Monogamish - Oh Boy, Those Girls


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I wanted to laugh. But I just shrugged and smiled with every muscle in my body. The logic of eighteen year-olds. I was not currently about to argue with it. This was beyond a Hall Pass. This was a bucket list check.

They were still uncertain, and hesitant to try what they were talking about. That was a-okay with me, because they were plenty willing to take turns taking little licks and sucks on my cock.

In a minute, my eyes were already crossing.

Honestly, neither of them was ready to compete as a world champion cock-sucker. I had met a few and was married to one. But with this dedication to the craft, they were both on their way. And having the two of them doing it together, in turn, with those four delicious, youthful tits dangling before me was just too goddamned good.

Absent Amy on her own, it could not get better than this.

Oh yeah?

Caroline finally overstayed her time licking my shaft, and Frannie leaned in beside her. They both were kissing and licking my cock now, at the same time! It was increasingly hard to keep my eyes open to enjoy the incredible view, as the sensation of two eager mouths working me at once was fabulous. Fortunately, neither was doing the sort of things that might send me hurtling toward the edge, but that just made what they were doing more sensational. At this point, even with as much as I've learned at restraining myself, if either of them had really wanted to bring my experience to its conclusion, I am sure they knew enough to do just that. But I wanted it to go on for a while.

Then suddenly, they were both kissing the side of my helmet at the same time. They both sort of froze as they realized where they were, looking into each other's eyes. Then they both really went for it.

Frannie reached out and cupped the back of Caroline's head and the two started kissing each other hard. With lots of tongue. The head of my dick just seemed to happened to be in the way the whole time...

"Ohhhh, Fu-uh-uh-uh-uk!" I gasped. Now I wanted to close my eyes, but they wouldn't shut.

Suddenly the girls broke apart, grinning at each other. "Not too bad," Caroline chuckled.

"I guess Tommy Brown wasn't all that stupid to be with you after all," Fannie laughed back. She looked down at my cock. "Long licks, all the way up?"

Caroline just leaned in. They both stuck their tongues way out and lavished them up the sides of my cock, finishing each pass with a dance of their tongues together around my tip.

Suddenly, Caroline abandoned this... wonderful thing, and bent a little lower to suck one of my balls lightly. Frannie took the opportunity to put several inches of my cock fully inside her mouth.

Oh. Shit.

"Frannie, can you believe he shaves everything down here?" Caroline suddenly asked. Then she added, "Well done, Mr. M. It feels sooo good!"

Unfortunately, this goaded Frannie into taking my dick out of her mouth. She leaned down to try sucking on a ball as well. Then they both were, and I was back into crazy nirvana. Then they were kissing each other with my balls in the way, but they seemed to decide that was too much work, so they went back to sucking face with my cock in the middle.

When they broke again for air, Frannie said, "Okay, babe, I'm gonna say it. You kiss pretty fucking good."

"You too, actually. Girl lips aren't the worst," Caroline said, more than politely.

"Still not trying your pussy here," Frankie added.

"Please, no."

Then they did try kissing each other in front of me without my cock in the way. Then they went back to doing it with me in their mouths, while I tried desperately not to fuck their faces in turn.

"God damn it, girls. You can't just talk like that about how good you both kiss without given me a taste for myself!" I gasped at last.

"I dunno, Mr. M,"Caroline smirked. "Right now, most of what you are going to taste is, um, you!"

I looked at her with world-weary eyes. "What gives you the idea that I'm not already very used to that flavor?"

They both shrieked at that remark.

Then Caroline slid up and planted a delicate kiss on my lips, which devolved in about three microseconds in to a full-on, tongues-out lip-lock that absolutely tasted like my cock. It had not been Amy, but Josephine Hernandez, back in my freshman year at college, who had pretty much made me learn that I should love the sensation of the flavor. My hand was back on Caroline's ass and she was pressing against me. I wanted to grab those tits, but I was saving that for a bit yet. It was going to be special with each, when I finally let myself go to town on those boobs.

Frannie, ever the opportunist, went back down on my cock. Hard. Like, make this man pop while my buddy is distracted, hard. You aren't the kind of game-winner Frannie is, if you don't have the eye for opportunity.

Problem was, hard as my cock was screaming for what she was doing to work, I wanted the big win. "Frannie needs help," I gasped to Caroline. She looked down and dived in. "No, no, no!" Caroline gasped, and started licking Frannie's face. Frannie pulled off me in surprise, and Caroline sucked me into her mouth instead.

To this point, Caroline had never really sucked me into her mouth.

Holy shit.

Sorry Frannie, as eighteen year-olds go, you are crazy good. But Caroline, when she got serious, was actually damn near grownup good.

Remember how I had said that neither of them was doing the things needed to finish me? Now, Caroline was. Her hand was pumping up and down my spit-slick shaft, and her tongue was just absolutely torturing my glans. I was rising to the bait, whether I wanted to or not.

But Frannie just leaned back in and kissed Caroline, even with her mouth wrapped around my cock. After a few seconds of that, Caroline's hand was still jacking me, but the two of them were both kissing my tip and each other.

Nope. I had no chance.

I yelped in defeat as my cock erupted between both their lips. Spunk went in both their mouths, and also over both their faces. My hips bucked again and again, until I collapsed back into the chair.

Both the girls were laughing. They straightened up, though Caroline never quite stopped stroking me, and each laughed, their cum-sodden faces smiling at each other, then me.

"Holy shit. That was the hottest damned thing I've ever done in my life," Frankie exclaimed.

"I, um, I agree," I said. I was sure it was the hottest thing each of them had done in their lives. It was top five for me. Maybe top three. Number three tops. That was still unbelievably extraordinary. I've done some hot shit.

"You... you should get that stuff off each other's faces," I gasped, looking at the spooge all over the place.

They looked at each other for a moment, then both turned and stuck out their tongues at me. "Nah, not going to happen. We told you. We ain't that way," Caroline laughed.

"What I have, I'm keeping," Frannie said, starting to wipe jizz from her cheeks directly into her own mouth. Caroline was likewise occupied.

When you are living a dream, little disappointments like that help you know it is all real.

Frannie then decided that she wanted to test my tolerance for flavors and slid up me to award me a long, deep kiss that did indeed taste of both dick and cum. She also tested my tolerance for my own jizz being smeared on my face from hers.

I am a very tolerant man.

Then suddenly, my time of tit restraint was at an end, as, while Frannie was still jizzily kissing me, Caroline was pressing her boobs against the side of my face. Those firm mounds felt so warm, so elastic. Frannie pulled back to avoid a boob facial of her own, and I twisted my head to suckle on the nipple that was just right there, begging for it. Caroline hissed happily, then more so as I flicked her little pointy nipple with my tongue.

I turned my head further, to kiss and suck on the other nipple. I gestured to Frannie that Caroline's first breast was now available.

"Not a chance, Todd," she said with humorous contempt.

More for me.

A lot more for me, actually, since Frannie now leaned those melons of hers in against the other side of my head. In a blur, through all the boob flesh in my line of sight, I realized that these girls' breasts were actually pressed together, as well as against me. They even giggled briefly as they let those mounds wiggle against each other just a little.

But Caroline pulled away, the evil wench. "Damn Frannie, I don't care what Mr. M thinks, you do have the better boobs."

"Difftherent," I corrected, as I slobbered all over Frannie's big, meaty nipple. "Not bether... jutht difftherent." Then I slurped Caroline's back in between my lips.

My cock was rallying already, and I decided I could finally take a turn in deciding the agenda. I pushed up out of the seat and held both girls against me, leaning down to kiss Frannie, then down more to kiss the shorter Caroline.

"Bedroom," I said simply. I was greeted with a chorus of cooing assent.

We turned as one, and went into the house, my hands sliding up from their asses to each cup a very different but mostly equally awesome tit. I wasn't saying anything, but Caroline was right to begin with, I did prefer hers.

As we passed through the living room toward the stairs, Caroline sort of balked for a second. "That is a mighty nice couch you have, Mr. M," she said, pointing.

"It is a nice couch," I answered. "But it isn't my bed. Got a problem with my bedroom?" Then I asked a stupid question. "With Mrs. M's bedroom?"

Stupid, stupid man. Right?

"What? Oh, no! Not at all," Caroline said hastily.

"Yeah, Mrs. M is awesome," Frannie added swiftly.

They both clearly did like my wife. And yet here they were getting ready to fuck her husband. Stupid man spoke again.

"I'm actually surprised you are, um... if you like her so much..."

"Oh. Yeah. Well..." and other such cogently guilty remarks came from both of them. Guilt was actually good, I reflected. As long is it wasn't too much to prematurely end things right now. But some guilt would with help discourage any instinct to seek a repeat on their part.

But this was not guilt in their voices. This was evasiveness. What the fuck?

"Girls," I said, suddenly feeling my way. "Amy is a wonderful woman..."

"She has a sense of humor, that's for sure," Frannie said boldly.

"Frannie!" Caroline hissed.

"Yeah, um, every time we've hung out, she has always been great with our jokes," Frannie said, as if covering.

"Wait. Every time? I thought she just took you out that one time, last week," I said momentarily distracted from my hands full of boobs by simple, banal curiosity.

"Nah," Caroline said easily. "Since Becky and Michael have been... dating, we girls have gone out shopping or whatever with Amy a few times, when you were out of town and she was bored."

Sounded like Amy. "Be careful with her jokes, girls. You don't want to catch her twisted sense of humor," I warned insincerely.

"Actually, the point was more that she likes our jokes," Frannie said.

"Fran!" Caroline hissed.

This was too weird. "Look," I said sternly, pulling my hands abruptly from their breasts... and back down to their asses, foreboding a spanking they just might get. "What are you guys talking about? I'm pretty sure this is way further than any joke."

Caroline sighed and glared at Frannie, whose brassy mouth had apparently taken them too far... somewhere. "The joke of ours that Frannie is blabbing about was our little one about how it would take both of us to bag the Great and Glorious Mr. M, you know? We were eating our Coldstone Creamery and giggling, and Amy came up, and I just blurted out, sorta like Frannie now, that you were so hot, but she was also so hot, it would take both of us to get even a taste of you."

Amy, you magnificent creature. I am going to fuck you so hard when you get home. After I spank you thoroughly.

"You did?" I said.

"I did. She laughed and thought it was hilarious..." Caroline said quietly. "And she said it might work."

"And then she said we should go for it," Frannie added in wonder.

"Um, happy birthday?" Caroline whispered.

Well played, wife of mine. Don't tell them what's really going on, but keep the limits in place. "I guess I won't have to feel guilty then either," I laughed.

"Oh, you gotta feel guilty," Frannie instructed sternly. "Amy says she will get a couple months of the best sex in her life out of your guilt!"

Well, she was right about the best sex part... "She will, after a good spanking for her underhanded ways," I declared.

"You spank Amy?!?" Caroline asked breathlessly.

"When she is naughty... like you two are being," I said slyly.

"You are not spanking me!" Frannie declared saucily.

"Upstairs. Now. I have some guilt to build up," I declared.

And I spanked them both a single swat on their sweet little derrieres.

Both yelped, but happily let me shoo them up the steps.

As we tumbled into the room, both girls shoved me onto my back in the bed and began assaulting my face with their boobs. As they struggled to each get their personal boobies on my mouth, they spent quite a lot of the time mashing their mams against each other's, and clearly enjoying it famously. I chose not to point this out to them and just enjoyed myself... except for a time or two where Frannie managed to nearly suffocate me. (They weren't that crazily big, but just pillowy enough, if she was being territorial.)

Big boobs are usually too saggy (or fake) for my tastes, but these were wonders.

I lay back, laughing as they assaulted me in the best way ever. How to take this Birthday Hall Pass Present from here?

I knew that since someone was going to need to lick both those little pussies before we were done, and since the two of them were going to disappoint me on the licking front, I would have to take care of both of them at some point. Life is hard, isn't it?

But right now, my cock was hard as a rock once more, and I needed badly to fuck one of them. Maybe both in one round. We would see how it went. But which first? I resolved that whichever one finally ditched their bottom first would have my dick where it had been, post-haste.

So, of course they both decided to push their bottoms off at the same time. They popped off me and the bed, turned away from me and wiggled their enticing asses at me as they pushed off their shorts and near thong. Then they spun around with a little, "Ta da!" They looked at me and my silently applauding cock, then they looked at each other.

Caroline had a long, narrow landing strip that ran all the way down and between her legs, covering her gates, but barely. It was golden yellow, just a shade darker than the hair on her head, proving beyond any remaining shred of doubt that she was indeed a natural blonde.

Frannie had a narrow triangle of longer, curlier, brown pubes, but it was still modest and neatly trimmed. And I could immediately tell she was bare between her legs.

"Dammit, Caroline," Frannie exclaimed. "You are even blonde down there!"

How to choose now I wondered, as the girls admired each other.

I grinned, sitting up fully. "Girls. There are condoms hidden in this room. First to find them gets to use one first..."

"Oh, so now you want us to compete?" Frannie said, starting to cross her arms defiantly. She looked at Caroline for support in keeping me in my place, but her supposed ally suddenly yahooed and burst into movement, diving for one of our bedside tables. Frannie looked betrayed for about half a second, then grinned and headed for our dresser.

Caroline had chosen Amy's side, and it had no condoms. It did have her vibrator in there, which Caroline gasped at and blushed beet red.


Serves Amy right for all this plotting. How dare she be the best wife ever?

Frannie tore into the dresser, starting with the bottom drawer. At least she was neat. As she worked her way up, Caroline went across the bed, over to my side, rather than running around the foot. She took the opportunity to cost herself an extra second so she could slide her boobs across my back as she passed. Points for situational awareness.

Caroline found nothing in my bedside drawer besides our bottle of silicone-based lube (for the pool). She looked at it blankly, and I'm not sure she even knew what it was.

Oh, to be young and... juicy all the time!

Frannie got to the top drawer, and whooped in triumph.

She danced back toward me, shaking a wrapper in triumph at Caroline. Caroline started to swear at her defeat, then seemed to focus on what she was about to see, and her gaze got sparkly.

Frannie relieved me of any last doubts about her possible virginity. She opened the packet and started sliding the wrapper onto my cock in a way that showed she had clearly done it before. But she still possessed a deliberation of movement that said it was not yet remotely second nature for her.

"How would you like this?" I asked quietly, running my hand up her torso to thumb a nipple while she settled the condom.

"I'm going to need you to lie back and think of England," my busty playmate ordered with a chuckle. That was a pretty deep cut for an eighteen year-old, but whatever. You never knew what sort of shit these kids were going to see as a meme on the internet.

I was more than happy to scooch back across my bed and lie back as Frannie crawled after me and straddled my legs. She hovered on her hands and knees over me and my entire attention narrowed down to those impressive mams dangling over me. But she was as impatient as I was, and she swung her hips down and forward. Her bare lips slid along my shaft and she ground her clit against me for several slow passes.

Caroline crawled up on the bed by my head and kissed me gently, then she lifted up and said to her friend in a soft voice, "Okay, Fran, you want to go first? Let me see what you have."

I very much wanted to see what she had. It was very hard not to take control, but things felt great, so I maintained the discipline. I might toss one or both them around a little later...

Frannie rose up just a little, lifting my cock toward her slit. Then she rose up more because I was longer than she seems to have instinctively suspected. "He is big, Caroline," she said, letting my tip rub its way just inside her. "If I split in half, donate my organs," she chuckled with an edge to her voice.

"Girls, I love this, but I'm not that huge," I gasped. I had come in my life to really love denying I was big to girls who held my penis at that very moment. "You may easily meet someone bigger at some point."

"Apparently we already have!" Caroline laughed, without saying Michael's name. I had walked right into that one...

"You... are big... enough," Frannie sighed as she worked me into her tight, moist embrace. She paused with me about half in, and I impatiently thrust upward and into her a bit further, then dropped back down. She followed me, and in so doing drove me the rest of the way inside her.

She immediately began humping up and down on me vigorously. While this looked amazing, with her boobs swingling around wildly with her movements, it was way too soon. I grabbed her hips tightly, and slowed her down, twisting and tilting her midsection with me fully impaling her.

"Oh shit, that is good," Frannie said with wide open eyes, and suddenly I did not need to hold her hips anymore, as she ground on me happily, exploring how she could move her hips to make herself moan. I was certainly enjoying it, and while her boobs were no longer flying around spectacularly, they were much easier to take hold of and sink my fingers into.

Caroline watched for a few moments more, then leaned down to kiss me some more. That was really nice, a really different sensation from kissing the woman who was fucking you, with all that attendant motion. I was loving what Frannie was doing to me, but I was determined for that to last a helluva long while. And here I had Caroline...