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Turning around, she faced the bed. Making her voice as serious as possible, she said, "I'm sorry Jason but I have to go. When we started dating I told you, warned you I was a good girl."

"I know . . . I know," he sadly whispered back. "Can't we just . . . like kiss some more . . . if I promise to stop trying to . . . you know, untie your blouse, and like . . . stop putting my hands between your legs."

"If I agree to make out with you some more, you have to promise to stop trying to feel me up . . . completely. If you can agree to just kissing me, and only kissing me, I will stay."

"OK, OK, I agree . . . now come on, lay back down on the bed with me."

"OK but remember your promise . . . no feeling me up. It's not going to be easy you know."

"I know, I know, but just stay. I will be good. I promise."

"Are you sure about that," she said smiling slyly at him.

She took a step back before slowly bringing her hands up to her chest. Just as slowly, she began to unknot the tie holding her blouse shut.

He watched, stunned, as she carefully stripped off her blouse revealing the colorful bra he had picked out for her. Dropping her hands to her tight daisy dukes, she patiently unbuttoned them. A minute later, they were on the floor next to her blouse.

Standing before him in just her bra and panties, she slowly rotated around allowing him a complete view of her body.

"You like what you see, Jason?" she asked when she was finally facing him again.


"Good, I thought letting you see me in my new bra and panties would be a nice reward for being good and promising to just kiss me without trying to feel me up."

Yeah, a nice teasing as hell reward, he thought to himself as she hopped back up on the bed and snuggled herself up against him.

Bringing her lips to his, she initiated the first kiss. It was hard, literally, but somehow he managed to confine his restless hands to just carefully stroking her bare arms, tummy and thighs. He neither tried to fondle her boobies through her gorgeous colorful bra, or get his hands inside those delicious little thong panties of hers.

Finally, she broke off their kisses before turning her back on him. The whiskey was making this naughty adventure of their easier than she could have ever imagined.

"What is wrong?" he whispered. "I didn't try to feel you up like you made me promise."

"I know it's just . . . you are the first one ever to see me in my bra and panties Jason, and it's making me a bit uptight. Maybe . . . maybe I just need you to give me one of your nice shoulder rubs huh that always makes me feel relaxed, Jason."

"Sure, I can do that."

"I have a small bottle of body lotion in my purse. Did I bring it up here . . . my purse?"

Pointing across the room, he said, "Yeah, you set it over on my desk there. I will get it for you."

"No, stay there, I will get it. I need to move a bit before I pass out from all that stupid whiskey you made me drink."

She climbed to her feet before slowly staggering across the bedroom to the desk where she left her purse. He could feel his eyes all over her ass as she crossed the room and decided maybe it was really time to turn the heat up on him.

Over at the desk, her back to him, she rummaged through her purse, pretending she could not find the small bottle of body lotion she kept there. Her sole reason for doing this was, of course, to allow him time to check out her ass as it was on such full display thanks to the barely there thong panties she was wearing.

After an excessive amount of time she exclaimed, "Oh there it is. Found it."

Back on the bed, she stretched out on her tummy after handing him the bottle. He carefully squirted a bit onto both his hands and her shoulders before starting to give her a gentle shoulder massage.

Ellen sighed. Their role playing game was going perfectly to plan. She let him massage her shoulders for a quick minute or two before she whispered, "Would you mind being a good boyfriend and giving your girlfriend a nice back rub also."

"Of course," he happily agreed.

Picking up the bottle of lotion again, he squirted a decent sized amount out onto the middle of her back.

Moving slow, Jimmy rubbed the lotion all over his mom's/girlfriend's back in a wide circular motion—while staring all the time at that gorgeous ass of hers.

His cock was reaching epic proportions of hardness as this innocent little back rub of theirs continued.

Sensing what he was looking at, Ellen mumbled softly to him as his hands traveled down close, very close, dangerously close, to the soft rise of her ass before pulling back. "You didn't have to stop you know. I wouldn't minded if you rubbed some of the lotion on my . . . butt.

Hearing this, Jimmy's heart rate nearly doubled. Picking up the bottle of lotion, he squirted a generous amount onto each of her butt cheeks causing her to squirm.

"Oh, that is a bit cold."

"Let me warm things up for you then, Ellie," he happily chortled.

He took an inordinate amount of time rubbing the lotion carefully into her nice, firm ass, causing his poor aching cook to tremble with renewed hardness.

Finally, she turned over, smiling up at him she said, "My turn. Take off your jeans and shirt. I hope there is some lotion left."

"Yeah, the bottle was practically full," he told her as he hurriedly stripped off his jeans and tee shirt.

Stretching out on the bed on his tummy, it was his turn to sigh as she begin to rub her soft lotioned hands all over his back and shoulders. The way she carefully kneaded both his shoulders before letting her hands slip down and around his back made him with extreme contentment.

After a minute or two she whispered, "OK . . . all done. You can turn over."

Jason turned over, hoping this was not it.

"Did I do a good job, Jason?"

"Yes, of course. It felt nice."

"Yeah, my friend, Liz, she told me she gives her boyfriend massages all the time and he loves them. Of course, Liz is a bit of a . . . ahh slut and I think she gives her boyfriend something else besides just a simple back rub."

"Really, lucky guy."

Ellie immediately responded with a hard slap on his bare chest, catching him off guard.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"Maybe you wanna be with her then . . . if he is so lucky."

"Oh come on Ellie, I didn't mean it like that. You know I . . . love you."

She repressed a smile. This was going too perfectly. "Really, you love me Jason? You . . . you never told me that before."

"I do. I think you are perfect, Ellie and I wouldn't trade you for Liz no matter how many happy endings her stupid boyfriend gets from her."

"You mean that?"

Yes." Reaching out, he pulled her down and they began to kiss.

Their tongues were soon engaged in mock battle, slipping in and out of each other's mouth, exploring to their heart's content.

Following what happened those twenty years ago as nearly as she could remember, Ellen closed her eyes and let her kisses slip down off his lips and onto his bare chest. Moving ever so slowly, she showered the entirety of his chest and tummy with dozens of light, airy kisses, making him sigh with delight.

Her kisses fell down ever further. Swirling her tongue around his belly button caused him to let out a soft moan. Deciding to tease him to the max before pleasing him, she let her kisses travel down further right to the edge of his simple white briefs.

Raising up, she opened her eyes. Looking down, she could see by the tremendous bulge he was packing inside his briefs her teasing had done the trick.

Dropping her voice to a soft whisper, she said, "You know I have never seen a man . . . down there before, Jason."

"Really . . . you . . . you wanna see mine?"

"Yes, if . . . if you don't mind."

"No," he whispered.

Reaching down, Ellen slowly peeled off his briefs and then let out a pronounced gasp. "Wow . . . its . . . it's so big, Jason."

"It is?" he dumbly replied, not knowing what else to say.

"Can I touch it? Please."

"You can if you want, Ellie but I . . . I'm not forcing you."

"Of course you're not silly. It was my idea."

Using one finger at first, she ran it up and down the entire length of his hard shaft before wrapping her hand around it. "If I start moving my hand up and down . . . according to Liz . . . that is how I would give you a happy ending."

Jimmy nodded his head yes.

"I think it will be easier if I put some lotion on my hand."

He watched as she squirted some lotion on both her hands before wrapping one hand around his stiff member while using the other to cup his testicles.

Slowly, she started to move her hand up and down, making him groan with pleasure as she jiggled his nut sack tenderly.

"Maybe we should make out some more while I do this for you. Liz said guys like that . . . kissing while being touched."

Unlike his father twenty years ago, Jimmy was not destined to last all that long. Ellen, much more experienced and confident now, of course, knew exactly how to give a man a hand job.

Ellen also knew how to kiss, and as she swirled her tongue expertly in his mouth, while working her hand up and down at varying speeds on his hard shaft, she was supremely confident she could make him come as quick or as slow as she wanted.

Wanting him to witness the grand finale, Ellen pulled back, positioning herself on her knees. She looked down at him, smiling, before starting to stroke his cock in earnest as Jimmy watched.

His eyes were glued to that pretty colorful bra of hers as she worked her hand up and down his cock and when his legs began to thump up and down on the bed she knew he was close. Reaching down, she added the final touch by jiggling his balls lightly as her experienced hand flew up and down his cock.

"Oh God, I am . . . I'm going to . . ."

His cock exploded with a new batch of fresh sperm, coating the back of her hand.

"Hmm, I think it is game over," she whispered to him before disappearing to get the wash basin for the second time on this fateful night.

The next few day passed in a pleasant haze for Ellen as Jimmy doted on her with the utmost care, bringing her breakfast in bed one day, bringing her candy and flowers the next, and then finally, he presented her with a beautiful diamond necklace. When she asked why he simply smiled and said, "Because you deserve it for being the world's best mom . . . ever."

Ellen was walking on clouds for those few days as her son plied her with his best boyish charm. And then suddenly, without warning, his mood changed.

On the fourth day after their naughty adventure, a Saturday, he woke up sullen and moody and stayed that way all day. When she asked him what was wrong, he snapped, "Nothing," before practically fleeing from her.

His surely mood lasted all the way into and through the next week. Ellen did her best to ignore it at first, believing he was trying to blackmail her in being naughty again but finally on Friday night over dinner she brought the subject up.

"You have been moody and sullen all week, Son. What is wrong?"

"Nothing," he mumbled.

Sighing, she slammed her fork down on the table before fixing him with her hardest glare, which never failed to break his spirit. It worked, of course, as Jimmy sighed himself before finally saying, "Fine I will tell you."

After dinner, sitting side by side on the sofa he quietly outlined why he had been sullen all week. "It's just that I have nothing to look forward to Mom. I mean I know you would never agree to do . . . that . . . again and . . . well it was so good, Mom, I mean really, really good."

Ellen's heart swelled with pride at him thinking what they did together was "so good". On the other hand, had she created a monster by doing what she did?

If she had created a monster, which considering his sad and sullen behavior of late, certainly seemed to be the case, it would be up to her to control it.

"I never said we couldn't do it again, hon."

"Really," he said, smiling for the first time in days.

After a long drawn out discussion, they finally came to an agreement. For the past year or so, every Friday night had been popcorn and movie night. It was a tradition they both immensely enjoyed. Ellen, with a sly smile, promised to add something else to this tradition: a nice little hand job.

For the rest of the week, Jimmy was so utterly charming to his mother, totally sweeping Ellen off her feet.

Friday Night Movie Night became simply heavenly for young Jimmy. His mother would wear some nice outfit to the movie, sometimes it was cute, sometimes it was something over the top sexy, sometimes it would be both, and then during the course of the movie they would gradually ease their way into her hand job.

It would start with a few kisses, but not too many as Ellen was afraid of things spinning out of control. During their light kissing session, on rare occasions, if she was feeling frisky she would allow him to feel her up a bit through whatever cute or sexy top she was wearing, although she would never allow him to snake a hand under her top or to go between her legs.

Finally, after sensing he was ready she would slip a hand under the blanket they were huddled under, slowly undoing his jeans, before pulling his hard cock out and giving him the promised hand job.

The experience was something Jimmy so looked forward to all week. So much so he could barely make it to Friday without bursting. After four straight Friday night hand jobs things were going about as good as he could have hoped before things hit a snag.

The snag was due to the one stipulation Ellen made to him about what she was doing: if his grades started to slip, even a little, meaning if he received anything less than a B, or if he was being graded on a percent basis the threshold was anything less than 84 percent, on any paper, assignment, quiz, test, etc. their fun and games on Friday night would immediately cease for at least one week, and if it happened a second time, the penalty would be a month. A third time . . . he didn't even want to consider that!

She made him turn over all his graded assignments, tests, and quizzes on a weekly basis, and being she was a vice principal at the school, it was easy for her to keep tabs on his progress.

In early December, it was going into the fifth week after their agreement started, Jimmy was called to his mom's office at the school just as he was about to go on his lunch period. It was a Thursday and Jimmy, as usual, was beside himself with anticipation for the school week to end and for Friday night to get there.

As he trudged down the hallway to her office, he had a pretty good idea what she wanted to talk to him about. His suspicions were confirmed when, as soon as he walked into her office, she hit him with her best icy glare: fucking algebra.

Yeah, damn algebra. He was struggling with the weekly quizzes Ms. Sanford was giving. The reasons for this was multiple. First of all, Ms. Sanford was a substitute and her quizzes were much tougher than old man Whitmore's.

At first, Jimmy was not too worried, after all she was only a sub and Mr. Whitmore was only supposed to miss a week, or two at the most, because of some operation he was having at the hospital. But then he developed complications and his mother gave him the inside scoop he would not be back probably until late in the school year, if at all.

She also informed him, Ms. Sanford would be staying on as the sub until he returned. Not good news, thanks to the little crush Jimmy had developed on Ms. Sanford.

This new substitute teacher was, in Jimmy's mind, a perfect mature beauty. If he had to guess she was probably in her early fifties, with pretty blond hair, styled fashionably short and wore outfits, while not over the top sexy, after all the teacher's had a dress code to follow just like the kids, hinted at her having a pair of rather prodigious breasts under the somewhat tight blouses she wore in class. Her skirts tended to be on the tighter side, probably skating just up to the border line of the dress code while not actually crossing it.

In class, she tended to call Jimmy's name out more than the other students and unless it was just his imagination, she seemed to almost flirt with him in their interactions. He told himself she just possessed an outgoing friendly personality but still . . . in the dark of night, alone in bed, he often fantasized about Ms. Sanford.

It didn't take long for the rumors to swirl around school that the outgoing and friendly Ms. Sanford might have been a lesbian. The word was she had never been married, and considering her short hair style and her friendly attitude toward the females in her class, the rumor mill was working overtime.

The fact of these rumors, combined with how friendly she was toward Jimmy, as opposed to the other boys in her class, made him feel almost special and only increased the developing crush he had on her.

During class, as she was up at the board showing the class how to work out the assigned problem, or standing in front of the class giving her lectures, Jimmy often became lost staring at her. As his concentration wavered in her class, so did his grades begin to fall. Making it doubly hard was her weekly quizzes fell on a Thursday, when poor Jimmy was at his most desperate in pent up anticipation for his weekly session the next day with his mom.

As he entered her office before he could sit down, his mother, hit him with the bad news. "I have your quiz score from last week in algebra. B minus," she snapped at him. "You know what that means. Anything below a B . . ."

"Yeah, yeah I know," he grumbled. "No Friday night fun." He plopped down in the chair across from his mom hopping she wasn't going to give him too much grief. It was bad enough he would be missing out on his Friday night fun as it was.

"Better do better on her quiz tomorrow, Son or--"

"I know . . . a month penalty."

Ellen looked at him. He looked like a little kid who was told on December 24th Santa would be skipping his house this year. Yes, he looked that pathetic as he slumped down in his chair.

Softening her voice, Ellen said, "I talked to Ms. Sanford. She says you act like you are day dreaming and not paying attention while she is showing the class how to work stuff out on the board. You got to pay attention to her son. I mean, algebra, you were doing fine in it under Mr. Whitmore."

"Yeah, well, things were different then, Mom."

"Different how. She is teaching the same stuff you aced before. She is has not changed the curriculum."

"Yeah, but . . ." He hesitated, not sure if he should actually tell his mom the truth about his feelings for the beguiling mature Ms. Sanford. What if she got jealous, then again, she had tried to convince him needed to take an interest in other girls . . . although Ms. Sanford, at her age, was anything but a "girl", of course.

"Yeah, but what . . . let me guess. You have a crush on her . . ."

Jimmy sat up straight in his chair. How the fuck did she know? He thought about denying it but his mother always seemed to know when he was lying so he thought better of it. Instead, he smiled wanly, shrugging his shoulders. As usual his mother read him like an open book.

As she stayed silent that only meant one thing: she wanted to hear more.

"Yeah, maybe . . . I mean a little." Then the rest of the truth came pouring out before he could stop himself. "I have a hard time concentrating on her lessons, Mom, because . . . because I don't know . . . I mean I think she is attractive, not as much as you, but still . . . and then, on Thursday, her quizzes are tough because by then, I'm . . . well, you know, its . . . it's been like six days since . . . you know . . . our last time and I am so ready, so anxious for Friday, that I can't like at all concentrate as she lectures us before the quiz."