Montana to L.A. Ch. 02

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Jordan and Kelsey become comfortable in Los Angeles.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/04/2016
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The following week was extremely stressful for Janelle, she had drank a bit too much with dinner. She had a surprise for the girls and decided to hold on to it for a bit. The trio were in the pool doing their normal relaxation exercises when the teasing between Jordan and Kelsey began. It was a trivial disagreement and Janelle began to grow tired of their bickering mostly due to her week and the slight buzz she had going. She figured they hadn't burned off enough energy and decided to sponsor a longer race in the pool than their normal two laps. She made them do four laps, figuring that would wear them out and they'd quit bickering. She lined them up on the shallow end while she stood off to the side at about the four foot level and started the race.

The girls finished the race in a tie; Janelle smiled as they popped up at the end of the pool, looking at each other, they arched their heads back to squeegee the water from their hair. Their firm breasts highlighted by the pool light, Janelle licked her lips imagining their nipples between them and then quickly tried to block that thought. They turned to face her, anxious for each to be declared the winner. Janelle waded towards them, the full moon peeking through the gathering clouds, silhouetting their bodies as they watched her walk towards them.

But there was something different in her stride, now. Despite the water, she looked as if she was purposely walking towards them to show herself off, her background in modeling obvious. Slowly twisting her torso and slipping her fingers through the surface of the water, her eyes focused on them. Her smile had a hungry look to it as she neared them, in a slight husky voice she told them.

"I see it as a tie, ladies."

They both sighed looking at each other nodding in reluctant agreement.

"Don't be so disappointed."

Janelle moved between them; wrapping an arm around each back, pulling them close to her. Leaning down she kissed each softly on the forehead, making small circles on their lower backs. Their warm wet bodies against hers.

"I have a special prize for both of you, since you did so well. Go dry off and sit at the table, I'll bring it out, but you have to promise me you'll keep your eyes closed with no arguing."

They looked at each other and shrugged, wondering what she had in mind. Then releasing their hold, turned and waded up the steps and out of the pool. Janelle lingered behind enjoying the view. Jordan turned halfway up the steps and saw Janelle gazing at her. She smiled then continued walking to the glass table with a curious look on her face. She whispered to Kelsey, asking if something was up with Janelle. Kelsey turned smiling back at her aunt, then whispered back that she didn't see anything weird but that Janelle had a really hard week.

Taking their seats, they patiently waited for their surprise. Janelle emerged from the pool, their eyes focused on her, her bare breasts jiggled as she walked past them; hard nipples obvious as she passed them to get their treat. After a few minutes she called out to make sure they had their eyes shut. In unison they told her they were closed. She walked out carrying a tray of eight chocolate covered strawberries with two glasses of champagne. Setting the tray on the table she reminding them to keep their eyes closed.

Jordan tried to guess what Janelle had, but she was told to hush and wait for her gift. They both squirmed with anticipation, knowing Janelle didn't do anything less than first class. Janelle grasped one large firm berry between the tips of her fingers positioning it so the chocolate tip was available first.

"Girls, keep those eyes closed and don't say a word when I give you the surprise, I don't want either of you spoiling it for your sister. Understood?"

Once again in unison they replied yes ma'am. Smiling while gripping the arms of their chairs they patiently waited. Janelle first moved to Kelsey, leaning in she pulled the girl's hair back from her face leaning down she kissed her cheek. As she did, she told her to open her mouth. Taking the berry she placed the tip of it between Kelsey's lips whispering once more.

"Quietly now sweetheart, here's the first part of your treat."

Kelsey felt the berry on her lips; she parted her lips further as Janelle gently pushed it forward. Biting down, Kelsey moaned as she tasted the combined flavors. Janelle cautioned her to stay quiet so as not to spoil her sisters' surprise. She tried to reach up to feed herself but Janelle pushed her hands back down wanting to feed her herself. Jordan squirmed wondering what they're doing as Kelsey finished her berry.

Janelle kissed Kelsey on her cheek once again asking if she liked it. She nodded yes, telling Janelle it was very nice. Janelle reminded her to keep her eyes closed and not say a word because there was more. She let Kelsey sip a bit of the champagne then she left, plucking another berry from the tray. Jordan took her time devouring the berry as Janelle repeated the process with her. Janelle smiled, reminding Jordan to stay quiet, just as she did with Kelsey. Jordan grinned replying with a yes ma'am as she finished her sip.

The scene was repeated twice more, each time Janelle's kiss on the cheek moved closer to their lips. With the third berry Kelsey turned her head slightly when she felt her face close to Janelle's. Janelle took advantage of this brushing her lips over the anxious Kelsey's. Kelsey gasped as Janelle placed a finger on her lips to quiet her. She then proceeded to let her have her berry, a bit more champagne, then moved back to Jordan.

Jordan, awaiting her next berry, turned her head in anticipation, brushing her lips with Janelle's. Her reaction was much different than Kelsey's this time she let Janelle kiss her lips, smiling to herself as she did. Janelle grinned while she finished feeding her.

"I have one more for each of you girls, can you last that long?"

Jordan sounded disappointed when she replied, "Only one?"

"I do have more, but they are inside if you want to keep doing this."

"I'm fine with four Janelle." Kelsey confessed.

Janelle grinned moving back to Jordan. She placed her hand under the young woman's chin tilting her head back.

Turning to look at Kelsey she whispered, "Are you sure you don't want more, Kelsey?"

"I'm fine, I think the champagne is affecting me."

Janelle leaned down kissing Jordan fully on the lips. This time Jordan reached up and placed her hand around Janelle's head to hold her. The kiss lasted for a good thirty seconds until Jordan released her and opened her eyes.

"I want more. Let's go inside," Jordan whispered, looking up at Janelle, her eyes open. Janelle smiled.

Kelsey, eyes still closed, had a curious look on her face. She heard things she couldn't quite make out and wondered what they were doing.

"Keep those eyes closed ladies," Janelle reminded them.

She picked up the last berry and walked over to Kelsey. Her hand brushed Kelsey's neck as she whispered to her.

"Don't you like your surprise Kelsey?"

"I do, but I'm not used to champagne, it is champagne, right?"

"Yes, good guess. You can open your eyes now. There are more strawberries inside if you want them."

They both got up, Jordan looking a bit flush with Kelsey having a questioning look on her face. She was thinking about what had just occurred and how it made her feel inside. Both the girl's hearts were racing. Janelle's touch, the strawberries and the glass of champagne had combined to get their blood flowing, putting them both in a mood to forget what they were bickering about.

Janelle scooped up the tray, placing the glasses on it then followed them inside.

There were four berries left, the girls each had one, letting Janelle devour the last two. It was getting late so they said their good nights.

Jordan thought about talking to Janelle regarding the kissing but she shrugged it off to stress and alcohol. She really didn't mind it too much but there were questions that needed to be answered.

As summer progressed so did the girls comfort with the L.A. life style. They went to various parties and met quite a diverse crowd. At first they were shocked at some of the affections displayed between couples at some of the parties. But after three or four it seemed routine and didn't shock them at all. They even began expecting the behavior when told who was attending them. They would gossip with Janelle on whom they expected to see flirting and who would go home with whom.

Janelle was glad the girls were acclimating and enjoying themselves. She watched as each would mingle at the parties, sometimes they would be flirted with, and they seemed to enjoy the attention from both the men and women. Janelle's friends knew the girls were off limits, but that didn't stop some who didn't know from trying their luck.

After each party both Jordan and Kelsey would compare notes on whom they saw and who had been flirted with the most. It became a game with them. Seeing how many would attempt to take them home since they were new to the crowd. Janelle kept a close eye on them both and made sure that the uneducated knew the girls were not here for that purpose.

Janelle had to step in a couple of times when young men seemed to be monopolizing the girls' time. A couple of times she blocked older men from making the move on "her babies". The girls didn't really see the talks as anything but polite conversations. That was until Janelle gave them some background information regarding the men they had been talking to. Most of them were married, two of them to Janelle's friends and one to a very high placed studio executive whom Janelle declined to name.

After awhile the girls became more cautious, realizing they were "fresh meat" on the party circuit. Eventually word got out that they weren't to be fooled with and the parties became more lighthearted and fun.

Every so often, Kelsey and Jordan confessed to Janelle that they were smitten with some of the young men who hovered around them. Janelle knew it had to be hard for them, each young, attractive and single. Occasionally they would mention a woman or girl flirting with them; this seemed to be more of amusement than anything else.

Janelle saw many of the flirtations the girls received, some she just laughed off, others she felt a bit nervous knowing the flirts. The girls were polite, knowing they would be gone after the summer and not wanting to start a relationship that didn't have any place to go. Janelle thought she saw them want to return the flirtations but they held back and were simply polite. Normally Kelsey would socialize, but then return to Janelle like a chick coming home to her mother hen.

They acted a bit naive at first, asking what was in their drinks, why people liked them so sweet and various other questions. They in turn enlightened many with tales from Montana, their ranch, and how "country folk" live.

One particular night they discussed Jordan's encounter with a model from one of Janelle's company rivals. Jordan seemed to enjoy the other woman's attention more than casually. She was as tall as Janelle, around Jordan's age, flowing red hair, a low cut backless dress, complimented with 4" stiletto heels that accentuated her long, muscular legs. Jordan had talked with her for nearly an hour, laughing, whispering, and just enjoying each other's company to the exclusion of all the other party goers. Janelle became aware and knowing the girl decided not to interrupt.

"So, Jordan what did you think of Emma?" Janelle started off the conversation.

Jordan was riding up front with Kelsey in the back. It was fairly late; Kelsey began to nod off as Janelle drove. Janelle kept her voice low as she talked to Jordan, watching Kelsey fall asleep via her rearview mirror.

At first Jordan was surprised that Janelle had noticed them talking so much and not stepped in. Calmly she replied, "She's very nice and she's my age."

"She is very nice. I've talked to her several times, and she's even thought about modeling for me."

"Really? What's stopping her?"

"She is in a very lucrative contract right now and I can't beat it. She is making almost as much as two of my girls put together."

"Wow, she does have that look."

"She does and she's smart. I would love to have her. She looked like she'd like to have you." Janelle turned her head to see Jordan's face turn beet red with embarrassment.

"She mentioned that she has talked to you and she respects you, Janelle. I didn't know she was into girls."

"Oh? I thought she was flirting with you a bit, must be my imagination."

Jordan coughed, "Yes, Janelle it must."

Janelle smiled, thinking to herself, debating if she could bring herself to use Jordan to get Emma to work for her. Maybe at the very least invite Emma over just to see how Jordan would handle a more intimate setting. She gave it a few seconds thought, deciding to save it for later when she could actually plan something.

Janelle didn't have to wait very long to plan something for Jordan. Within a couple of days, Emma had called asking if it would be all right with Janelle if she and Jordan got together for lunch. She had heard that Janelle's house guests were off limits for dating but decided to take a chance just to get to know Jordan better. Janelle explained the girls' situation; filling in the blanks Emma and Jordan hadn't touched on during their brief encounter at the party. Janelle suggested she come over one weeknight to spend some time with them relaxing by the pool. They set a day and then Janelle informed Jordan.

Jordan first seemed apathetic to Emma visiting, but as the time approached Janelle noticed her primping more than normal. She then decided not to intervene at all and let things happen. She reminded herself she wasn't going to put any pressure on the girls, hoping whatever occurred was something that Jordan decided on her own without any influence from her.

Friday evening after dinner they altered their routine a bit by not swimming topless. They were out by the pool when Emma arrived, talking about the day's events as usual. The help had let her in, and then departed for the evening.

When Emma walked out all heads turned to see her, dressed in flip-flops, an emerald green sundress with no make-up she looked just like any other twenty-something. Her wavy, red locks were tied back into a ponytail that casually swayed back and forth across her shoulders she as approached them. Emma's eyes focused on Jordan which ignited a broad grin.

When she arrived at the table the tote she was carrying dropped to the ground, allowing her to open her arms to embrace Jordan. Jordan blushed, realizing that Emma only had eyes for her. She quickly rose to greet her guest opening her arms for a hug. Seeing Jordan rise, Janelle and Kelsey followed suit. Janelle watched as the two young women embraced as if they were old friends. Parting, Jordan turned to introduce Kelsey while Emma held her hand.

"Janelle you know. Emma this is my little sister, Kelsey, Kelsey this is Emma."

Both Janelle and Kelsey hugged Emma. Kelsey's eyes widened as Emma held Janelle tight then kissed her softly on her lips. All three girls were about the same height, Janelle being about three inches taller. Janelle smiled and asked Emma if she'd brought swimwear.

"Yes, I have my bikini on under my dress along with a bottle of wine in my bag for you, Janelle." She bent down to pluck the bottle from her bag, handing it to Janelle so she could inspect the label.

"When you feel like changing just go ahead, we're not too shy around here, are we ladies?" Janelle smiled as she read the label.

Jordan and Kelsey blushed hearing their little secret revealed to Emma. Emma grinned while slipping off her flip-flops and looking for a chair.

"Kelsey, why don't you get some glasses and the corkscrew so we can have some of Emma's gift." Janelle asked.

"Sure, be right back."

"You didn't have any trouble finding the place, Emma?"

"Oh no, Janelle, the driver found it easily. This is a very nice place you have."

"Thank you, I think I'll go help Kelsey make a small snack to go with the wine. You two get comfy and we'll be right back." Janelle smiled while getting up to go inside.

The girls watched as she went inside, waiting until she closed the sliding glass before they spoke.

"She was amazing when she was younger." Emma stated, turning her attention to Jordan.

"She's still amazing, I don't know what we would have done if she wasn't mom's best friend. This trip has opened up so many possibilities for Kelsey and me."

"I'm glad you had the opportunity, but I'm sad you had to lose your mom to get here."

"Thanks, Emma, I know what you mean. Did you want to wait for them? Swim? Just talk?"

"We could swim and then get out for the wine, if you want. I'm here just to see you. You made a very deep impression on me at the party."

"How so?" Jordan raised her eyebrows, wondering what she could have done to deserve the praise.

"I think you could model a bit, you're smart, great sense of humor, and I'd like to get to know you better."

"Did Janelle set you up for this? She mentioned she'd love to have you with her agency. Am I the bait?"

Emma laughed, "She mentioned that, but I wouldn't sign with her with the promise of something she had no control over. I'm not a high-priced whore."

"I didn't mean it like that." Jordan was very embarrassed.

"Just being friends would be fine with me. How about doing a lap or two before they come back out?"

"Sounds good, I need to stretch and unwind a bit. It's been a long day."

"Mine too; you can change in the pool house if you like."

"I'm wearing my bikini, silly. Didn't you hear me?"

"That's right. My mind must have been elsewhere." Jordan blushed once more.

They stood up, Jordan pausing for Emma to slip off her dress. She watched as the young woman slowly removed the straps from her shoulders. Letting them fall down her arms. Then carefully grasping the top, wiggled it down her sides. Jordan couldn't help but stare at Emma's multitude of freckles that dotted her pale yet alluring skin. She slid the dress down carefully stepping out of it after slipping out of her shoes.

Draping the dress over the chair she looked at Jordan asking, "Like my suit? I actually got it at a discount store. Just because it matched the dress."

Jordan was still taking in her new friend's body, sleek, freckled, and very appealing even to a straight girl she thought. Returning back to reality, Jordan managed a swallow and commented, "It's very cute. I would have thought you'd have some designer thing on."

"I only wear those for shows. It's rare those prima donnas let anyone keep their creations. They can all be real bitches, the women too." Emma laughed while taking Jordan's hand, walking her to the pool.

"You know with a little time in the gym you could be a fitness model too, Jordan. You're close enough already and with Janelle's contacts you could make some serious money."

They stepped down into the water, Emma turned to face Jordan, falling back then beckoning her to follow. Jordan did a small dive next to her surfacing a few feet further out. Emma stood up and walked to her. Looking her over with hungry eyes, Emma grinned.

"I could get my personal trainer to work with you if you wanted. You and I could train together, if you didn't mind."

"I don't know if I want to stay in L.A. The summer is getting close to being over and I should probably get home and help my dad."

"It's entirely up to you. Talk to Janelle and see what she thinks."

"Okay, sounds good."

With that Jordan twisted and dove for the far end of the pool. Emma smiled as she watched Jordan's ass bob to the surface. Then she went under and pushed off from the side. Hopefully, she'd catch the sleek little dolphin or at least get close enough to make her feel guilty about not saying "go".