Mom's & Daughters: Help Teena

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Ray helps Teena and her daughter escape from Teena's ex.
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Neighborhood Moms & Daughters: Fixing Teena

If you are new to my stories, I recommend that you read Neighborhood Moms and Daughters, More Neighborhood Moms & Daughters, and Halloween Neighborhood Moms & Daughters prior to getting into this story. It will help you with the characters and their motivations.

Ray comes back from the Halloween party to find that Teena is in trouble with her husband. Ray and Denise help her out. The sex in this installment comes later as they deal with Rick first.

Many thanks to kenjisato who is my editor and made this better.

Please consider following me, making this story a favorite, or a positive vote, if you like it. Reader interest is one of the key motivations for me to write.

All characters are 18 years of age or older.

Chapter 1: Rick the Prick

I was recovering from the wildest Halloween party that I had ever been to. I did some clean up around the house and then went and did a workout. After a light dinner, I hit the sack early. When I woke up on Monday morning, I found that I wasn't alone.

Samantha, Teena's daughter, was snuggled up next to me. I hadn't even heard her come in last night. As I was waking, there were signs she was reviving as well, as she stretched her tall dancer's body out next to me. She was wearing one of my t-shirts and not much else.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and started to get up.

Samantha reached out and pulled me back into the bed. I landed on my back and she crawled up to straddle me and gave me a big kiss on the lips. "I have missed you, even though it has only been a few days. Sarah told me about your wild Halloween party. The auction idea sounded wild. Maybe next year, you can take mom and me."

"I missed you and your mom, too," I responded. "How is she doing?"

I was clearly still feeling the effects of the party, as I was only sporting a soft-on in the presence of her sexy beauty.

"That is why I came over," Samantha said with a wry smile. "Well, that and possibly getting some breakfast sausage."

Hearing that Teena wasn't doing well brought concern to my voice as I asked, "I thought she was getting to a formal separation with your dad. I know Rick was being a bit difficult. It must be going much worse than she has let on."

"Mom doesn't want to burden you," Samantha said. "She knows that you may feel some guilt over this. I don't think you should, though. Dad and mom were having issues long before you were on the scene and she was already expanding her horizons with Denise."

"What is Rick doing to be difficult?" I asked.

"I am not sure of the details," Samantha responded. "I think it has to do with the finances. I have heard mom complain and dad has had some late nights on the computer doing some banking."

All thought of a morning quickie dissipated as I was concerned for Teena and Samantha. Accountants might not be violent, but the financial destruction they caused could be awful. Teena was behaving logically and was proposing an equal split. Rick seemed to have different ideas.

"Samantha, I will talk to your mom today to see what I can do to help."

I gave Samantha a big hug and said, "I am hopeful that it will all work out and you know that I will do whatever is necessary to support you both."

Samantha had a tear in her eye and said, "Ray, that makes me feel better. If you say that to mom, I am sure it will have the same effect."

I begged off getting frisky with Samantha and headed to the shower thinking about how I could help. I had set up monitoring of Rick's email and phone via a security friend, just in case. It looked like I might need to use this.

After the shower, I came out to find Samantha downstairs in the kitchen. She had put a pot of coffee and had a bagel in the toaster.

"Samantha, are you staying at your home or at Denise's?" I asked.

"I am splitting my time trying to give both of them some space," she responded. "Dad thought I was at Denise's last night."

"It might be helpful if you spent some more time at home," I suggested. "It would be good to know what your dad is up to and you being there may blunt his worst instincts. Don't do anything to spy on him or ask any nosy questions. Just be present and see what you observe. Do you think you can do that?"

Samantha nodded and said, "I am really worried for mom."

I gave her another big hug and added, "Samantha, nothing really bad will happen. Your mom has some great friends in addition to a great daughter. We will all help her and by extension, you."

I must leave for work now. "Are you going to be okay?" I questioned with my eyebrows up.

Samantha gave me one of her patented thousand-watt smiles and just said, "Thanks so much, Ray."

I grabbed a travel mug of coffee and headed to work thinking about what I could do. When I arrived, I texted Teena and suggested that we meet at Denise's tonight.

A bit later in the day, Teena sent back a message, "That would be great. Samantha told me that she talked to you. CYA tonight."

Later in the day, I contacted my security friend to see how he could help. He said that his last dump of info from Rick had a bunch of emails and GPS data from his phone. He was going to send them to me by tomorrow morning. I then leaned in for a big favor and asked if he could arrange private eye surveillance of Rick for tonight and tomorrow. He promised me that he had someone that he could trust. I agreed to pay whatever was necessary.

I sent Samantha a quick note to let her know I was meeting with Denise and her mom tonight.

She responded with, "I wish I was there, too. I will miss all of the fun. I am still hungry as I didn't get my breakfast sausage."

I went straight to Denise's place after work. I let myself in and found Teena and Denise deep in conversation with glasses of wine in the kitchen. Both of my lovers looked lovely with some tight clothing on. Teena did look tired and stressed, though.

I was able to approach Teena from behind and gave her a big bear hug. She jumped at first, and then realized it was me. I could feel her body melt in relief. "You are stressed," I said.

Teena just let out her breath and nodded.

I went around the island and gave Denise a hug, as well; followed by a deep kiss.

As we kissed, Teena said, "Now that looks like some good stress relief."

I smiled at Teena and gave Denise a light smack on her bum which elicited a yelp from her. I went and grabbed the wine bottle and helped myself to a glass. I took a seat next to Teena and said, "You have been holding out on me about how Rick is acting."

Teena looked down and said, "I didn't want to burden you with the mess."

"Teena, we are here to help, but we can't help if you keep this bottled up," I said, as I put a hand gently on her back. "We have drained the bottle of wine, and it is time that you drain your frustrations with us."

"I have been discussing it for days with Denise," Teena said. "The short version is this: Rick was furious when I first talked about splitting. I thought he was just in denial and needed some time to process this. Was I ever wrong about that!

"Rick drained all of our joint accounts, including our retirement account. He maxed out our line of credit and cancelled all our credit cards. He then moved all the money to an offshore account.

"What he did is illegal but getting my share back will take years of time and will cost at least fifty thousand dollars in lawyer's fees. You know how the saying goes; possession is nine tenths of the law.

"Rick wasn't a very good husband, but he sure knew his accounting and banking."

"Teena, I have the money for the lawyers," I said.

Teena and Denise smiled at me.

"I knew you would pony up instantly," Denise said.

Denise served up a dinner of lamb and roasted vegetables.

Over dinner, I thought through the situation and tried to put myself in Rick's shoes. "What is Rick hoping to get by doing this?" I pondered. "He knows that he can't actually steal the money in the long run."

Teena said, "That is what we were discussing when you arrived. I saw him last night and he made me an offer to fix this. He wants full ownership of the house and will give me thirty percent of the cash. He also wants to know who came between us. It is part vengeance and part blackmail."

"You didn't accept the offer, did you?" I asked.

"Denise and I were just debating it," Teena responded. "I am inclined to agree to the money split. It will resolve this quickly and I will get more this way than if I use the courts for years. I want to move on with my life and fighting him will be a drain on my soul."

"Don't agree to anything with that cuckold slime ball," I asserted with anger in my voice. "He has a lot to lose in this, as well. If we fight him in the courts, it could get him banned from working as an accountant and it could easily destroy his reputation."

"Ray, I am not sure," Teena said with uncertainty. "I am an accountant, as well; and I think that that would be difficult."

"You may be right about the accounting, but what we are in now is a negotiation," I said. "My whole job is negotiating, and I know we can get a better deal than what he is offering. We need to understand all the alternatives both from our side and his side. We need more information on him. I will be able to help with that."

"You aren't getting Samantha to do any spying, are you?" Teena asked.

"Absolutely not," I emphasized. "I would never use her in this, or risk her involvement. She shouldn't be put in between her parents. I only asked her to be at home, and told her not to spy or try to get information from him."

Denise asked, "Are you going to get some muscle involved in this?"

"You have been watching too many movies," I laughed. "Violence is the first refuge of the incompetent. What we need is knowledge and insight. Give me a couple of days and I am sure we can game plan a better strategy."

Denise looked at me and said, "Ray, I think you know more than you are letting on."

"I might," I responded. "But I don't have any information, yet. I know it is hard, but we have to have patience."

Teena said, "Speaking of hard and patience. I am sure you are getting hard, and I am losing patience. We should all get our minds off this by having a bit of play time."

Denise laughed and came and whispered in my ear, "Let's take care of Teena tonight and make her our combined focus."

I nodded and I proceeded to lean into Teena for a kiss, then picked her up in my arms and, as she had her arms wrapped around my neck, carried her to Denise's bedroom.

I put Teena on the bed while I was on one side of her and Denise on the other.

We both ran our hands over her body in a gentle massage.

Teena had her eyes closed and was cooing as we stroked her.

Denise removed Teena's skirt, while I removed her top. Teena didn't have anything on underneath.

I kept stroking Teena as Denise stood up and undressed. Denise then spread Teena's legs and kissed her way up her legs. She planted her mouth on Teena's pussy as I held Teena's head for a deep kiss.

Teena had tears leaking out of her eyes as she came for the first time. I quickly removed my clothes and laid down next to Teena again and resumed kissing her.

Denise gently sucked me to a full erection. She pushed me to put me on my back and then said to Teena, "I think you should go for a ride, honey."

Teena got the idea and mounted me in a reverse cowgirl position. She sank her wet pussy completely on my cock and exhaled when it was all the way in. She said, "Oh I needed this!"

Denise was kneeling next to Teena. She had one hand rubbing Teena's clit and the other squeezing her breast.

Teena was moaning, had her head back, and had started spasming on my cock.

At this moment, we heard a loud male voice saying, "Well, I guess I won't need to look for who came between us!"

I looked past Teena to see Rick in the doorway as he took a picture of us on his phone.

Teena and Denise screamed at the surprise.

I leapt out of bed and ran at Rick.

Rick held up his hands as he assumed that I was going to hit him.

Instead, I grabbed his phone out of his pudgy hands.

As I deleted the photo, I pushed him out of the bedroom and closed the door behind me and yelled, "Rick, you fucking slimeball. I should beat you senseless." I paused for a second and then said, "and that is what you want, isn't it? You would then call the cops and have me charged with assault."

"You are a cold-blooded bastard," I roared. "I won't give you the satisfaction of doing that."

At that moment, Denise came out in her robe and said, "Rick, what the fuck do you think you are doing?"

Confidence came back into Rick's eyes as he leered at Denise and said, "I am exposing the three of you."

Denise had regained her composure and said, "Rick, I am going to call the police and have you charged with break and enter into my home. We have three witnesses to the fact that you came here to do violence to your wife."

"Denise, you are fucking lesbian skank," Rick sneered.

"That might be true, but there isn't anything illegal about that and at least I'm not an evil, fat, cuck!" she retorted.

Rick raised his hand at her and then thought better of it, turned tail, and ran out of the house.

Teena came out in her shirt with tears running down her face. We both hugged her as she sobbed. She finally regained some of her composure and said, "I have never loved you both more, than right now. Your coming to my defense, has touched me deeply."

Denise had tears in her eyes, as well, and said, "We would do anything."

"What are we going to do?" Teena asked.

I thought for a minute and came up with a plan. "Firstly, Teena, message Samantha and tell her to meet me in the parking lot in the park across from your house. She shouldn't be alone with Rick tonight for her safety. Secondly, Denise, take Rick's phone here and make sure it doesn't go into sleep mode. Change his passwords on his email and start scouring it for messages about his financial skullduggery. Thirdly, we are going to get a meeting with Rick, either tomorrow night or the following night, and resolve this."

"Fourthly," Teena said with a grin, "you need to get dressed."

I pulled on my clothes.

Teena said that Samantha would be in the lot as I headed out the door. I told Denise to ensure all the doors were locked. Something I hadn't thought of until tonight.

I picked up Samantha.

As she jumped in the car, she asked, "Ray, what is happening? Dad was in a lather tonight and then I get mom's message."

I gave her a quick rundown of the evening and said that she should stay at Denise's for a couple of days. There was no argument.

I stopped by my own place and made sure that my security system was on and the doors were locked. I grabbed some clothes quickly in a bag.

We then went back to Denise's place.

We all assembled in the kitchen on stools as Denise and Teena were poring over Rick's phone. They found some information, but specifics like bank account numbers and passwords were not there. Rick had been careful.

Later that night, Teena got a call from Rick. She put it on speaker. "Teena, I want my phone back and I want access back to my personal mail."

Teena was about to launch at him with a hearty 'FUCK YOU', but I waved her off and said, "Rick we need to have a meeting with just us and we can resolve all of this. I suggest Wednesday evening in a public place."

Rick snorted, "I will have my lawyer with me for that."

"You might want to reconsider that position, given the information we have on what you have done. If you don't like our proposal, we can always 'go to the mattresses'; but, I don't think that is in either of our interests," I said reasonably.

Rick was silent for a few seconds and finally said, "Okay, but this is just between Teena and me."

"No chance Rick," I asserted. "It could have just been between the two of you. Now you have escalated the conflict and there is no way that Teena will see you unaccompanied."

"I suggest that we meet at Tony's restaurant," I offered. "They have a private glassed off room where we could have our discussion."

"Okay, 7:00pm at Tony's," Rick said.

"Rick," I said, "please don't do anything stupid between now and Wednesday. You will regret it if you do."

The line went dead.

"How are we going to convince him to give this up?" Teena asked.

"I am sure about this meeting now," I said with confidence. "Rick acted stupidly tonight. We have much better information with his phone and email. While we haven't found a smoking gun there, Rick doesn't know that."

Teena was biting her knuckle with worry.

We all gave her a hug which eased her nerves.

I left a message with my boss that I wouldn't be in for the next two days. After that message, I sent one to my security contact and suggested that I meet with him and the P.I., in person, tomorrow afternoon.

I felt bad not telling the women about my additional information. I was pretty sure that some of it might be illegal and the only way to avoid them being caught up with any of those ramifications was to keep it to myself.

We were all coming down from the adrenaline rush and needed to call it a night. We all crashed in Denise's bed together without anything happening sexually.

Chapter 2: Information Warfare

I woke up early the next morning and extricated myself from the mass of limbs around me. I knew enough about Denise's kitchen to get coffee and eggs started.

Teena was the first to join me. "Ray, thanks for all your help. I don't know what I would have done without Denise and you."

"We will get through this," I said. "Together."

Denise and Samantha wandered in, as the coffee pot stopped sputtering. I served Denise, Teena, and me a coffee. Samantha turned it down with a frown. Her loss.

Teena and Denise had called in sick, and Samantha wasn't going to go to school.

The women were going to go through Rick's email and messages with a fine-toothed comb today and create a timeline with all the messages.

I claimed that I had to go into the office in the afternoon, when I was actually meeting the P.I. and security contact.

We met at the P.I.'s office. At the meeting, my security contact gave me a jump drive with all the email and message history. The P.I. gave me a record of his tail on Rick yesterday, along with a jump drive of photos. He said that they would make for some interesting viewing. I thanked them both profusely, and paid them in cash.

I went home and fired up my desktop that had three screens and started piecing all the information I had together. It was dinner time and I had to get back to the girls. I had a good idea of how Rick had done everything, and a rough idea of how to confront him. I moved all the info to my laptop and headed back to Denise's place.

I was greeted by them all, as Denise let me in. They showed me what they had figured out. It was consistent with my research, but they didn't have all the details. I convinced Teena to give me her banking info during the evening so I could check on the transactions. I asked to use Rick's phone in prep for the meeting, as well. I thought it might be useful, although I assumed the ladies had scoured it for information.

Denise had cooked and we all ate together. The mood was ominous, and the conversation didn't flow. We were all nervous about tomorrow.

After dinner, we played a game of 'Cards Against Humanity' which did break the tension somewhat. We all went to bed together again. We joked about getting intimate, but we were all too wound up and nervous.

The next day, I went to 'Best Buy' and bought a cheap laptop for cash. I was now going to commit a crime and wanted to do everything I could to protect myself. Using an air-gapped computer was a start. There would be now, no way to pin this computer to me; unless I put my personal details into it.