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"Speaking of last night, how long will Daddy sleep?"

"That's hard to say," Jasmine replied, shrugging her shoulders. "We dosed his drink pretty good with GHB to get him over his inhibitions. He just might sleep through checkout time, or at least close to it. That will give me time to take the car, go home, drop you off, shower, change, then come back for him without his knowing I was even gone. Maybe this time I will finally get him over his manhood issues."

"How do you do that when we spent all last night humiliating him for the size of his cock?"

"I will do it by being there for him when he wakes up and showering him with some industrial-strength Tender Loving Care to remind him he is still my one-and-only, just as I promised him last night before we left the house. I will tell him the same thing I just told you; it was a scene, intended for our mutual pleasure. I just pushed his limits a little farther than he thought he could go, as any good domme would."

"How much will he remember?" Lexie inquired.

"Thanks to the GHB, he will only remember what I want him to remember. That will work in my favor. I will simply remind him what a great time we had last night – and how much I love and adore him. Of course, I may have to smooth things over a bit to explain why his ass is so stretched and sore."

They shared a laugh over that.

"Will he remember me?" the younger blonde asked pensively.

"I think," Jasmine responded, leaning closer, "he may have some fleeting recollections of another hooker named 'Lexie'. I don't think he ever knew who she was, even before we dosed him. You were - are - that good."

"David and his friends knew about me, didn't they?" Lexie continued matter-of-factly. "I mean, with all that raging testosterone in the room last night, not one of them made a play for my 'pussy', even though it was right there in front of them – like they knew in advance it was off-limits."

Jasmine squeezed Lexie's hand again, smiling a Cheshire smile.

"David and his friends were thrilled with the idea of helping me break you in. Men still get off on the idea of having a virgin. Some men cream at the thought of turning a virgin into a slut…"

"… and are willing to pony up big bucks for the privilege," Lexie interjected, smiling smugly. "By any chance, did you set this all up through... the agency?"

Jasmine visibly winced at the mention of the words.

"Either someone has a big mouth," she murmured, "or you are a much better researcher than even I give you credit for. I didn't want to hit you with too much information all at once, either."

"It isn't so tough to figure out," Lexie observed. "You said your 'plan' was to pick up an anonymous date, do your business, then contact Daddy. Lo and behold, your first date just happened to be David and his 'crew', as you called them. They were a class act with money behind them, not four bruthas from the 'hood, out cruising for a good time. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me they are the type to call ahead for reservations, rather than settling for a la carte in the cafeteria. It was also quite a coincidence that all four were big, well-muscled, and had really big cocks.

"Here's what I think. You told Daddy you were going to 'date' some guy you picked up in a bar or on the street, then give him 'sloppy seconds' to fulfill his fantasies of you being a hooker and cuckolding him. In reality, you set up David and his friends in advance as your 'dates'. That would give you the perfect rationale to include me in your 'scene', just like you said earlier.

"Of course, it also meant your husband would have to watch you having sex with all those great big cocks, watch them driving you to insane levels of pleasure, instead of simply imagining it. He would also be watching you live out his fantasy of you as a hooker. Wouldn't that be a nifty way of easing him into the idea of you actually working for this 'agency' – and him becoming your cuckold for real?

Jasmine pursed her lips, smiling, and just gazed at her 'daughter', her eyes dancing.


"If it had been me," Lexie continued, "if I had set all of this up in advance, I might also be tempted to take it one step further. Let's say I booked the room in advance, too; maybe that morning. That would give me enough time to install a hidden camera or two, to capture all the action. Later, when my husband awoke and couldn't remember what had happened, I would be able to show him all those big cocks pleasuring me, pleasuring him, and show him how good it had been for both of us.

"'No, Silly,' I would tell him when he asked, 'of course I am not trying to blackmail you with this. I'm simply showing you that you really have nothing to worry about if I have a big cock from time to time. See how hard you came when you were cleaning my lovers' cum out of my pussy and ass – while being fucked to high heaven in your own sissy pussy? You loved it, just as I always knew you would. It's just sex, Sweetie. We're not cheating, because we're sharing the experience together, just as we have shared everything else. Our relationship will be even stronger than before. This can be a new thrill we both enjoy. Now, wouldn't you like me to be a 'hooker' for you more often?"

Jasmine broke down in a fit of quiet laughter.

"I am so busted - by my own little girl," she expressed ruefully, trying to contain herself.

"But ya know..." Lexie went on, doing her best Jay Leno impression, "... after last night, your relationship with Daddy is at a delicate stage. Like you said; this may be the time you finally get him over his 'manhood issues' once and for all. The resultant new level of trust, respect and understanding of one another could reinvigorate your marriage; open it up to a whole new vista of enjoyment for both of you. It would be a shame if an untimely revelation of the true nature of your 'public relations' work all these years spoiled those efforts."

Jasmine's body stiffened perceptibly. Then her eyes twinkled and a coy smile curled the edges of her mouth.

"And just what," she smirked, "would the price of someone's continued... discretion be?"

"Oooooh, I don't know," Lexie mused casually, swirling her orange juice around the glass. "You live a very attractive and, shall we say, lucrative lifestyle. If someone were tempted to seek her own employment with this 'agency', then someone would have incentive to be discreet, wouldn't she? I'm just going to take a flier on this, but it might be easier to convince your husband he has nothing to fear from your occasional... dalliances if he has two lovely ladies attending to his needs, rather than just one. Some men might regard that as a little piece of fantasy heaven - don't you think?"

"Just so we're clear," Jasmine cautioned, tracing the length of her younger companion's arm with her fingertips, "if someone were to go that route, we would be talking about a lot more than just playing dress-up; heavy-duty hormone therapy, personal and lifestyle changes..."

She gave Lexie the once-over, smiling.

"I think she already has a handle on that," Jasmine continued. "Of course, the prosthetics would have to be replaced with something more... permanent. That's just for starters. There would be other changes, too, to make her more..."

She looked over the edge of the table to the junction between Lexie's thighs, then up again.

"... accommodating to the male anatomy. She would be kept very, very busy after that; a commitment of time, money and effort that large would demand a substantial return on investment to make it worthwhile. In fact, she would likely be giving up the pampered, privileged life she had known, plus any other career path she might have envisioned, for this new, very demanding one. College would definitely be a non-starter; that little girl would require a different, highly-specialized 'education' altogether. Who knows? If her 'trainer' is really strict, the sweet young thing might even be required to work out of a motel like this one to start; turning 'dates' on the street like a common ho'. Then again, if she already is a little slut, that shouldn't be an issue - should it?"

Lexie closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, then let out a long, expressive sigh before opening her eyes again.

"I thought so," Jasmine smirked. "Baby, you just graduated cum laude! Well, there's no time like the present. Let's go."

"Where to?" Lexie inquired.

"The motel office," her companion giggled. "I've changed my mind about today. We are going to need the room for another night. In fact, our first 'date' is already waiting for us - he just doesn't know it yet. Trust me when I tell you; men love to be awakened that way. Between the two of us, we should be able to convince him our new… lifestyle will be a dream come true for all three of us. If not… well, there are other methods of persuasion, aren't there? I really did plan ahead; I packed my bondage and discipline gear in the trunk of your father's car yesterday afternoon. I have so much to teach you."

They rose together, paid their bill at the register, then strutted gracefully out the door, their heels clicking smartly. Once outside, Jasmine withdrew her pack of Eve 120's from her purse and lit one, then held out the pack.


Lexie drew one between her talon-ed fingers, leaned forward and accepted the light. She inhaled deeply, then stood upright and exhaled casually, holding her cigarette gracefully aloft while the two 'working girls' beheld each other with twinkling eyes.

"I'll call the agency and tell them we're available," the older vixen advised, looping her arm through her companion's and resuming their slow, sinuous pace across the parking lot. "There are guys out there who will pay a fortune for a mother-daughter team – even more if they think the 'daughter' isn't one by choice. You can play that role, can't you, Sweetheart?"

"No Mommy, nooooo," Lexie whined in a pretend little-girl voice. "I don't wanna be a girl! Don't make me suck that man's cock. Don't let him stick it in my little tushie. It's too big!"

Mother and 'daughter' shared a throaty laugh over Lexie's over-the-top characterization.

"That's my little girl," Jasmine avowed, patting Lexie's arm affectionately. "You'll do just fine. This is gonna be so cool!"

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