Mom's New Family Affair Ch. 04


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Mom reentered the room. She had taken her long hair and folded it up casually like a French roll. My dick twinged again seeing her and I noticed how it even made her look more sexy showing the curve of neck, especially after what I just heard.

"All set" said Mom as she grabbed her purse.

"Oh you won't need that Mom, unless there's something in it you'll need to take with you. Tonight's on me" I said as I grabbed my keys.

"I'm not going to argue with that!" setting it back down. "It's starting to feel like a real date already..." she said with a smile.

It was nice to see Mom really happy for once. I was amazed to see her free of any anxiety or shyness and I questioned if I might have misunderstood what Beth just told me. I hoped she stayed this way whether something happened or not.

As we headed for the door Mom and Beth glanced at each other and gave her a well defined wink and grin. Mom just grinned back.

We took my SUV with Mom in the backseat. We were all upbeat as we talked on our way there. When we arrived we saw the place was already crowded and there was no parking near the door. The wind had picked up more and occasional huge drops of rain splattered on the windshield.

I stopped in front of the main doors and said "I'll drop you off here and then find a parking space. I'll be back in a minute." then Mom and Beth jumped out, walking quickly in where they waited for him between the double sets of doors at the entrance.

Mom looked at Beth and asked "What did you tell him? What did you ask?" Her eyes were wide in anticipation to an answer.

"He asked if I had any success and I told him beyond my dreams and then asked him if he was really serious wanting to be with you." I said grinning.

"What was his answer?"

"Quote, hell yes, but only if she really wanted to, unquote. It was a short conversation. I didn't say anything more, didn't have a chance... but it's looking good so far. Maybe I can continue if you take another break while we're here."

"Good! Ok, but I need for him to know the rules, but I guess I can tell him later if I have to. Here he comes..."

They both watched as I ran for the door as the rain started. We headed straight for the hostess podium past people waiting for a table. I was going to give them our name when Mom told her we had a reservation and we were shown to a table on the spot.

As we walked to the table, I noticed that a lot of guys and men were checking us out, at least Mom and Beth that is. They really looked good and I remember thinking 'eat your hearts out guys, these two are mine!'

They gave us a semi-circle booth. I let Mom slide into the center and Beth slid into the other side positioning Mom between us. As we settled in, the waitress came right over, gave us our menus and we ordered our drinks. Both Mom and Beth ordered grande sized classic margaritas with lime and salt. I settled for a Mexican beer since I was driving.

I noticed that both Mom and Beth dived into their margaritas as we talked and waited for dinner. Mom was still in a particularly upbeat mood, which made me happy to see. We all laughed and joked as Mom would say something to Beth, I found myself checking both of their cleavages out, with the possibility of what Beth said prominent in my mind.

When the food came, I ordered another round for us all. As we ate, Mom brought up the subject of Beth's home and how if it was ok with me, she could use the guestroom for the summer. I must have looked surprised because they both started to laugh. I looked at Beth and said "Really? You'd move in?" and she nodded and said only if I'd truly liked the idea. How I had been thinking about our relationship flashed through my mind lately and quickly replied with "Then hell yes, I think it's a great idea. You'd be more than welcome" then looked at Mom and said "You know Beth and I..."

"Fool around, I know... it's normal Hon. I think if you two went to the same school, you'd be sharing an apartment anyway. It's ok, I'm not going to be concerned about sleeping arrangements." she said with a chuckle. "I think it will be fun having Beth around and it sounds like she needs someplace to feel comfortable." She also grinned thinking if the evening goes right, it would be terribly redundant anyway.

"I'm supposed to go to breakfast with Dad tomorrow before he goes to church and I'll talk to him about it. I'm sure he'll understand, especially when he knows it's something I really want. It will also give me time to and pack a few bags while they're in church." Beth giggled with excitement. "Oh, I don't know how to thank you two!" and they all toasted to the occasion.

At the end of the meal I caught Mom giving Beth a quick wink and then excused herself to go to the ladies room. I eased out my seat to give her way and Beth whispered "Slide closer, I want to tell you something!" grinning very mischievously. As we met half way, we noticed Mom had met some people she knew at the bar and was talking to them.

"Well, I guess both of us are going to get our fantasy with Mom. We talked about it today and she's just as hot for you as you are for her but, like you, she doesn't know how to go about it. Also, I think she's afraid that afterwards everything would change and I don't think she'd want that. I'm sure she would want total secrecy, not that I think you'd say anything. I don't think she meant being with you would be a onetime only thing either. You'd have to promise to try to be as normal as possible afterwards and my guess is you will find ways to feel each other out before jumping each other in the future. Is it a deal?"

"Pinch me... am I dreaming or what?... Yes, I'd feel more comfortable if everything stayed normal too and secrecy would be paramount to me also. So, when is she planning on doing this?" I asked with an eager grin.

"Tonight... a threesome with all of us. Her and I really had a good day together and we feel super comfortable with each other. She figures I might be able to edge things on a bit" said Beth with a giggle.

"Holy shit!" I said in a whisper. "A threesome?" I said, almost mouthing the words so as not to be heard. "Now that's truly awesome..." as my eyes went to Mom. Her back was toward us as I took in the low back of her dress, ass and legs, then she said goodbye to them and continued walking to the ladies room. I felt a major twinge in my dick and instantly realized I had a problem as I started getting hard.

"You two must have a hell of a day, didn't you, for it all to get this far."

"Oh, you don't know the half it" Beth said with a quiet giggle. "Your Mom sexually frustrated woman, and believe me, she's no prude! I think you'll be surprised to see that side of her. And another thing, remember when we saw Mom looking at herself in the mirror? She was imagining you watching her. We talked about her catching you and she said she went to her room and had several orgasms over it and one aspect was you seeing. So, look out I think it might be a wild night."

Beth then slid her hand under the table discreetly and gave my crotch a squeeze. "Ooooh, you better control that. You have to let Mom back in the booth! Not to mention making it out of here" then slid away to her place with a giggle.

I tried to think of something different to ease the pressure on my cock. Beth looked at me and giggled, knowing exactly what I was trying to do.

"So, you really don't mind if I move in? I don't think your mom offered because of the you-know-what. We talked today about how we both feel like family to each other. She even asked me to call her Mom or Katie, but not Mrs. C anymore, and that was before anything happened.

"No really, I'd love it too. She's right if we were at school together, we'd be shacking up. At least I think we would."

"Oh we would. I'm tired of playing the field. I know who I want" said Beth with a soft smile.

"I've been thinking a lot about that lately too. So do I... Maybe calling her Mom was in the cards all the time" I said with half a smile and half a grin.

"So, does that make us an item again?" asked Beth.

"Yep" I said and gave her a wink and a smile. We've never been the lovey dovey type. Our bond seemed different and deeper than words. Being romantic can be nice, but nowhere near as the feeling of closeness of being friends and what some call soul mates. It just took us a while to find it out. I took her hand on the table and squeezed it.

With our little talk, we missed Mom returning from the ladies room. "Hey there! I'm back! What have you two been talking about?" I saw her eyes dart to our hands and I started to slide out of the booth but Mom stopped me. "Just stay where you are. I'll sit here just pass me my drink" and she slid into my place.

"Oh, a little bit about everything" said Beth happily and then gave Mom a double wink.

I saw Mom's eyebrows raise and she smiled. Just as she did, the waitress came to clear the table. She asked if we'd like another round of drinks.

"Oh yeah... ha. I could use a stiff one, but I'll settle for another beer" Mom and Beth ordered one more too but in the regular size.

After the waitress left, Mom said "We have a bottle of tequila at home, Hon... You can have a shot or two when we get there. Beth and I were planning on making margaritas for us all tonight."

"That will definitely help" I said with a chuckle giving Mom a shy grin.

"Mmmmmm, I'm in the mood for a margarita party. These have just got me primed!" said Beth.

"Me too" said Mom. I'm having a good time. I wanted to try to talk you into us going dancing tonight, but with this weather..."

"Maybe we could do that when we get home. That would be a great idea!" said Beth.

"Yeah, I'd be into it too."

"John, do you still have that Santana concert DVD? What was it called... Unnatural?" asked Mom. "I always liked that one."

Both Beth and I cracked up... "No Mom, it's named Supernatural. That's a great choice. It's upbeat and festive."

"Perfect!" said Mom just as the drinks arrived and she took a long sip of hers.

My beer came with them and I took a significant swallow from the frosty mug as Mom explained who she had run into at the bar, then we just talked. During it all Mom remained cheery and upbeat and almost a bit giddy after their last round of winking with each other, which I had already guessed to be some kind of code.

I could tell some of it was because of the drinks but Beth had mentioned her good mood earlier and I noticed it too before she had them. It was like a weight had been lifted from her. I must admit I had a hard time concentrating on the conversation based on what Beth had just told me earlier and my mind wandered thinking of the possibilities.

As we got close to finishing the drinks, Beth took off to the ladies room and I asked for the check. Mom just sat there looking at me with this weird smile/grin on face which I returned. Her arms crossed as she leaned forward a bit on the table and she kept looking at me as if she was admiring me. In this position, her arms framed her boobs plumped her cleavage even more. My eyes immediately dropped for a glimpse and then returned to her and I had a really hard time not letting my eyes drop to them again and fought the feeling of my cock trying to stir.

All in all, even after the talk with Beth and the anticipation of what might happen next, what moved me the most that I was just happy to see her happy for a change. It was just a simple thought, but it evolved to realizing the possibility of Mom having a fantasy of fucking her son made her happy, I planned on making her a very happy woman! I had to admit though I felt nervous as hell.

I was just about to say something when the waitress came back with my credit card and receipt. By the time I signed it, Beth had returned. We then headed for the exit but stopped suddenly between the two entrance doors seeing that it was raining hard. I just looked at them and said, "I'll get the car..." and took off.

Luckily I had found a spot along the side of the restaurant and it wasn't far but it took a few minutes to get out of it because of two cars were positioning themselves, trying to get the open spot as I vacated it and then it took a few more minutes to get around the building so their passenger doors would be on their side when they came out of the building.

As soon as I left, Mom looked at Beth and said "A true double wink?" grinning.

"Ha, yes, I told him the rules and he's totally Ok with it. He said he'd want the same too. I also told him it might be tonight and a threesome between us, so he's primed and ready to go in case it happens."

"Oh god, I'm getting nervous... but so damn excited too. I was already wet when I went to the ladies room" Mom said with a giggle" not to mention right now."

Beth giggled too. "So am I.. I hope It doesn't get to obvious... I didn't wear any panties. I've been afraid I'd soak my skirt!" as they saw me pull up next to the curb.

"Mmmmm, I like that thought" said Mom giving her a wink and then they dashed to the doors of the SUV.

As we drove home, I rested my arm on the console's arm rest and let my hand hang as usual. Beth's hand slid up to it and entwined her fingers with mine, something she hadn't done for a long while, and gave my hand a squeeze. I looked into the rear view mirror and saw Mom looking at what happened, then she glanced at me.

Mom let her eyebrows jump, grinned and gave me a wink this time. I jumped mine back at her and returned the grin. I didn't know if it was because she saw Beth's hand in mine, which I know she would have approved of, or something else. I felt my dick twinge again as I thought of the latter.

We all chit-chatted about how severe the storms were going to be and I made a turn onto the stretch that would take us most of the way home. Lightning flashed and a moment later thunder shook the car. I put the wipers on full as the rain lashed and headed down the straight high-way. I checked Mom out in the mirror. She was checking out the clouds when Beth squeezed my hand twice.

I quickly glanced at her and saw her legs had spread and her hand was beneath her skirt. She then slid her fingers out from beneath her skirt. They were noticeably wet and she seductively sucked them as her eyes met mine to see my reaction.

I felt my dick twinge once and felt myself getting hard again. This time I wasn't so shy about it and just let it grow.

It was just an urge, but I followed through with it as I pulled her hand that was in mine and placed it on my leg. That's all it took for Beth to follow though as her hand continued to the lump that was growing in my pants. Of course it was obvious what she was doing from the back seat with her having to lean over a bit to reach it.

Lightning flashed farther on down the road which showed the road was empty and my eyes went to the rear-view mirror automatically out of habit to check traffic behind me, catching Mom's expression at the same time. She was glancing down at Beth's hand disappearing in my lap and her mouth was partly open, eyebrows were up and her eyes wide.

Another boom of thunder hit and along with it rain came down in a deluge. Visibility was cut in half even with the wipers on full blast. I slowed my speed down and Beth's hand slid from my lap.

"Oh my! It's really coming down! Thank goodness we're close to home. I love a good storm, but would much rather like seeing it from indoors" Mom said with a laugh.

I then asked Mom to look in the back and see if my rain jacket was there. She did and pulled it into the back seat with her. "What are you going to do with this John? Do we need to stop for something?"

"I'll slide it on when we get home and get the golf umbrella and then walk you two to the door. Otherwise, you'll get soaked and you two look too good for that tonight" I said with a chuckle.

"Oh Mom, he's just pulling your leg. He's giving you the special treatment. If it was just me, we'd both be making a mad dash for the door" Beth said kiddingly.

"Oh I like special treatment! I can use all I can get"... she said a bit suggestively. Later she admitted thinking they could both pull her leg or a few select other things wouldn't be so bad either, and that god, she felt so much like a whore thinking like this, but it's so damned exciting.

Later, Mom said she felt her pussy pulse which made her squeeze her thighs together and automatically bite her lower lip. The lip part I caught in the mirror and it immediately reminded me of the video in her bedroom.

I negotiated a few more turns then turned into the driveway. I stopped as close as I could with their side of the SUV to the side door, put on the jacket and rushed out. A few seconds later I returned with the umbrella which was large enough to cover all of us on our way to the door as the rain came down in a deluge.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Very arousing

Enjoy your story and "Ditto" to others' comments. And one more thing - it's not "chase lounge" and it's not "chaise lounge". The correct term is "chaise longue", French for "long chair" which is what it is. 5-star material as determined by the erection it gives me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Just a few points about your writing.

The proper grammar would be: She (He) and I..., not Her (Him) and I... Another point is that sometimes you forget to use your quotation (") marks to separate the narrative from the dialogue during a conversation. I also noticed that in this chapter you would switch from First Person (I) POV (point of view) to Third Person (he) POV when talking or referring to yourself. One other point -- it is not "chase lounge" but rather "chaise lounge". Remember, these points are meant to help you, not elicit anger from others. Otherwise I have been enjoying this story.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57about 9 years ago

Good story though this one was long on dialogue and short on sex. Hopefully chapter 5 will be in today's new stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

This story is wonderful. One grammatical issue - it is "she and I" not "her and I."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
great story

Wonderful concept and thought behind this story.

My only critisism is big over use on the word "Ha" and far too much detail on trivial things like conversations on finger sandwiches, what types of rooms are called and the like.

It felt like you were trying to stretch out the story which you have no need to do.

I found myself reading these passages and instead of pictures formimg in my head, I tended to skip through these bits because I found them a bit annoying.

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