Mom's Surprise


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Mom got home about when she thought she would. I noticed she was wearing a very classy navy blue sheath, sheer hosiery, and navy heels. I gave her a big hug when she came in and she kissed me on my cheek. "You look wonderful, darling. Let me freshen up a bit and we'll go out, okay?"

I thought she looked wonderful as she was, but I never argue when a girl wants to look her best. After all, I tried to look as good as possible, too.

I nodded and lightly squeezed her hand, earning a loving smile. She went into her room and I tried to wait as patiently as I could in the living room for her. She really didn't take too long. She put on more jewelry than she wore to work and she had fixed her hair and her makeup and I decided she was simply gorgeous. Oh, yeah, she put on more of my favorite perfume. Just smelling her made me feel high.

With a smile, she tossed me her car keys. "You drive, darling. I need to unwind a little bit."

We locked the front door on our way out and I clicked the button on the car's key fob to unlock it. Mom trained me to always be a gentleman. I opened the car door for her and she smiled and kissed my cheek again. Sitting in the passenger seat, she let her legs open widely for me to see her treasures as she slowly got into the car. Up her dress, I saw the blue panties I'd enjoyed the other day and my cock was instantly at full attention.

I took my time getting into the car and adjusting my safety belt, looking at her legs. In my excitement about her panties, I almost neglected to notice she was wearing thigh high stockings instead of pantyhose. The hem of her dress had ridden up just enough to show me a hint of her stocking top and she magnified the tease by letting her thighs relax and part. She smiled at me lovingly. "Do you know the way to Chef Louis' restaurant, dearest?"

I shook my head to clear it. "Yes, mom. It's just downtown."

She smiled at me and patted my hand as I shifted the car into reverse, backing out of the driveway. We chatted about little things, about our respective days, our thoughts about a news item, and other things I just don't remember. I had a tough time keeping my eyes on the road. What I really wanted to see was literally at arm's length and there was no polite, gentlemanly way for me to see it again.

At the restaurant, I handed the key fob to the valet and walked around to the passenger side. The attendant had opened her door, but she smiled and waved him off. She was waiting for me. With a feeling of superiority, I stepped up to take mom's hand and to help her out of the car. She reversed the little show she'd given me at home, opening her legs more widely than necessary and using my hand for leverage to get out of her seat. I caught another glimpse of those lovely panties, noticing the way her stocking tops came up almost all the way to her panties. She rocked my world yet again.

Mom was clearly enjoying our date. She had never seemed so relaxed and her smile simply lit up my world as well. We were seated in a secluded corner and I began to realize that I could not hear more than a murmur from other diners. The general background noise of the place was artfully restrained and hushed. Not only that, but the table was beautifully set and lighted by a candelabra placed to shine onto our plates, but not into our eyes. The table cloth was floor length. I think it was also designed to hide a multitude of sins.

After the first course was served and we'd had a glass of wine apiece, mom took advantage of a lull in the conversation. She extracted an envelope from her purse and laid it on the table between us. "My dearest love, I have a request for you."

I gulped nervously. "Ummm, anything you want, mom. If I have it, it's yours. All I am is because of you."

She laid her hand on mine for a moment and looked into my eyes. "Oh, I don't know how I can possibly tell you how much I love you, darling son. I think you noticed which panties I'm wearing tonight."

My breathing sped up. "Yes, mom. They look amazing on you."

She smiled even more broadly at me. "Thank you, dearest. I haven't washed them since I found what you left in them for me. I wasn't sure what to think, at first. I know you've been enjoying my lingerie for a long time and I'm happy you like it as much as I do. This was the first time you didn't clean up after yourself and I've wondered if this heralds something more you want from your old mother."

I'm sure I flushed a bright shade of red. "I hope I didn't make you mad, mom. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing."

She leaned over to kiss my cheek and she squeezed my hand lovingly. "I'm never mad at my most beloved son. I hope you're getting what you need so you can succeed in your studies and make me even prouder of you than I already am."

I didn't know what to say, so I just squeezed her hand back and looked into her eyes.

"My dearest, I have a couple of questions just so I understand where we stand with each other. Please tell me truthfully. The only right answer is the honest one. Will you be honest with me?"

I began to panic and she saw that in my eyes. "Dearest, there is nothing you can say that will make me love you any less. Honesty, however, will tell me what I can hope for, what I can expect and maybe what I should avoid for that matter. Will you be honest with me?"

I gulped again and took a gulp of my wine. "Yes, mom. I'll be totally honest with you."

She kissed me again. "Good. I know you've been cumming into my panties for a long time. That turns me on, darling. You can always do that as long as I can wear panties. I just want to know if you want to fuck me."

She saw the shock on my face and just nodded slightly. "Dearest, it's a very natural thing and if that's what you want, I'm not in the least offended by the thought that you find me so attractive you want to take me to your bed. I've thought about it for ages and the thought of you taking such liberties with your own mother is frankly, well, very erotic. I love the idea enough to use it as my new favorite fantasy while masturbating. Is that what you want to do with your mother? I'm not exactly a virgin, you know, and it's been ages since I enjoyed that particular pleasure. I thought it was something I would never get to have again, but you've rekindled my hopes. Do you know what you want to do with me?"

I sat in silence while the waiter cleared the first course dishes and served a beautiful salad. When he had gone, I realized I'd been holding my mother's hand very much as a lover would, not as her little boy. "Mom, I've had that kind of fantasy, too. I love you more than anything. I'm just not ready for that yet."

She raised my hand to her lips to give me a gentle kiss and then held it to her cheek for a moment, closing her eyes in pleasure. "Darling son, any kind of incest is a very big step in our society. You're of legal age and so am I. It's technically illegal, but there hasn't been a case of adult incest prosecuted around here since the last century. I'm not worried at all about the legal aspects of what we do behind closed doors in the privacy of our own home. I just want you to be happy.

"What is your heart's desire, darling son?"

"Mom, I guess it's kind of weird, but I love your lingerie, your panties especially. Is it okay if I still have fun with them now and then?"

She giggled. "More like every day, Matty. I'm perfectly fine with you enjoying my things whenever you like. You seem to have a panty fetish. Is that right?"

"Mom, I have a fetish for your panties. There's a part of you in them and I love the sexual feeling I get from touching and tasting them. Whenever I have the chance to look at yours, it's the biggest turnon ever for me."

"Like when I got into and out of the car? I noticed you had a rather 'hard time' with that."

"Mom, you have no idea."

She grinned as she munched her salad. "Darling, I suspect I have a very good idea and I approve. There's nothing wrong with a man enjoying the view under a woman's skirt. I want you to know that just putting on the bra and panties you enjoyed so thoroughly made me as horny as I've ever been. I was constantly reminded of you with each movement of my legs and my ass at work today. The roughness of your dried sperm on my panties and on my left breast made it difficult for me to concentrate on what I was doing at work. My boss said I seemed distracted and she was right, but I certainly couldn't tell her why, could I?"

I laughed with her at that. "Mom, would you like to have a boyfriend? Somebody who would give you what you need?"

She kissed me on my cheek again. "Dearest, I have everything I need. I have a man I love and I know how to please him. I'm a very accomplished masturbatrix, if that's a word. I've had a lot of practice at it lately and I really enjoy it. I'm not sure another man could possibly give me what I need."

I thought about that through our main course, enjoying yet another glass of a very nice cabernet sauvignon. "I think that's what I want for now, too. I love how I masturbate and since I have your permission, I'll keep doing it. I can't tell you how much I love clandestine peeks up your skirts, mom. I'm glad you wear panties. I don't think seeing you going commando would be nearly as sexy. If that makes any sense to you, that is."

She wiped the last bit of the sauce from her lips and kissed mine. "Dear son, I've always felt a lady should wear panties under her skirts. Your grandmother, whom you never met, taught me well and I'm happy you like it that way. I always try to be a lady. For that matter, it's clear to me you've a panty fetish. Do you ever wear my panties?"

"I haven't really thought about that. I guess it would feel really nice, though. I love the silky feeling of your panties, mom. It feels so nice on my dick."

"If you want to try wearing a pair of mine some day when you're out and about, please feel free. I've read a lot about it and some guys with strong panty fetishes end up wearing them and truly loving it."

I laughed at that. "It would have to be a day when I don't work out at the gym. I don't think the guys in the locker room would miss a little detail like me wearing pretty girly panties."

She laughed at that, too. "No, or else you need to find a private place to change into them. Whatever. If you want to try it, feel free. I'm sure you can work things out. I just have two other things I want to bring up, darling."

She handed me the envelope. "Don't open it here, but take it home and study it. It's an article I clipped from Cosmo about how to clean various stains from delicate underwear. I'd love it if you were to become my official panty cleaner. You love touching them, I think if you follow the instructions, you will leave them as good as new and I don't think anybody could take better care of them than you. For all of my lingerie, please. My bras and slips and hosiery and other things, too. Would you do that for me?"

I gulped again. "Yes, mom. I'd love to do that for you. That would be amazing."

She smiled widely. "Thank you, dearest. I'll get a basket at the import store and I'll put things I want you to clean in it instead of my regular hamper."

She began to look uncomfortable about something. "There's just one more thing I'd like to ask you. It's very personal and you may say no for any reason whatsoever or for none at all."

"What's that, mom?"

She was obviously having a hard time getting it out, but I just waited it out as we enjoyed our desserts, a lovely creme brûlée accompanied by an amazing fruit cordial. As I scraped the last little bit from the small dish it came in, she looked down and hemmed and hawed. I was alerted by the fact she wasn't looking me in the eye. She was completely embarrassed.

The waiter cleared our dishes and offered us a coffee. I requested a latte and she a caramel macchiato. We sipped our drinks when they arrived and she still hadn't gotten it off her chest.

"Mom, we agreed to be totally honest with each other. If there's anything in the world that's in my power to give you, it's yours. Now and forever."

With an almost desperate look in her face, she looked at me again. "Darling, may I watch you with my panties some time?"

Oh. Well, that took guts to ask and nobody ever accused my mom of cowardice. "Mom, whenever you like. I'm yours and you can have me any way you want, any time you want me. I'm so in love with you, I can't even see straight. You just have to ask me for what you want because I can't read minds."

She kissed me on my lips, the taste of her coffee drink a fresh hint of things to come.

Mom paid the waiter, leaving him a rather nice tip and we got her wrap while the car was brought around. Mom tipped the valet generously as well. I held her hand to help her into the car again, earning a wonderful smile and a lovely glimpse of her blue panties, this time with a rather noticeable wet spot on them.

When we got home, I took her wrap off of her shoulders and hung it up. Taking her into my arms, I gave her the first kiss of the evening that really expressed how I felt. I guided her to the couch and I knelt down in front of her. "Mom, may I give you an Australian kiss?"

She looked puzzled.

"Well, you know what a French kiss is, of course. An Australian kiss is the same but you do it Down Under." She giggled at me and caressed my cheek as I kneeled a little closer.

She was breathing rapidly as I gently urged her to open her thighs for me. I enjoyed her sexy aroma as I gave her little kisses up her inner thighs to her panties. They were sopping wet, just as I like them. I kissed her through her panties onto her mound repeatedly. She was moaning and I knew it was time. I hooked the sides of her panties with my thumbs and began to tug them down. She raised her butt enough for me to get them down to her thighs, then to her knees, and then I pulled her shoes off.

Peeling her panties off of her ankles, I sat on the coffee table where I undid my slacks and pulled my hard cock out. She stared at my throbbing member, at the droplets of precum collecting at the tip. I took my time, caressing my hardness with her panties, lightly stroking it up and down as I looked into her eyes.

"I love you, mom."

She moaned as she leaned forward, resting her elbows on her thighs, but leaving her legs open. At first, I just used long, slow strokes, but I saw mom's hand creep under her dress and up her thighs to touch her pussy and begin to stroke herself. I'd never seen anything so erotic in my life, including all of the porn videos I've watched since I first found the internet.

My mother was moaning at the sight of her son masturbating, causing her to rub herself more rapidly, now in a circular motion centered, I was sure, on her clit. That was the thing that tipped me over the edge. I shot a rather large load, 5 nice ropes of cum, followed by lesser spasms and then finally I dribbled the rest into her panties.

I handed her the soaking panties and kissed her on her mouth. I didn't even bother zipping up my slacks. I went to my room and finished undressing to go to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The mom seemed to know what is coming. I hoped for her to be more assertive when the panties were removed.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago


Great build up.

Note that my Bacall are aching, I’m going to go find one I can try off on ,

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Any boy that age would have said YES to her offer, believe me! Sure those pussy-scented panties are great, but the pussy itself is what a boy wants. Thus was kind of a cock-tease story, and left one unfulfilled.

Celastrus_orbiculatusCelastrus_orbiculatus12 months ago

cinnamon rolls take hours and hours to make. but overall a sweet and sexy story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Just 4 stars there's no sex please continue????

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