Mom the Superheroine 05


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"My girl's been taking lessons in mixed martial arts lately," Valerie informed Barbara smugly. "What a fast learner she is!"

Again, it was only Cindy's super toughness that allowed her to stay in the fight. Any normal human, however skilled or strong, would have had to submit within seconds, and anyone applying the hold with such skill could choose to break or dislocate the victim's arm. But Cindy's superb musculature meant that even Elena could not do that so easily. By flexing every muscle in her arm to the uttermost, Cindy could just barely keep her arm straight.

This could not last forever. It was basically Cindy's single arm against Elena's entire body. Cindy was also reeling from the knee to the groin, and from having her face planted into concrete. She knew she had to focus and keep her arm muscles tightened, for even the slightest slackening would mean agony.

Barbara looked on with bated breath, trembling with anxiety and tension. It made her heart bleed to see how the blood slowly trickled out over the bottom of Cindy's beautiful, perfect face, and though she knew it looked a lot worse than it was, no mother could bear the sight of her daughter injured like that. She saw, too, with a mother's eyes, how Cindy moved her legs, revealing that her groin was still hurting from the impact. Had her pelvic bone suffered a hairline fracture? Cindy's body could absorb a lot of force, and yes, that included her pudendum, but with that knee hit...

Her gaze travelled to the hatefully muscular thighs of the vicious little Vixenette, writhing under the black leather straps of her costume's garters. Those quadriceps... they were cords of hard defined muscle. What force they must have dealt to her poor Cindy's most vulnerable spot... Barbara felt as if there was a knife twisting in her heart. And now she was looking at Cindy's strong, perfect arm, trapped in between those terrifyingly striated thighs. How long, oh how long, could her brave little girl keep it up?

Minutes went past. Cindy's breathing grew more ragged. Her tendons screamed for mercy, for release from the strain. Then, at last, her muscles gave out just a little, and she felt the pain shooting through her arm. She could not help it – she screamed, just a little, but it was enough. Elena tilted her head back, and her eyes rolled back. There was a look of sadistic bliss on her face, sickening to behold.

Some more long minutes passed, as Cindy's pain grew and she thrashed about helplessly, her feet thumping on the ground, until finally Elena released the hold and rolled to her feet, breathing hard but regularly. There she stood, looking down at Cindy, who had curled up into a ball, clutching at her injured left arm, trying to massage life back into it. Elena's hand wandered to her crotch and reached inside as she looked on, lips slightly parted.

"Come on, Cindy," Barbara called out, trying to keep her voice from breaking. "You can do it. Stay strong, honey."

In response, Cindy rolled onto her hands and knees, struggling to stand up to continue the fight. Elena looked upon Cindy's perfectly shaped thighs, and her gaze hardened. She stepped forward and raised a foot. Before Barbara could call a warning, Elena stomped hard on Cindy's strong, bulging hamstrings.

Crying out in pain, Cindy folded again, this time clutching at her legs. Elena seemed to be in the grip of jealous rage – her face was contorted as she started stomping on any part of Cindy's legs she could reach. She still had on her black leather thigh-high boots, which only added to the impact of each blow

"Damn... bloated... cow..." she gasped, as her foot came crashing down again and again on Cindy's beautifully developed leg muscles. Then, as Cindy sobbed in pain and tried to move her legs away, Elena bent down and grabbed hold of them.

Valerie nodded approvingly as Elena adroitly maneuvered Cindy's legs into a leg lock with brutal efficiency, clamping both her thighs around Cindy's right leg, and digging her booted left heel hard into Cindy's hip. It wasn't quite a stiletto, but the wedge was painful enough when dug in like that. Cindy could only scream and pound the ground weakly with her fists while Elena cranked up the pressure, locking Cindy's ankle under her shoulder, and flexing her entire body to strain Cindy's leg joints, at both ankle and knee.

"Remember how I put you in a figure four leg lock, Barbara?" Valerie called out mockingly. "It hurt, didn't it? Well, this is worse than what I put on you, for sure!"

"Submit," Elena hissed. "Submit to me. You can't beat me, Cindy. I'm stronger, faster, and just plain better. Submit."

"Never," Cindy sobbed. Her body was bathed in sweat, and shaking from the pain, but still she gripped Elena's feet as tightly as she could, and strained to break out of the leg lock somehow, as hopeless as it seemed. She tried to kick at Elena's body with her free leg, but her kicks lacked leverage and could do no damage.

Elena's muscles writhed like snakes as she flexed, stretching Cindy's tendons, tearing her ligaments. Soon, she would start shearing Cindy's bones. "Submit, Cindy. You're just like your loser of a mother. I'm stronger and better than you... because my mom is stronger and better than yours! Submit!"

"No," Cindy managed to say, in between gasps, as the jolts of pain lanced through her. "My mom... is strongest... the best! I'm her daughter... you'll never... break me..."

In a last-ditch effort she lashed out with her free leg, and as fortune would have it, her heel connected squarely with Elena's face, since Elena had sat up slightly and leaned forward to take in her sight of her suffering opponent more fully. Elena cried out and released the hold, rolling away and clutching her face.

Hope flared again in Barbara's breast as Valerie yelled wrathfully. Elena's gloved hands were covered in blood – evidently, Cindy's foot had connected with her nose, so that now they were both sporting gory-looking nosebleeds. Cindy's had stopped bleeding within minutes, and Elena's would too, but meanwhile they both looked bloodied.

"My nose! You bitch!" Elena screamed furiously.

She got to her feet and aimed a kick at Cindy's curled form, the tip of her boot connected with Cindy's rib. Groaning with the pain, Cindy rolled away, unable to stand upright yet. She lay face down, limbs splayed, trembling all over.

Looking down at her helpless opponent, Elena sneered in contempt. She put a finger to the side of her nose, bent over slightly, and snorted a large jet of blood and mucus onto Cindy's body, causing Cindy to flinch as the liquid splashed onto her back.

"My sexy vampire daughter," Valerie laughed, clapping her hands. "The blood looks very fetching on you, actually!"

"Mmm... would be better if it were hers!" Elena chuckled. She planted a foot on the small of Cindy's back, and flexed her arms haughtily, looking every inch the triumphant dominatrix in miniature. "She's just about broken, Mom, just that she won't admit it yet. But I'll get it out of her, if I gotta break every bone in her body!"

Was this it? Was it over, just like that? Barbara felt tears welling up in her eyes. The proud, fearless Battleborn, so brave and virtuous... vanquished before her career could properly begin? Were her genes not good enough? Was her upbringing, her training, not good enough? Had Barbara... failed her daughter?

Then Elena looked down angrily. Cindy was stirring, under her heel. She stepped away dropping the victory pose as Cindy slowly rose to her feet, with heart-wrenching gallantry.

"No... not over yet..." she groaned, turning slowly to face her opponent. Her legs could barely support her – she stood favoring her right leg. Her arms, so strongly muscled, hung at her sides limply, as if she didn't have the strength to lift them up. Her body was hunched over with pain and fatigue.

And yet, she stood, propped up only by her strength of will. Her body needed time to recover, time she probably would not get. Her powers of recovery had never been tested so harshly.

Nevertheless, she persisted.

"Won't... lose... to you," she told Elena, breathing heavily. She balled her fists and raised her arms. Those strong arms, that had lifted such immense weights with seeming ease... now it took effort just for her to hold them up.

Elena stripped off her elbow gloves, grimacing a bit at the stickiness of her blood on them. Then she stepped closer, and struck up a new pose – one painfully familiar to Barbara: one foot forward, arms raised high, hands open.

"Come on, Cindy," she said, glowering menacingly. "Let's finish this, once and for all. One last contest for you to lose, before you become my bitch for all time."

Silently Barbara urged Cindy to wait. Every passing second brought Cindy a tiny amount closer to recovery; every moment was needed desperately. If Cindy could stall for time, more of her strength would return as her marvelous body repaired itself, replenishing sugar stores, regenerating ligaments, purging fatigue toxins, rebuilding muscle cells.

Perhaps Cindy had the same thought, because she backed up a bit – but Elena closed the distance swiftly and laughed. "Afraid, Battle-bitch? Running from a muscle challenge? Aww, is the mighty Battleborn scared of a little test of strength with lil ol' Vixenette? Maybe you should just bend over again, like the last time – I know you'd like me to pound your ass again!"

Cindy's jaw firmed with resolve. No superheroine could ever back down from a direct challenge like that. Despite the pain, she drew herself up to her full height.

"We're never scared of villains like you, Vixenette," she declared, with only a slight tremor in her voice. "Evil will never prevail against justice!"

"Then accept my challenge, cumslut!" Elena snarled. "Come on! I've been waiting for this for too long – a chance to crush you in front of our moms! Your muscle, against mine, right now!"

Cindy glanced over at Barbara, and in that momentary meeting of gazes Barbara could sense everything her daughter was feeling at that moment – the physical pain, the burning anger against their tormentors, the uncertainty... but stronger than anything, the fierce desire to make her mother proud.

"Do it, Cindy," she said softly. "Win for me."

Cindy smiled and gave a firm nod, her eyes shining. Then she stepped forward and raised her arms to match Elena's pose. They laced their fingers together. The muscles on their bodies gleamed all over with a sheen of sweat. Staring at each other, their faces only inches apart, they began their final contest for supremacy and dominance.

Within moments, Cindy's weakened state was apparent. Her arms shook, and her right leg started to buckle. Elena leaned in, pressing her advantage to the full, looking down at her losing opponent with an expression of savage joy.

"You see?" she whispered, her voice ragged with excitement. "I'm stronger than you! I always knew it. And now our moms can see it too."

"Keep going, darling... do it... break her, make her scream," Valerie exhorted her daughter, licking her lips. She had stepped forward to watch the contest up close.

Barbara had as well, on the opposite side. "Hold on, Cindy," she urged. "Fight back. You can do it. I believe in you, darling. Fight!"

Cindy's face was set in a rictus of effort. With every passing moment, her body was struggling to heal, even as she strained every muscle to the maximum, calling upon every last bit of strength left in them. It seemed as though her enhanced healing was being outpaced by the strain of the contest. With a soft moan, she went down on one knee as her right leg gave out under her.

"Oh, what's the matter? Leg hurts?" Elena cackled. Tears of pain were being forced from Cindy's eyes – the pain in her right knee was not much abated in this position, since it still had to bear part of her weight and Elena's force. Cruelly, Elena leaned to the side to exploit this, making Cindy's knee dig into the hard, unyielding ground.

"Like mother, like daughter, Cindy," Elena whispered. "Remember how I did this to your mom? You look exactly the same... weak... hurting... like the losers you are."

Cindy had no breath to spare on a war of words. Her arms were on fire. Her right leg was going numb. Her trunk was still sturdy, but her strength was fading. She felt as if she was holding back a mountain's weight... but it was just Elena, Elena with her deceptive litheness, with muscles stronger than they had any right to be.

She pushed as hard as she could, trying to straighten her arms, but the pain sapped the strength from her quivering muscles.

"Not so strong now, your arms, huh? Jelly arms," Elena hissed. "Think they're so strong? Come on! Show me! You can't, can't you? That's because you're weak... and I'm so much stronger than you!" Her own arm muscles flexed as if for emphasis, and Cindy's elbows bent even more.

Elena felt the familiar sweet pulsing in her pussy. She was doing it, she was overpowering her enemy like they'd planned for her to do, she was making her dear mother proud and the sanctimonious slut Battler Babe could do nothing but watch her preppy daughter being shamed. Oh, the final triumph would be so sweet. Already she was so wet, just thinking about pounding Cindy's pussy with a strap-on doggy-style once more. This time, it would be even sweeter; she was going to win Cindy as her prize with her own strength.

Cindy's eyes glazed over. She had to win. She could not lose, like this, with her mother and Elena's looking on, with Elena so vicious and spiteful, with the hopes of ordinary people like Sasha and Shayla hanging on the outcome of this fight.

It wasn't fair that it was down to her – not even a rookie yet, not registered, with powers still developing – but she had to do it.

She willed her aching, sore muscles not to fail. They had been given to her by her strong, beautiful mother. She was the daughter of Battler Babe, the product of her womb. She had to win, somehow – had to. She dredged up every last bit of strength she could, even though it felt as if she could dredge up no more.

"Come on... come on... break her!" Valerie said, a note of frustration creeping into her voice. "She's running on empty! Finish her now!"

"Hang on, my darling," Barbara said, tears streaming down her face, though hope was all but gone. "Hang on."

Gritting her teeth, Elena leaned in and poured on the power. Every muscle in her body was flexed rigid as she pushed, bending Cindy's wrists almost to the breaking point. Cindy's torso bent backwards, until she was teetering on the brink of defeat. A single inch more, and she would fall onto her back, defeated.

They both moaned, together, though one was an ecstatic orgasmic moan and the other a desperate agonized one. It was strange, Barbara thought distantly, how similar pain and pleasure could sound.

The seconds went by... and Cindy held on. Elena stretched Cindy's right arm out and to the side, twisting and bending Cindy's torso still more. The mask of pain Cindy wore was testament to the brutal effectiveness of Elena's systematic dismantling of her limbs earlier, and the sheer strength Elena could exert.

And yet, Cindy held on. Elena pushed, and pushed... but Cindy gave up no more ground. Her lips parted, and she seemed to be mouthing something.

Gradually, her words became audible. "For Mom. Do it for Mom. For Mom..."

Subtly, almost imperceptibly at first, the tide began to turn. With a long, ragged groan, Cindy began her comeback. Her knee came up off the ground, and her shaking right leg gradually straightened. Her torso slowly unbent – her abs flexing against Elena's – and she pulled her right arm back in, at a more comfortable angle. Then, with a long shuddering moan, she began to push Elena's hands back.

Now panic flashed across Elena's face. She screamed wildly as she summoned up another surge of power. But with every passing moment Cindy's resurgence gained momentum. And no matter how hard Elena's muscles flexed... Cindy's muscles flexed still harder, until they were almost back to their starting position, hands high above their heads.

Now they both stood, posed like two magnificent statues, neither having a clear advantage. Their blood-encrusted noses and mouths were pressed together, almost as if they were savagely kissing, but there was no affection at all in that contact, merely another way they pit their bodies against each other. They strained and shook and moaned... until Elena was the one bending backwards.

"No... you bitch..." she sobbed, as she was slowly overpowered.

Cindy was winning... at long last, Cindy was winning!

Now Elena was the one forced onto one knee and being overpowered. Cindy leaned in and drew a long deep breath, summoning up the strength for one big push to topple Elena over onto her back. Elena visibly braced herself to resist.

Valerie and Barbara, darting wary glances at each other, approached their struggling daughters. All of them could sense that Cindy was on her last legs. If Cindy didn't win soon, then despite everything, she would lose. All Elena had to do was withstand this last effort. She could still turn the tables.

"This is for Mom," Cindy whispered.

"Bring it, bitch," Elena replied.

Trembling all over with the effort, Cindy pushed, and pushed...

Then just like that, it was over. And one of the mothers screamed. "No... no!"


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