Mommy Daycare Ch. 05


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"Ha, yeah," Kaden said. "Me either. Cum in your ass ok?"

"Where else?"

"Just checking. Want happy clients after all."

"No, you want me to say that I like having you cum inside my butt."

"That too."

"Hailey's right. You're a perv."

Kaden shrugged easily. "I might take offense if you weren't as bad as I am."

"I... I want to argue that, but I do have a boy half my age deep in my ass at the moment, so..."

"Hey, when you get a sec, could you come take a look at this recipe, Kay?" Hailey called. "You know, if you're not too busy with very important things."

Kaden stuck his tongue out at her, then turned back to deeply fucking Alanna's booty. "Work work work," he tsked to himself. "Always work."


Riley had appointed herself general supervisor, and as such kind of wandered around the areas Jaina and Kaden tended to neglect. Which was most of them, other than their own personal little fiefdoms. Sure they might turn up anywhere on any given day, but it was all on whims and subject to which mommies were around to tempt them.

She recognized that she wasn't really any better than they were, and that her supervision tended to mostly entail checking out hot moms and/or making out with them.

A naked yoga class that she joined in on, for instance. Sure she could say she wanted to make sure the program was running smoothly, but it was really far more about watching a dozen nude, sweaty moms stretching and holding poses. When their butts were all in the air together, it was a reminder of just how good life could be.

Riley also surveyed the massage room, the play room, the nap area, the showers, the toy room, and several other sections. Including a time out room, which she'd thought was silly at first, but had been surprisingly useful as it turned out. Jaina had called that one correctly.

She ended up hanging out for a while watching a movie in what was essentially a living room area. Not even a dirty movie. It would have been a perfectly innocent kind of scene, in fact, if everyone hadn't been naked.

Riley sat on a comfy couch and chatted with Julie, a casual friend from down the street. Julie's mom was a regular, and Julie sometimes came with. It was some nice bonding time for them, though at the moment Julie's mom was experimenting with a fuck machine in the toy room, and Julie was more in the mood just to chill and relax.

Jaina joined Riley in the hot tub later on, after the initial swarm of chilled mommies had all warmed up and were off doing other activities.

"We really must get another one of these," Jaina said, sighing happily as she sank into the lovely hot water.

"You don't think we've spent enough money yet?" Riley queried.

"Well... eventually, I mean. You're right, we've gone a bit over budget."

"A bit?"

"But our numbers are good. Attendance is better than we'd planned for."

"You were so pessimistic in your projections, that's why. It was pretty obvious we were gonna be busy."

"Yeah yeah. Maybe you should run the top end of things, Ms. Knowitall."

"No way. Too much work."

"Uh huh. You're not shirking duties altogether, are you?"

"Not hardly. Ate three pussies in the past hour."

"That a girl. Anyone good?"

"I've yet to meet a mommy pussy that wasn't."


Jaina and Riley just relaxed for a while, then eventually got out and toweled off before they got all pruney. They didn't look nearly so good all soaked and wrinkled.

"Wanna go take a turn giving massages?" Jaina asked.

Riley only had to consider for a moment. "Sounds like fun."

"We just got those new strapons in, in case anyone wants internal massages. Although maybe they're called something else, 'cause there's no straps. They just kind of go inside you and stick out."

"You had me at strapons."

"Hehe, I bet."

Jaina and Riley slipped their hands together and walked together down the hall, chatting softly and admiring the various views they passed.

It didn't even take them long to find takers for getting 'internal massages,' which was nice.


Kaden finished his morning stint in the kitchen getting some more baking finished, complete with cummy drizzle in some cases, as well pounding some more mommies.

Just for the luxury of it, Kaden stopped by the nap area and settled himself down for a quick, refreshing nap. His sleep didn't actually last all that long before he was awakened again by two warm, wet mouths working on his cock.

Kaden cracked an eye and discovered Olivia and Grace teaming up on him, giving him soft little licks and sucking on him.

"Bad mommies," Kaden murmured. "This room isn't for sex."

"Well no one else is in here anyway," Olivia said. "And you were lying there all alone and hard, so..."

"Very bad," Kaden maintained. "There are lots of rooms for messing around in."

"Wanna show us one?" Grace purred seductively.

She'd turned out to be quite a horny little thing, and not even just with her daughter.

"You're asking for it," Kaden warned.

"Yes," Olivia said simply. "We are."

Kaden scrambled out of bed and swatted at Olivia and Grace's butts to get them scampering ahead of him. The sight of the two wiggling booties ahead of him only added to what they'd already started by nibbling on his sleeping cock.

Jaina and Riley were coming the other way, but turned around to walk with Kaden.

"Hey, bro bro," Jaina said. "What ya doin'?"

"Got some naughty mommies misbehaving in the nap room."

Riley gasped in mock horror. "How very dare they!"

"Exactly. So I'm gonna go fuck 'em hard."

"And reinforce the behaviour," Jaina said, taking Kaden's hand from one side while Riley held the other.

"Yeah, well, can't have everything," Kaden said.

"True. Want any help?"

"Jay and I have been trying out these neat, like, strapless dildo things," Riley gushed. "They're pretty fun."

"Wouldn't mind the company," Kaden said.


Kaden proceeded with Jaina and Riley, and they teamed up on the wanton mommies who had interrupted his nap. Not to mention a few more moms who wanted a turn after.

It was a good thing they'd gotten some things done that morning, because they were pretty much locked down for the afternoon with horny mommies.


The sibs walked home together at the end of the day, dropping off moms at their homes on the way back. They all shared that usual level of happy exhaustion that their work brought them.

Somehow, they weren't too tired to perk up at the sight of Luna and Mary already naked and cuddling on the couch with glasses of wine. Within the time it took to shed their clothes, all three siblings were squeezing and cuddling up with their moms on a couch only really meant for three. It was a tight but very soft and cozy fit.

"There's my little entrepreneur babies," Luna cooed, sneaking a kiss with all three of them. "How was work."

"Missed you, obviously," Jaina said, snuggling right in to Luna's boobies.

"Aw. We'll be there day after tomorrow."

"We may have spoiled them this summer," Mary giggled, fending off kisses from Kaden and Riley both. "Got a little too co-dependent."

"We're very independent," Riley insisted. "Just we wanna be independent with our mommies there to snuggle and make out with."

"Ah. My mistake."

"If it helps any, I've been thinking about you all day," Luna said.

"It's true," Mary agreed. "She kept texting me ideas of what she wanted you guys to do to her."


"Well you did."


Jaina beamed happily. "What kind of things, Mommy?"

"Not saying."

"Bet I can guess," Kaden said.

"Ooh, but if she doesn't say, we can decide," Jaina pointed out.

The siblings all exchanged a glance, then practically as one, "I call ass!"

Luna adopted a shocked pout even as everyone else, Mary included, descended into mad giggling.

"Not nice," Luna grumbled. "You're just assuming Mommy wants to be gangbanged by her kids."

"Oh, darling," Mary said between fits of laughter. "That was one of the main things you were texting about this afternoon."

"They didn't know that."

"They know you, my love. Don't think they don't."

Mary managed to lean over and kiss Luna lovingly, then started pushing Kaden, Jaina, and Riley off the couch and shooing them toward the bedroom. Riley and Kaden grabbed Luna and hauled her along with them. Jaina pranced off to grab the strapless dildos they'd brought home from work.

"There's supper there too," Jaina called. "We brought some home in case anyone gets hungry."

"I don't think food's what anyone wants to eat right now," Mary said, lagging behind a little with Jaina.

"No, didn't think so. But maybe later."

"Sure. Maybe." Jaina offered one of the dildos. "You want a go?"

"Very sweet, but you three have fun first. Luna's been waiting for this all day. I might switch in later."

"Sounds like a deal." Jaina grinned crookedly. "Mom's missing us as bad as we are her, huh?"

"Pretty bad, yes."

"Good to know. How 'bout you?"

"Nearly as bad as she is."

"Excellent." Jaina took Mary's hand as they walked. "We'll all have to team up on you too."

"Remember I have to be able to sit tomorrow."

"No promises."

Mary sighed, then laughed softly. "I love you all so much."

"Mmm. Right back at ya, Mommy."

Kaden and Riley were already playfully squabbling over Luna's butthole. Or maybe inefficiently sharing it. They were both trying to get their tongues in as deep as possible, at any rate, and getting in each other's way more than anything.

Jaina passed Riley one of the strapless dildos, which let Kaden temporarily win and get to eat Luna's ass all by himself. Luna moaned at the increased pleasure of having a dedicated tongue working on her, and arched her back even more than it already was, really opening herself up to being anally eaten.

Somehow, Jaina negotiated first go on Luna's butt once they were all ready to fuck. Mostly based on her not having had a turn to lick Luna any, plus the agreement that they'd swap around.

Luna lay atop Kaden, taking his cock snugly in her pussy and getting settled before the girls went at her from both ends. Jaina fucked her ass while Riley did her mouth.

Mary watched hornily from beside them, rubbing her pussy while Luna got thoroughly gangbanged by their kids.

Jaina, Kaden, and Riley rotated around Luna's various increasingly sloppy holes until she'd cummed enough to be pretty worn out. They then descended on Mary, who had definitely been waiting her turn.

"Ah, so rough," Mary giggled, while obviously enjoying being thrown around a little on the bed.

"Be good, Mommy," Riley said while lubing up Mary's ass.

"Oh I fully intend to," Mary assured her, gazing at her daughter with the biggest, most adoring mommy-eyes.

Mary had to take her attention away from Riley's ministrations as her pussy and mouth were filled by Jaina and Kaden respectively. Riley joined in shortly after, pounding away on her butt.

It was Luna's turn just to watch and lazily, achily play with herself. She fingered her own pussy and gaping, cummy butthole while Mary got the same decadent, loving treatment that she had moments ago.

"God you look so hot like that," Luna murmured.

Mary couldn't answer, as her mouth was full, but was able to minutely shake her head and roll her eyes. She reached out with one hand, grasping half blindly until Luna caught her hand and squeezed it. They held hands while Mary was pounded from all sides and Luna masturbated quietly next to them.


Everyone was pretty much starving by the time both moms had been sufficiently fucked into happy, wobbly, gooey messes. Kaden and Jaina retrieved the supper they'd brought home and took it straight to the bedroom. They had to eat carefully so as not to make a mess, but it seemed the best option while Luna and Mary were recovering.

Riley had gotten herself trapped between two snuggly moms and so helped them sit up straight-ish while Jaina and Kaden fed them supper.

Kaden didn't manage to get all that much food in his own tummy before Jaina got him all horny again by rubbing up on him and generally teasing him.

"I'm trying to eat," Kaden said.

"Well you could be trying to eat me instead, you know," Jaina said without the least concern.

"Better yet..."

Kaden snatched Jaina's food from her, handed it safely to Riley, then rolled on top of Jaina, pinning her to the bed.

"Bad brother!" Jaina cooed with big, brilliant, hopeful eyes.

"Yeah. I'm bad."

"That's what I said."

Kaden kissed her and rocked his hips gently until his cock found her waiting pussy and slipped in. They moaned into each other's mouths as their bodies joined in comfortable sibling bliss.

"Hey, some of us are still tryin' to eat here," Riley said.

"Shush, Ri," Jaina said. "You can have him next."


The bed shifted as Mary started crawling. Apparently she wasn't quite as out of it anymore as Kaden had expected. As he gently fucked with Jaina, Mary started lubing his ass.

"Oh god," Kaden whispered. "What's she doing?"

Jaina, with a better view behind Kaden than he had, just grinned wickedly. "What do you think?"

"Did she grab one of those toys?"


"Gonna fuck my ass?"

"Most likely."

"Did you encourage this?"

Jaina made a shocked expression. "Me? Encourage something so naughty? I can't even-"

"Yeah yeah, ok."

"It's that kinda night, bro bro. Everyone's getting banged hard."

"You know we have work tomorrow."

"We have work every day."


"We can slack off all morning if we want, though. We're the bosses."

"Also true."

Jaina held Kaden tight to her and gave him lots of kisses while Mary experimentally fucked his butt. He was getting used to that sort of wild thing, but suspected quite correctly that she wouldn't be the only one coming after his ass.

Riley scooted over and picked Kaden's head up to start trying to grind her pussy on his face. It wasn't the best angle, but she did alright, and Kaden did his best to lick her nicely. Even when he could feel Mary swapping out with Luna on his ass.

Kaden felt weirdly really good about all the attention all at once. Very special. His family all ganging up to love on him some. He came deep in Jaina's pussy while Luna fucked his butt and Riley was humping his face.

The girls took their turns on his ass too, naturally. Jaina shimmied out from under him and Mary too her place, letting Kaden settled on her all soft, warm, and cozy. Her mommy-pussy took his cock and cradled it nicely for him too.

Kaden made out tenderly with Mary while his sisters played with his butt. Luna interjected, though, and slipped her booty in between Kaden and Mary so that Kaden could lick her ass and Mary could eat her pussy.

After Kaden came again, this time messing Mary's hot little cunny, it was Riley's turn. Riley giggled and pretended to struggle a bit as she was ganged up on, but settled and purred happily as cock and dildos filled every wet little hole.

Kaden made sure to cum in Riley's pussy. He had the urge to cum in his moms and sisters as much as possible that evening, but in particular make sure they all had sexy, messy little pussies.

Jaina, currently taking a turn pounding Riley's cute booty, giggled to herself. "Everyone's gonna have sore, gaping bumholes after this."

"Why do you sound so thrilled about that?" Luna demanded. "You will too."

"I know. Looking forward to it, really."

"Is that so?"

Luna abandoned her post at Riley's face, though Kaden was there to fill in, and Mary was cuddling Riley from below to kiss her in the brief interim.

Luna marched over to her and Mary's closet, a little unsteady on her legs and with her butt definitely still gaping from the loving family abuse it had taken. She came back out with a strapon that was, even at first glance, bigger than anything they'd been using before.

Jaina took a moment to catch on, but her eyes widened when she did. "You're not gonna-"

"Yep," Luna said smugly.

"On my-"


"Right now? With-"

"As soon as I get it on."

"Why do you even have that?"

Kaden gave Jaina a disbelieving look, and Riley started to laugh, which made her choke a bit on Kaden's cock.

"Why do you think?" Kaden asked.

"Oh. Right. Just mean to hide stuff from us like that, is all."

"We don't have to share absolutely everything with our kids, you know," Luna said.

"Well why not?"

Luna ignored Jaina and kept strapping herself in.

Kaden and Jaina left Riley once she had another cum, and Kaden started helping lube Jaina's butt up some more. It was already kind of slick just from all the messing around, but it was going to need more than usual judging by the look of what their mommy wanted to shove up it.

"Your bum's gonna be sooo sore," Kaden teased.

"I don't think it's even gonna fit," Jaina said.

"I'm sure it will."

"Oh gee thanks."

"I mean, our moms have clearly been using it on each other," Kaden pointed out. "It must fit."

"That doesn't necessarily follow."

"You could always back out."

"... but I wanna see if it'll fit."

"Ha, yeah. That a girl."

Kaden finger-fucked Jaina's bum as deep as possible, then pounded her tight, well-lubed little hole just to try and warm her up.

Jaina was still kind of nervous, but it was in an excited sort of way. She climbed on Kaden's dick and snuggled right up on him as Luna knelt behind her and threatened her ass with a much bigger size of toy than she was used to.

Jaina's eyes rolled back and she moaned in a mix of discomfort and bliss. Kaden could feel just how much she was getting stretched. His cock in her pussy gave him a sense of how full her ass was getting. Luna kept pushing in and making everything so damn tight and snug inside.

Riley and Mary, once they were done messing around together, took turns fucking Jaina's face. Jaina was getting her turn being family gangbanged, except with more anal stretching than anyone else.

Luna took some pity on her daughter and didn't pound Jaina as hard or for as long as she could have, but enough to establish some sort of dominance, temporary though it was. As soon as she'd recovered enough, Jaina took the larger strapon and gave it right back, gaping Luna's bum even more than before.

It was some lovely mother and daughter bonding all round.


Jaina awoke the next morning amidst her family. Her ass hurt. That wasn't really surprising given what her mommy had done to it the night before.

Soft snores came from all around her. Everyone else was still sleeping, all cuddled together. Everyone except Kaden whose eyes were half open and gazing lovingly at her at she focused on him.

"Morning," Jaina whispered.


"You sore everywhere?"

Kaden cringed a little as he shifted. "Basically everywhere, yeah."

"Last night was a lot."


"And we have to work."

"I believe you were warned."

"I was." Jaina snuggled deeper against him. "Worth it though."


"Wanna sleep in a little this morning?"

"And be late?"

"Why be our own bosses if we can't be late sometimes."

Kaden thought about it. "I could probably be convinced."

"You're snuggled all warm and cozy with your sexy-as-hell sister and you still need convincing?"

Kaden smiled lazily. "Give me some kisses and I'll definitely be sold on it."


The sibs kissed softly, a very tender morning makeout.

"Love you," Kaden mumbled.

"Love you too."

They got some more makeouts in.

"That was a pretty good summer this year, huh?"

Jaina smiled and nodded, giving Kaden another lingering kiss. "Sure was."

Together, they drifted back off for a little extra cuddly sleepy family time.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 hour ago

the end huh? gonna keep it brief since all or most critiques and defenses that could be made already have been. if it was just chapter 1 or 2 i could give it a 3/5, but the entire things gets 3 or maybe even 2/5.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Was sorry to see the end to chapter 5. The family and all the other moms were so hot and seeing the daughters and son performing such hot action was a great set of story chapters

jesse13691959jesse1369195910 months ago

Great wish the other sibs would've joined in

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Just skimmed through this chapter fast only out of curiosity about if Kay might have made any of these women pregnant with all the copious amount of cum he deposits in the relevant orifices from time to time. The fascination with anal aside, he was still regularly depositing baby batter in all those pussies of fertile women on a daily basis. Too boring and silly to warrant more than 2/5 as a step above actual dreck. A bad effort from someone who can actually write when they choose to do so.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Series just got too repetitive. I was skimming quite a bit by ch. 4 and could only do a page of this chapter. When you are only adding a bunch of 25k+ chapters to just introduce more characters but keep everything else exactly the same, it just starts to seem tedious. 50k words total would've probably sufficed.

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