Mooreville Welcome


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"That is the end of the exam," Stella said as she released his legs. The twins each released an arm. They helped Niles to his feet. They led him back up the stairs to the kitchen. He was still rock hard. Hours of arousal were wearing on Niles; he wanted sexual release. Stella found sadistic enjoyment in his predicament.

"Do you think Niles would work for the 'Fold'" Agatha asked.

"I doubt it; he does not seem spiritual enough," Stella said.

"Good, then we can play with him as we wish," Tabitha said.

"I want ice cream," Tabitha said.

"We don't have any in the freezer," Doctor Taft said.

"Can we go to Callie's?" Agatha asked.

Callie's was the local drive-in restaurant--the establishment of a local family renowned for having excellent craft ice cream. The restaurant also served burgers and fries. Customers could eat inside or park their cars in the car hop spaces and receive service in their vehicles.

"Sure, Niles will buy us some, right, Niles?" Stella said.

"I have no pants and no wallet," Niles said.

"We can stop by your house for the wallet," Agatha said.

"How about some clothes?" Niles asked.

"You will not need any. It is almost closing time, and the inside will be closed, and just the drive-in will be open," Stella said.

Still naked, they led Niles down the back stairs to Stella's car, a Nissan GT R.

"Niles will ride shotgun; he will have to get out for his wallet," Stella said.

They all got into the low 2-door sports car. Stella pulled down the drive and turned left, almost immediately turning down Niles' driveway. She parked the car in front of his house. Doctor Taft and her husband Thomas divorced. Thomas was a plastic surgeon with little need for his skills out here. Therefore, he returned to the city and found love with another, a blond nurse named Regina. They tried to stay together, seeing one another only on weekends, but the long-distance eventually ruined the marriage. Her time with the 'Fold' had further limited her time with Thomas. Stella, although very lonely, had remained faithful, but Thomas had not. The affair happened while the twins were still in middle school, and Stella remained angry. Thomas had chosen his own selfish needs over the family. Stella's opinion of men suffered enormously at that time.

"Go get your wallet," Stella said.

Niles got out and went into the house and grabbed his wallet. He looked at his dresser and decided to put on his red, white, and blue Speedo swimsuit. Niles figured the girls would compromise on this for the drive, and he hurried back to the car. Stella looked very angry when she saw the new neighbor had put something on. Stella got out of her motor.

"What are you wearing?" she asked.

"My speedo, technically, is not clothing," Niles argued.

"They are cute on you, but what do you think, girls? Can he wear them?" Stella asked.

"Only at the pool. I say no," Agatha said.

"Or on the fourth of July. I vote naked," Tabitha said.

"I vote naked also. Why would we cover such a lovely cock, "Stella said as she pulled them down Niles' legs. Niles' cock sprung out as his Speedo released it. Stella went to her knees, took his penis into her mouth, and began sucking. Niles started to gyrate in pleasure. Stella enjoyed teasing him, and Niles was about to climax again, but Stella was not about to allow that yet. She stopped just in time, edging Niles again. Niles sighed dejectedly.

"Kick off those patriotic panties and get in the car," Stella said.

"They are not panties. They are for men," Niles protested as he kicked the swimming costume off his leg and awkwardly walked to the motor, showing that he felt as if he could not even close his legs against his enlarged balls.

Stella laughed at him and did not retract her description of his Speedo.

"You deserved that, and Mom said no clothes," Agatha said.

Niles sullenly returned to the car, still spinning from the almost oral satisfaction.

They drove off at almost sunset as the light faded over the tree-covered western hills. There was still a half hour of lowering light before darkness would fall. Stella reached over and began stroking Niles' hard-on.

"You were bad, Niles. You know I said you were to stay naked for our trip for ice cream. Now I am going to punish you by teasing and denying you. You better not climax. If you do, you will be walking home," Stella said. The two-lane winding road to the nearby town was virtually empty.

"I am so horny. I may not be able to help myself," Niles said.

Just then, two young women in white lifted F150 4x4 passed on the other side of the road. Niles saw the red-haired driver react to his nudity; Niles feared she saw him in his exposed state.

"You heard me," Stella said. She was not even noticing the two Burnett sisters in their deceased father's pickup. Life in the mountains proved hard on men; many died young, leaving widows and children. The Burnett sisters were attractive red-haired sirens. They were not twins but very similar in appearance. The Burnett sisters were several years behind the Taft twins in school but had still hung out after high school.

Niles' was so excited by her wanking his member he began writhing around the seat. The twins made evil eye contact with their mother through the rearview mirror. Niles started to moan, and the twins began giggling. The white pickup appeared in Stella's rearview mirror. They wanted to see more of Niles. The F150 headlights flashed on and off rapidly as the truck's horn blared. Laughing, Stella pulled over. The pickup pulled up behind the Nissan. The two Burnett sisters exited the vehicle and walked up to the passenger side of the Nissan. The two tall, athletic women could easily see Niles through the passenger window. Stella removed her hand, allowing the sisters a better view of Niles' rigid male appendage. Niles tried to press himself down in the seat to avoid scrutiny, quite worried about their potential reaction. He feared they might call the authorities, and he could go to jail.

"Hello, what do we have here? Fresh meat? What a beautiful and large cock you have," Amanda Burnett said.

"Wow, that is a gorgeous dick," Heather agreed.

Niles relaxed, proud of their compliment and excited to show himself now. "What is in the water here? All the women are exquisite," Niles thought, "they all seem to like my rod, also."

"This is Niles. Niles, this is Amanda and Heather. They are close friends of ours," Stella said.

Stella and Connie Burnett had been lifelong friends. After school, they had each suffered from becoming single at a young age. Connie's husband had died in an industrial explosion in a coal mine.

"Can you bring Niles to our mom's birthday party?" Heather asked.

"Who else is coming?" Tabitha asked.

"We have not sent any invitations yet," Amanda said. Amanda Burnett was the younger of the two sisters at just twenty-one. Heather was three years older than her.

"If you make it a female party, we will bring Niles," Stella said.

"Niles would be a male," Agatha said.

"Niles would be the server," Stella said.

"Nude server, I hope," Amanda said.

"Of course, Connie will love it. Do not tell her it will be a birthday surprise," Stella said.

"I have not agreed to anything," Niles said.

Stella played with his erection again.

"You want to make all the ladies happy? Don't you?" Stella asked.

Niles just sighed, wanting to say yes, yet not wanting to seem too submissive.

"Just think a room full of horny women taking liberties with your exposed body," Tabitha said.

Niles shuddered from the fantasies invading his thoughts while Stella intentionally brought him close to an orgasm. Niles began moaning; Stella stopped her hand before Niles could climax.

"If you ever want to spew your seed, say yes," Stella said.

"Okay, I will come," Niles said, feigning defeat.

"Only when we let you," the twins giggled in unison. All the women laughed sinisterly.

"That would be great, Saturday at 5:30. We will take Mom shopping at the mall in Independence and bring her in after you set everything up. We will have Mom arrive at 6:00," Heather said.

"Okay, we can finish planning later. We are going for Ice cream before closing time," Stella said.

"We have to go, anyway; Mother needs the Tylenol we are bringing. She has a headache," Heather said.

"Bye, girls, see you Saturday," the Doctor said.

"Goodbye, ladies, and Niles, looking forward to seeing more of you on Saturday," Amanda said.

"You could hardly see less of him," the girls quipped, voices in unison.

The two sisters returned to the pickup and drove off. Stella started the car and drove off.

"You said I could cum if I agreed," Niles complained.

Stella just laughed wickedly.

"Don't worry, sweet cheeks; we will make you cum later. We promise," the twins said.

Stella drove the winding road towards the small town until she entered the small one-stoplight town and left adjacent to the neon sign and into the restaurant's parking lot. She parked under a long flat-roofed awning and in one of the car-hop spaces, and a young blond, drop-dead gorgeous eighteen-year-old woman, wearing a short teal poodle-skirt fifties-styled car-hop uniform, roller skated up to the Nissan G TR. Her name tag read Vivian. The only vehicle at the business was their car, and the restaurant was almost closed.

"Can I take your order," Vivian asked vivaciously with a voice as sweet as sugar as she glanced into the car. "Oh, what do we have here? Out for a naked joy ride, stud?" The already bubbly Vivian was giddy to see naked Niles. Niles turned red again with embarrassment.

"I tried to wear my swimsuit," Niles said.

"We all voted against it," Agatha said.

"That was very democratic. (suppressing a snicker) I vote for you to stay naked over wearing a swimsuit also, stud," Vivian said. Vivian was one of the Doctor's patients and another friend's daughter. Vivian was a kind, bright girl and not a gossip. The three women knew she was closing tonight, and therefore Niles' naked car ride was safe enough for both Niles and the Doctor's reputation.

"What can I get you, Doctor?" Vivian asked.

"We want four rocky-road ice cream cones," Stella said. Rocky-road was the family favorite.

Vivian skated off to place the order. Niles watched her shapely backside as she skated away. Seeing his eyes dalliance, Stella reached over to harshly squeeze Niles' freshly shaven balls. "Mind your manners, Niles," the Doctor said.

"I am sorry, but I am so excited I cannot think of anything but sex," Niles explained.

"You will apologize to Vivian when she returns with our order," the Doctor said.

Vivian returned with the ice cream.

"Niles has something to say to you," Stella said.

"I am sorry for staring at you when you skated away," Niles said.

"I forgive you, Honey," Vivian said.

"Not so fast; I think he owes you penance," Abby said.

"What are you suggesting?" Vivian asked.

"I think he should lick your pussy as penance," Tabbie said; as always, the two girls knew what the other was thinking.

"That would be great. I have been very horny since Matt and I broke up. I will punch out after you pay for the ice cream," Vivian said.

Vivian skated off with The twenty Stella took from Niles' wallet. She quickly returned in tennis shoes but still in the teal waitress dress. Vivian had stopped to use the bathroom and had removed her panties, placing them in her purse. She carried the tiny white leather bag back to Stella's car. The ice cream cones were four dollars each, and Vivian had kept the change as a tip.

"My car is in the shop again. I was going to call home for a ride," Vivian explained.

"We will run you home," Stella said.

"Lean the seat back Niles and turn around and lay upside down with your legs over the seat back," Stella ordered. Niles did as instructed, and Vivian sat on his face and buckled the seat belt around them. Stella handed Vivian Niles ice cream. Niles began dutifully licking Vivian's shaved, young wet snatch as the blood drained to his head. Stella backed the Nissan up and pulled away. Vivian whimpered as she enjoyed Niles' tongue and his frozen chocolate dessert. Vivian's cell phone buzzed in her cute little white clutch. Vivian answered her mobile, "Hello. I do not need a ride, Mom; Doctor Taft gave me a ride," Vivian said.

"More like Niles is giving you a ride," Tabitha quipped.

"Yeah, on his face," Agatha added, giggling.

Vivian covered the cell, embarrassedly trying to prevent her mother from hearing the twins. Vivian mouthed, "Stop it," silently over her shoulder at the now giddy twins. This plea only caused them to laugh even more.

"Behave yourselves," Doctor Taft said.

Vivian lived on "Elm," a side street perpendicular to the small downtown. The grid of the small town only had a handful of streets, and Doctor Taft knew where she lived; there was no need for directions.

"Be home soon; bye, Mom," Vivian said as she ended the call.

Directly after ending the call, Vivian shuddered in an intense orgasm. The Nissan turned right onto Elm Street, and Vivian was three blocks from her parent's home, now just her mother's home as her father had passed. Just then, the car pulled by the iron arch that announced, "Mooresville community park," the front edge of this common, which ended only three doors from Vivian's home. This community recreation area fronted over two blocks of one side of the narrow street, and houses lined up the other. The open space suspended two sleepy 90-degree lanes for two blocks, Almond Lane and Walnut Lane, only to continue the next block on the other side. Diagonally through the park from Vivians stood the public library and small community center on the corner of Oak and Main. The bright, just-waning moonlight glistened on the park's vast lawn.

"Can we stop at the park to finish our ice cream?" Tabby asked.

"That is a great idea. We should go for an evening stroll," Aggie quipped.

"We should; Niles will enjoy the exposure. What do you think, Niles," the Doctor asked as her slightly sinister smile returned.

Vivian raised a bit off his face to let Niles speak. Niles began to protest, but Vivian silenced that with her bare pussy once more; Niles licked her even more earnestly as she quivered in ecstasy. Though she previously had a climax, her power over Niles and his tongue again pushed the young nymphomaniac over the edge.

"I love your tongue, Niles," Vivian said.

Stella pulled into a parking space at the less-used edge of the park. The park was empty for two reasons it was a baseball game night, and the park hours were dawn till dusk. Just in front of the vehicle stood several coiled-spring animals the kind children ride on. The newly renovated swing set, purchased by a local car dealer, its bright yellow plastic features looked sadly empty behind the sprong toys. Several streetlights illuminated the front of the park, and the houses across the street had a good view of the park entrance. Niles felt cramped in his uncomfortable position.

"No one is here, Niles," Tabitha said.

"Perfect timing, right Niles?" Agatha said, giggling.

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