Monster Girls: A Goblin Treatise


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At the counter, she looked up at a genial young man who looked down and asked, "What can I get for you ma'am?"

"Four shot cappuccino with two pumps of mint." She said.

"Name?" He asked.

"Ayula." She said, pulling her wallet from her pocket. She reached up to the goblin-height pinpad and swiped her card. It dinged and she stepped out of line to go sit at a table. She tapped a finger on the table as she looked around the cafe. It was a little corner shop with two walls of all windows, and probably six tables jammed into the small space. Three humans worked behind the counter, two making drinks and one taking orders. The stream of people coming in off the street or going back out with a cup didn't seem to slow at all as she waited.

As she watched one of the baristas start on her cup, a man walked over to the other side of the table and asked, "Mind if I have a seat? Everywhere is full and I'm just waiting for mine."

"Oh sure, whatever." She said flippantly and looked over at him.

Her heart thudded and she felt her throat go dry. The man sitting down across from her was early middle aged. He had dark hair cut short and combed back with a peppering of gray at his temples. He had a hook nose and a strong chin. A faint ghost of a beard covered his face and a pair of sunglasses obscured his eyes. He was wearing a tucked shirt and tie with jeans. A bag hung from one shoulder and he leaned back with a sigh.

He wasn't just the normal human handsome. Something about his carefree ruggedness and the barest hints of aging showing in the hints of gray... it all came together to drive right to her heart. Her insides were churning and not just with the usual lusty need. Her belly twisted and her heart fluttered. This was the way men in her dreams and fantasies looked. Men that swept her off her feet, carried her down the aisle, and then took her home to bed. Not a night of sex, but a night of lovemaking. A night that would fulfill her as a woman in ways she never truly understood except that she knew she wanted it.

So naturally her mouth fired off before she could restrain herself. She leaned forward on the table and said, "Would you like to get coffee sometime?!"

He glanced sideways at her and his mouth crooked up. He pointed at the counter and said, "I am right now, thanks."

The blush filling Ayula's cheeks could've set her hair on fire if it wasn't tied back away from her face. She quickly turned from him and looked down at her knees. Every fiber of her being was striving to simply turn into fluid so she could melt into the floor and just vanish. First she just asked some random incredibly handsome guy on a date with no warning, and second she asked in the dumbest way she could possibly think of.

She watched in abject misery out the corner of her eye as the guy casually pulled out a phone and flicked it open. He looked at a couple things, seemed to learn what he wanted, and shoved it back in his pocket.

"Terry!" Someone called out and the man got to his feet. He walked over to the barista and collected his drink before heading out the door.

Ayula dropped her head on the table and groaned, "Could I have been any more idiotic?! Probably came across to him like some desperate slutty little fucktoy."

"Ayula." Another Barista called and she pushed herself up. She hopped off the chair and went to collect her drink. As the guy held it down to her, he whispered, "He is single."

"Wha~?" She gasped and nearly dropped the cup. Barely catching herself, she shook her head and asked, "What did you say?"

"I said he's single. That's professor Terrance. He teaches some courses over at the community college." The barista said, his eyes glinting as he gave a small smile.

"T-Thank you." She stammered out and took a sip of her drink to try and calm down.

"You come in here all the time and I've never seen you with anyone. What's the fun in hearing everyone's little comments if you can't gossip them around every now and then." He said and winked at her before going back to work on another drink.

Ayula clung to her drink and sipped from it as she walked towards the door. She had to consider this carefully. She couldn't just go charging after him and pester him like some creepy little stalker. There had to be a way to casually just bump into him again and talk...

Well she knew his name at least. Terry.


The next day, Ayula pushed through the crowd of humans at the college. Goblins were not the kind of women to seek higher education, at least for the most part. She'd seen maybe four or five other goblins since she got off the bus on the campus.

She had searched up professor Terrance online last night and had found his class schedule. His courses were a bit eclectic but they seemed to focus on different global social and historical topics. He had a degree in historical studies and he had been a notable journalist some years before when he used to travel the world. Ayula couldn't have been more attracted unless he dropped his pants and waved around a mammoth dong.

His classes were held in a small auditorium with open seating and a large projector at the front of the hall. Ayula filed in with other students and took a seat towards the back. She had on a hoodie and had the hood tugged down over her head. She opened her laptop on the desk before her so as to not look out of place. Nobody would look twice at someone auditing a course as long as Terry didn't recognize her. This class was supposed to be 'the historical negligence of governments and corporations'.

After a few minutes, the seats were about half full and a door at the front of the room opened. He came through and Ayula almost gasped. He still had that casual rugged look with a semi-professional appearance, but he wasn't wearing those dark sunglasses today.

His eyes were gorgeous. The sharp shape gave the hint of some oriental ancestry but not so much that it could be either parent. Perhaps a grandparent or further. Those eyes were large and the most vibrant, electric blue she had ever seen. As they passed over the room and she felt them cross her, her body shivered in delight. His gaze was so intense and bright without any glasses on.

"Good morning. I told you all last week that we would be moving into a new topic today but I have not yet told you what it is." Terry said as he walked in front of the projection screen and flipped it on. He lifted up an electronic pen and turned to the lit surface.

He reached up and wrote in large sweeping letters.

"Marshall Islands nuclear testing." He said, turning with a tap of his heel. He pointed at the words ands aid, "Who can tell me anything about this?"

A few students raised their hands and he pointed at one. That student, a young human woman, said "After world war two, the American government conducted nuclear bomb testing on the Marshall Islands."

"A very blunt and basic description, but not inaccurate. Nine different military operations between nineteen forty-six and nineteen sixty-two held approximately one hundred and five nuclear tests. With both atmospheric and underwater detonations. With nearly a billion dollars of recompense already paid to the Marshall Islanders, it's abundantly clear how negligent and downright ignorant of the damage they caused. For the next few weeks, we will be digging into each major operation and how the government handled the failed protection of the indigenous peoples." Terry said with a sweeping underline of 'nuclear testing' on the board.

Ayula listened in fascination as he taught for the next hour. He was a highly captivating speaker and he spoke with such knowledgeable authority. His world traveling and journalism gave him a first hand view of much of what he spoke about, and it lent a magnetism to his words.

The class game to a close and she hoped she could get a moment alone to talk to him. Instead though, the next class started to file in so she just kept her seat. She couldn't ignore the churning, tingling tightness in her belly or the warm moisture growing in her underwear. Hearing him talk and getting to experience his surprisingly vast knowledge was forcing her to hold onto her seat to keep her from throwing her body at him in front of everyone.

That wouldn't even be that bad, truthfully. Who cares if they watched? She would happily strip herself naked and bend over one of the front desks so he could have his way with her. It would be worth exposing herself to all these students if it meant finally getting some amazing man like him to ravage her.

The second class also came to an end and she saw the chance. There weren't any new students coming in as the class filed out. A few stopped to talk with Terry. Ayula closed her unused laptop and forced herself to get onto her feet. Her face burned as she realized the chair was thoroughly wettened where she had been sitting and her panties were a sodden mess. The crotch of her jeans felt sticky from her need.

Without another look, she fled the hall and escaped into the crowds of people. This was the one thing she absolutely refused. She would not let him see her as some slutty goblin just looking for a fuck. She wanted to go get a drink and talk. She wanted to have dinner. She wanted him to court her like a proper lady. That couldn't happen if her loins were oozing down her thighs and she reeked of sex and lust.

There wasn't anything for it. Go back home and work more on some other articles. Come back another day and hope she could ask him out.


Two months later.

Two months of two classes a day, five days a week. She'd been habitually going to the college and not once had she found the chance to talk with Terry. She'd started talking with a couple of the other students and had come to learn a shocking amount about different historical tragedies and was endlessly astounded by how worldly he was. He had explored hundreds of countries in his time and knew about practically every culture or people on the planet.

Yet every time the class came to a close, she always found a reason or an excuse to not talk with him. Either she was too horny or there were too many students or he up and left before she could catch up to him. Time and again, she failed to so much as speak to him. Today that would all change. She was determined to see it through this time.

Professor Terry erased the board with the click of a button and waved the class off. He pulled out a phone and began to type on it as the students filed out. Ayula, despite a dampness between her thighs, forced herself to march down the stairs and towards the front of the hall. Her heart pounded wildly and her hands were shaking as she clutched her laptop to her chest. To better try and blend in, she had started wearing a bag over her shoulder and had bought one of the college's branded hoodies from the school store.

"Hello not-student." Terry said as she stopped a step away from him.

Her mouth went dry and her chest felt like an ice cube slipped down to her belly button. Her face must've shown some shock or terror because his lips quirked up and he raised a hand.

"None of that. You're not in trouble. This school allows class auditing. Just most only hang around for a couple days before they decide if they want to take my class or not. You've been here for weeks. Are you just broke and looking to learn?" Terry asked. His voice, usually so commanding, dropped in tone and softened as he addressed her.

Ayula swallowed and fought to speak. She was so worked up and now her heart was beating like a frantic drum. How was she supposed to talk to him? Her loins were screaming at her to jump on him. Kiss him. Tear his clothes off and ravish him. At the same time, her mind was howling to flee. Run away and hide. Find quiet and safety, and maybe masturbate some. But after all she had endured, all the times she had already fled, and now she finally had the guts to stand in front of him. She refused to let all that stop her.

"D-Do you... um... remember... a while back at a coffee shop... down a few blocks on the corner of Maple?" Ayula stammered out, her face growing warmer and warmer. She didn't WANT to draw his attention to that embarrassing incident but she couldn't think of anything else to say.

"The coffee shop?" Terry said, cocking his head in confusion.

"Yeah. You asked to sit-sit down across from me and I... I... Erm..." Ayula stammered and looked away from him before blurting out, "I asked if you wanted to get a cup of coffee!"

Out of the corner of her eye she saw recognition dawn on his face and he smiled softly. His voice came out with a small chuckle, "Oh right! I remember now. You kindly shared your table while I waited for my drink."

"Yes... Well I thought... maybe now that you don't have a cup..." Ayula looked up at him nervously and rambled, "Wouldyouliketogogetacupofcoffeewithme?"

He snorted and blinked, "I'm sorry?"

Ayula wanted to die. She wanted to die and vanish. Just blow away in a cloud of dust and have everyone forget she ever existed in the first place. Her shame and embarrassment was utterly complete and it was all over. But she still didn't stop. She'd already sprinted full speed off the cliff, so what did it matter if she swung her arms to speed her fall?

Her breath was ragged but slow, "Would you... like to... get some... coffee with me?"

"Oh!" He said with a bit of surprise, "Sure."

"I understand... sorry..." Ayula started to reply automatically, her eyes dropping to the floor.

"Hey!" He put a hand on her shoulder and she looked up. His smile was soft and genuine, "I said sure. I don't have a class next period so why don't we go down to the campus cafe? We can talk."

"Oh!" Her ears perked up and she felt her heart flutter with delight. She nodded eagerly, "Yes! Okay! Sure!"

"Let me gather my things and we'll go." He said, grabbing a few books off one of the front desks and stuffing them into a bag set near the door.

He led her out of the auditorium and down the hall. The next classes must've started already because there weren't a lot of students in the hall. The cafe was in an adjacent building. It was much larger than the coffee shop Ayula frequented, and there were a few dozen students sitting around on the various couches and at tables. Most were absorbed in papers or laptops. Terry stepped into a line of three and nodded to the counter.

"I like to make time to go down to the other coffee shop if I can. It's better there, but the coffee here isn't all bad. Plus I get a discount. What would you like?" He asked.

"Just... Uhh... Just black with... with some cream." Ayula said shakily. She was still in shock he hadn't turned her away or been weirded out. He was being so nice and polite. She couldn't help but wonder if that was just another marvelous facet of his personality and he was trying to let her down slowly...

"I like it much the same. Maybe a little caramel in mine though. I have a sweet tooth." He smiled and then stepped forward to order when the counter was clear.

They were very quick at delivering such simple drinks and there wasn't even time enough to find a seat before two cups were delivered to Terry's hands.

"Here you are professor. Please enjoy." The barista said and he stuffed a couple singles in a tip cup before taking the drinks.

"Over there I think." Terry said, nodding to a small empty table along one window. He led them over and set their cups down before pulling out her seat.

He actually pulled out her seat. He pulled it out and stepped over to his own seat after she had hopped onto it. But he didn't waver long enough to be awkward or push her chair in like she was a child. He did a simple thing out of politeness and took his own seat without a word. Was there anything this man wasn't perfect at?

"So. I'm sure you know my name after all this time. Professor Terrance Argilla. As you're not on my roster, I've never learned your name." He said, curling his hand around his cup without taking a drink.

"I'm Ayula. Err... Ayula... Uhh... I've never known my family name. Mom never had one." Ayula chuckled awkwardly before picking up her cup to sip at it. It was hot and strong, but the cream cut the bite just enough. She almost burnt her tongue in her hurry to cover up her awkwardness.

"Ayula. A pleasure to finally meet you. So I must ask, have you really been coming to my class for months just for a chance to talk to me?" Terry asked bluntly before taking his own drink.

Her face burned and she nodded sheepishly, "Not that your classes weren't wonderful! I... I learned lots! I'm a bit of a journalist myself... I write articles online for a living. Not like that's anything compared to you though! You've traveled so much and your papers are published in so many journals!"

"Oh blah. I explored the world because I wanted to, not because I wanted to write about it. The writing was just how I funded my wanderlust. I just recorded the things I saw and the musings in my head." Terry waved a hand dismissively. He pointed a finger at her and said, "What do you write about? What kind of passions do you have for journalism?"

"Um... Erm... It's kinda... embarrassing." Ayula stammered and looked down at her coffee.

"Nonsense. Tell me." Terry encouraged her.

Ayula kicked her feet against the chair and plucked up the shattered tatters of her courage and said, "I write about goblin culture. I'm trying to... to change the perception of us."

Terry sat up and leaned forward, "Oh? Well now. You can't call that embarrassing at all. That sounds immensely intriguing. Tell me, what perceptions are you trying to shift? What do you want people to see?"

"Lots of things. But the biggest one I guess is about... uhh..." Her cheeks blazed and she fiddled nervously with her coffee. She just had to say it no matter how silly it would sound, "Relationships! Goblin fidelity, I guess."

"Really? Tell me more." Terry said, his eyebrows going up.

"It's just... I hate how we... goblins... how we're seen as such... sexual deviants. That relationships with us are nothing more than erotic playthings!" Ayula was starting to roll and she didn't stop. She clenched her empty fist and said, "I hate that when guys approach me, it's just expected that I want sex. That any relationship with a goblin is just going to be lots of wild sex and nothing more! I mean, I know most of us ask for it and with how good humans smell, how can you blame us? Just sitting here across from you has my body on fire and my body is screaming that I should throw myself at you without any restraint! I should.... I should... I... Oh god..."

Her heart sank even faster than her head as she planted her face on the table and groaned with horrified regret. What in all the fucking hell had she just said? It was over. It had been going so well and now everything was done. She'd gone too far and said too much. Now she was just going to have to kill herself.

Terry laughed. He bellowed his laughter and seemed to realize he was laughing after the fact. His mouth clamped shut and he choked back a few more chortles before taking a wheezing breath. He held onto the table and managed to say, "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't laugh. It's just how absurd this whole situation is. You're such a sweet woman and it's so clear that you're trying your hardest to appear restrained. You want to comport yourself as a healthy young woman without any rabid desires. Then you just barreled into that!"

Ayula's head rose and she looked up at him. His smiling face and glittering blue eyes. She couldn't help but give a little laugh. As soon as the first one was out, everything just seemed to fall off her shoulders. She laughed again and threw her head back. That made Terry laugh again and they shared it this time. They slowly gathered themselves and both drank some more coffee before speaking.