Mom, Johnnie Walker, and Me


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"No! I'm fixing us a nice dinner tonight."

"It's Saturday, mom."

"I'm aware of what day it is. Come home, shower, dress for a nice home cooked meal. Just you and me."


"Really. Is it a date?"

"What will Johnnie Walker say?"

"I'm dumping him."

"Are you fucking with me?" he replied.

"Language!!!!! Come home, shower, dress. DON'T STAND ME UP!"

"I'll be there."

"Nix the glasses too."


"Just do it. I love you. See you tonight."

"Tonight then," he replied.

Robbie was confused. Unless she was physically ill, she hadn't missed a Saturday night in a year. Even tornado warnings hadn't stopped her. He hoped she wasn't going to drop some bomb on him like she was pregnant or something.

Joy went home and unloaded the car. She put away the groceries, and her other purchases, then did a thorough cleaning of her bedroom. By the time she was done it was almost six. She set an alarm on her phone for one hour then got on the bed to take a short nap. Joy's head no sooner hit the pillow when she jumped up and removed the sheets and pillowcases. She replaced them with the satin ones she had in the linen closet that had never been used. She set a candle on each nightstand and put a single Hershey's kiss on each pillow. After surveying the room, she smiled then checked her list. 'Music,' she thought, then opened her app on the phone and spent several minutes browsing iTunes before finding what she was looking for.

Joy checked the time. Her hour was nearly up. She turned off the alarm then went to the bathroom for a relaxing bubble bath.


The evening had been slow for Robbie, leaving him too much time to wonder about the plans his mother had made. He was terrified that she had somehow figured out what he had done and planned to confront him with it this evening. 'But why would she be fixing dinner if she was planning on tossing him out on his ass?' he wondered.

Her car was parked properly in the driveway as he pulled in beside her car. There were a few lights on in the house but not many. He paused to take a few deep breaths outside the front door before unlocking it and stepping inside.

"Mom, I'm home," he said.

"In the kitchen sweetheart. Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes," she replied, walking into the living room.

He was now more confused than ever. She was wearing her white fuzzy robe that went all the way to the floor and a pair of flip-flops.

His mother walked to him and removed his glasses.

"When you're with me I want these off. I want to see your face, not your father. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Now go shower then get dressed. I laid out your clothes on your bed," she said, as she kissed his cheek.

"I like your hair."

"Thank you. I'm surprised you noticed," she said.

"I notice a lot."

"Apparently. I had my nails done today too," she said holding them up to show off.

"Very nice. They match your lipstick."

"Go. You've got less than thirty minutes."

"So, what's up?"

"Shower and dress," she replied, pointing toward the bathroom. She was smiling as she pushed him in that direction.

Robbie went to his room and undressed then went to the shower.

Joy ran to her room, put away the robe and slippers, then slipped on her black heels. After a quick check in the mirror, she returned to the kitchen.

Robbie stepped out of his room with five minutes to spare. He immediately noticed the soft music playing and the candles lit in the dining room. There were two places set on the dining table. One where his mother always sat and the other to her left at the end of the table. His father always sat there. He walked into the kitchen where he heard his mother.

Seeing her, his jaw dropped. "Wow!" he said.

She turned and modeled for him. She wore a black, form fitting, fuck me dress, which reached just past her mid-thighs. She was also wearing black high heels. She was ravishing.

"You like?"

"Wow, mom. You're hot."

Joy blushed but grinned at him. "Thanks," she replied, handing him a half full glass of wine. "Sip it. Even wine can knock you on your butt if you don't pace yourself." He took the glass then had a small sip. "Good?"

"Beats me. I've never had wine before."

She grinned. "Go sit at the table. I'll get the food," she said handing him her glass.

"Which...," he began.

"The chair on the end, of course," she replied, guessing what he was about to ask.

Robbie went back to the dining room and sat in the chair. He felt a bit out of place sitting there. His mother made three trips bringing in the food. Robbie stood and pulled out her chair.

"Thank you," she said as she sat. He helped to slide her chair in, then took his seat. "Your steak is the one on top, medium rare."

As he picked up his steak with the serving fork, she put a baked potato on his plate then served a smaller one to herself. In a moment, both had their plates filled.

"Thanks, mom. This is really nice."

"You're welcome. I realized today that I've been neglecting you. I'm hoping this might help to rectify that."

"You haven't neglected me."

"Maybe neglect isn't the right word. I haven't been appreciating you the way I should have. How's your steak?"

"Perfect. Everything's perfect," he replied, lovingly.

"Oh, but wait 'til you get to the dessert."

"What is it?"

"After dinner," she replied.

The dinner was perfect but to Robbie that didn't matter. She was perfect. His mother was at home with him on a Saturday night rather than being out with Johnnie Walker. That was enough. They made small talk as they ate. Finally finishing, Robbie put his fork on the plate. She put her hand on his.

"Something happened yesterday that finally opened my eyes to reality. I know it was you in the bedroom," she began.


"Just listen to me for a minute. Robbie, you're my son. But you're much more than that. I just wouldn't allow myself to admit it. I think you see me as more than your mother too." He nodded. "I'm not able to see into the future any more than the next person. I can see the present, now that I realize I wasn't looking at it. I'm done with Johnnie Walker, and everything associated with him. The only man I want, or need is sitting here at the head of the table where he should be. I'm sorry I couldn't see that earlier. I want you to be my son, but I also want you to be my man. I'll be your woman for as long as you want me."


"Let me finish." He nodded. "The time may come when you find someone you want to marry and spend your life with. I'm fine with that. In the meantime, I'd like to be your woman, only yours. If I've read this wrong, all you need to do is tell me. No hard feelings. I'll still be your mother for as long as I live."

"Can I talk now?" he asked.

"You have the floor."

"I love you, mom. You're way more than my mom. What I did last night wasn't right. You weren't in any condition to consent, and I took advantage of you. I knew better, but you were in need and that thing on the couch wasn't going to be able to help you. I'm not trying to justify what I did. I did it out of love. Being your man, and you being my woman is what I want more than anything. If that's what you're really offering, then yes, a thousand times, yes. I love you with all my heart."

"You understand we can never have the kind of public relationship that others have. With few exceptions, we have to keep it between the two of us," she warned.

"I understand that. Grandma and uncle Joe have done that for a long time. So can we." He squeezed her hand gently. "I say yes."

She smiled at him. "Ready for dessert?" she asked.

Robbie nodded. Joy stood, unzipped her dress, and let it fall to the floor. His eyes went wide seeing her in her lacy black bra and panties.

"I'm serving dessert in our bedroom," she said, taking his hand.

Robbie stood and took his mother in his arms and kissed her. He was apprehensive at first, but when her tongue touched his, all apprehension vanished. Their kiss became passionate and after a moment they walked hand in hand to their bedroom.

As she began unbuttoning his shirt, Joy kicked off her heels. After about the third button, she gave up and ripped his shirt open.

"I'll get you a new one," she said, pushing him onto the bed. She knelt and removed his shoes and socks, then stood and began unbuckling his belt. "This isn't a deal breaker, but are you any good at eating pussy?"

"I don't know how good I am at it, but I enjoy it and I am enthusiastic," he replied.

His mother smiled. "This is going to be fun."

Joy pulled down her son's slacks and helped him step out of them. Her hand moved over the bulge in his briefs as she looked up at his face.

"I'm much better at sucking cock from this angle than laying on my stomach," she told him.

"You were good that way," he replied smiling.

Joy kissed the head of his cock through the briefs, then gently pulled them down. She smiled seeing his erect cock for the first time through sober eyes. She began stroking him.

"Do you know what gave you away?" she asked.


"This morning when I walked into the living room, I saw whatever his name was, Art, I think. His dick was about half the size of what I remembered. I may have been drunk, but I wasn't drunk enough to confuse that. You got home very close to when I did. There wasn't time for he and I to do anything."

"I thought you must have seen me. You called out my name twice."

"I've been doing that for a long time," she said, as she took the head of her son's cock in her mouth.

"Oh, mom," he sighed.

Joy began a slow bob on her son. Taking in a little more each time until she was taking him all the way to the base. One hand cupped and fondled her son's balls and the other she slid into her panties.

"Mom, can we get on the bed?"

She stood and Robbie removed her bra, then leaned back to get a good look. He smiled, then leaned forward taking one nipple into his mouth. Joy sighed as her fingers continued moving in her panties. She pulled her hand out and spread her juices on the other nipple.

"Try this one," she said.

Robbie moved to the moistened breast and licked it clean.

"Mom, I love how good you taste."

"You didn't taste me last night?"

"No, I didn't know how far you and that guy had gotten. I didn't have any desire to taste him."

"From now on, the only one putting anything in there is you and me," she said.

Joy wiggled out of her panties and with his help crawled up on the bed. She centered herself on the king bed laying on her side facing him.

"Come here. Let's taste each other," Joy told her son.

Robbie got on the bed facing her. She took his cock quickly into her mouth. With his head resting on her thigh, he lightly began kissing her labia. He drew his tongue between her lips from the mons to as far back as he could reach. His mother sighed deeply as he did. He felt her tongue on his scrotum then one nut was sucked into her mouth. His tongue entered her opening, getting a full taste of her copious secretions. Both continued for several minutes before he noticed that she was rocking on his face. He moved to tongue her clit and suddenly felt her other thigh pinning him in place. Robbie pulled her clit into his mouth and thrashed it with his tongue. He could hear her making sounds but with both ears covered by her thighs, couldn't hear what she was saying. She stiffened and her legs began to shake. Then her entire body trembled as she came. About thirty seconds later, she loosened her legs and scrambled to get away, pulling away from his cock. He smiled to himself.

"Did you say something?" he asked.

"I said slow down. You're gonna make me cum," she chuckled.

"Woops," he said.

"Roll over on your back," she told him.

He turned and his mother straddled him. His cock needed no guidance and she lowered herself onto him. Sitting astride him, she smiled and began gingerly raising and lowering. His hands moved to her breasts and massaged.

"Last night you pounded me. Very well, I might add. That's good from behind, but this way I like it slow and easy. You lay still and let me do this."

"Do you have a favorite position?" he asked.

"I do, but I'm going to let you figure that out on your own."

He grinned. "Back-to-back, with heads at opposite ends?"

"Like a 96? How in the hell...oh, you dumbass!" she laughed, realizing he was kidding. "You eat pussy well. I couldn't concentrate on what I was doing."

"Thanks. I'm looking forward to practicing a lot. Probably not much point in you wearing panties around me for a while."

"You're going to keep me busy, huh?"

"Very busy, mom."

She leaned forward and rested her hands on his chest, then began increasing her speed. He watched her as her face and upper chest began to flush. Soon she was riding fast. Not pounding, but her hips were moving as quickly as she could move them.

"Almost there. Pinch my nipples," she said, panting.

He began pinching and releasing, pinching and releasing, then pinched hard.

"Arrrrrrr," she screamed, as her head bent back, and her hips rocked front to back. "Uhhhh, uhhhh, uhhhh," she moaned with each spasm. Even as she recovered, she jerked about every ten seconds for the next couple of minutes.

"Holy...I've never cum that hard," she said softly.

"I like watching you cum."

She grinned. "Good, I'm planning on doing that a lot. Your turn. Okay if I use my mouth?"

He nodded. His mother lifted off him and scooted down between his legs. She started by licking his balls then licked him clean of her own juices. Teasing the head with her tongue she had him moaning quickly. Joy raised off.

"Put your hands on my head. Show me what you want."

He held her head and guided her, alternating between short bobs and deep penetrations. She never gagged once. She relaxed her neck and let her son fuck her mouth. Her tongue never stopped moving on him as her mouth rode up and down on his shaft, bringing him closer with each stroke.

"Ohhh!" he moaned, as the first of several streams shot up through him and into her mouth. His hands moved from her head to grip the bed. Joy concentrated on the frenulum and head with her tongue and sucked every morsel from him. Her eyes never left his. When Robbie had emptied himself, she raised up her head and swallowed, finally laying her head on his lower abdomen. He stroked her hair.

"I love you, Robbie."

"I love you too, mom."

Thanks for reading.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Loved this story she wasn't a slut she was using men to distract her feeling for her son and she was getting drunk so she could do it. Loved how her mom helped her figure out what she really wanted. Their love for each other wa very strong!!!! You should have continued with this??????? 5 STARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MfkndragonMfkndragon10 months ago

Ok she went out to a bar every weekend too pick up some stranger to fuck always a different guy however her son is right she wasn't whore she didn't charge money to fuck every man under the sun she's worse than a whore she was a fucking slut and by next week roles around she will fuck some other dude once a slut always slut who doesn't deserve any respect being shown to her if her son had any balls he would called it the way it was

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I liked your use of the name Johnnie Walker as a person. That was good imagination. Interesting plot. You need a chapter 2 with a wife that will also enjoy Joy.



AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Come back doc. I miss seeing a new story with your name

Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

Next chapter please. I love the story. AAAAA+++++

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