Mom Pt. 04 Ch. 02

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The dinner party and Selene's choice.
4.7k words

Part 13 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/09/2017
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"Sweetie time for breakfast," said Selene from the hallway, "I made your favorite today!"

She was in a really good mood right now. It most likely had to do with the amazing sex she had with Chad. It wore her out. Sex was so good with him. She didn't care if her family found out now. She NEEDED him. Needed that amazing cock of his. Fucking her daily.

She knew he didn't use protection. But at this point, she didn't mind now. She can always go on the pill. Though it would go against her desire to have another child. She smiles to herself and places a hand over her stomach. Slowly rubbing it.

Just then Robert came out. He looked tired, like he didn't get enough sleep His eyes glued to tbe floor, he walked to the dining room. Avoiding her face the whole time.

Robert couldn't look his mother in the eye after what he saw last night. The image still fresh in his mind. Playing out in slow motion.

His mom laying on her back as Chad fucked her. Their moans filled the hallway as he stood outside her bedroom door in shock. Sweat glistening off their bodies. The air coming from the crack was hot and humid.

His mother kept saying Chad's name as his tempo increased. Her legs now wrapping around his waist. Her head tilts back as she orgasms loud.

After she came, Chad started huffing and puffing. His thrusts became more harder and precise. He then slams deep in her and stops.

"Ugh!" he said loudly.

He repeated that eight more times. Slowly pulling out before slamming back in. He collapsed on top of her afterwards. Both panting and trying to catch their breath.

Chad then looks up and locks eyes with Robert. A sly smile appeared on his face, as tears ran down Robert's. Chad then started kissing her again.

While they were busy making out on her bed, Robert went back to his room and cried himself to sleep, or at least tried to sleep.

Negative thoughts kept running through his head. Listening as they started fucking again. His bed slowly shaking under him. Hearing her headboard smack against the wall.

He hated how he just stood there and watched as Chad fucked his mom. He hated how his mother allowed it to happen. He hated Chad for taking his mother and tainting her. He hated how WEAK he was. He goes to sleep. The sounds of his mother being fucked became background noise.

"Hey shithead," said Chad, "wake up."

He opened his eyes slowly. Chad stood over him. A big cocky grin on his face.

"So did you like the show?" said Chad.

Robert stared at him angrily, as tears ran down his face again.

"Your mom really is something else let me tell you," Chad stated, "best pussy I had in a while. She's passed out in her bed right now. Gave her one hell of a fucking."

He then laughed as Robert balled his hands into fists. He then leans in close to his ear. Robert could smell his mother's scent faintly on Chad.

"If you know what's good for you," Chad said, "stay the fuck out of my relationship with her."

"But then again," he said laughing, "try telling her that I'm bullying you. She won't believe a single word anyways."

He then climbs out of Robert's window.

"See you at school loser!" he said.

Robert then heard Chad get into his car and drive off. He looks at his cellphone and realized it was only four in the morning. He has to get up in three hours for school. He tries to go back to sleep.

Selene places Robert's food in front of him before sitting down to drink her cup of coffee. She was high on life right now. It felt good to be fucked like that.

"Mom," began Robert, "I need to tell you something."

She smiles at him sweetly.

"What is it sweetie," she said in her usual sweet tone, "anything wrong?"

"It's just," Robert sighs, "it's about Chad mom."

"What about him," she said with a sigh.

She knew what he was going to tell her. This would be the second time he tried. She already knows Chad is picking on him. Knew and didn't care.

"He's been bullying me mom." he said looking at her.

She places her face in her hands and sighs again.

"Robert," she said, "stop saying that. He's a good friend to you."

"But it's the truth," he said, "he's the reason my school life sucks. You have to listen."

"No more!" she said loudly slamming her hands on the table, "I don't want to hear it. I can't stand you saying false things about Chad. He's a sweet boy."

The words Robert heard Chad say to him, crossed his mind.

"Then again try telling her I'm bullying you," Chad said, "she won't believe a single word anyways."

"Guess he was right," thought Robert, "why won't she believe me?"

Selene sighs again and gets up. Her mood starting to sour. She gets another cup of coffee and sits down. Slowly taking a sip before speaking again.

"Actually there is something I need to tell you too." she said softly.

"This saturday," she continued, "I won't be home until late that evening."

"Huh?" said Robert, "why? Where are you going?"

"I will be a dinner party," she said, "with Chad and his parents."

B-but," stammered Robert.

"So I'm going to trust you being alone," she said.

"O-okay," said Robert looking down at his plate.

She ruffles his hair afterwards. This is what she always does to him. She knew he was upset about it. He continued eating in silence.

After he was done eating, she grabs his plate and goes to wash the breakfast dishes.

After she finished washing the dishes, she grabs her car keys. Both head out the door to her car. Robert sits in the backseat behind his mom. Looking at the window the whole time she drove him to school.

She pulls into the school parking lot and pulls up by the school entrance. Robert unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out. Slamming the door behind him.

This was new for him, normally she'd kiss his forehead and tell him to have a good day. Why was he being in such a bad mood today? Maybe she should surprise him with something after school. Maybe take him out to eat? He'd love that.

Just then someone knocking on her window. It startled her a bit, before she realized it was Chad. She rolls it down and he leans in.

"Did you drop off little Robert at school?" he said jokingly, "Did you kiss him goodbye too?"

She laughed lightly. Even though, she knew it was a bit mean.

"Yes I did," she said afterwards, "but as for the kiss-"

She pulls him towards her and gives him a long passionate kiss. Coiling her tongue around his before breaking it off.

"I rather kiss you," she giggles.

He watches her drive off before walking towards the school. A big smile on his face. He walks into the school and meets up with one of his friends. Robert was by his locker when they started talking.

"Dude where were you all weekend," Robert overheard Chad's friend say.

"Well you see," said Chad, "I was balls deep in some tight pussy."

"Must have been some very good pussy," his friend said laughing.

"That it was," said Chad, "her pussy was something else let me tell you."

His friend laughs.

"So you gonna tell me about this mysterious girl," said his friend.

"Well I can say she's older," said Chad.

"Damn you hooked a cougar," his friend said, "details man details."

"Yep," said Chad, "and she is also a MILF too."

"Damn," said his friend.

"You can even ask her son," said Chad, "he goes to the same school as us you know."

"Really who?" his friend asked.

"This guy right here," said Chad pulling Robert away from his locker.

His friend bursts out laughing again.

"You mean to tell me," he said fighting back his amusement, "you are fucking Robert Cooper's mom?"

"Yep," said Chad, "she was so insatiable. Her dumbass of a husband doesn't give it to her good enough."

"Shit," said his friend looking at Robert, "I had no idea this little shit had a hot ass mom."

"I had no idea either until I saw with my own eyes," said Chad.

"I bet she is," said his friend.

"She really is," stated Chad, "maybe I'll introduce you at some point."

"I like that idea!" said his friend.

Robert tried getting away, but was pulled back by Chad.

"Get this," Chad said, "this little shit caught me banging her."

"Well shit," said his friend, "what did he do."

"Nothing," Chad stated, "he just stood there crying."

"If it were me," said his friend, "I would have kicked your ass."

"I bet you would," chuckled Chad, "but this is Robert we are talking about."

He pats his back hard.

"He couldn't even hit me if he tried," said Chad.

They both laughed as he pushed Robert into his locker. The second bell rings.

"Class is about to start," said Chad, "see you after school!"

Robert charged after Chad in the hallway. He had enough of him. He pushes Chad into a row of lockers. Then starts hitting him.

"You really want to start?" Chad said snarling, "Fine!"

He slugs Robert in the cheek. The force from the punch hurts his jaw. A crowd of jeering students circled around them. Chad continued hitting him. Not giving Robert a chance to fight back. A teacher breaks up the fight a few minutes later. Both sent to the office.

Meanwhile, Selene stood in the dressing room of a department store. She was trying on a new dress she wanted to buy for saturday. She turned around in the dress and looks at herself in the mirror. It was perfect, she then undressed and got back into her regular clothes. Then steps out of the changing room with the dress.

She walks to the checkout aisle and paid for it. Smiling to herself as she walked to her car.

"Chad would love this on saturday," said Selene to herself, "he'd also love what I'll be wearing under it too."

Just then her phone rang. She panicked a bit, before picking it up. It was from the school. Robert was in the main office. He started fighting a fellow student.

Selene drove back to the school. Chad sat outside the office as she walked up. He looked pissed.

"What happened?" asked Selene quietly.

"Ask your son," he spat out, "he started it."

Robert sat in the principal's office as Selene walked in. He refused to look at her. He had a bruise on his cheek, as well as a purple eye.

The principal filled in her on what happened. Witnesses saw Robert push Chad against a row of lockers and started hitting him. Chad retaliated back. He sighs and then said he couldn't blame Robert for what he did. Teachers were noticing the stuff Chad did to him. It was only a matter of time before this happened.

He then said that Robert is to be send home for the rest of the day. Selene leads Robert out of the office, just as Chad gets called in.

They got to her car and she sat him in the front seat. He buckles himself in as she gets in the driver seat. She then starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot.

The drive home was silent.

"What made you hit Chad," said Selene at a red light.

Robert didn't respond back. He just stared out the window sniffling.

"What if he broke your jaw or something," she continued.

She sighs as the light turns green.

"I just want to know why," she said quietly.

"Last night," said Robert quietly.

She pulls over to the side of the road and looks at Robert.

"Last night?" she asked, "What about last night?"

"I saw HIM," he continued, "saw that ASSHOLE in your room last night."

She froze at him saying that. There is no way he saw them. No way he knew Chad was over in her room last night.

"I saw him on top of you," he looked at her, "saw you reciprocating everything he did."

"You sure it wasn't a bad dream sweetie?" said Selene playing it off, "You know I would never-"


Her eyes widened in surprise. Robert has never yelled at her before. This quickly caused her to get upset at him.

"Don't you DARE raise your voice to me damn it!" Selene said.

Robert looked at her angerily.

"I was planning on treating you to something nice today," she said coldly, "but now you can stay in your room for the rest of today."

"I was planning on it," Robert snapped back.

Selene continued driving. Her heart panged a bit. She wanted to keep it a secret from Robert until she was ready to tell him. That she is in a relationship with Chad and she has no intention of stopping it. That he has to get used to seeing Chad around.

When they got home, Robert storms off to his room. Slamming his door close. Selene sighs and sits on the couch. Just then her phone vibrates. She takes out her phone and saw it was a text from Chad.

Chad: "Hey."

Selene: "Hey."

Chad: "I got detention for a week."

Selene: "Robert raised his voice to me."

Chad: "Why?"

Selene: "He caught us fucking last night."

Chad: "Really?"

Selene: "Yes."

Chad: "Well I hate to say. But your son actually spied on us."

Selene: "WHAT?! What do you mean?"

Chad: "I felt someone was watching us from the hallway last night. That's how he knew right?"

Selene: "That's what he said."

Chad: "The door was closed when we went in correct?"

Selene: "Yeah I remember closing it."

Chad: "Well during sex, I head it click and open a bit. That's when I looked up and saw Robert through the crack."

Selene: "Gross! Why was he even up to begin with?!"

Chad: "I don't know why he was either. I even went into his room afterwards to confront him. But left after I saw him jerking off."

Selene: "Gross."

Chad: "My thoughts exactly."

Selene: "Still this is a good thing."

Chad: "What do you mean?"

Selene: "Because now I don't have to hide that I'm seeing you."

She waits for Chad's reply. It was like she was a teenager again. He made her feel that way. Her phone vibrates a minute later.

Chad: "That's true."

Selene: "Also told him about saturday."

Chad: "Still a few days away. Looking forward to seeing what you picked."

Selene: "Oh you will."

She continued texting him a bit longer before saying goodbye. She now has to tell Robert and also confront him with what Chad said.

"Robert come here," said Selene loudly.

She heard his door open and him walking towards the living room. He stops just a few inches from the hallway.

"So is there anything you like to tell me?" she said sternly.

"No," said Robert.

"You sure?" she continued.

"Yes," said Robert.

Selene sighs and motions for him to sit down. She stands up and moves to the armchair. Staring at Robert as she continues speaking.

"Then I guess there is not way around it is there," she said.

"I'm in a relationship with Chad," she stated.

She saw the look on Robert's face. A mixture of shock and disbelief all rolled into one.

"Can I ask why you doing up to begin with?" she asked.

"I was heading towards the bathroom," he said.

"Oh sure," said Selene, "so I guess my room is the bathroom now?"

"N-no," said Robert stammering.

"Then why were you spying on us then," she continued.

"I wasn't spying," said Robert, "I heard sounds and thought I'd investigate. Who said I was spying?"

"My boyfriend did," Selene said coldly.

"Chad said he heard you open the door and saw you peek in." she continued.

"Chad is a liar," said Robert, "the door was open when I saw THAT."


"I'm telling the truth," said Robert, "why won't you believe me?"

She sighs and gets up.

"I really don't know what to say anymore to you," she said in disgust and frustration, "you picked a fight with him and now you are lying to me."

"BUT MOM!" Robert starts to say.

"Go back to your room NOW!" said Selene.

Robert storms off back to his room. Slamming his door as Selene sinks back into the chair.

"Why can't saturday come faster?" she said to herself.

Just then she got a new message from Chad. She eagerly opens it.

"Forgot to mention," she read, "was talking to my friend today about you. That's why Robert started hitting me and getting me in trouble"

She replies back.

Selene: "He needs to get over it."

Chad: "I agree with you."

Selene: "So what did you tell your friend."

Chad: "That you are amazing and stuff like that."

Selene: "Chad I know you. You probably told him that I give you great blowjobs and other dirty stuff."

Chad: "You got me. Told him exactly that."

Selene: "Thought so."

They continued texting for a bit more before he said he had to go. Telling her he'd pick her up saturday. She sighs happily and closes her phone. She can't wait.

She goes to her room and hangs up her dress she bought. Then takes out the new underwear she bought too. Placing it in her dresser before landing on her bed and sighing.

For the rest of the week Robert and Selene barely talked to each other. Then came saturday. Robert sat in the dining room doing his homework, as Selene got ready to leave.

A few minutes past six, he heard a knock on the front door. Selene peeks her head out of her room.

"Robert," said Selene. "answer the door. It's Chad."

He sighs as he gets up. Then heads towards the front door. He opens the door and there stood Chad. He was wearing a dress shirt with the top two buttons undone and dark dress pants. Robert wanted so badly to just slam the door in his face. Chad pushes him aside and walks in. Robert closes the door behind him.

"Sure by all means come in," he said bitterly, "Take everything you want asshole."

"You need to learn some manners," said Chad, "after all, I am the man around here now."

He slugs Robert in his stomach and watches him crumple to the floor gasping.

"That was for getting me stuck in detention for a week," said Chad standing over him

"I'll be ready in a minute!" calld Selene from her room, "just adding my makeup."

"Take all the time you need," said Chad.

"Just three more minutes," she stated.

Selene came out of her room three minutes later. Robert's jaw dropped. His mother was wearing a dark blue dress. Her hair was tied into a bun. The makeup on her face light.

"What you think?" she said to Chad.

He walks around her. She looked nervous.

"D-do you like it?" she asked meekly.

"Love it." Chad said before pulling her into a kiss.

Robert turned away in disgust. Their kissing continued. Her hands rubbing up and down his back. His hands groping her ass. Squeezing it.

"Okay that's enough," she giggled breaking away, "save it for later."

She slips into her shoes and heads for the frint door. Then turns her attention to Robert.

"I'll let you know when we'll be home," she said.

She closes the door behind her. Robert heard them talking before his car pulls out of the driveway and zooms down the street. He finishes his homework and heads back to his room.

He lays down on his bed and sighs. Everything changed in his life. His mom who used to be so sweet and gentle, was now bitter and coarse. She's even dating Chad openly in front of him. He closes his eyes for a bit.

He wakes up a while later and checks his cellphone. It was now nine. He gets out of his bed and stands up. Stretching before leaving his room.

Meanwhile at Chad's house, Selene laid in his bed cuddled up to him. Their clothes in a jumbled heap on the floor. Both covered up in his blanket as they slept naked. Her phone began vibrating on the nightstand. She groggily reaches for it and answers.

"Yeah?" she said softly.

She turns away from Chad. Slowly peeling herself from his side. He mumbles in his sleep.

"Hey my lovely wife," said Tom, "did I wake you?"

"Kinda," she said yawning.

"Sorry," he said meekly, "I just haven't heard from you in a while."

"I know," she said sitting up in his bed, "just been busy lately."

Chad wakes up and looks at her.

"Who's that?" he said.

She places her hand over the speaker.

"It's my dumbass husband," she said smiling.

"Selene," said Tom, "you still there?"