Moms & Lovers Ch. 05 Talia & Mary


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After several minutes on the phone with her office, Talia comes into the kitchen to find Jeff pulling pre-made waffles out of the toaster and bacon out of the microwave. "Is that the pre-made bacon from the fridge? I prefer the real homemade kind I make for you, never mind." Talia sat at the kitchen table while Jeff served up her breakfast along with a fresh cup of coffee.

"What did your office have to say," asked Jeff as he sat across the table from Talia. As he put syrup on his waffles and cut the bacon to mix with the whole mess, he asked, "were they any help?"

"Sure were, Bailey is sending an email with a sample of a talent contract as soon as she can locate one that isn't specific to a case she is working. These can be a little sticky if they restrict either party too much. You know there's no guarantee I am going to get the contract for a photo shoot or a movie." Lost in thought, Talia muses, "wouldn't that just frost your dad to have his wife, scratch that, former wife star in a racy sex romp with her handsome son?" She laughs openly and loud. Talia picked up her coffee cup and made a toast to Jeff, "here's to the sexiest couple in central Florida!" Clinking cups and a smile.

Contract written for Mary, letter to Bernard and Janie outlining their eviction from Talia's house and two copies of the incriminating video put away for safekeeping; Talia arranges a trip to the hairdresser. "Done and done. Jeff, let's do lunch out. Why don't you get your hair cut while I go to the hairdresser. I'll stop for a mani & pedi on my way back. You think you could help me get ready for my meeting with Mary?"

"Mom, I was thinking it might be a good idea if I go to the restaurant and sit at another table close enough to intervene if you need me."

"That may be a good idea. I am going to take my tablet with a few of our photos on it to show Mary what I have in mind. What do you think?"

"Risky, but I think it is a good idea. Would you trust me to put together a quick slide show before you get home? Promise I'll be discrete and won't go all gynecological. I will, however, showcase your fabulous body and beautiful face."

Talia smiled, "just let me see it before you put it on my tablet for viewing."

Jeff and Talia left the house in separate cars about one o'clock. Talia headed off to her hairdresser and Jeff to his barbershop. Jeff did not take long and was back at home by two. He immediately sat at the computer in his room and brought up all of the files containing the shots taken of he and Talia in many, many poses. Picking out the ten best was not an easy chore. There were more than eighty total including the ones from their lake walk. He decided to start with the image of his mom backlit by the setting sun. He went on the show Talia in her burgundy halter dress and then embracing Jeff in his suit. He had to admit, they were a nice looking couple. The fact that in heels, Talia was only about an inch shorter than Jeff, their hips looked as though they were joined together in the photo. "Nice," he said out loud to himself. He went on to select several more and then came upon one that just screamed inclusion.

The photograph showed Talia and Jeff naked. Not just that, they were embraced in a kiss, head to toe with no space separating them. Jeff was gripping her but, pulling her closer. Talia was pressed so tight to Jeff that her breasts were mashed against him and his hips were such that it appeared he may have penetrated her. Her leg closest to the camera was raised up to his hip with her toes pointed indicating how he had 'curled her toes' with passion. "Great," he said out loud once again, "let's wrap this up with one last shot."

Jeff sorted through the remaining pictures to find the perfect end to his slideshow and came upon an unexpected prize. "This is the one," again he spoke out loud to no one there. Talia and Jeff were walking out by the pool with their backs to the camera. They were in their swim suits and holding hands. He remembered the camera he left on the kitchen table and it must have still be snapping shots. What made the picture the perfect shot was that the two were shoulder to shoulder and looking into each other's eyes with a knowing smile on their faces. Jeff added one last shot he thought Talia might not show, but may show, depending on how the meeting went with Mary.

Talia arrived home a little after four to find Jeff putting the finishing touches on her slideshow. "I haven't a lot of time before I must leave for the restaurant. I think you were right, you should come to the restaurant with me and sit nearby just in case I need you there."

Jeff nodded in agreement. "I finished the slideshow and want you to see it. I'm sure you'll like it." Talia agreed and sat at the computer to view the show. After watching it, she said, "lose the one that shows your penis and the one that shows your fingers obviously inside me. Okay? No, on second thought, leave them in and I'll just say something like 'oops'. We all know where this is going anyway."

"Mom, want to add one showing our making love and obviously so," asked Jeff?

"Let's just see what Mary brings to the table, okay? I'm going up to get dressed. Your father will be here soon. Is his package ready with the letter and copy of the video? I can't wait to hear his response to my ultimatum." Talia went to her bedroom to get ready for her meeting with Mary. She put on her new burgundy halter top, matching lingerie, black high heels and choker. Affixing her deep red lipstick, she smiled toward her son framed in her bedroom doorway. "You ready to go, mom," asked Jeff?

"Ready as I will ever be. I think your dad just got home. You'd better get my car out of the garage and I'll be right there. Make sure the packet is on the island in the kitchen and that my tablet and contract are in the car, please honey," asked Talia.

Talia was putting the last touches on her eye makeup when Bernard came into her bedroom. "Why are you dressed up. Did I forget some sort of thing we are going to?"

"No, Bern, I am going to a meeting with a new client and Jeff is coming along." Turning toward her husband, "there is a packet down on the kitchen island for you to go over and sign while I am gone. I will be back about ten or so if you want to talk."

Talia brushed past her husband as she left their bedroom. Bernard felt something was amiss and he felt very uneasy. Talia slammed the front door as she left. As she got into the passenger side of her car she said to Jeff, "I drained all of your father's accounts into my private checking account online earlier. He's screwed for a while since he can't use any of our credit cards anymore, either. Maybe his slut girlfriend can finance their existence for a while."

"Way to go mom!" Jeff drove toward the mall and the little Italian place there. Talia's cell phone rang, it was Bernard. She looked at it and turned it off. "That was your father calling," Talia snapped, "fuck him!" The two did not speak until they reached the mall parking lot.

"You should go in before me, Jeff. I called in a reservation for two under Talia and a reservation near my table for one. I told them I wanted to surprise my sister with an old friend who came to town. They were very accommodating. I will try to sit facing you so I can keep eye contact if I need your help or intervention." Jeff left the car for the restaurant. Talia waited for a few minutes before exiting the car. She halted abruptly. Across the parking lane another car pulled in and a woman got out. What made Talia stop was the fact the woman was wearing a black sequined halter dress, black hose and white pearls and she had an escort. The escort was obviously dismissed by the woman and sent into the restaurant ahead of her.

Talia let the young man get to the door before she got out of her car. Talia exited her car and yelled, "hey, Mary, that's not fair!" Talia was grinning at the surprised look on the face of Mary, the woman she was about to meet for dinner. "I thought dinner was for the two of us and you brought a ringer, didn't you," accused Talia smiling broadly as she walked over to greet Mary.

Flabbergasted, Mary responded, "I just love your dress. You must be Talia and I am truly happy to meet you." Mary hugged Talia to Talia's surprise. "I can't just shake hands with the woman I share so much with," gushed Mary. "I brought along Andrew, my son in this charade just in case."

The two women walked toward the mall entrance to the restaurant. In low tones, Mary suggested, "I didn't want to show up alone since I don't know you personally, but I needed the moral support of Drew just in case we arrive at a common goal. If that is okay with you, I'd like him to be a part of our discussion."

A gentleman leaving the mall held the door open for Mary and Talia to enter. Each thanked the man for his manners. Talia smirked to Mary saying, "did you see him checking our your butt?"

Mary countered with, "I thought he was checking out your boobs!" They both laughed and Mary said, "this promises to be a great relationship, Talia."

Talia was greeted by the restaurant hostess and inquired, "table for two for Talia, but could you make that a table for four?" Talia raised an eyebrow and looked to Mary, saying, "you think you're the only one bringing support?" Talia turned toward Jeff as she walked with the host to her table and said to Jeff, "won't you please join my friend and I, young man?" Talia spotted Mary's Drew and waved to him saying, "you, too, come join me and my friends." Both Jeff and Drew appeared very surprised at being invited to their mothers' table.

"Mary, this is my son Jeff. Jeff, this is my new friend Mary and her son, Drew." Both Mary and Talia laughed as they seated themselves in the corner booth. Drew and Jeff were obviously awkward until instructed by Mary, "Drew, sit next to me and you, Jeff, sit next to your mom."

The couples exchanged small talk through wine and appetizers. Talia insisted that she would pick up the tab for dinner as long as everyone agreed to be friends no matter the outcome. They girls both ordered fish while their young men ordered steaks. Conversation revolved around where they lived and what sort of job they held and then came Mary's query about her aunt.

"Talia, do you remember working with a woman named Lisa, Lisa Bishop, she was a lawyer before opening her own online business," asked Mary?

Pensive, Talia responds, "yes, I think she was a lawyer at my firm about three years ago. Why do you ask?"

Mary cannot hold it in any longer and starts talking rapidly, "well, she's my Aunt Lisa and she was helping me with my photos shoot. Oh, and I brought some pictures along for you to look at. And, well, she remembers you and said you are really stunning. She was right about that. She said you have real poise and that she thought you were married. And she seemed to think that we would be a really good match for this photo shoot thing and ..."

"Mom, slow down," interrupted Drew. "Sorry, but you are running like ninety miles an hour. Let Talia answer," turning to Talia, "is it okay that I call you Talia?"

Talia turns to look at Jeff and they both give a nervous laugh. Talia looks at Drew and calmly says, "Drew, it is okay for you to call me Talia. Seeing as how we are likely going to see each other naked in the next few days, I don't see why not."

The grin on Drew's face at hearing this brought smiles to everyone at the table. Talia resumed, "Mary, you look stunning in that dress and I see that you decided to come all in costume for a movie. I can see that you are not wearing a bra, are you, at least, wearing panties?"

"Well, yes I am. I so love this dress and how sexy it makes me feel. Along with me, my Drew seems to like your dress. And, like me, I see you chose the braless version. Lisa was right, you are exquisite and I am truly impressed."

Talia put an end to this with, "thanks, but we are really here to discuss what we might be able to accomplish when we team up to approach the author and producer with our offer. First, I want Jeff to sit next to you and show you our little slide show while your Drew sits here," indicating the seat next to her, "and shows me your pictures. If that is okay and we seem ready for coffee. Boys, change places."

The server brings coffee for everyone and clears away the dirty dishes. "I warn you, Mary, some of the photographs are revealing. One more thing for all of you here at the table. No one, I repeat, no one is to know that we are in any way related to one another. Is that perfectly clear?"

Everyone nods in agreement. "Say it," insists Talia. "Agreed," they all respond in unison.

As Jeff sits close to Mary and starts the tablet slideshow, Drew sits next to Talia. Talia notices that Drew's thigh is tight against her own thigh, and its warm. Not uncomfortable, but not quite sure she is ready for this, Talia smiles at him, looks at Mary and asks, "Mary, do you mind awfully if I give Drew here a little peck on the cheek?"

Mary cannot wipe the smile off her face and responds, "kinda' hot isn't he. Talia, it's just fine with me if you don't mind if I do the same to your little boy." Smiles and kisses all around.

Talia watches as Mary grips Jeff's thigh as they get further into the slideshow. Talia thinks to herself, "I think she is getting more than she expected."

Drew starts to flip through his show of photos printed off his color printer. The first shows Drew and Mary looking as though they are ready to go on a formal date. As he progresses through the stack of shots, they become more and more intimate. Toward the last three or four, Mary appears to be more than just posing for photos, but oblivious of the camera in her passion. "A bit more than I expected," whispers Talia to Drew.

"Just wait, we weren't sure we should show more, but here you go," and Drew placed two shots side by side. To Mary, Drew inquires, "is it okay to show the pictures we thought might be too much?"

Jeff interrupts, "go for it, we are about to do the same over here, okay mom?" Talia nods.

Talia and Mary gasp at the same instant as they view photos of each other with their sons engaged in love making. Both girls are obviously experiencing an orgasm in the photos.

Talia looks and Mary and asks in a whisper, "tell me the truth, were you cumming in that shot?" Mary nods and giggles. Talia grins back, "me, too! Holy shit, this is intense."

The boys resumed their seats and could not stop smiling. Both were quite sure they were in for quite a treat sometime in the near future, but were not sure when. "One more shot, Talia, this is my Aunt Lisa and her son with Drew and me." Mary hands the photo across to Talia. It was the shot of both naked women perched on their sons' lap, kissing as their sons held their breast in one hand grinning at the camera.

"Shit, I do remember Lisa. She was a good attorney. Too bad there isn't room for the six of us in this story. Wait a minute, there just might be a sequel we could put together." Talia looked to Jeff, "where's the contract?" Jeff handed Talia the envelope with the contract.

Talia opened the envelope and handed the document over to Mary, "here is an agreement I put together. It isn't between you and me, it is a proposed contract from the two of us with our chosen partners to the producer and writer. It is pretty simple and straight forward in content, except the we, you and I, will share in the profits of any book, movie, video or any other vehicle containing our images. That will include any and all future revenues from the story line "Moms & Lovers" by this R A Rae."

Talia continued, "I think we should get together this Saturday to finalize our agreement."

Mary took the packet and responded, "Talia, I have a pool and it should be nice weather this weekend. Please come to my home on Saturday about two o'clock and bring your swim suit. If we come to an agreement we can finalize plans for a photo shoot and possible video. I will have my aunt there to act as director and camera operator. Since you've seen her son naked, do you mind if he tags along? He is a nice young man named David."

She continued, "do you find it odd that we all seem about the same height and build? That, except Lisa is really booby. Oh, sure, the boys don't mind that. Stop grinning you two."

Talia sighs and says, "that will be fine. I have to go home and deal with another matter that I just don't want to face right now. It seems my husband and my eldest daughter have been having an affair and Jeff caught it on tape. I left a copy of the tape and an eviction letter on the kitchen island when we left tonight. I expect he will be there and want to talk, but I am in no mood."

Mary stopped Talia, "you are welcome to come home with me and Drew. I know we just met, but I really feel close to you. Cheese, I've even seen you naked and doing the handsome man next to you." She continued, "we could all come home with you if you need our support. That may be a bit weird, but it sure would scare the shit out of your husband if he makes any unwanted moves."

Talia laughs and responds, "no thanks. I am quite certain I can handle Bernard and Janie. Let's go, Jeff. Mary, I look forward to seeing you two on Saturday. Hey, doesn't Lisa have a lingerie business? Tell her to bring along some samples in a 34C and a size 4, okay? I'll bring my new dresses and stuff, too."

"It's a deal, we'll see you two on Saturday," responded Mary.

The two couples headed toward their cars. Interestingly, each woman was being escorted arm in arm with the other's son. A quick peck on the cheek and the boys returned to their respective mothers. A wave and off they went home. Mary to her pool for a twilight skinny dip with her lover and Talia to a less than happy confrontation.

"Until this Saturday," thought Talia as Jeff drove her home.

On their way home, "honey, do you mind driving to the lake and making me feel loved," asked Talia as she drove?

"It's still early," Jeff replied, "and I was hoping you'd ask."

In the twilight of the warm Florida evening, Jeff and Talia walked hand in hand again around the lake. As darkness fell, Jeff embraced Talia in with passionate kisses. He slipped his wandering hand inside the back of Talia's dress to caress her butt and discovered, "when did you take off your panties? I like that, it's really nice." Talia unzipped his fly and extracted Jeff's cock.

In a throaty request, Talia asked, "do you suppose I could put this where it belongs? Find me a secluded bench."

Jeff found the perfect bench. Turning her back to Jeff, Talia hiked up her dress and deftly engaged the tip of her son's cock with her fingers. As she lowered herself onto her son's manhood, Jeff's fingers found the nubbin of Talia's clit and began teasing. Talia descended to engulf all of Jeff.

Talia bit her own lip to stifle a scream of pleasure as she came. Jeff unloaded completely at the same instant. He held tight to his mother as she recovered, still shuddering with pleasure. Talia tightened her vaginal muscles squeezing every drop of love from Jeff. Talia began to cry softly and stood up. She turned to Jeff and uttered a simple, "thank you for caring so much about me." She ran toward the car to head home for what she knew would not be pleasant.

"We'll get past this, mom," Jeff called out, "whatever it takes. I love you!" Jeff ran after his mother.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

Thoroughly impressed with this story. I like the subplot development and the emotional growth of the main characters. My only disappointment with the characters is the attitude of Talia. She is overly vindictive toward her husband and daughter. It does not matter who's affair started first. Incest is incest whether between father/husband and daughter or wife/mother and son. Talia knows that if any case, criminal or domestic, everyone would lose.

onelimpdickonelimpdickover 7 years ago

Please tell me that there is a number 5. I fel like i was left out in the cold.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Story is great so far just hope it doesn't change into a free for all.

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