, she and I wouldn't have made love this morning. Any regrets about that?"

"About you breaking through my self-denial? No. Plenty about the horrible way I treated you because of it, throwing you out. I'm assuming that if I asked you to move home, you'd say no?"

Angie paused before answering, "Like I said, I don't need an excuse to be with Derek's family without Derek, if I'm living there, in his room. With our plans to buy the new house with its three-family structure, it would be better for me to settle in there before graduation rather than live with you for another semester and move a second time once Derek's graduated. We have to see where things wind up today, anyway. It could be that Dad, Wendy and Pat might all be living with you, if you turn into a foursome, with or without my involvement as a fifth. Should we head over and start finding that out?"

Angie and Debra walked to Wendy's first floor apartment and rang the bell. Pat opened the door and let them in. As soon as they crossed the threshold, they could hear the sounds of sex coming from the bedroom, whose door was ajar.

Pat said, "They were already at it when I got here. I got Dad's attention and said you would be here in five minutes, and he grunted, 'We'll be done', and kept going. They're not done."

"I want to see," Debra said, walking towards the bedroom. Angie followed closely behind.

Looking through the door, Jake was slapping his hips into Wendy from behind and the two of them grunted and moaned as they approached a mutual climax. Wendy's breasts swayed beneath her, as she pushed back into Jake's thrusts.

Debra softly moaned at the sight. Angie, looking over her mother's shoulder and seeing her nipples quickly become erect, leaned in and started to nuzzle her mom's neck, as she reached her hands around and squeezed both breasts. Spotting this, Pat approached and began undressing Debra, joined by Angie.

"Fuck now, talk later, I guess," Pat muttered.

No sooner was Debra naked than she joined Jake and Wendy on the bed, sliding right under Wendy's body into a 69. Neither of them noticed that this was Debra joining them, instead of Pat, until a naked Pat knelt behind Jake and started rubbing her breasts along his back while she reached around and tweaked his nipples. Angie knelt beside Wendy's torso and leaned in and kissed her dad firmly on the mouth, adding her tongue into their first lover's kiss.

Jake jerked his head back and focused his eyes, looked at Angie from head to knees, turned to look at Pat, who grinned, then looked down between thrusts to make eye contact with Debra, as Debra's tongue was pressing into his shaft where it entered Wendy. "Ohmigawd! Am I dreaming? Oh, fuck! I'm gonna cum, girls! Ohgawd, fuck, fuccckkk!"

Hearing the word "girls", Wendy realized that she was wasn't licking Pat and raised her head to look behind her and exclaimed, "Debra?!?"

"Yeah, Wen. Cum for me, sis," Debra sputtered, before she sealed her lips over Wendy's engorged clit and sucked softly, flicking the bean with her tongue. Wendy returned her attention to Debra's clit, easing two fingers into Debra's tunnel, as Jake kept driving more bursts of cum deep into her. Thirty seconds later, Wendy shook from head to toe as her orgasm crashed over her and she screamed, "Oh, Deb!!".

As Jake slowed to a stop and withdrew from Debra and sat back to watch his wife eat out his foster sister, Debra pursued his sperm as it dribbled from Wendy's depths. Angie dropped down and swallowed Jake's softening cock in one smooth motion, sucking off his fluids and Wendy's, getting it to spasm one more time and coat her mouth with more cum.

Pat leaned towards Jake's ear and simply whispered, "Mom knows."

"You think so?" Jake asked, looking stunned.

Angie kissed her way up his stomach to his chest, before displaying the cum that was pooled in her mouth, then swallowing it. She said, "We've got a lot to talk about, before some or all of us have to get back to the house before Mom's parents arrive."


Back at home, the rest of us exchanged our gifts. Nothing really worth listing, mostly clothing, some books and gift cards.

When we were done, there was still an hour before Uncle Don's family was due to arrive. Jessica asked me, "Can we risk a quickie?"

"Do we really want to push our luck today?" I countered. "They could show up early."

"Yahtzee, then?"

So, the six of us split into two groups, Tommy, Jess and I and Mom, Dad and Jilly and we played a couple games of Yahtzee in between working on lunch and waiting for Uncle Don.


Jake and Wendy joined Debra, Pat and Angie in going back to the McDougall family house to get their planned Christmas lunch ready before Debra's parents arrived to exchange gifts.

Only, when they arrived and Angie went to let them in, they were accompanied by Debra's sister Rachel and niece Bonnie.

"Aunt Rachel? Oh gawd! Mom is going to flip!" Angie said, hugging them both, followed by her grandparents, Rose and Daniel.

"Flip or flip out?" Rachel asked nervously.

"See for yourself." Turning towards the kitchen, she yelled, "Hey, Mom? Grandma and Grandpa have a surprise for you! C'mere!"

Debra came out of the kitchen and froze for two seconds when she spotted Rachel, then sprinted across the floor and pulled Rachel into a fierce hug, both of them crying.

Bonnie looked on for ten seconds, before she approached and asked, "Can I get in on some of that, Aunt Deb?"

Debra turned and blinked and asked, "Bonnie?" then wrapped her into the embrace.

Angie looked towards her grandparents and, before she could ask for an explanation, Rose said, "Rachel called us a couple of days ago, said all she wanted for Christmas was her family back. I wasn't about to say 'no'. I understand that you had a part in that, so thank you, baby."

"You're welcome, Grandma, but it was Bonnie who got in contact with me, first. I just said I thought they'd be welcomed back."

"I never wanted Rachel to leave in the first place," Rose said.

Pat came out of the kitchen next, looking for Debra, spotted her mother hugging two women she intuited were Rachel and Bonnie, based on family resemblance. While thinner in build than Debra, Rachel had very similar facial features, while Bonnie had the same figure and face as her mom, but straight blond hair, and when Bonnie opened her eyes and looked over at Pat and Angie, they were a light cornflower blue that Angie didn't associate with their family, most of them having hazel or brown eyes.

"Hi, you must be Pat," Bonnie said, untangling herself from Rachel and Debra to give Pat a hug. "Can you show me a bathroom? I'm about to frigging burst."

Daniel asked, "Angie, could you help me bring in our Christmas gifts?" and Rose joined them. As Angie closed the front door behind them, she glimpsed her mother and Rachel kiss each other deeply.

'That's working fast, Mom,' Angie thought to herself.


Uncle Don, Aunt Laurie, Chloe and Liz arrived right on time. The subject of the new house did come up, but they were more teasing in tone than suspicious and we all breathed a sigh of relief that maybe we'd actually manage to keep our incest a secret from someone.

Another ordinary gift exchange, then football on the TV dominated most of the afternoon, while Chloe and Liz pestered Jessica about her wedding plans, which really hadn't started, since we didn't know when Tommy was going to move back.


A couple hours later, after lunch and gifts, Bonnie turned to Angie and said, "I need to stretch my legs and get some fresh air. Care to join me, so I don't get lost in your neighborhood?"

As they walked down the street, Angie said, "I'm sure you've heard this before, but except for your hair and eyes, you and your mom nearly look like twins."

"You're aware that Scott is my father, I take it?"

"Yeah, it was actually my dad who told me, just recently."

Bonnie said, "Well, as a result of it, I'm genetically closer to Mom than anyone else is, even Aunt Debra, Grandma or Grandpa. I'm both her daughter and her niece, after all. That places me about half-way between being her daughter and being her identical twin."

"Does that make you genetically more like a daughter to Grandma and Grandpa?"

Bonnie explained, "Yes and no. Being a double-granddaughter is kind of unique, because how their DNA is distributed in me is quite different from their children. Let me try to explain. DNA molecules consist of pairs of alleles, okay? Two possible values for a gene, mediated by dominant versus recessive expression. The alleles get split to produce sperm and eggs, then those combine in fertilization to produce a new pairing in the child. Based on a 50-50 chance of inheritance, one allele represents a maternal grandparent and one a paternal, but not all four grandparents at once. It's the combination of all of the genes that cause grandparents to be represented in 25% of the total. Okay?"

"Following you so far," Angie said. "We've done DNA testing ourselves, to identify my dad's father."

"Cool. Because my parents are full siblings, I only have two grandparents, not four. So, Rose and Daniel can be either maternal or paternal in that inheritance process or the important part is they can be both at the same time. In half of my allele pairs, one allele comes from each of them, just like their children. In the other half, either both alleles come from Rose or both come from Daniel. Then, in 50% of those, I inherited both alleles that Rose has or both that Daniel has. I imagine that it makes me part clone. In the remaining half, about 25% of my genes, I inherited the same allele twice, once from Mom and again from Dad, on top of others that would already be identical, also known as homozygous. Those extra homozygous genes are what make incest risky, if they are negative recessives. Luckily, I escaped any serious problems. The most obvious signs of an increased number of homozygous genes are my blue eyes, straight hair, attached earlobes and being a lefty. They're all recessive traits, although handedness apparently is a combination of multiple genes, where not just one recessive gene determines it, so I must have received multiple recessives."

"How would that affect the percentages a comparative DNA test would show?"

Bonnie replied, "I've avoided taking one, since it would highlight the incest in my ancestry, which I prefer stays private outside family and a few close friends. However, probability says I should match 75% of my DNA to each of my parents. That amounts to the 50% I got from Mom's egg plus a 50% chance that what I got from Dad matches her, whether or not I inherited the particular gene sequence from her. Or you can look at it as 50% for being her daughter and about 25% for being her niece. To Grandma and Grandpa, 50%, which matches being their grandchild twice, rather than their child."

"So what's your match to my mom and me?" Angie asked.

"Let's see, I'm your mom's niece two ways, that's 25% times two so also 50%. The same percentage as a sister, but not her sister. You're my first cousin two ways, although not a traditional double cousin where we'd share four grandparents, so that's 25%, which is also the same percentage as a half-sister. I would like to think we can be as close as sisters." Bonnie hesitated before whispering, "Maybe closer, if incest really doesn't bother you." She reached over to brush her fingers across Angie's hand but didn't hold it.

Angie flushed, then softly answered, "Wow, Bonnie. I'm not bothered by the incest and I'm really flattered. But, I don't know that I can add another lover right now."

"How many do you have?"

"Six, plus occasional visits to a swing club."

Bonnie furrowed her brow and asked, "Your mom, your dad, Pat, Wendy and who else?"

Angie tried to hide a flinch, before answering, "No, my fiance Derek and his family."

"You're going to deny having sex with your family this morning? Pat already told me about it, when she showed me to the bathroom."

Angie growled in frustration. "Dammit! This family needs to learn to keep incest a secret, before the wrong person hears about it! Arrggghh! Sorry for venting. This morning was the first time I had sex with any of my family closer than my cousin. However, I'm committed to Derek as my life partner and to his family as my primary love circle. My family is separate, so far, although Pat's testing the waters to maybe join us or maybe alternate."

"Pat hinted Derek's family is incestuous, too?"

"Yeah and we keep having people find out. We're a complex mix of relationships, from parent-child to half-siblings to cousin to aunt-by-marriage to step-family to just plain unrelated, but nobody avoids anyone else except the men aren't bisexual." Angie launched into a summary of the Rosetti and Tirman family histories, how she'd gotten involved and how the more recent incest started, that I'll omit here because my readers have heard it before. She ended it with, "So, my Dad, it turns out, is the child of half-siblings. Less homozygous than you, but it does explain a few things. And Bridget being a Campbell also makes you and me third cousins, two ways. Maybe another 1 or 2% common DNA."

"You're right, that is complicated," Bonnie said. "And you said Derek's family are also swingers?"

"It's how Stan, Marcy, Jilly and Sam met and how Tommy and Jessica wound up with the dads they did. Jilly owns a swing club and I've been there twice so far and Dad and Wendy have been there at least once. Mom and Pat are going to join in at their New Year's Eve party, in part to give Pat some cover for not dating much and to position Mom forming a triad with Dad and Wendy. Pat's exploring a triad with Tommy and Jessica, which might shift her into our circle or have her alternating between both. The last couple of days have made things a bit unsettled, shall we say? And suddenly, you and Aunt Rachel are here, possibly stirring things up more, just as my Mom and Dad are reconciling. I'm sorry if that's not a satisfactory answer to your interest."

"Maybe a rain check, then, or an invite to one of these family orgies? Based on this visit, Mom and I are hoping to move back here. If so, we'll have lots more opportunities to see each other."

Angie said, "I know of a nice two-bedroom that's going to be for rent soon. Jilly and the Rosettis plan to rent out their houses when we move into the new one, rather than sell. You would actually be keeping it in the family, based on its connection to Sam."

Bonnie responded, "Hmm. Send us some details and we'll take a look."

Angie and Bonnie walked in silence for a little while, then when she spotted her house ahead, Angie said, "While Grandma can't hear us, you should know that the real reason my mom tattled on your parents years ago was she was jealous. She wanted to be with Rachel, too. I actually got her to admit that this morning and it was like her inhibitions melted away once she did. And based on a kiss I witnessed earlier, that's still what Mom wants."

"Mine, too," Bonnie responded, just as they came back to the house. "Anyway, back to pretending we're an incest-free family for the grandparents."


Soon after, Angie made her exit, to return to our house, about an hour before Don's family left, only giving us a full account of her day once they were gone.

During telling about meeting her aunt and cousin, Angie noticed that Jilly was growing upset and asked, "What's wrong, Aunt Jilly?"

"Rachel. As long as she wasn't an active part of your life, I hoped to avoid telling you this, but now she's back and I think you need to know. She dated my brother Greg, in high school and into their freshman years in college. When she got pregnant, she tried to claim Greg was the father, but he already knew he was infertile, due to blockage in his sperm ducts, similar in effect to a vasectomy. When he proved he couldn't be the father, Rachel wouldn't tell him who actually was and she left town after Greg broke up with her. Now, we know she was having sex with Scott, too, so that's why she couldn't name him. But Greg wound up so heartbroken that he quit college, joined the Army and died in the first Gulf War, all in about five months. My mom's health declined after that. I could blame your aunt for their deaths like she blamed your mom for Scott's. I've tried to let go of that resentment, but I think you should know that I might have trouble being around her."

"I didn't know. Mom said so little about Rachel as I grew up, as it was. Even Dad didn't seem to know that part of the story. If Greg had not known he was infertile, would he have married her, raised Bonnie? She would have been your sister-in-law?"

Jilly answered, "It sure looked like they were headed that way. He was offering to pose as the baby's father, if she would just be honest about who the father was. I'm sure he would have forgiven the incest, but Rachel must have thought he wouldn't. It was her refusal to be honest that ruined his trust in her. Maybe the marriage would have been a happy one and I'd have known Bonnie as my niece, maybe they could have had more children after that, via sperm extraction from Greg's testicles or even a surgical fix to clear the blockage. I do know he would have been an excellent father. One more 'what if' to add to the pile."

"Jilly, we might have one more problem. Your maiden name is Walker, isn't it?"

"Yes. What of it?"

Angie sighed. "That's Bonnie's last name. It has to be what was put down on her birth certificate, right? I thought it was a coincidence when I learned your maiden name and my mom has never indicated that she knows you. But, now that I know Rachel's connection to your brother, I would bet she put Greg's name on the birth certificate as Bonnie's father, after all. Especially if Greg had died by then."

Jilly absorbed that, then said, "Your mom and I didn't know each other in high school, so it's no surprise she doesn't realize who I am. I don't mind Bonnie having Greg's last name, actually. It's probably what I would have done, in Rachel's situation. Giving birth away from here, nobody would have checked and she never made any claim against Greg's estate. In a small way, he lives on through that."