Mom and My Twin Brother... Pt. 01


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"Are you still keeping your shorts on? It's not hiding much that I haven't seen so far."

There was nothing I could do, not even if I wanted to, which I didn't. I pushed the shorts down, my cock swaying freely as the colder air cooled me down. I finally stood up and confronted mother. We both examined each other, hungry eyes roving over the other's body.

I could find no fault in her. She was simply so beautiful as to be from another planet. I couldn't risk talking. Her appraising eyes had roved all over my body, sculpted from all of the training and swimming we did. She finally settled on my cock, whispering that I was built like a Greek god.

I smiled at her and bade her to the warm pool. I slipped swiftly into the warm water, sighing as it warmed my body. Mum moved towards the ladder, turned her back towards me, and used the contraption to step down slowly. This had the effect of opening her backside and nether regions to me.

Her back hole was a crinkled tight star, while lower still, her slit opened into an inviting rose, beckoning to me. Instantly I was hard again. I wondered where we would be taking this, but really, I was happy with what we were doing. And would she do this with Steve? Would she recognize him if we switched? I thought she probably would. She always had.

She also slipped into the water with a sigh, and she trod water while looking at me. I asked her if she was up to doing some laps. She agreed and we did about twenty lengths of the 45 foot pool. We had compromised on the width of the pool to make up for the length as we had decided to do this as a training aid for Steve and I. It was only ten foot wide, but it was what we needed. Prices were reasoned out in square feet and the price for a shallow pool with 450 square feet was very reasonable. It's not that we were stingy, as after all, we were quite well off. It was just that life was going grand without blowing everything away.

We finally did another couple of lengths at a slower speed to warm down, and ended at the shallow end, where we had added four wide steps to the build. I sat on the second step, still at half-mast, while mum sat directly below me on the third. She wiggled her back against my dick, and pulled my arms around her.

"Wow, that sure tired me out," she said between deep breaths," I haven't swum that much for ages. Not twenty lengths anyway."

Her body was totally relaxed against mine and I debated asking if she was okay with my body naked against hers, but since she was the one who had initiated this, I thought that she was happy with it.

"It's not as if you struggled to keep up mum, although I didn't press too much. Twenty lengths is just a bit of warming up."

"Easy for you to say that" she answered. "You're not an old man yet. Not like me."

"Don't say that mum. You're so young yet, not even forty, and with all that gym training, you have a body to die for."

I should have bitten my tongue before saying that.

"Oh come on, you just want to make your old mum happy." She slapped my legs.

"Honestly mum... It's like you're this elfin creature. Not a teenager, but so attractive. All my friends think you're a milf."

"A milf huh? I kinda like that. And what do you think?" she asked.

"I think that I am lucky in having you as a mother, but not so lucky as having you as a woman. Because it means I cannot look at you the same way I look at a girl. It... uh... you turn me on."

"That's very nice of you to say so. Well, we all have needs and desires don't we?"

With those word she took my arms and wrapped them around her shoulders and her chest, snuggling into me. This had the effect of bringing my palms right above her breasts, and more importantly, her nipples.

I grazed them both at the same time and she sighed, presumably in pleasure. I apologized but instead, she just pressed my palms onto them again.

Taking the not so subtle hint, I rubbed them with my palms, exciting coursing through me as they hardened visibly.

"Please don't stop" she whispered.

I couldn't stop even if I wanted to. They were so warm and pliable. I rubbed her nipples, both of them at once, and she practically jumped out of the water at the sensations. She straightened out and floated to the surface, legs open for balance. I could see right down her body to her pussy, her clitoris dividing two plumpish lips. They excited me greatly, and I sighed as her nipples became as hard as pencil erasers.

Even though I did not know why, I stopped, feeling confused.

Mum let her legs down again, turned halfway towards me and cuddled.

"What's wrong sweetie? No need to be shy. We are both consenting adults. No harm is being done." Her concern was genuine.

I decided to come clean while avoiding the issue. Naturally, she was snuggled next to me with my bone poking at her tits.

"Mum. Steve and I gave blow jobs to each other today." Blam. Straight out.

She looked at me strangely and asked "Are you gay?"

"What? No. Hell no. Would what we are doing now considered to be gay material?"

"Why would you even be worried if you're gay?" mum asked. "Perfectly acceptable and not anything I would even think of looking down upon."

"Sorry. I have plenty of gay friends whom I think are great. No, I mean we're not gay. It just seemed a great idea at that time. We usually... we usually masturbate in the shower after a swim meet, and we just thought that having no sexual experience, it would be fun to try out."

She smiled at me then, caressing my face. "Well? Did you enjoy it or not?"

"I enjoyed every minute. And so did Steve." My answer was short.

"Then that's all that matters. As identical twins, you should be more connected than other people, and honestly, I don't see what all the fuss is about."

I let out my breath slowly. "Thanks for understanding mum. I love you so much."

"I love you too honey. But you better do something about this, or else I will" she admonished me as she grabbed my dick.

I jumped in delicious fright, hoping there was more. But she stood up, water streaming down, and since she was standing right in front of me, I saw her little pussy, all clean and shiny. She saw me staring at it and laughed.

"No hairs huh? Laser treatment. Ten grand of dad's money went down there. Like it?"

"I love it" I replied.

Unconsciously I put out my hand to touch her, then somehow came to my senses and stopped.

Mum noticed and moved slightly forward, nestling her pussy in my hand herself. I could hardly breathe as I touched my first live pussy. It was so warm and plump, and to me it felt like it had it's own heart-beat. I slipped my finger through the little slit, feeling a little bump, and mum fairly wailed as I realized I had touched her clitoris. I was practically dry mouthed as she pushed against my hand.

Suddenly we heard a car drive down the street beyond our high fence and it seemed as if the magic was lost. Mum hugged me and I felt true breasts against my chest, crushing me out and wanting to shout for joy.

"We'll continue this sometime" she promised.

What could have been something new for me, finally turned out to be a merest hint of something big in the future. For the moment I was happy to leave things as they are. Mum seemed to have an idea of what she needed.

She slipped on her white cotton robe, but I decided to walk in as I was.

"Should I talk about this with Steve? Or do you want it to be kept between us?"

"It would probably be best if you did. I don't want to have any secrets from you two. I've said many times you are the two men in my life. I see no need to change that. Not now, nor ever."

Her words were like magic. We hugged, and once again, my dick, already steel hard, grew even thicker as it rubbed against my mother's belly. She grabbed it again, and caressed my shaft.

I moaned as once again I felt the hands of somebody else on my penis.

"It would be better if you stopped. I'm on the edge." I had to warn her.

"No hurry. We'll get to this sometime, and it will be momentous" she replied.

"Don't you feel that this is all so wrong, somehow?" I asked slowly.

"It's been fifteen years since your dad died," mum whispered quietly,"I have seen you grow from babies, to boys to adults, my love growing stronger day by day. I am always so lonely, especially in bed, going to sleep alone. If this makes us all so happy, then so be it. I don't believe in God anyway, so considering this wrong does not even enter my mind. I guess it has been bubbling under the surface for so long, until it finally had to come out in the open. I am actually glad that this will come to pass. I need to be held, loved, appreciated like a woman, more than as a mother. I'm game if you are. But you are an adult now, and that choice rests with you."

I had no words to explain, so I just nodded quietly, hugging her again and this time making no pretense of pulling back. I enjoyed her body heat for a while before moving away again.

We made our way inside, clicking off the path light and setting the alarm. We lived in a safe neighborhood, but it didn't hurt to be careful. Steve was still soundly asleep. As happened many times, we left him there, covered with a throw-over. He usually got up around 2am for a pee, at which time he would make his way to bed.

I went upstairs, still with no clothes on, while mum walked behind me. Suddenly the sting of her palm on my backside was like a whip and I jumped in fright.

She laughed at my discomfort and as I turned round my dick hit her in the face. What was I thinking? My worries were dispelled as she laughed it off.

"Away with you, before I bite it off!" she admonished me.

I bit my tongue as I was going to reply that nothing would give me more pleasure, however, I must stress that at that point, it was purely horse-play. I wanted this to happen now, tonight, but again, thought it best if my mother took the lead.

True to form, when I woke up on Saturday, Steve was asleep in bed, the same bed I was in. I looked with bleary eyes at the little clock I had on the bedside table. Eleven. Wow. I turned for a little snooze and as I did, Steve also turned on his side, and I was now looking straight onto my brother's penis.

I hesitated before raising my arm and caressing it gently, aware of the smooth texture and its heavy feel in my hands. It wasn't hard, but just like I did, he seemed to have a permanent firmness to his penis that gave it weight.

A sharp breath at the door made me turn my head quickly, seeing mum, who had come to wake us up in all probability. She was still wearing the robe from last night, although it was open, baring her to my eyes.

"Keep going" she whispered.

As if it was going to wake my brother, who was a heavy sleeper.

I nodded and turned my face to his groin again. The head was nice and pink, inviting, soft and tender. I badly wanted to suck it again. Anything to grant me relief from the huge load of spunk I was sure to be holding in my balls.

I looked at mum, opened my mouth and popped Steve's flaccid dick in it. The feeling of power was as nothing I had ever imagined. I grew erect instantly, flicking away the bed-sheet, and opening my legs wide so that mum could see what I was doing.

I bobbed my head on him a few times, pulling at his soft penis as I nearly let it fall out of my mouth, and then going deep on my brother, who was still snoring away merrily.

I glanced at the door again, surprised to see mum rubbing her legs together, mashing her breasts with her hand. I beckoned to her to come closer, and she obeyed, moving on to the bed and sliding between my legs, my throbbing dick close to her face. I sucked on Steve's cock, relishing the texture and the semi-hardness he had. Mum's eyes were on my penis as it dribbled pre-cum from the tip.

She touched me again and grabbed hold of my dick. I nearly fainted with the erogenous pleasure of it. Finally I could take no more and as I deep throated my brother, I finally let loose and came with a vengeance. Three mighty spurts had roped their way over my mother, a great big glob landing in her hair, and the other two splashing on her breasts and tummy. I was embarrassed, but could have done nothing to prevent it.

"Oh my god" she said, and ran out of the room.

I let go of the penis I was still sucking on, and waited awhile before going to her room. I knocked and it was only a quiet 'Come in' that made me open the door. I would not dare of invading her private sanctum. I only hoped she had not thought it over again.

She was at her dressing table, entirely naked. I shivered as I saw her like that, dabbing away the remnants of my sperm from her hair. After all, I was still naked too.

"I'm sorry mum. I didn't mean it to happen. It was the build up from the pool yesterday, then this morning with Steve's dick, I couldn't resist. When you started masturbating me, it just sort of exploded. Please don't hate me. I couldn't live with that."

She smiled, stood up, and opened her arms to hug me, sparks flying as our bodies met, touching each other in places that were alien to us, and yet electrifying.

It felt so good. I looked down at her beautiful face, and as she looked into my eyes, pulled my face down until our lips met. An electric current flowed through us as we kissed. It definitely was no mother-son kiss. Our tongues met in a dance, and I felt as if my soul was being sucked out. Such was the intensity.

I have always loved my mother, and placed her firmly first in any endeavor where she needed help. This was something else however, and as we kissed, our hands roamed over each other's bodies. Her backside was a delight to me as I caressed and stroked her, raising my hands over her rib-cage and giving her the shivers. I finally arrived at her breasts again rubbing over her nipples. She shuddered, and it was only later that she told me that had had an orgasm.

Her hands roamed over my dick again, and I sighed in pleasure, hoping against hope that I wouldn't come too easily. Sadly it was not to be as she pulled away.

I kissed her lightly once more, then made my way to my room. Steve was still out for the count. I wondered how he could sleep that much.

I finally dressed and decided to clean up my room. It would have been unfair for mum to do that too, and around three, I had nearly everything done. My brother was finally up and moving, if a bit unsteadily. He didn't do too well after alcohol, although in truth he only had a couple of glasses of wine. That was good though. It mean he wouldn't be interested.

I wondered when would be the right time to tell him about mom and I, but thought that it could wait until midweek. Just then his phone rang and I answered for him.

"Hi, no it's Chris. Hi Brenda. He's in the shower at the moment... Yeah, I'll tell him to call. No. Hehe. I don't think he'll forget. Yeah, he did mention. Of course he's keen. Who wouldn't? OK, cu at school. Bye"

I called into the cubicle. "Yo bro! Brenda called, give her a buzz back."

"OK!" came his muffled reply. Wouldn't surprise me if he was beating his meat.

I took the trash bag downstairs, finding mum also doing chores in the kitchen, wearing her customary little yellow dress. I hugged her and she clung to me a bit. Hey, this was still on!

"Anything to throw in the bag?" I asked.

"Yeah I got another little bag. Put them both in the larger wheelie bin. The grey recycling bag can be left next to it."

I put the bags as instructed, and went back inside. Steve was sitting at the table, nursing a black coffee.

"Mum, I need to go out tonight. I'll probably be very late. Do you mind if I stay at Keith's house? Lives close to my date, don't want to bike back at midnight."

"It's okay honey, as long as I know where you are."

"Thanks, we're going to see the new Avengers movie, but we only managed to get tickets for the nine o' clock showing. It's over two hours long and I don't want to risk the streets at that time."

"Don't worry, it's not the first time you slept at friends' houses" she replied.

"I'd ask you to come with me Chris, but it's you know, kind of a date."

I laughed at his discomfort, waving his excuses away with a laugh.

"You go and enjoy yourselves. I have a couple of essays to write and hand in by Monday. They're not going to be easy."

I had a plan in my mind... But it definitely did not revolve around studying history.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
p2 is online

It seems that the author has posted the second part.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Give us part2

Great story, brilliant setting. Waiting for part 2....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Part two please

This is the hottest and most ideal setting for my taste, so hoping this gets a second part, such an amazing setting, can anyone else suggest a similar longer story??

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Is part 2 ever going to be posted?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Very interesting and hot story; unusual to have gay action turning to het, so well done for tackling that.

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