Mom's Big Bed Ch. 12


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Next I panned over to Laura. She had her fingers strumming away furiously upon her clitoris like she was playing a badass guitar riff! While she diddled and flicked at her starter button, my camera caught the sun glinting on her pierced clit with its cute amber stone making this a simply marvelous shot! Her other hand employed a single finger that she hooked up inside her poke-hole; creating a sensation for her that forced her to mew and whine while she made duck-lips from the intense and excruciatingly wonderful pleasure she was inflicting upon herself!

Lastly my camera lens settled on my Aunt Becky, the "Jill-off Jedi-Mistress!" Her multi-ringed fingers and thumb were plucking away at her pierced hooded little bean nice and HARD; like she was attempting to pull open a stuck drawer or pop open a "can of pussy" by yanking on her piercing like a pull-tab! Most definitely it was SHE out of any of the women present; who had the highest threshold of pain and it clearly showed!

What I noticed as I went from woman to woman was that despite each having different masturbatory techniques that they each found pleasurable, they were beginning to sync their pace and soon their vocalizations. Their naughty self-diddling over time became a wonderfully coordinated quartet of frantic female fiddling and diddling; each one matching the others in speed and intensity - as though they each were feeding on the energy of the others. Asses began to grind against the lounges as if the loins of the women were yearning for even more stimulation! After a few more minutes as I panned back and forth, I noticed that the voices had now harmonized into a little chorus of feminine masturbatory joy! Then POW and SPLASH!

The first one to go was Ami. She found her voice as her brow furrowed and her mouth became and "O." She let out an EEEYYYYAAAAWWW OOOOOOHHHH and yanked her fist from her cunt; splashing a huge spray of girl-gasmic juice across the concrete deck! I panned down with the camera and marked the farthest distance at where she'd spritzed!

Becky and Laura now blew their tops simultaneously as both screwed their eyes tight for a moment and then opened them before screaming AAAAGGHHH AAAWWWW YEAAAHHH OHH as both their cunts exploded like a pair of watermelons that had been hit by shotguns! Their puss-splatter arced through the air like twin fountains and landed on the deck at spots that I again noted with the camera.

Lastly Melisa came in a shrieking banshee wail of EEYAAAHHHH AAAAAGGGHHHH OH GAWD YEAHHH! She sent a huge briny splatter through the air and she shook so hard she nearly fell off her seat! A torrent of twat tea then piddled and flowed from her cunt in lovely little aftershocks as her boiler continued to blow and shudder but with each shrieking little spray, she got less and less distance - not that she cared; her face showed the bliss of release! I marked the spot.

I then released my judge's findings to the camera's microphone. By looking at the dark splash patterns on the otherwise dry hot concrete of the pool; I concluded that Becky had beaten all four of her daughters and splatted the furthest! My Aunt leapt to her feet and pumped her fist in celebration before falling back into her seat as she was exhausted by what she'd inflicted upon herself!

Her three girls collapsed back onto the lounge in a heap of sweaty post-orgasmic panting with their mom. I ran over to my laptop and after checking the film, downloaded it and the photos and the twerk competition onto my computer. This was great stuff!

As I checked the film and the photos, one by one the women rose from the chaise lounges and came on over to check the work. We watched all the films and looked over the photos once more to be sure we liked everything; deleting bad shots or stuff that just looked goofy and not sexy. When everyone was satisfied with the content, out came the data-stick from my aunt for me to make copies of for her and her three girls!

With that all done, Becky announced our "date" was starting. At that point we all refilled our glasses with a fresh bottle of red from below the pool bar and we moved on back over to the lounges. We pulled two more lounges over and dropped the backs on all the furniture so that we had a nice roomy "play platform" by the poolside! As the sun began to sink low on the horizon I asked Aunt Becky what she wanted to do.

"I'm not going to do anything," Becky informed me, "YOU young man, are going to give me a head-to-toe massage! You're going to get out of those clothes of yours and I'm going to lie down and you are going to pamper the shit out of me! HEY girls," she called to her kids, "who has the massage oils?"

"I have two bottles in the pockets of my robe," informed Melissa. In a flash, she was over to her robe and back with the oils. I got out of my clothes and was now standing in my birthday suit with the rest of the women who were now getting rid of their heels in an effort to get more comfortable.

The plan was we were to all oil up and then I would massage Becky while the three sisters on adjacent lounges would massage each other. Two of the girls would form a pair of "massage therapists" working on a pampered third and that third would then rotate out amongst the three. Aside from that; I was just supposed to watch the girls and observe what they did to each other. I'd then apply what I saw to the exquisitely horny MILF body of my auntie!

From under the bar my cousin Ami retrieved two ceramic bowls and placed them on the ground by the lounges. Laura then filled the two bowls with massage oil and then everyone anointed themselves and each other, until five bodies glistened in the setting Phoenix sun. Aunt Becky then got down on the lounge on her tummy. Ami took up a similar position on an adjacent lounge.

I took up a straddling position across my aunt Becky's back while Laura straddled Ami's rump. Melissa, my horny sister/cousin took up a position up at Ami's head with her legs spread apart and her sister's head in her lap. Beforehand Melissa propped up the back to the lounge to provide herself with a bit of support while she sat up. I could see by the naughty look on Ami's face down near her older sister's crotch that this would not be a simple massage and that there was a strong possibility of happy endings! The girls commenced with the massage activities and I followed suit on Becky who commented that she had a mountain of tension in her shoulders after a hard day of work. She said she was ready for some good deep tissue action, (although I wondered precisely what tissues this kinky old broad had in mind and just how deep)!

I watched the girls and followed their lead as I went to work on Becky and began squeezing at the troublesome knots in her muscles up at her shoulder blades. I heard Ami moaning and whimpering with contentment from her sister's touches so when I achieved similar vocalizations from Becky I knew I was pressing hard enough! I molded and pushed the slippery combination of oil and auntie flesh around and located her spinal column. Again, following Laura's lead on Ami, I worked my way up each vertebra with greasy fingers and oily thumbs to Becky's neck and then to base of her skull.

I moved my fingers around in a digging shiatsu sort of thing on the back of Becky's head, just at the point of her hairline on the back of her neck (again following Laura's lead) and I noticed both Becky and Laura were mewing like little kittens in a basket! I also noticed my greasy boner was enjoying a little bit of stimulation against the crack of my Aunty Becky's ass. I rocked my hips a bit and my tubesteak erection slewed happily in the "greasy Grand Canyon" provided by her rump!

Watching the girls again, I ran my fingers up into Becky's scalp; alternately pushing my fingers around upon her skull to increase blood-flow and then giving her hair little pulls that made her OOH and AHH with content and the occasional happy yelp! I rocked my hips again a bit and the tip of my cock ran over the greasy ragged pucker of my aunt's rectum. I wanted to simply quit what I was doing and push myself up into her turd-tunnel up to the hilt but I realized this was not about me and more importantly this was about me learning something for Friday night's date.

I looked over at Ami and saw that she was whimpering happily as Laura raked her scalp and tugged at her hair. Meanwhile Melissa was working from the other end and was pushing down upon her fingers and thumbs at several key pressure points on her sister's shoulders. I assumed these to be pressure points and nerve junctures as it produced quite an agreeable effect on Ami (whose feet kicked against the lounge and her toes even flexed and un-flexed at this exquisite torture)!

I moved down out of my aunt's hair and along her spine to about the same pressure point locations that I had witnessed being triggered on Ami. I buried my thumb around in my aunt's oily flesh until I felt a knot of tension here or a ganglion mass there and I tweaked and pushed against it. A great happy cry of EEYAHHH rose up from Becky's lungs every time I hit the spot. I just kept hitting and hitting and I even noticed that Becky began to kick her feet just like her daughter from the intense pleasure and release! We were going along smooth as silk when there was an interruption... my phone was buzzing.

I started to get up from Becky's "rump saddle" and was met by a loud, "DONT YOU DARE," from my aunt. She then told Melissa to get my phone from my pants and see who it was. Melissa came back and took up her position with Ami's head in her lap as she thumbed through my messages.

"Hey Ian," she announced happily and half teasing me, "it says here it is some chick named Michelle."

"Oh wait," I said, "I need to return that message!"

"Nothing doing," came Becky's voice from up underneath me, "Melissa what does she say?"

"She says HI HOW R U DOING? Ian that is so sweet. Is she twelve?" Melissa snorted at her own joke and stuck her tongue out at me.

"She is eighteen and she's a few months older than me. Tell her I am doing homework!" I replied. Becky swatted at her shoulders in an annoyed fashion like I needed to get back to massaging. I dug my fingers into her shoulders at more key spots but now my attention was "divided." Melissa set the phone down in the middle of Ami's back and texted a reply while Laura worked the flesh around the phone. I think the two were attempting to show-off their multi-tasking skills!

"Ok I sent it!" Melissa announced. I continued to work Becky's flesh, happy that the message was done. Laura and Melissa poked, pinched, and prodded at their sister Ami's oily backbone and shoulder; hitting double the pressure points in the process since they had two hands to work with (making Ami's groans of happiness rise from the lounge with increasing intensity and volume).

Ami now turned and lifted her head slightly. She opened her mouth and snaked her tongue out to lick and tickle at Melissa's exposed cunt that was mashed up close to her face. Melissa widened her thighs to allow her sister better access and my cock twitched a little throb of delighted excitement in Becky's booty trench from the sight of it all!

Laura began to be turned on by the sight of Ami's impromptu munch of Melissa as well. I saw her grind hips appreciatively against Ami's greased up buns, which only made my dick throb even more between my aunt's ass-cheeks! It didn't help that my wicked old Aunty Becky raised her ass up off the lounge and rubbed her rear channel against me while at the same time directing me to keep massaging away! About that time the phone buzzed again. Melissa picked it up.

"OH Ian," she teased, "it is Michelle again... I AM THINKING OF U...Oh Ian how sweet!"

"Tell her..."

"HUSH IAN," came Becky's voice from below, "Melissa, you are smart enough to text back to a girl and make her feel special... do it! Ian... get the fuck back to working on my back and keep that nice oily massage going between my booty cheeks! Now move!" She said this like a stern admonishment but I could see Becky had a wicked smile on her face. Melissa began to text,

"I...AM...THINKING...OF... U...2.!!..that should pull her in," she said with a sly grin as she rocked her hips against Ami's lips. A few seconds later the phone buzzed again.

"It's her," Melissa announced, "WHAT..R..U...DO..ING... NOW??" Melissa made a wicked grin and began to type back. Her hips rocked back and forth as she now was thoroughly enjoying Ami's hungry doggy-licks against her clit.

"I," Melissa read as she texted, "AM...TOUCH..ING..IT," She had a smirk on her face like she was going to wreck everything.

"NO!" I screamed and again my Aunt Becky yelled at me with her selfish little smile on her face,

"IAN SIT DOWN! Continue Melissa."

"I...AM..THINK..ING..HOW...YOU...SMELL," Melissa texted and then set the phone down; intent on applying brush strokes to the whimpering canvas of Ami's spine. The phone went off again and all four women giggled while I rubbed my aunt's shoulders but with a sinking feeling in my tummy. Melissa read the text from Amy aloud.

"AM...TOUCHING...ME..2..IN...MY...BED...NAKED!! XXXOOO." Melissa looked directly at me and she could have knocked me over with a feather. I licked my lips and made a decision.

"Keep texting her!" I said with the gravitas of a President who just was briefed that a US Carrier Task Force had just been attacked in the Persian Gulf and he had just given permission for the Navy to return fire while telling his defense secretary to put Air Force B-52's in the air immediately!

Melissa set to work telling Michelle about how I liked her smell and that I had listened to several songs on the radio today and I had thought about her and that I couldn't eat last night at dinner. She told Michelle it was "hard" for me to go to sleep last night. Michelle texted back saying how she'd watched me walking down the hall at school and about how tough I looked. She said she had a difficult time sleeping last night as well and had to touch herself. She then said that she thought of me in the shower this morning and touched herself "down there."

Melissa then "went to town," telling Michelle how I liked her hair and her nail polish. She said that I thought her earrings were soooo pretty and that I liked the way her eyes looked when she smiled. Michelle promptly texted back a bunch of hearts and exclamation points and then said she could not believe I had noticed all that stuff! I hadn't as I was and still am a straight white dude. I noticed her boobs and her ass and that her lips would probably fit well around my cock. Melissa was doing me a HUGE favor by texting for me by not saying that!

Michelle texted that she was now getting her "freak" on with herself in her bed. She wished I was there. She said she wanted me to be "on her!" A few seconds later and Melissa could take it no longer. She came hard against Ami's munching molars and licking tongue with a loud whimper of EEYYAAAHHHNNN! About that time the girls in the massage pile switched out and now Laura got on her belly, Melissa got on her rump, and Ami took up the position at the head of the Sapphic massage-train with Laura's head in her lap. She began to text Michelle.

She told her that I wanted to be "on her" now more than anything. Michelle said she could not wait for Friday! She also said to bring condoms. She asked again if Tory was "bothering me."

I quickly explained to Ami about Tory being part of the story I'd cooked up to explain the hickeys on my neck. Ami nodded an "AH-HAH," in understanding and then she started texting away furiously that Tory had said she was out of town for the next two nights and was "busy." Michelle texted back an "O" then "OK" before she then said "COOL!!"

Melissa and Ami were now making Laura blubber and whine happily with each push and prod of their thumbs against her spine and shoulders. The phone buzzed again. Michelle texted that something VERY WET had just happened from the touching she'd been giving herself! It had been very big and "COOL." She said she wished it had been me that had done it and not her fingers!

Ami texted back that I had just done something really funky to myself too and thought of her the whole time! Michelle texted back a bunch of hearts again with exclamation points. She then said her Mom had just come home and that she needed to put her clothes on and get back to homework. She then signed off with "BYE BYE XXXOOO." Ami texted back a matching signoff and then set down the phone as Laura was now licking away at her sister's puss-box and making Ami thrash her hips and moan! It was date for Friday night had just sexted me and then cum, (and she was all hot and bothered about me thanks to the oily women I was thrashing around with on these lounges)!

About that time Becky said that she wanted to turn over. The girls did the same with Laura and now rolling over on her back. Ami sat directly astride Laura's munching mouth as Melissa did a modified "scissor sort of thing" with her oily girl-clam pushed up hard against Laura's. As Melissa rubbed her sister's belly and navel with delicate butterfly flourishes, she thrashed her hips against her sibling in collision after wonderful Sapphic collision! Meanwhile, Ami plucked and teased at Laura's gumdrop nipples until they stood up on her boobies like red little fire hydrants of throbbing agitation!

Over at my location, Becky was moaning and sucking in her breaths as my hands matched what Ami and Melissa were executing on Laura. I had sat in a manner where my ass was straddling the lounge now and knees and ankles hung over the sides while my feet lay flat on the ground. Just like before I was facing Becky but now her I was between her legs with her knees up and over my thighs to either side as I straddled the bench and worked on her oily bod!

My cock was pushed right up smack dab hard against the notch of her crotch-taco and my aunt rocked her hips in a sort of round n' round motion. It felt great and I started to thrust my hips hard against her in response as my tension rose higher and higher. It was like we were two oily gears in a naughty piece of machinery; grinding away on each other for all we were worth! She reached down and held my greasy cock against her clit with her fingertips and smiled her wicked smile.

"AWW DAMMIT IAN!" she gasped in frustration and pent up sexual energy, " You young feller, are making your Auntie Becky moister than an oyster!" Her words were met by giggles from Laura and Melissa over to the side of us but Ami could only stare at the sky now with wide eyed as now Laura's nips and lickings had brought her right up to the brink of something big and powerful and wet!

"WAAAAHHHHH! AAAGGHH!" hollered Ami as she suddenly came hard against Laura's mouth; dribbling her salty piddle-gasm down over her sister's cheeks! Meanwhile Becky continued to buck and thrash her hips as she held my cock against her clit for a good greased-up rub, while I massaged her belly and breasts as I thrust my loins against her! I began to edge my orgasm because if I didn't; I would most likely blow all my nut-chowder against her clit and pussy and I didn't want to do that; I wanted to nut inside her and I didn't want to do it too soon!

It was probably just as good that I had begun thinking of such things because Becky actually pushed the slicked up head of my cock down across the pink clam-flesh of her pussy and with her nasty little fingers; she nudged the end of my knob into her pusshole. The mushroom tip went in for only an instant but it sent an electric jolt of pleasure up and down my body and made Becky suck air in through her teeth before she pulled me out and pushed the cockhead against her greasy hooded clit once more! OH WHAT A TEASE SHE WAS! My hands were now at her neck and moving up to her face, matching what I saw with Laura and Melissa.
