Mom and My Friends

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Malcolm's mom entertains his friends--and also Malcolm!
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Mom and My Friends

Kathryn M. Burke

I can't say that I was thrilled when my mom and dad split up.

Dad, who was an insurance salesman, had run off with his secretary, who was a little over half his age. How tacky! Mom, as you can imagine, was devastated: she plunged into a depression that made her all weepy. And I, her son, as the resident male of the house, was the recipient of a lot of that weeping. Well, that wasn't so bad: I kind of felt more adult when I held this female in my arms and tried to comfort her. It's kind of what guys are supposed to do, you know?

You have to realize that my mom's quite a looker. Lovely dark hair framing a gorgeous face—haunting gray eyes, slender nose, Cupid's-bow mouth, a gentle curve around the jawline—and a figure that would make most guys go all weak in the knees. I know I'm not supposed to say this about my mom, but she had great tits and a great butt! When I said things like that about other girls, Mom looked at me severely and said, "You know, Malcolm, women aren't just a bunch of body parts."

I knew that, of course—but what I'm trying to say is that Mom was the total package. Dad must have been crazy to have dumped this divine creature for that brainless secretary.

The other big problem with Mom and Dad breaking up is that it came at just about the worst time. I'd turned eighteen and was looking forward to going off to the local college. But Mom couldn't afford to pay for my lodging on campus just on her salary (she worked in human resources at the U), so I had to give up the idea of living in a dorm and would have to stay home and commute to school. I felt real dopey doing that. I knew I'd miss a lot of the fun that comes with dorm life—especially certain kinds of fun, if you follow my meaning. And I was sure people would ridicule me for being so poor that I couldn't afford to live in the dorm, but instead was stuck in the same bedroom I'd grown up in, with my mom being my caretaker and guardian, just as if I was a little kid.

But, surprisingly, things didn't turn out so bad. The dorms on campus aren't all they're cooked up to be, and pretty soon I found that my house—which was only about a twenty-minute walk from campus—became sort of a popular spot for my friends to hang out in. God knows there was a whole lot of space there, lots more than in anyone's dorm room. And since we couldn't legally drink, we couldn't go to bars to shoot the bull.

So my fellow freshmen—only guys, since I didn't get to know a whole lot of girls at first—began coming over with some regularity. If they were there during evenings, my mom met them and really charmed their asses off: she was good at being a hostess, and also at leaving us alone so we could talk about guy stuff without having a female—especially a parent—around. She was a great mom!

Well, around the middle of October something strange happened.

I'd brought two guys over—Frank and Joseph—for dinner. Mom loved to cook and was happy to whip up steaks, baked potatoes, and mixed veggies for us. A lot better than horrible campus food at the cafeteria, believe you me! There was even a (store-bought) cherry pie for dessert. We were comfortably replete when we moseyed on up to my bedroom to listen to our favorite bands and chew the fat.

Surprisingly, Mom was even tolerant about the music I put on—mostly heavy metal—even though her own tastes tended toward classical or folk rock. I don't know what she did in the evenings whenever I had my friends over, but she never bothered us and never complained that we'd turned up the music too loud.

Anyway, the three of us were trying to shout over the music when all of a sudden the CD came to an end and there was this dead silence. We fell into silence too: we could even hear the crickets outside in the dark. It was about two weeks before Halloween, and we were already trying to get in the mood for partying that night.

But the house wasn't entirely quiet—and it was Frank (who claimed to have had all kinds of experience with girls, although I'm not sure I believed him) who shushed me as I was about to say something.

"Quiet, Malcolm," he whispered. "Lemme listen."

"What the hell's going on?" I said, also whispering, although I didn't know why.

"Shhh!" he hissed. Then, after a few moments: "Do you hear that?"

"I hear something," Joseph said, "but I can't make out what it is."

Frank looked me dead in the face. "Is there anyone in the house except us and your mom?"

"No, of course not," I said.

A sly grin came over Frank's face. "Then it's her."

"Who's her?" I said, confused. "What are you talking about?"

"What do you think those sounds might be?"

I pricked my ears up to listen. Like Joseph, I'd heard something but wasn't sure what it could possibly be. It sound like—like someone moaning.

Omigod! Was my mom in pain? Should we help her? I actually said something like that to Frank.

He chuckled in a way that I didn't like. "She's not in pain—I guarantee you that."

"Then what?" I said.

As if making some momentous announcement, he said, "She's playing with herself."

I guess I was something of a rube. Did women play with themselves, the way guys did? Well, of course they didn't have cocks. I guess I was so dumb that I thought women just took our cocks into themselves and got pleasure that way. The idea of their getting pleasure—actually having orgasms—on their own was something that hadn't occurred to me.

"No," I said, "that's not what she's doing." The whole idea made my face all hot.

"It is," Joseph said. "That's exactly what she's doing."

"Well," I said desperately, "what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing's wrong with it," Frank said. "Nothing at all."

"My dad's not around, so she's not—you know, getting it from him. She's not getting it from anybody. It's really sad."

"Maybe I can do something about that," Frank said.

And, as I gaped at him in amazement, he began to strip.

He undressed in about a minute, since it was still a fairly warm day for October. The moment Joseph saw what he was doing, he began taking his clothes off also.

Of course I'd seen guys naked in high school gym class, but I had to admit these guys were pretty buff. Both had tried out for the football team: they hadn't made it, but they'd come close. They were tall, muscular, and their cocks—which were hardening by the second—seemed to be between seven and nine inches long. Frank was even tentatively stroking his cock, and Joseph was just letting it get hard through his imagination, without even touching it.

I thought they were just going to jerk off right there, thinking about my mom playing with herself. But Frank had other ideas in mind.

He was heading out my bedroom door.

"Hey!" I said. "What are you doing?"

"I think your mom," he said, "needs some help."

Joseph followed him.

Mom's bedroom was just across the landing from mine. The door was closed, but I knew she never locked it. I followed my friends as they stood in front of her door. Even Frank, bold as he was, felt a bit of hesitation and awkwardness at this crucial moment. But he put those thoughts aside, thrust open the door, and stalked right in, Joseph on his heels.

From my position in the landing, I could see everything.

My mom was lying on her side in big king-size bed (which looked awfully big for just one person). She was naked. Her back was turned toward the door, and I could tell that one hand was buried in the space between her legs.

I got a good look at my mother's backside. Omigod, it was fabulous! The long, smooth back, the dark hair falling over the sloping shoulders, the gentle curve of the hip, and of course the round, firm bottom were all so heavenly that I thought I was looking at a painting by some Renaissance master.

Mom was so preoccupied with what she was doing that she didn't even hear the door opening or my friends standing behind her. She was continuing to move her hand up and down between her legs, and she was moaning pretty loud now—even louder than when we'd heard her from my bedroom.

Only when Frank boldly walked around to the other side of the bed, right in front of her face, did she let out a little yelp. "Omigod!" she cried. "What are you doing here?"

"We thought we'd lend a hand," Frank said softly. But I had a feeling it was a lot more than a hand that was going to be involved.

Frank's cock was just at the level of Mom's face, and as he brought it close to her lips she opened her mouth obediently and let about half of it in. As she was working it with her lips and tongue, Joseph came over and started stroking my mom's nether regions—her hips, her butt, her thighs, and (when Mom unconsciously opened her legs) her pussy. He was stroking his own cock himself, getting harder by the second.

I was amazed at how readily Mom adapted to this new situation. But I couldn't help remembering how, during dinner, she had kept touching Frank and Joseph on their shoulders or their faces. I once caught her gazing at Joseph's butt and licking her lips, and another time she'd actually gotten behind Frank as he was sitting at the dining table and took his head in her hands and pressed it against her chest.

So I guess she was liking this double attention.

I now saw Mom reach around and grab Frank's butt. I knew women had a thing for male bottoms, but Mom was clutching and squeezing it just the way a guy squeezes a girl's tits. By now she had engulfed nearly the whole of Frank's cock into her mouth. Way to go, Mom, with the deep throat! Meanwhile, Joseph was rubbing her pussy for all he was worth, and I could see that his fingers were getting wet.

Then three things happened all at once.

Frank, uttering some heavy groans, started spurting into Mom's mouth. He held her head in place as he sent his come right down her throat, and she swallowed it all. At the same time, she was coming out with these weird, high-pitched mewing sounds: she was coming too! And when Joseph saw what was happening, he exploded, sending his come all over Mom's belly and stomach; some of it, I think, actually dripped down into her bush.

This was just about the most exciting and obscene thing I'd ever seen. I mean, we're talking about my mom here! I knew I shouldn't even be seeing her naked—that was bad enough. But I was also seeing her service and being serviced by my friends! And yet, what followed was even more incredible.

Frank recovered in an amazingly short time. By that I mean that he got hard within minutes of coming. I couldn't believe that: it usually took me at least half an hour to get an erection after I'd jerked off. But of course, having an actual female present made all the difference.

And so, as Joseph retired to a corner of the room to watch, Frank leaped onto the bed and—plunged into my mom. Maybe she was expecting something like that, because she didn't seem to be bothered by it in the least. In fact, she opened her legs wider and wrapped them around Frank's midsection, the way I'd seen in porn films. For his part, he pummeled her while clutching her breasts or sliding his hand down her back and squeezing her bottom, all the while plastering kisses on her face and neck and shoulders. She held him tight in her arms as he thrust into her with increasing speed and force—and then, grunting heavily and almost biting down on her shoulder, he shot his come into her a second time.

As he flopped off of her, Joseph now took his place. He had gotten revived just by watching Frank fucking my mom, and he forged his way into her body only seconds after Frank was finished. Mom took him in with the same nonchalance, and so the scene repeated itself. It didn't take him all that long to come either, and after he was done he rolled off of her on the other side of Frank.

So now the three of them were lying, all on their backs, happy but exhausted. I could see that Mom's front—from her neck to her abdomen—was slick with sweat, and I could also see both guys' emissions leaking out of her pussy. The mere sight of that magical cleft—which I'd crawled out of eighteen years ago—was electrifying. But I didn't do anything but keep my eyes glued on her and my two friends, who were huffing and puffing from their exertion, their cocks quivering strangely.

I think it was Frank who initiated the next stage of the proceedings. He happened to see a dispenser of hand lotion on the nightstand next to his side of the bed. A weird glint came into his eye as he squeezed some of the lotion onto his fingers. Then he turned to my mom, made her lie on her side (facing Joseph), and started coating her anus with the stuff.

I couldn't believe he was really going to do that. But he did.

He also got on his side, taking his cock in his hand and shoving it into my mom's bottom. A wide-eyed look of surprise came over Mom, but once again she took it in stride. All this seemed to inspire Joseph, who positioned himself in front of Mom and entered her pussy.

Somehow it had never occurred to me that a woman could take two guys at once—but obviously there were two separate openings down there, and the whole procedure seemed almost natural. Mom draped a leg over Joseph's hip to make both his entry into her pussy and Frank's entry into her posterior easier. They began pumping her vigorously, Frank reaching around to grab one breast while Joseph rained kisses on her face and grabbed the other breast.

This sight was just too much for me. With my gaze fixed on the thrashing trio, I slowly undressed in the landing, letting my clothes drop to the floor. Then, like a zombie, I walked stiffly into the bedroom. By now the three of them had shifted positions a bit. Joseph was flat on his back, and Mom was on top of him; his cock was still jammed in her pussy. Frank was now squatting behind Mom and plugging up her ass.

They were at something of an angle on the bed, meaning that Mom's head was right at the edge of the bed. I walked over to where she was. I had thought that I would just pleasure myself, but a more exciting idea occurred to me.

I now stood right in front of Mom, as both of my friends were pounding her. It took her a few minutes to notice that I was there, and then she peered up at me with this look of mingled excitement, shame, and embarrassment on her face.

I brought my cock close to her mouth. As before with Frank, she obediently opened her mouth, and I stuck it in.

My member is about seven inches, and she took in well over half of it. I started pumping gently: this is my mom we're talking about, and I didn't want to hurt her or make her gag. But she seemed to manage quite well, and so I took her head in both of my hands and began thrusting into her mouth. My friends noticed what I was doing and let out whoops of delight and encouragement.

I think it was Frank who came first. He sent long streams of his come into my mom's ass, and seemed proud that he had now filled all three of her holes with his seed. Joseph came next, and then I followed with my own emission, which Mom swallowed without losing a single drop.

After it was over, I was so overcome with mortification that I got the hell out of there and retreated back to my own room. I closed the door and tried to block out whatever sounds were coming from my mom's bedroom. For a while things were quiet, and I thought Frank and Joseph had finally finished and were about to call it a night. But then some moans and grunts—both from them and from Mom—started again, and that went on for at least twenty minutes before all three of them let out sharp cries of exhausted delight.

After that, my two friends filtered back into my room. Their cocks were now drooping—and no surprise! They'd each come four times within the space of about an hour. Their eyes were shining, and they seemed pumped up on adrenaline. As they got dressed, Frank said:

"Oh, man, Malcolm! Your mom's great! The prettiest mom I've ever seen—and the hottest."

"She can take it coming and going," Joseph said in admiration.

"She could probably take it twenty or thirty times without getting tired," Frank said.

"Come on, guys," I said. "She's just been lonely."

"Hey, we're not complaining!" Joseph said. "I bet none of the girls on campus could do what she's just done—or had done to her."

"And what you did was great too, guy!" Frank said. "Nothing like a little mother-son intimacy."

And with that, we all gave each other high-fives, and my friends left the house.

My mom's room was pretty quiet, although I thought I heard heavy breathing coming from there. I was still naked, but somehow I forgot about that as I wandered in to see what was going on.

That last session had been different from the other three, it seems. My friends had not come in my mom, but on her. There was come spattered all over her tits and her back and her bottom, and the smell of sex hung heavy in the room. I went into the bathroom, got a washcloth, soaked it in warm water, and came back to the bedroom. Mom was lying on her back, utterly fatigued. I mopped up the come on her front—and also in and around her pussy—and then rolled her over to clean up her backside.

Then I lay down next to her on the bed. In fact, I put my head down on her breasts as she wrapped her arms around me.

She looked incredibly beautiful. Those breasts, now right in front of my face, were large but firm and round, and as I saw their protruding nipples I reflected that I must have drawn nourishment from them as a baby. The curve of her hips was so tempting that I began to salivate; the thick bush of her delta, leading to that mesmerizing crack, now moist and open from all the activity it had been involved in, sent tingles all through me.

But I felt the need to explain what I'd done.

"Mom," I said, "I'm really sorry."

I guess she misunderstood me. "It's okay, dear," she said in a weary voice. "You couldn't control what your friends did. I guess I should have stopped them—but I couldn't bring myself to." She didn't have to add the thought that was running through her mind: I've missed having a cock in my pussy—and my bottom.

"No, Mom," I said. "I didn't mean that. I meant—when I put my thing in your mouth."

"Oh, that," she said. "That's okay. I didn't mind."

A mom who didn't mind that her son had sent his come down her throat? This was some mom!

I hugged her more tightly. I'd never loved her more than at this moment.

She hugged back, but then whispered in my ear: "You haven't done this, have you?"

"Done what?" I said.

"Put your thing in a girl."

My face felt all hot. "No, Mom."

"You should learn. It'll be good for you. A girl likes to be with a guy who has some experience."

I didn't know what to say to that.

"Would you," she said slowly, "like to try now?"

A shiver went through me. "You mean—with you?"

"Yes, with me."

I looked up at her to see if she really meant what she said. She looked right back, in silent encouragement.

I swallowed hard. It was one thing to have your mom suck your dick. It was a completely different thing to . . . Was I really prepaed to be a motherfucker?

And yet, Mom was just about the most beautiful female I'd ever seen. I couldn't imagine a better person to lose my virginity to.

"Okay, Mom," I croaked.

"You know what to do, don't you?"

"I think so."

"Okay, get on top of me."

I did so. As I looked down at her face, the whole scene suddenly started to seem like a dream—a wonderful dream that I never wanted to wake up from. I didn't even have to guide my cock into the right place with my hand; it seemed instinctively to know where to go, and I slipped into her before I even knew what had happened.

That first sensation of the warm, wet channel I'd entered was so ecstatic that I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. So this is why everyone loves sex! Mom wrapped her legs around my hips just as she'd done with my friends, and I soon got into the rhythm of pumping her. Her eyes remained mostly closed, and a soft smile came over her face. I kissed that face all over, also kissing her neck and shoulders and once even raising up her arm and kissing her warm armpit. That was fabulous! I also clutched at her breasts and bottom and anywhere else I could grab as I continued to pummel her harder and harder.