Mommy's Little Slave

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Son works hard to accomplish his dream of serving his mother.
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*(WARNING: Check tags before reading. Contains mentions of shit.)*

It was summer, the school year had ended, and Alan had finally graduated from high school. He had turned 18 last month, finally defining him as an adult.

Alan felt like the world had changed, and not at all, with the turning of this year. This was also what made Alan decide to finally act out his dreams. 'I only have two years left of my teens, and after that, it will be impossible,' is what he thought.

Alan's dream was pretty simple, yet seemed unattainable. He wanted to be his mother's slave and serve her in any way possible.

Alan's mother, Alicia, was 40 years old, and a certified MILF.

She was 5' 8", 4 inches shorter than Alan. She had long, black hair, sharp, brown eyes, a small nose, and beautiful, thin, pink lips. She had hyperopia, so she often wore glasses, at least when she was home. Alicia had fat in all the right areas, making her body appear slender, yet soft. Her butt was round and perky, with wide hips, making the eyes of men sway back and forth with every step she took. Her chest was petite, not particularly full, but perfectly round and perky.

Even though she had already turned 40, she could easily pass as being five years younger. The signs of age only amounted to her being more full-figured than in her thirties, and her face having a more mature definition.

Alan's father had been quite the average male in comparison. Alan didn't have any specific memories of him. All he could remember was that he was very quiet and worked all the time, and that he and Alicia had gotten divorced when he was five years old. It wasn't sparked by any betrayal or disagreement; they both simply agreed that the love wasn't present any longer.

'Pretty casual', is what Alan had thought when he received the news. It made him wonder if they even loved each other in the first place.

Alan wasn't particularly sad when this happened, maybe because he was too young to understand. But he personally thought it was because his father never seemed like a father to him. He didn't partake in most of the family life, leaving Alicia to take care of anything that had to do with Alan.

The thing that hurt the most about it was his mother having to take on more work to better handle the burden of being a single mother. It seemed she didn't want to involve herself with my dad after the divorce, choosing to take care of me by herself. It often led to her coming home late, tired after a long day at work, which caused a prickling feeling of pain to sprout in Alan's chest.

Alan knew that Alicia didn't have much free time because of him, which led to her not trying to find a new husband before she was 35. Now, this wouldn't be a problem with Alicia's looks, yet there was one quirk about his mother that most men disliked. She was stone cold, especially her face. Alan wouldn't be exaggerating if he said he could remember every smile he had seen on her face in his life, since it was such a rare occasion. She never showed any emotion on her face.

All the dates she went on had failed, either because the man became insecure and equated her lack of expression to that of disinterest. Or they became annoyed and angry, taking my mother's coldness as a sign of disdain.

It might not have been a massive problem, as some men might take the chance with such a beautiful woman, but that would only be true if she had been a few years younger. At the age of 35, most men who were dating were looking for a serious relationship with a clearcut future, unwilling to risk a few years of their lives on someone, when it seemed there were no prospects of any happiness. At this age, love had taken second priority to stability.

Alan's mother had thus been single for the past five years, and lately, she seemed to have stopped trying, it being at least a few months since her last date.

Even though Alan felt bad for her not seeing any results after trying so hard to find another man, deep inside he felt slightly delighted every time she returned early from her dates. It meant he would have her to himself, at least until the next date.

Coincidentally, soon after this, his mother began ordering Alan to complete chores around the house since she felt he was old enough at this point to start contributing to the household.

The first chore he received was to wash the dishes after the two of them had eaten dinner. Of course, to Alicia, it seemed she had only asked Alan to complete a small chore. Yet, to Alan, it was much deeper. He felt like this was his opportunity to make his mother happier.

The chores only started growing after that, going from cleaning the dishes to making dinner. The breaking point was when Alicia had given Alan the chore of doing the laundry.

Alicia was delighted that he had begun doing more chores around the house, giving her more free time in her busy day to be herself. This also gradually showed on her face, which became less exhausted after getting home from work.

Alan also noticed this, which filled him with joy.

Therefore, seeing his mother seem less fatigued made Alan even more motivated to help his mother. When he became 15 and began high school, he also began to take work besides school, giving most of the money earned to his mother. Alicia had at first refused to accept this money.

"Since you have earned this yourself, honey, you should spend it on yourself."

But after Alan kept coercing her, nearly begging her to take the money, she felt she had no other choice but to comply.

Alan even ended the conversation with, "Since I should spend the money for myself, and I want to give the money to you, mom, then there isn't any problem, right?" Alicia had no way of refuting that, so after that, most, if not all, of Alan's salary went directly to his mother, who seemed both happy and conflicted when receiving it.

In the end, the effect was just as Alan hoped, as Alicia no longer had to work long hours to deal with the burden of being a single mother. Since then, she would always return earlier from work, freeing up even more time in her formerly busy days.

Since Alan was taking care of everything in the house, like a maid, Alicia found that she had a lot of free time. She began taking up a few old hobbies, which she had originally dropped to make time for taking care of Alan. It brought her great joy. The stimulation of making progress in a hobby was something she had severely lacked for a long time now, so finally having the time made her quite delighted.

Seeing his mother's happiness also brought immense joy to Alan. In the end, Alan was still a teenager no older than 15, so balancing a part-time job, school, and household chores, at the same time was no less stressful than could be imagined. Yet all the stress Alan would accumulate washed away with one smile from his mother's cold face.

It had to be mentioned, that even though Alan's mother didn't smile often, when she did, it was a sight to behold. Alan would always compare it to a bright full moon appearing from behind the clouds in the dark of night. Mesmerizing and bewitching. All the men who had been scared off by Alicia's stone-cold face would probably be unable to close their mouths from shock if they ever saw that smile.

Yet Alan was satisfied with being the only person to see that smile.

This situation, of Alan doing everything in the house and assisting with the finances, while Alicia only had to work and then come home to enjoy herself continued all through Alan's high school life. Alan even noticed, that while his mother Alicia had at first been quite conflicted, and sometimes seemed uncomfortable with how much Alan took care of her, this had gradually stopped. Now it seemed she found her son's efforts to only be natural, receiving the care with much more ease.

Soon after he graduated from high school at 18, the thought of becoming his mother's slave became rooted in his mind. He could no longer keep the thought suppressed. He would try submitting to his mother, becoming her official slave.

He knew that, if he failed, it would not only affect his relationship with his mother, but his confession might also hurt her. Even though he knew this, he couldn't stop himself any longer. He loved his mother deeply, more than anyone else in the world, yet Alan was still a human being with his own desires and dreams. He just couldn't be satisfied with not trying to accomplish them, knowing he would regret it later in life.

And it wasn't like he was impulsively planning to confess. He had put many hours into thinking this over.

First, his mother clearly showed she enjoyed being served, so it wouldn't be farfetched to guess she liked being the dominant role in a relationship. Second, even if he confessed to his mother, and she refused, Alan was still just 18, a teenager. He believed that he would just come off as a horny teenager to his mother, instead of a depraved adult, and therefore she might forgive him on that basis. Third, if she became so angry that she decided to disown him, he was inevitably about to go to college. With a part-time job on the side, it wouldn't be impossible for him to just live in the dorms. This was, of course, the worst-case scenario, and Alan had woken up multiple times in cold sweat from having a nightmare like this.

Having thought all of this through, he decided that this next Saturday, he would put it all on the line and confess to his mother.

Saturday arrived and Alicia was sitting on the sofa in the living room, reading a book. This was probably what she spent most of her free time doing.

Alan walked into the room with a glass of ice tea and looked at his mother. As usual, she wore the same cold expression. Adding on her black-rimmed glasses, she gave off an aura of superiority, just by sitting there.

Today she was wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans, exposing all the curves of her lower body, and a loose white tee shirt, showing the small bulge on her chest.

Alan became slightly excited. He walked over to his mom and said, "Here Mom, I've brought you a glass of ice tea." Alicia didn't even raise her eyes from the book as she said, "Thank you, honey."

This wasn't anything new to Alan. Over the past years of serving his mother, she had gradually become more and more comfortable with receiving his service. In the past month, she wouldn't even deign to thank Alan for the service. To some, this might appear ungrateful, yet to Alan, this only added to his excitement at serving her.

In the end, it had to be mentioned that Alicia was still a human being. If someone constantly served you and provided you with all you needed, you would inevitably begin to expect this treatment.

Alan put down the iced tea on the white living room table and sat down on the sofa. Alicia seemed to notice that Alan didn't leave after bringing her the ice tea, and finally moved her attention from the book to Alan, "Oh, honey, was there something you wanted to talk about?"

Alan met his mom's gaze, but instantly shifted them away from her sharp eyes, "Yes. There's something important I want to discuss with you, mom..."

Alicia quickly noticed Alan's unusual behavior. It seemed he didn't notice it himself, but there was a slight tremble in his voice as he said that, while his hands were fidgeting about. Alice instantly realized that this was serious, so she changed out of her lazy sitting posture and took on a more formal seating. "What is it, honey?"

Alan's heart was pounding in his chest, seeming to be ready to burst. He hesitated before asking, "Mom, these past few years I've been trying to provide you any service I could think of to make your days happier, and I've been ecstatic to see you smiling more often now. But I'm kind of curious how you feel about it?"

Alicia was shocked for a moment.

First off, this was the first time Alan had ever openly spoken about how he had been serving her needs for the past years. In the past, he would always say stuff like, 'I enjoy doing it, so it's only a plus that you have more time mom,' and 'I'm just doing my part for the household mom, so just relax.' As he stated it so openly, she seemed to awake from her illusions, realizing that she had at some point started to find his actions to only be expected.

Second off, the word he used, 'service' made her think of the word servant. Her son had been her servant for the past few years.

As soon as this thought sprung into her mind, she ended up becoming slightly distraught. She had treated her son like a servant for at least the past few months, even a second earlier disdaining to properly thank him when he brought her the iced tea. She couldn't help but reevaluate her actions at this moment.

"Of course, I'm very glad and thankful for your care, Alan. I'm sorry I might have seemed ungrateful lately." As she said this in her usual cold voice, she decided she should begin taking on some more tasks in the house again, to show Alan that she wasn't just using him.

Anybody else would probably take Alicia's cold tone as her being sarcastic, yet Alan knew his mother was being serious. "No, Mom, you don't have to apologize, it's completely fine. You have seemed the most relaxed in the past few months, which has made me very happy."

Alan paused slightly, before continuing, "And that's what I wanted to discuss, mom. Don't you want more?"

Alicia perceived something but quickly denied it. "What do you mean, Alan?"

Alan's heart was beating even quicker now, the pulsing noise filling his ears. He had cold sweat on his hands. Fear and excitement converged in his stomach. As he raised his head to look into his mother's emotionless eyes, he began to feel weak under her cold gaze. Then, determination filled his eyes. This feeling of weakness was nothing to fear but something he desired.

"Mom, don't you wish you had someone who you could order around as you wished, without any boundaries, and who would submit to your every request? Wouldn't you want that, mom?"

Alan's tone became more desperate towards the end. He noticed that his mother's eyes, which were usually emotionless, actually rippled with emotions now, and they weren't his dreams of happiness and sadistic joy of taking in a slave. It was confusion and distress.

"Alan, what are you--" Before Alicia could say any more, Alan sprung from the sofa and down on his knees in front of her.

"Mom, the truth is, I have loved you for years now. Not purely as a mother, but as a woman. I want to treat you like a queen. I want to make you the happiest person in the world. I want to be your slave who you can dominate--!"

"Shut up!"

A shrill female voice sounded in the living room. All the words Alan had planned lurched in his throat, unable to be released. He realized that nothing had gone according to plan. Even his worst-case scenario couldn't prepare himself for this moment.

Alicia had stood up. Her face was stone cold as usual, yet for the first time in Alan's life, he saw a faint trace of wetness around his mother's eyes, making it feel like his heart was being ripped to threads. He had prepared to make her angry, disgusted, even prepared to be disowned. Yet he hadn't been prepared to cause his mother, who he had never seen cry in his life, shed tears.

He finally regretted ever doing this. He should have been satisfied with what happiness he could provide her before. Now, it instead seemed he was the cause of all his mother's distress.

"I see, Alan, I have been a failure as a mother, letting you deal with so much stress and making you feel like you have to serve me to make me happy. I guess I wasn't good enough to raise you on my own."

Every word was said in her usual cold voice, yet every word dug into Alan's heart like an icepick. If she had yelled at him, scolded him, or hit him, he wouldn't feel anywhere near the pain he was feeling at the moment from her blaming herself and sympathizing with him.

"Mom, you are wrong, it isn't your fault at all. You are the best mother in the world, so please don't blame yourself. I've just been tired lately and said a bad joke, okay? So, mom, please don't cry." Tears appeared in Alan's eyes at this moment. It hurt seeing his mother this way, and despite the circumstances, it also hurt calling his dream a joke. He felt like the world was turning grey around him.

Alicia looked at his crying son, "Okay, Alan, I won't say any more, and just take it as a joke, but from here on out, you will no longer be doing the chores in the house, and I won't take your money any longer."

Alan wanted to refute it, but looking at his mother's cold face, he knew he no longer had any room to negotiate, so he could only dejectedly say, "Alright, mom," before standing up and leaving the room, feeling like that world had lost some color since he walked into the room.

As Alicia watched Alan close the door behind him, she collapsed on the sofa behind her.


She released a deep sigh, as she let her head fall. With closed eyes, the scenario of a few seconds ago constantly played through her mind.

She had truly been angry with Alan for trying to have his mother enslave him. How much of a pervert had he become?

Yet that was it. She wasn't close to hating him. On the contrary, her love for her son hadn't even been affected by this.

Instead, what had made her shed tears and lash out so much was herself.

At that moment, before her thoughts could fully comprehend what Alan had even said, a sensation she hadn't experienced for a long time suddenly rose in her...

It was only when Alan had dropped down on his knees in front of her that she snapped out of it, instantly becoming overwhelmed by self-hate and disgust. This only got more intense with Alan's desperate appearance down on the floor.

She truly blamed herself for this. If she hadn't let him do all those things for her, he wouldn't be doing this now.

"Heh, if people found out what I have taught my son, they would probably throw me in jail," she said quietly, in a self-deprecating manner, in the empty living room.

She realized that her recent behavior had been even more unacceptable as a mother. She had to do something about it, she thought to herself, 'Since Alan has spent most of his teenage life looking after me, he has probably built up a lot of frustration, from not engaging with other women. If he can be around more girls his age, he'll definitely forget about his lust for his old mother...'

Even Alicia didn't notice the short feeling of disappointment she felt after thinking this.

As she had found her solution, she decided that she would push Alan to be around more girls his age. One thing she overlooked, however, was that Alan wasn't particularly starved for attention from girls.

Alan had inherited a lot of his mother's genes, giving him a handsome sharp face, with sharp captivating eyes, and silky black hair. He was also relatively tall, being a little over 6 foot, with a body that was in shape from all the chores he was constantly doing around the house. When he went to high school, girls would naturally gravitate toward him due to his appearance.

He, however, never went any further than friends with any of the girls, to their great disappointment. He only had eyes for his mother, and that was it. Other girls just seemed lacking in comparison.

Perhaps because she had never seen Alan together with a girl, and the fact that Alan didn't wear particularly nice clothes, due to him spending all his money on his mother, she had developed the impression that he was unpopular.

Planning her next actions, Alicia quietly returned to her bedroom to sleep.

After that, Alicia returned to her busy work schedule. Now that she was doing all the chores in the house again and returning to her long hours at work to make up for the money she no longer received from Alan, she could feel herself becoming exhausted again. She even put down the hobbies she had taken up, not having any time to spare anymore.