Mommy's Nymphomania Ch. 05


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For things to get to that level though, Kristin couldn't act like a mother anymore. She needed to act like a full-service sex doll - one that was eager and ready to be used by anyone who was willing to pound the crap out of her worthless cunt.

There was no better way to achieve this than for her son to regularly see her go about her business.

5. Constant masturbation in front of Ben

The only thing modest about Kristin at this point, was the fact she had enough decency to relieve herself in private. She was a terrible, terrible mother these days (in the sense she didn't adhere to the norms expected of a suburban housewife). If any of the other mothers knew what she was about to do next, they'd call the police.

There was nothing complicated about the last step. Simply put, Kristin was going to masturbate exclusively in her living room, anytime she wanted. She was even going to abstain herself from masturbating as much in the morning, so that she could do it without end once her son got home from school. She wanted Ben to witness her at her happiest, her most vulnerable. He'd finally see for himself what his mom had become - someone that was way far gone from reality due to a debilitating sex addiction. It's possible a person who wasn't sexually attracted to their mom would feel bad. But Kristin knew very well that was the FURTHEST thing from the truth as it related to her own son.

Kristin didn't need an excuse to masturbate regularly in front of her son at this point. She knew Ben wouldn't say a damn thing, for he was now an insanely perverted young man. If she was watching a marathon of porn, she hoped that her son would eventually build enough courage up to masturbate alongside her.

She knew that this was wishful thinking however. Her son had been programmed the first 18 years of his life to NOT do such a thing. Worst case scenario...this would still going to work tremendously in her favor. Her behavior was going to be so inappropriate that actually getting her son to commit incest with her would be redundant. That was still going to happen obviously, for that was Kristin's dream outcome throughout all this. She knew that it was her son's dream outcome too.


Ben was relieved that he was going to be able to go home early today, for his school had one of their 'half days.' He couldn't really bear the length of a normal school day anymore for one pressing reason: he couldn't go a few hours without touching himself. It had even gotten to a point where he'd often skip class so that he could masturbate in one of the bathroom stalls.

At this point in the school year, Ben and his classmates often joked about having a condition called 'senior-itis:' a fake attention-deficit disease that's been said to affect graduating seniors. Ben was suffering from a very unusual case of 'senior-itis' to say the least. For example: Instead of studying, he'd do other things like constantly daydream about fucking his mom. Little did he know that his mother would be extremely flattered to know that.

That afternoon:

Ben couldn't wait to be home. As he walked home, he thought over how he was going to best make use of the extra time that afternoon. He wanted to try edging to porn this time. He realized he had very weak willpower when it came to denying himself climax. He wanted to learn how to have control while in a euphoric state.

When Ben arrived at the front door, he quickly picked up on the fact there was loud audio playing from inside the house. He figured his mom must've been watching a movie with the surround sound on. Then he walked in.

To to the right of the main entrance of the house was the living room. Upon walking in, Ben immediately heard the sounds of hardcore pornography blaring from the TV. It was unmistakeable, for Ben had watched it himself all too many times. He knew his mom couldn't have heard him enter the house (or have seen him from where she must've been sitting), so Ben had two choices:

1. He could sneak his way upstairs

2. He could spy on her

Ben was extremely nervous at the prospect of getting caught. But he also considered the fact that he may never get this chance ever again. Ben literally had dreams about fucking his mother. If he could be within a foot of his mom masturbating for even 20 seconds, that would be an erotic image he'd keep going back to for the rest of his life. If he stuck around downstairs, he'd also be able to hear the dialogue of what his mom was watching. He needed to know what she liked, what turned her on.

So he stuck around. Ben tip-toed through the kitchen and into the dining room to sit against the drywall that he presumed was between him and his mother. After he settled down, he started to hear the words that were coming from the TV.


Ben was extremely confused by what he was hearing. Was his mom watching incest porn? This...this didn't add up. He kept listening. Ben picked up on the fact his mom must have been watching a full length movie because there seemed to be a lull in the action shortly thereafter.

After some filler the mother began to say, "you ever wonder how your friend Billy made the honor roll this term? His mom told me this in confidence...but it's because her son also stopped watching porn. She knows this because she's also been allowing her son to fuck her at will, anytime he has the urge to watch those filthy videos. It's not taboo anymore baby. Ever since that national study on pornography came out, mommies everywhere have gone to drastic lengths to ensure that their sons aren't watching it."

She continued, "that reminds me. Would Baby like to creampie Mommy's pussy again after dinner?"

Ben was impressed by how vivid the dialogue was. But what really got his attention was the fact HIS OWN MOM WAS WATCHING THIS! He heard the mild vibrating noise of his mom's favorite sex toy, so he knew that she was masturbating. All in all, Ben couldn't believe that he and his mother had this common.

Ben figured right then and there to sneak upstairs before he got himself caught. He needed a place where he could process this new information. But more importantly, he badly needed to go to a place where he could unleash the day's worth of cum that was stored in his balls. Ben was beginning to feel less inhibited these days, so he suddenly had the impulse to go upstairs and do something he would've never done a couple months ago. He was going to steal one of his mother's bras so that he could start filling each of the oversized cups with his semen.

He wanted there to be physical evidence for how horny his mom made him. Laying in his bed now, Ben pressed the hand-me-down vibrating device that his mom gave him along his shaft. Not long afterwards, he shot an overabundance of cum into his mother's bra.

The most startling development after the fact to Ben was that he was proud of the mess he made. One of his mother's bra had now been permanently stained with cum. And to his surprise - he couldn't possibly have cared less. Considering his mom was a chronic masturbator who liked to watch incest porn, Ben felt he had every right in the world to explode into her lingerie. His mom tortured him on a daily basis with her outfits, so he didn't feel responsible in the slightest.

When Ben came back to reality, he realized that he was in quite the sticky situation. To his knowledge, his mom had no clue that he was even home. She wouldn't be masturbating in the open if she knew he was coming home early...would she? In the probable chance she didn't know, Ben thought to hide in his room until dinner.


A few hours later he got a text from his mom. It read "where are you? Mommy needs to know when her baby will be home."

Ben thought carefully before replying, "I've been home for a little bit Mommy. You must've not seen me go upstairs."

Kristin loved that her son would even call her "Mommy" in text messages. She was too excited for the relationship to turn sexual. There were so many obscene things she could blurt out following the word "Mommy." For the time being she texted back to her son, "oh okay. Dinner should be ready in an hour sweetie."

Being the whipped child Ben was, he felt compelled to get the last word by answering, "sounds good Mommy." Even though Ben was slowly but surely losing respect for Kristin as a mother, he still desperately wanted to get into her pants. There was nothing wholesome about Ben's intentions when he used the word "Mommy" anymore. Simply put, it was becoming a pet name in their relationship. Ben found it to be an indicator of possession, just like how Kristin felt when she'd call her son "sweetie." They both meant it in an extremely sexual manner. It was unbeknownst to Ben that she possibly meant it that way though.


"Hey sweetie, you came downstairs just in time!" Kristin then noticeably stuttered before asking, "can you help Mommy set the table?"

Two months ago, Ben was sure his mom wouldn't have hesitated to ask such a thing. In fact, his mom would have ordered him to set the dinner table. Ben was terrible at picking up romantic cues, but he was pretty good at social ones. It was subtle, but it looked to him as if his mom was losing confidence as a parental figure. It's almost like she didn't expect him to have a single ounce of respect for her.

The weirdest part was that her low self-esteem appeared to begin and end with parenting related duties. For example, she couldn't have been more bubbly or energetic the time she showed Ben her sex toy collection. That's where she felt in her element. She wasn't in her element when it came to preparing meals or looking after another human being (at least not anymore).

Kristin started dinner conversation by asking, "how was your half day at school? It must've been such a relief for you sweetie considering how stressed you've been."

Immediately taken aback Ben stammered, " knew it was a half day?"

"I always know when my baby is coming home. Why do you ask?"

Ben then remembered that his mom wanted him to be open and honest with her. This was a test, and he could tell that she wanted him to tell her about what he overheard.

"Because you were watching porn when I walked in."

Kristin couldn't help but smile. "And how did that make you feel?"

She knew that question was going to make her son squirm. This was her way of monitoring his progress.

" made me uncomfortable."

"Why did it make you uncomfortable sweetie?"

" doing that is not something I'm supposed to think about."

"You're not supposed to think about Mommy watching porn? What else aren't you supposed to think about."

"I can think of a lot of things, but I can't say them out loud."

"Why not? They're just words."

"I just can't tell you."

"Okay, that's fair. Just remember in the future that absolute transparency is needed for us to have the best relationship possible."

After dinner, when they were putting their plates away, Kristin asked, "you're not going to tell your father about what you witnessed this afternoon, right?"

"I would NEVER," said Ben emphatically.

"That's my good boy."


After their interaction, Ben was confused about something. He didn't know what it meant when she said "absolute transparency is needed for us to have the best relationship possible." He decided he wasn't going to try reading between the lines, as he didn't want to drive himself crazy.

That night, Ben predictably made another mess in the bra he came in earlier that day.


When Ben arrived at the front door after school, he could tell that his mom must've been doing the...same exact thing she did yesterday. Even though his mom clearly knew he was walking in at any minute, Ben still felt like he had to psych himself up to go inside. Simply put, he had no game plan for once he walked in. What was he going to do...tell his mom about his day as she aggressively used a sex toy to get herself off?

Ben was convinced that he was the reason for why it had been so awkward between him and his mother. For example: she took no issue with the fact her son now knew the most private detail about her. From her perspective, so what if she was a porn-addicted slut? And so what if her son knew about it? Ben on the other hand, showed absolute resistance when it came to telling his mother the truth.

He didn't have the balls to tell her about his own masturbation habits. He didn't have the balls to tell his mom WHY she made him so uncomfortable. Flat out...It was because she made him ridiculously horny to the point he wanted to do nothing else but have sex with her.

Ben wished he had one of those mind erasing devices from the movie Men in Black, so he could get all his feelings out of his system and take it back depending on his mom's reaction. Since that wasn't an option - he'd simply have to let it all out, not knowing how his mother would react. He wasn't ready for today to be that day though.

Ben walked in to hardcore porn blaring once again. The audio in the video was a girl screaming "FUCK ME DADDY! FUCK YOUR LITTLE GIRL!" The inflection in her voice made her sound desperate. Ben was also hearing a continual slapping noise, which he knew could only result from a throbbing cock being slammed into a wet pussy. Ben's own cock was already hard, reason being that he hadn't had the chance to blow his load since right before school that morning.

Kristin couldn't see Ben from the living room, because it was to the side of the main entrance (and she was sitting in the far corner). Ben however, did feel obligated to let his mom know he was home today. He didn't find this inappropriate because his mom didn't seem to care at all if he saw anything. She might care if he acted like a creep though.

"Mommy, I'm home," said Ben as he simultaneously peered his head into the living room.

"Oh, hiiiiii sweetie!!"

Once Ben made eye contact with his mom, he felt at risk of fainting. His mom's legs were spread wide, as she held a huge vibrator which was in direct contact with her bare pussy. His mom said absolutely nothing afterwards, as she felt an immense wave of pleasure course through her now that her son was watching. Her eyes rolled towards the back of her head as the actress in the video was yelling, "OH DADDY YES! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FILL MY WOMB UP WITH YOUR HOT CUM!!"

Seconds later Kristin began to squirm restlessly, a sign that she was about to have an orgasm. A hearty squeal escaped her clenched lips as her pussy began to spasm and squirt all over the recliner she was sitting on.

"Oh YEESS! that was fucking awesome!" Kristin said aloud.

Ben surprisingly had watched the entire thing, but immediately realized that he might've overstayed his welcome. He darted upstairs before she was even able to finish her sentence.

Ben's pants were already undone by the time he got to the top of the staircase. He freed his massively erect cock and immediately began pumping it with intense dedication. He was so horny in this moment, that he didn't believe he could stop pumping his cock if his life depended on it. He had no control over what his right arm was doing.

Ben instinctively hurried to get his mother's cum soaked bra from inside his dresser drawer, and once his favorite target was within distance, a waterfall of cum erupted from his cock and into each of the cups. After Ben spilled into her bra, he was sure that it was easily the hardest he had ever cum in his life. He felt so very relieved to bust with such reckless abandon. But in the back of Ben's mind, he was already starting to worry about dinner conversation.

Three Hours Later

"Dinner's ready sweetie!!" exclaimed Kristin from downstairs.

Her voice woke Ben up, as he was previously passed out from fatigue.

When Ben came downstairs to sit at the table Kristin used a baby voice to say, "how's my baby boy??" Most 18 year-olds would have been appalled at that tone of voice, but not Ben. It gave him chills whenever his mom gave him any attention whatsoever.

"I've...I've been good Mommy."

The reason Ben got lost in his train of thought was because his mom's right nipple had popped out of her skimpy top. He decided he wasn't going to tell her because he didn't want her to cover up.

"You sure have been," Kristin said playfully. "But I believe that you've been naughty too. What do you think? Has Baby done anything to make Mommy think he's been naughty?"

Even though his mom was talking to him like a toddler, Ben desperately wanted to be on his mother's good side.

"I haven't been naughty, I promise! Did you not want me to watch you this afternoon?! I promise to never do that again Mommy!"

Ben suddenly realized that he was whining like a child. It's almost as if he was roleplaying with his mom.

"No, it's not that sweetie. The entire town can watch me masturbate for all I care. What I'm talking about is what you were thinking as you were watching me. Was Baby having impure thoughts?

"No Mommy, I was just caught off guard at what was happening when I walked in."

"Oh reeealllly. You went upstairs rather quickly right after I climaxed. What were you in a rush to do?"

"To take a nap. I had a long day at school."

Kristin noticed her son was acting super defensive. "Okay sweetie, Mommy didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I shouldn't have doubted you."


Kristin and Ben were equally frustrated at this point. All Kristin wanted was for her son to start having sex with her. The worst part was SHE KNEW that her son had a crippling incest addiction. The game though, was that he needed to be honest about it. Once her son confessed his most taboo perversions to her, that was when he was going to be granted free-use access to her cunt.

In a perfect world, this was how Kristin would have liked today's conversation to sound like:

Kristin: "I believe that you've been naughty too. What do you think? Has Baby done anything to make Mommy think he's been naughty?"

Ben: "Yes. Today more than ever, I needed to masturbate after seeing you act like a complete whore."

Kristin: "My goodness sweetie! You mean to tell me that watching Mommy masturbate today with a sex toy made you horny?"

Ben: "Yes Mommy, and it's not just today - you make me horny alllll the time. Anytime you wear something slutty, which is every day if we're being honest, my cock begins to throb uncontrollably.

Kristin: "And what happens when that huge cock of yours begins to throb? What do you think about."

Ben: "I think about you Mommy! I think about walking behind you to feel up your perfect body. I think about sliding my dick inbetween your slut-sized tits. I think about FUCKING THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF YOU Mommy. I want to fuck you so bad!"

Kristin's imagination tended to run a little wild to say the least. All in all, she knew it wasn't realistic for her son to have this reaction after two days. She did think an outburst like that could happen after a month though.


At this point, Ben was finally starting to relax a little. A few days earlier, he had even admitted to his mom that he had been getting more erections lately. He even attributed it to the porn that his mom always seemed to be watching. This confession was a big step in their relationship, because it was the first time Ben took the initiative to talk about sex.

Kristin decided to loosen up her strategy after realizing that her interrogations were going nowhere. She felt that if she continued to ask her son inappropriate questions, that it would push him further and further away. So, she decided that it wouldn't hurt to act like his...mother once in awhile. When she made that shift, she immediately noticed that her son was more comfortable talking to her again.