Mom's Surprise Ending

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Son's camera opens mom up.
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Mom's Surprise Ending

Chapter One

Freddie was a Gemini and that meant he had a lot of projects going at the same time. Unfortunately he never finished anyone of them. His latest project was photography and so he got a new camera for his birthday. She even bought him an inexpensive laser printer. His mother expected he'd be outside chasing birds, or over at the Rose Garden shooting roses. It would have been nice if Freddie printed some nice flower pictures to hang in the living room.

His camera was a Canon, not one of those high end Canons costing over $5000 but it was a PowerShot. With this pocket camera Freddie could shoot most anything -- especially his mother, Connie.

Now nineteen, Freddie thought of going to college. He wanted to join the Navy, then maybe become a pilot. Then too, he could earn big money and become a plumber! He learned fast, and got bored just as fast.

He kept his eye on Connie, whether she was doing the laundry, or outside in the garden. He was looking for 'targets of opportunity' as the military would call it.

When Connie was in the shower, Freddie was waiting for her to get into the tub. He knew he's get a good shot of her backside and maybe even a profile shot of her boobs.

The camera flashed.

"Freddie!" Connie shrieked, her arms swiftly covering her straining tits.

Her son laughed, running out of the bathroom.

"Damn you!" she called through the open door. "I knew I should never have bought you that camera!"

Connie was sitting in the tub, surrounded by scented bubbles. She had not expected her son to dart in and take her picture with his new camera. She had been startled, to say the least. For a while she sat fuming, embarrassed more than angry with him.

Ever since she had given him the camera last week, he was sneaking up on her and taking a picture, sometimes when she was in awkward positions. Like the time two days ago when she had been on her hands and knees, her head shoved under the kitchen sink, searching for a box of Brillo pads she knew she had, but couldn't find. Her shoulders had been down, her ass in the air, and her skirt had lifted. He had shown her the shot, and she had blushed at what she saw.

The backs of her slim thighs were shown, of course, but she had not expected to see the slight bulge of her cunt against the crotch of her panties. She had asked him to delete the shot, but he had jerked it back and run off, laughing. He even had one of her sitting on the toilet, but the only thing that showed then was her knees, her panties on them.

Now he had one of her tits, her naked tits. He was becoming bolder with the camera, she knew, and she felt it was time to say something, yet she didn't want to say anything that would damper his enthusiasm.

She found it oddly pleasant that her son took pictures of her. It caused a funny little tingle in the pit of her stomach. She didn't mind, not really, as long as he didn't show them to anyone. She thought of the fun he'd have with those photos. She visualized a group of college students sitting around, looking at her body in full color, her tits exposed, her panties dangling, them frantically pulling on their peckers. It amused her in a way, but it also embarrassed her.

She washed the soap off her body, standing up in the tub as the water drained, and keeping a wary eye on the door. It was still open as her son had left it. She turned the shower on and let the stinging spray rinse the rest of her body free of soap. She was reaching for the huge towel when she saw her son peek around the door at her.

"Freddie! I'm warning you!" she yelped, jerking the towel about her body quickly. "Take one more picture and you're going to get it, young man!"

"Get what, Mom?" he giggled.

"You'll find out," she said, holding the towel protectively over her flawless tits, making sure it covered below her crotch.

"Promises, promises," Freddie taunted. Then he did something that made Connie gasp, he stepped into the open, grabbed his crotch and wiggled his balls.

"Eat this!" he said, then raced away, laughing gleefully.

Connie had frozen with the towel barely hanging on her body, her mouth and eyes wide. He had never done anything like that with her. She was more surprised than angry at the moment, wondering where he could have learned such an obscene gesture. Freddie went to church with her and was very religious.

She got out of the tub after turning the shower off, slipping to the door and closing it. This time she turned the lock. Feeling secure, she dried herself with the towel, then she realized she had not brought fresh undies with her. All she had was the towel. She peeked out of the door, afraid her son was lurking there with his camera. But he was not around. She opened the door wider. Her room was about five feet away, and she made a dash for it.

She felt, more than saw, the camera flash go off.

She felt the heat of it on her thighs and ass, and with a yelp, she raced into her room, slamming the door. She had no idea where her son had been hiding; she had not seen him. Leaning against the closed door, she felt the coolness of the wood, and realized her towel had flapped as she ran, that her ass had been fully exposed. With a flush on her face, she moved to her dresser, looking at herself in the mirror.

Connie was a lovely woman, a beautiful woman. She had deep, auburn hair and sparkling green eyes, wide-spaced. Her nose was small and straight, and her mouth full, moist. She was of average height, her features soft, yet smoldering with fleshy promise. Letting the towel fall to the floor, she looked at her tits. They were heavy and firm, her nipples tilted upward. She knew her breasts were good, and looked like the breasts of a woman in her twenties. Connie was close to forty. She had gained a few pounds but it only made her more voluptuous.

Maybe that was why Freddie shot those pictures of her. Maybe he had secretly stashed some of those girlie magazine, and wanted to see how his mother compared with those beauties. Somehow, the thought made her feel good.

Her stomach was a bit rounded, her waist narrow. Connie's hips flared and flowed in a graceful curve to her smooth thighs. They were thick thighs, tanned to a honey color.

She looked down at her body in the mirror, seeing the thick patch of her pussy hair. It was shaped like a fan, with a very thin line growing up to her dimpled belly button. The hair was very thick, concealing the pink lips of her cunt. Running her hand through her pussy hair, she parted the slightly puffy lips, seeing the tip of her clit barely visible. She couldn't resist running the tip of her finger over it.

Selecting a pair of white shorts, she wiggled her firm ass into them, sucking in her stomach to zip them up. Sliding her arms into a summer sweater, she noticed her nipples poking against it. Connie gazed at herself again in the mirror, and felt something that sent a shiver through her.

She wanted her son to take pictures of her! Well, why not? Maybe he could take pictures of her and Judy together. Judy was her sister. They'd always been intimate together before Connie got married.

A woman feels sexy when she's being photographed. It was if the camera could sense her inner self, could even smell the odor of a wet pussy. She was sure it would be fun and she could flaunt herself, maybe even turn her son on a bit.

The thought startled her as much as Freddie's camera flash did.

"You crazy bitch," she whispered to her reflection.

Wondering if such thoughts were due to her lack of fucking, she sat on the edge of her bed, thinking. Connie was married, but her husband was in the Army. She saw him maybe once or twice a year, and then only for about a month. What sex life they once had was no longer there. Now it was mostly her and Judy.

In the beginning, when he started going out on deployments, Connie had suffered with frustration that almost drove her up the wall. She learned, with difficulty, to cope, using her fingers and hands to satisfy the craving in her privates.

Now her son was taking those pictures of her. And Connie wanted him to. Sexy pictures!

The sound of the door opening caused her to look up. Freddie peeked in, a grin on his face, a twinkle in his eyes.

"Freddie," she said, lifting a finger in warning.

Her son grinned wider, then tossed a print to her. She saw her naked ass flashing as she raced toward her room, and then he tossed the other picture. Connie saw herself in the tub, her tits exposed, a startled expression on her face.

"You like that, don't you?" she asked, looking up at him. "You really like to surprise me with that damned camera, don't you?"

Freddie nodded, grinning from ear to ear.

"Okay, take my picture again," she said before she could stop herself.

She flung her legs wide open, arching her hips up as she leaned back on one elbow, her beautiful face assuming a lewd expression. The crotch of her white shorts drew tightly into her cunt, molding around her pussylips and giving a hint of her cunt slit.

Freddie sucked in a deep breath, his eyes staring between his mother's thighs.

"Go on," she said, her voice throaty. "Take all the pictures of me you want. Let's see how creative you can be ..."

"Really, Mom?" he asked, excitement in his voice.

As an answer, Connie twisted her ass, making her legs go wider until the whole expanse of her crotch was showing. Dark curls of pussy hairs escaped the tight band, making Freddie's eyes blaze.

He rushed from the room, and Connie wondered if she had frightened him. But he was back quickly, his camera in his hand. When he lifted it, aiming at her, Connie arched her big ass up, legs open as far as she could get them, her green eyes taking on a sultry heat as she licked her lips. She placed a hand on her inner thigh, her fingertips near the crotch of her shorts. The camera flashed, and as he lowered the camera, Freddie stared open-eyed into his mother's crotch.

Connie held her pose, watching her son gasping, then lowered her eyes to the front of his pants. His cock was starting to bulge outward.

"Let me see it," she asked in a soft voice. Freddie handed the camera to her, and Connie looked at it. She saw what her son had seen. She felt a rippling excitement shoot up her spine as she looked at herself. It was a sexy shot, obviously of a woman aroused. She saw the hair sticking from her crotch, the outlines of her cunt, the way her nipples protruded at her tight sleeveless sweater. "Not bad. I look way better than those girls in the magazines, don't I?"

"You sure do, Mom!" he said, his voice quivering.

"So, you do have those magazines!" Connie said, grinning at her son. "I figured that was where you got the idea."

Connie lay back, drawing one knee up.

"Want to take more?" she asked, her voice husky, her eyes hot.

Freddie giggled and lifted his camera.

Connie drew her knee back to her tit, smashing it, parting the other leg wide. Freddie moved to his mother's feet, and shot the camera up her thigh, directly at her crotch. Connie lifted her head, and the lens caught the fire in her green eyes, the expression of wanton hunger on her face.

"Very nice," she murmured.

"Let me take some more, Mom," Freddie asked, his voice shaking.

Connie glanced at the front of her son's pants. His cock was swollen full now, throbbing in the tight jeans. He didn't seem to notice his prick showed, or else he didn't care, Connie thought.

"Take all you want," she whispered.

She sat up, her knees pulled up, but spread wide. She lowered one shoulder of her sweater, almost exposing her nipple. Pressing her arms against her tits, she crushed them together. Both her hands were between her thighs, her fingers framing attention to the tight crotch of her shorts. She licked her lips, gazing erotically at the camera.

"Take one this way," she said, her voice hardly loud enough to be heard.

She turned onto her stomach and drew her knees beneath her body, sending her tightly clad ass into the air. She parted her knees, her head twisted to look past her shoulder at her son as he lifted the camera behind her. Freddie held the camera up for a long time before he pressed the shutter. Connie gazed at his cock, seeing the outline of it, feeling her cunt seeping juices, her clit swollen into a very hard knot, throbbing. She moved one hand up her thigh, and curled her fingers into the tight crotch of her shorts.

Freddie, holding the camera up with one hand, slipped his other to the front of his jeans. He tried to adjust the pressure on his cock, and couldn't. With fumbling fingers, he jerked the zipper down and lifted his hard cock out into the open.

Connie made a wet, swallowing sound as she stared at her son's cock. It was bigger than she would have thought, with a purple swollen knob and a dripping piss hole. She licked her lips, her uplifted ass swaying as the heat of her cunt increased significantly.

Holding the shaking camera with both hands, Freddie peered at his mother's upraised ass through the viewfinder. Connie watched her son's cock jerk up and down, finding it exciting to see, jutting from his pants this way. She moved her fingers along the tightness of her shorts, feeling the pressure in her cunt. She whimpered softly.

"Take it!" she hissed. "Take my picture now, Freddie!" Still Freddie waited.

"Take a picture of my ass!" Connie breathed hotly. "Hurry!"

The camera flashed, and Freddie lowered the camera, still staring at his mother's upturned ass, watching her fingers rubbing up and down at her crotch. His cock jerked up and down, and Connie saw a bead of liquid fall from his piss hole. She didn't lower her ass; instead, she wagged it, pressing her fingers at her pussy hard enough to bring a moan from her throat.

Freddie stood frozen, his eyes fixed upon his mother's ass. Connie felt herself trembling as she stared at his rigid cock. There was a tingling inside her cunt and her mouth became so watery she couldn't swallow fast enough.

"Freddie," she whispered in a hoarse voice. "Oh, Freddie ..."

The camera slipped out of his hand and bounced on the bed. She saw her son curl his fingers into fists, his chest heaving up and down. His eyes burned right into her crotch, right at her lewdly uplifted ass. Connie rubbed her fingers at the tight band suggestively, her ass swaying with invitation.

"Freddie," she whimpered again. "Please, baby ..."

Connie stretched her other hand for him, her fingers extended, her eyes blazing on his exposed cock.

"Let me," she cried softly. "Let me ... I want to touch it!"

Freddie moved woodenly to the side of his mother's bed. He never took his eyes off her ass, her fingers that rubbed at the crotch.

Strands of dark hair showed along each side of her shorts now, and that sent shivers of anticipation up his groin.

Connie felt a wildness flooding her body. Freddie stood at the side of her bed, his cock hard and throbbing, only a few inches above her open hand. She felt a drop of liquid fall into her palm, and the lips of her cunt expanded as her clit pulsated.

"Oooooh, Freddie!" Connie sobbed, and grabbed her son's cock.

She squeezed it, bringing a grunt of pleasure from him. Connie felt the hot hardness in her fist, felt it run up her arm, making her tits swell, and down her stomach to her cunt. For a moment she thought she was going to come.

Connie clutched her son's cock, wanting to pump it, afraid to pump it.

Freddie shook, leaning over slightly, looking at her ass. She clutched his cock, seeing his cockhead bulge more, his piss hole flaring wide. The urge to fuck her son was powerful, very strong. She tried to fight it, but the more she fought, the stronger she wanted his cock inside her.

"I want ... I need ..." Connie choked. "Oh, Freddie!"

She pulled at his cock, then her fist moved on it, jacking back and forth, her fingers tight.

At the same time, she rubbed faster at her covered cunt, feeling the wetness seep through the cloth. She could feel her son leaning over, watching her fingers. She couldn't see him because her eyes were glued to the head of his cock. But she could feel his eyes on her ass, on her moving fingers. With a groan, she pushed a finger into her tight crotch, feeling one puffy cunt lip, wet and slippery. She didn't know if her son could see the lip of her cunt or not, but at the moment it didn't matter. She gripped his cock as hard as she could, squeezing it, pulling it, whimpering with a growing delight.

Freddie was gaping and groaning, watching his mother's finger moving her shorts. He saw the puffy lip of her cunt, the hair growing along it. He could see just a little of the wetness, and his balls throbbed tightly inside his jeans. There was a wet sound coming from his mother's shorts, a sound he had never heard before, but one that excited him more than anything he could think of.

Connie fisted his cock, whimpering as she jerked it in short, quick strokes, her eyes never leaving his swollen prickhead. She felt lewd and wanton, and she didn't care.

She could actually smell the scent of her son's cock. It was only about a foot away from her face, and she could even feel the heat of it. Her eyes shone as she pumped her fist back and forth. The idea of jacking her son off shot wild hungers through her body. She jerked faster and harder, her ass swinging about. She sobbed and cried out in soft sounds of erotic pleasure. She felt the increase of his throbs, and knew the signals.

For a moment she almost stopped.

Then with a cry, she gripped his cock harder yet, her fist pounding back and forth.

"Mom!" Freddie gasped.

"Ohhh, Freddie!" she whimpered.

The fingers at her crotch tore at the tightness, but she couldn't tear the material. The best she managed was to expose one swollen lip of her cunt, with the hair growing along it. Freddie gulped and his eyes bulged, mesmerized by the sight of his mother's pussy.

"Take a picture of this!" Connie shouted.

Quickly, Freddie grabbed his camera, his cock jerking from his mother's fist. He stepped to the foot of the bed, aimed the camera, and caught the image of his mother's cunt half-exposed.

"Hurry, Mom!" he yelped, dropping the camera and shoving his cock back into her fist. "Hurry, hurry!"

Connie's fist flew back and forth on his cock. She cried out as the explosion seared through her overheated cunt. Her ass jerked about wildly as she came, and she squeezed as hard as she could on her son's cock.

"Oooohhh, Mom!" Freddie groaned.

Cum gushed from his prick, splattering her hand and wrist. It almost shot into her face, but landed an inch away on the bed. Connie cried out with rapture as she pumped hard on his cock, watching the creamy jizz boil from his piss hole.

Chapter Two

"Oh, Mom!" Freddie groaned, sinking to his knees at the edge of her bed, his chest heaving.

"Yes, baby," she murmured, slowly stretching her legs out, letting her ass down. She pressed her cunt into the mattress, her tits crushed beneath her. She was turned to look at her son, her eyes still smoldering with a moist hunger. She looked at her hand, seeing her son's cum smeared all over it. She didn't wipe it off.

She saw the picture he had taken in the heat of their passion. Her ass was high in the air, and she saw the lip of her cunt, the auburn curls on it -- even the glistening.

Freddie lifted his head and looked at with her. "That's the best one yet, Mom," he said, no longer breathing hard.

Connie grinned at him.

"What are you going to do with the pictures?"

"Look at them," he said. "Look at them all the time."

"Why do you want pictures of me?" she asked. "Pictures like this?"

"So I can ..." He lowered his eyes bashfully. "You know."

"Play with yourself," she said. "Look at my pictures and jerk off ..."