Monster Girls: A Satyr's Horniness


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"Uhhh. Yeah." Maddy chuckled nervously and scratched her nose with her free hand, "I guess I have come on kind of strong. Usually it turns people on and gets them interested. But with you, I guess-"

"It's so much worse." Bell moaned.

That was a surprisingly erotic sound to come from her. It had Maddy's attention quite thoroughly and she stared down at the cute little antlers sticking up out of Bell's head. She raised her hand to brush gently at Bell's hair behind her antlers and asked, "Why is it worse?"

This question set Bell off on another fit of heavy breathing and severe blushing. She gathered enough of herself together to stammer out, "L-Libido!"

"Libido? Look, I know I can turn people on with all of this-" She wiggled her hips and jiggled her chest a bit, "-But turning someone into silent, painfully shy introvert isn't something I would expect."

"No!" Bell huffed. She pulled her hand away from Maddy and stood up. She was back to hugging herself again as she slowly paced and it took her two or three times before she continued. "Satyrs... all Satyrs... have very high libidos. That is difficult in itself... but then you're there... leaning across the table... and showing me all of..."

"Oh, I see. So you're actually horny all the time and when I flirt with you, it's like gas on a fire." Maddy said as she finally felt like she was getting the whole puzzle put together here.

"Yes." Bell nodded.

"But if that's the case, then why don't we just fuck? I can do things with my tongue on your clit that would make your eyes roll out the back of your head. I could blow that libido out your ears and leave you a happy drooling mess." Maddy exclaimed, throwing her hands up with a wild smile of lusty delight. She leaned over with a smile, "No need to suffer any longer..."

Bell whimpered and sat back in her computer chair, arms clinging about herself. Her face was flushed and she was staring at a completely uninteresting spot on the arm of the couch.

"Oh fuck. You're a virgin, aren't you?" Maddy said and she blew out a breath, "Nothing to worry about there! We can go at your pace and do whatever you need to help you get over this. I told you I want to get to know you better. This definitely fits."

To the first question, Bell gave a sheepish nod but then froze up. She tapped one hoof nervously and shook her head. She gulped and this time her face went from flushed to very, very pale. She slowly looked up into Maddy's face and said, "T-There's one... one more thing."

That made Maddy blow a raspberry and sink back into the couch, "Of course there is. But what could you possibly say that would make me not want you? Are you really trying to argue me out of wanting to cuddle a cute and extremely horny Satyr?" She looked up at Bell's antlers with a giggle, "Horny in more than one way."

"Can I trust you, Maddy?" Bell asked with uncharacteristic forwardness in her voice. She seemed to be fiddling wtih her sweater's edge more than ever before, as though she wanted to unravel it thread by thread.

"Of course. Was that really in question? You're my friend, Bell. I'm always here for anything you need." Maddy said without any trace of humor or tease.

A few moments passed and then Bell stiffened. She moved in the kind of jerky quick motions that you saw when someone was doing something extremely scary or painful. She wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible and with as little suffering as she could manage. Something that needed to be done without thought or time wasted. She grabbed the bottom of her sweater in white knuckles and wrenched it upward. Up and up it rose, above her skirt's waist, past her pale belly, over her enormous bare breasts where she had to really stretch it. Maddy just couldn't get over how crazily stacked this girl was. She tugged it a bit more to get it off when it got stuck a bit on her antlers, and then it fell to the floor from her shaking hands. She sat back, body bared, legs wide, and spread cleavage on full display.

It was like Maddy's birthday, Christmas, Boxing day, and New Years all came at once and in one gloriously massive, throbbing package.

Sticking up through the waistband of Bell's skirt was girthiest and most enormous cock Maddy had ever seen. It was flushed a deep pink and ridged with powerful veins. It was as thick as her arm and it extended up between Bell's colossal breasts, ending in a blunt equine head right between the thickest part of her cleavage. Over it's head was a large white condom which was drooping down with the weight of what had to be an entire pint of cock cream. As Maddy stared, it throbbed and twitched.

"That..." Maddy breathed.

"Satyrs don't have females like you humans and all the other species. We only have males and hermaphrodites!" Bell exclaimed, covering her face with her hands. She seemed to be on the verge of tears, "And to make it all worse, I was born with such a huge and ugly one!"

Maddy slumped forward off the couch and crawled forward on her knees before the towering behemoth of sexual glory before her. She put her hands on Bell's knees and moaned, "I waaaaant it~!"

"Wha...?" Bell choked, looking out from behind her hands.

"Oh it's so sexy. It's so thick and long. God, I bet its so powerful it would just ruin my pussy and god I want it to!" Maddy was completely lost in her lust for cock now. She looked up at Bell, past the huge throbbing beast, and cooed, "Can I see all of it... please?!"

Bell seemed too shocked to realize what she was doing. She just reached down and slid the zipper down at the side of her skirt. She raised her butt and pushed it off to fall about her hooves.

Maddy squealed and shoved her face forward. She shoved right up against the titanic pair of testicles and the mottled tan sheathe that wrapped the base of the huge cock. The thick white fur that covered everything down to her hooves seemed to stop right at the edge of her sheathe, which included her nuts. Without the waistband to hold it down, it rose to its full glory and the condom bobbled about like the most glorious of pinatas. Maddy was panting in her lust and she inhaled deeply every time just to fill her brain with the musky scent of it. It was the scent that was melting her brain when Bell got close and it was even more powerful now.

"M-Maddy?" Bell asked nervously as she felt Maddy's face rubbing lovingly against one of her huge balls. Each were nearly as big as her breasts and they radiated both heat and the unfiltered scent of virile semen.

"No wonder you wear skirts and sweaters. It's all to hide this amazing thing. Ohhh I have never wanted anything as much as I want you, Bell." Maddy moaned, reaching her arms up to grip Bell's shaft as she placed kiss after kiss across her sack.

"Maddy!" Bell gasped and her dick spasmed. A thick shot of precum made the condom jiggle anew. Bell seemed scared as she whimpered, "If you don't stop... I won't be able to either."

"Then don't! God, Bell. Use me! Tie me up! Empty your balls inside me ten times a day. I'll take it all!" Maddy ranted whorishly and her voice grew thick with her Irish accent. She sounded absolutely desperate in her need, "I want to be your fucking cocksleeve, Bell!"

"And I thought my libido was scary." Bell mumbled to herself as Maddy continued worshipping her balls.

"Bell, I'm Irish! My blood is like pure lust and booze. I want to fuck all the time. Right now though, I want to know what it feels like to have this thing between your tits. It's gotta feel so kinky walking around at school all day with this thing rubbing between your boobs. Do you even wear a bra?" Maddy asked as she stripped off her shirt and her own bra. She scooted forward and settled her huge, freckled tits on either side of the massive Satyr cock before her. She cooed with delight at how hot it felt as it throbbed in her cleavage. She hugged her tits and watched eagerly as the flared head stuck out easily from the pillowy embrace. The condom settled on her cleavage and jiggled softly.

Bell watched with a blushing face and shook her head. She spoke quietly but her voice seemed to have gained a bit of confidence, "I tried but... uhh... I would make myself orgasm. My breasts would squeeze too tightly and the rubbing would feel too good."

"Well don't worry. Gonna make you nut right good with these. You might be bigger, but I've never been ashamed of my size. Ain't no dick I couldn't handle... even this beautiful beast." Maddy smirked and began to rub her up and down with slow, deliberate motions.

The first few strokes made Bell moan happily. She grabbed the sides of her chair and leaned her head back, "Ohhh Maddy! I've always loved your boobs too! I've never seen freckled boobs before and they're so sexy!"

That made Maddy smile lewdly and she wiggled her boobs back and forth. Bell's cock was so damn hot and she could feel the veins in it throbbing with need. Fantasies played wildly through her mind and she couldn't stop herself from dreaming about all the things this cock was going to do to her. She had, obviously, had dreams of what it would be like to be mounted by a centaur but she had generally disregarded it because wasn't really attracted to an equine body. This though... a fluffy and lovely Satyr hung so very hugely? She squeezed tighter and sped her pace.

"Maddy!" Bell moaned, gripping tightly to the sides of the chair. She was breathing hard and her face suddenly screwed up in a wash of pleasure.

The dick in her cleavage jerked and spasmed hard. The massive ridge down its length of Bell's urethra bulged. Maddy gasped and squished her breasts to cover as much of Bell as she could. The condom began to inflate at an alarming pace, massive jets of sperm distorting its shape with each throb. It grew to the size of an orange and kept inflating. It was nearing the size of a melon when there was a sudden release of tension as it popped. Hot and sticky semen went in every direction, completely coating Maddy's breasts and splashing all over her chest. Thick ropes of cum continued to shoot from Bell, blasting Maddy in the face and chin until the rest of her was dripping in it as well.

"Ohhh my god this is amazing..." Maddy swooned, leaning back away from Bell's dick and watching as little globs of sperm continued to leak slowly from her flared head. She remained firm and hard, still twitching and throbbing.

"Maddy... That was the best... ever." Bell sighed, almost melting into her chair as the rest of her body deflated.

Maddy smiled knowingly. She was so far from done with this sexy woman. She stood and shoved her shorts and thong off. Cum splattered everywhere and continued to run down her body from the mess overing her chest. She planted her hands on her hips, thrusting her fiery bush forward to show off her pussy, and said, "Bell, do you want to finally let loose with that cock for the first time in your life? Do you want to know what it's like to bury it right here and fill a horny slut's pussy with your seed?" Maddy reached down and spread the lips of her pussy right in front of Bell's eyes.

Bell gulped and sat more upright with a nod. Her dick jerked and messily splattered more cum around as she said, "P-Please. You're so beautiful Maddy... I want you so bad."

"Then come on." Maddy smiled and turned around to climb on the couch with her ass in the air. She shook her voluptuous, freckled booty for Bell and looked back with a cheeky smile.

Bell got shakily to her hooves and moved forward. Her dick bobbed and drooled fresh warm precum down its length. She put her hands nervously on Maddy's butt and knelt behind her.

"Oh please, don't be scared. Touch me however you want. Dig your fingers into my ass and give me a spank!" Maddy instructed with another shake of her ass.

"U-Um... Uhh..." Bell mumbled as she slowly started fondling Maddy's butt. It felt like she was scared to do it, as though Maddy would get angry at the groping fingers. But when Maddy instead wiggled her hips eagerly, Bell grew more confident. She raised a hand and gave her a weak smack on one cheek.

"Oh come on. You're stronger than that. Give me a proper spank and then bury that dick in me." Maddy scoffed. Bell swallowed and raised a shaking hand. She closed her eyes as if it would make it less scary and swung her open palm down. It landed with a fleshy slap and made Maddy's butt jiggle wildly. Maddy gave a soft moan and cooed out, "T-That's it. Fuck me like you've always dreamed of."

"Okay." Bell mumbled and she reached down to hold her cock steady. She leaned forward to press it to Maddy's pussy, which was seeming far too small in comparison. She frowned and said, "Are-Are you sure? I mean... aren't I too big?"

"Girl! I have shoved more dildos in that hole than you can fucking imagine! I know how big of dick I can take! Now thrust your damn hips forward and send me to heaven with that amazing beast!" Maddy yelled in sudden frustration.

Bell squeaked at the loud command and she rammed forward as hard and fast as she could manage. Her dick plunged inexplicably into the hole that seemed far too small and it stretched. It stretched and expanded so wonderfully wide, engulfing Bell's head in delicious warmth and wetness. She kept pushing until she felt herself hit something and be forced to a squishy stop. Her cock was only a little more than half inside Maddy.

"Oh my fucking god that's so big." Maddy's accent was now so thick her speech was almost incoherent. She dug her fingers into the arm of the couch and her back arched with another moan. She spread her legs wider and moaned out, "More! Fuck me!"

"Okay!" Bell whimpered, actually feeling a bit scared that Maddy would yell at her again. There was something else in that twinge of fear though. Something she felt in her belly and throb through her crotch. She dragged her cock out with a slow pull and then pushed it back in. This drew a fresh lewd moan from Maddy and Bell felt a thrill of excitement go through her. She was doing this. She was finally experiencing real sex and it was amazing.

Her thrusting, though inexperienced and a bit slow, still made Maddy's eyes just about bulge out of her head. In truth, Bell's cock was quite a bit bigger than any other cock or dildo she had ever taken. If she could've thought coherently enough, she might've been disappointed in her inability to take all of it. But at the moment she could think of nothing more than how unbelievably good she felt as her pussy was positively drilled and her insides rearranged by Bell's enormity.

Neither of them knew how long it really took. Lost in the pleasure of thrusting and humping on the couch, it all came to a head when Bell stiffened with a fresh moan. She pushed her hips hard against Maddy and buried absolutely as much of her dick as she could. Her balls were throbbing and her dick was blazing hot as thick, hyper-virile sperm surged through it. Maddy was already moaning when it poured into her belly and her voice rose to a wail. So much cum packed into her womb that her belly stretched and the thick cream started flowing back out of her. It rained down on the couch, coating her thighs and sticking to Bell's fur.

"Maddy~!" Bell cried, her eyes clenched shut and her hips shaking. An orgasm that dwarfed her earlier boobjob ravaged her body until she couldn't even keep her hands gripping any part of Maddy's hips or ass. She just slumped back with her dick pulsing jet after jet of sperm into Maddy. Her willing sperm tank moaned and squirmed about a bit, feeling the huge dick throbbing and shifting inside her.

"Ohhh guhh... Does... does it stop?" Maddy slurred into the arm of the couch.

Those words shook Bell out of her stupor and she quickly pulled her hips back. She grew concerned she had hurt Maddy and just let her cock flop onto Maddy's sweaty ass. Cum shot out of her and sprayed up Maddy's back and all over her shoulders. Thick ropes crisscrossed until the pale skin of her back was as messy as her front.

"Fuck me..." Maddy groaned, slumping to the side on the couch.

Bell's cock gave a last feeble spurt and then actually began to soften. She was shocked to see it shrinking and her heart thudded in the flood of emotion. She pulled her legs to the side and sank against the back of the couch, still facing Maddy's naked, sperm-covered and packed body.

"Maddy. That was amazing." Bell cooed weakly. She was suddenly so without strength that her arms wouldn't lift from her sides.

Maddy managed to roll over enough that she was laying on her back against the arm of the couch and her eyes lifted to Bell, "You're not kidding... I feel like an eclair." She reached down and started to gently rub her completely glazed cunt.

"Usually I have to... I have to cum five or six times to get it soft. I was sure we'd have to..." Bell mumbled.

Maddy's eyes flared bright and she said, "Oh we're going to. As soon as I can feel my legs again, we're going to have a cup of tea and then we're going to the bedroom. I want you to pound another of those huge loads into me. I want to do it enough that I can take all of you eventually."

"W-What?!" Bell gasped.

"Bell, that was the best sex I've ever had and that's saying something because I'm a huge fucking slut. You, though, you were a virgin when I walked in. I can't even imagine how good it will be when you've had a bit more experience." Maddy said with a lewd smile. She slowly sank a finger into her sloppy, seed-filled hole and said, "Plus, I don't even know what you like yet. Just getting you to nut isn't enough. I want your head to blow off."

Bell blushed deeply and looked away. Her dick twitched and began to grow again. She hugged herself again, but now that she was naked and splattered in sperm, it looked really sexy. Her massive boobs pressed together and her nipples stuck out over her arms.

"Oh I know that look." Maddy sat forward and reached out a cum-covered hand to touch Bell's cheek. She turned her face back and looked into her eyes, "Tell me what you want me to do to you. What will make you cum harder than anything?"

"Umm... I... You... It's weird." Bell stammered.

Maddy huffed out a breath and said, "Look around you. Everything is splattered in your jizz, I can't even tell you how hard I came while you were inside me, and this whole situation has been my kink to a level I can't explain. I've always wanted raunchy, messy, bestial sex with horny monster girl like yourself. So what do you want me to do?"

Bell took a breath and said, "When... when you yelled at me." She closed her eyes with a little whimper, "I liked it! Why did I like it? How could I like it when you were being mean?!"

"Oh!" Maddy smirked deviously. She slowly let her hand trail down to squeeze at one of Bell's huge breasts and cooed, "You're not just introverted... you're submissive as hell. I could make you my toy. I could tie you up and ride your horny dick as much as I like. You're going to be my slutty little Satyr slave.

Those words made Bell cover her face with a little whine of embarrassment. But she slowly looked over her fingers and whispered, "How?"


The next two weeks were wonderful. Beyond wonderful. Maddy was finally having the sex of her dreams and Bell was getting to experience life without endless throbbing desire. They were talking more normally at school and Bell was a little less shy in public. It was a wonderful change that made them quite happier.

That wasn't all they got to enjoy. With each night together Bell got more comfortable physically and things got kinkier. Leather. Ropes. Toys. Maddy started exploring Bell's submissiveness and she decided to share a few fun books with her. She was slowly introducing Bell to the world of being the slave to her mistress. Tonight was the night though. Maddy was prepared and Bell was willing to do almost anything sexually she asked of her. She even had a riding crop to smack that sweet soft satyr booty with.