More than Kissing Cousins?

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Bored, he takes advantage of his shy drunk cousin.
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Wire glasses rested on the her bridge of her slightly upturned nose, hiding wide blue-grey eyes. Her thick honey blonde hair was pulled back from her heart-shaped face in a pony-tail, only seeming to emphasis the purity of her fresh skin. She was on the slender side, but with a softness to her breasts and the curve of her hips that made his fingers itch. She wore a button up white shirt with slightly puffed short sleeves beneath a black vest with grey triangles that slightly clung to the warm handfuls beneath. The only thing he liked about what she wore was her skirt. It was gray and tight, and fanned out in pleats to reach her knees. Because of its tightness it rode up her thighs when she was sitting down, like she was now.

He watched her crossed legs under the table, her top leg swinging back and forth in time to the rhythm of her pencil as she tapped its end on the wooden surface. She paid him no attention as she poured over a thick tomb. Every now and then he caught a glimpse of the cream lacy tops of her stockings. She wore prim clothes and blushed when boys spoke to her. Yet her lacy stockings gave him something to mull over. He didn't know why, she was his cousin for crissakes, but heat sizzled in his gut at the thought of the things he could show her. Would she be shocked to learn what he was thinking? Hell yes.

Dragging his eyes away, he fixed on the game playing on tv. Taylah's and his parents had gone camping for the weekend. He'd planned to head down the coast with some of his friends and visits some clubs. Only his mother had wheedled a promise out of him to look after his cousin Taylah. As far as Simon was concerned, Taylah was all grown up and able to fend for herself. She didn't need a babysitter. She needed a boyfriend.

It was Friday night, but he knew Taylah had an exam at college first thing Monday, and so hadn't gone out or camping with her parents. When she did go out, he bet it was with a bunch of girlfriends, and he doubted whether she had the courage to talk to guys her own age of eighteen.

Simon saw Taylah from time to time, mostly at the odd family celebrations and Christmas. Being three years older than Taylah, and only concerned about scraping 51% in college exams in between parties and working his holidays with a construction company, they didn't have much in common.

When he did come over, sometimes her friends would be there, and he smiled to himself at how they would practice their flirting on him. With thick wavy black hair, tanned skin and startling green eyes, he had been told he was everything from handsome to interesting. He often had to stop himself from grimacing as her friends used him like a test guinea pig in their midst. Simon pretended he was ignorant of their inviting gazes, not wanting to encourage them. He knew that most of them were probably virgins, just like Taylah. He had visions of sleepovers, skimpy nighties and girlish screams as they stayed up all night watching horror movies and making popcorn. Probably no alcohol or boys allowed. Adjusting his pants slightly at the sudden tightness as he imagined Taylah in a pair of panties and a short singlet, he sipped on his beer as he dragged his gaze from the dining room alcove back to the footy game on TV.

But he kept finding himself distracted, and his green eyes straying over to where Taylah sat studying at the dining room table, all prim and serious, and a stupid idea seemed to gain momentum.


Taylah fiddled with her pencil as she worked through mathematical equations, trying hard to concentrate. She couldn't help getting distracted by the way her cousin kept looking across at her. He was probably thinking she was weird to be studying on a Friday night instead of out with friends picking up guys.

She watched him from beneath lowered lashes as he stood up gracefully and stretched before heading for the kitchen, probably to get another can of beer. She couldn't help but notice how his butt filled out the tight faded jeans. All her friends told her that he was easily cuter than any of the guys in their college classes, and even though she secretly agreed with them she pretended she didn't know what they were talking about. He was her cousin after all. Yuk.

She had her head down reading her text book when he returned a few minutes later, and had to re-read the paragraph because she lost concentration. Why did he have to be so cute?

Needing something to do, her bottom not thanking her for a couple of hours sitting, she tossed down her pencil. Uncrossing her legs, she rose from the chair and walked into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of pepsi max from the fridge. Someone told her it had fifty times more caffeine than a cup of coffee, and since then she never studied without it.

Pouring herself a glass and dropping in some ice cubes, she leaned against the sink and sipped at it. It was slightly flat tasting, but she didn't care. Almost finishing the glass off, she refilled it before heading back to study.

Simon looked up when she returned, his gaze dropping to her pepsi before lifting back to her face. His lips seemed to twitch, but she put it down to it not being beer. She walked away from him toward the table, and some little quirk made her put a little wiggle in her step.

As she worked, reading became harder and harder as her concentration fizzled. Her thoughts kept returning to Simon, and the way he filled out his blue t-shirt and jeans. She had finished off her second glass of pepsi, and was feeling slightly antsy. She gazed down at her book, and it looked like someone had rubbed out all the letters and replaced them with wiggling lines. She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes, but it didn't help. Maybe she was more tired than she thought. If Taylah didn't know better, she would think she was drunk like that time at Sara's where they had secretly drunk a bottle of warmish champagne between them while Sara's brothers were downstairs.

Pushing back from the table, she rose slightly unsteadily. Feeling hot, she pulled off her vest. She was loosening the top buttons of her shirt when she realised where she was and with whom. Simon.

Unable to look at Simon to find out whether he saw her unintended strip show, she walked to the hallway, trying to keep her back to him as much as possible. When she knew she was out of Simon's line of sight, she fled to her room. She made it to the door of her room and sat down on the end of her bed, feeling dizzy as she bounced. Leaning over, she dropped her reading glasses on her bed-side table and felt for the switch of her lamp, and light flooded her eyes.

Flinging an arm over her eyes, she flopped back on the bed. And could have groaned as the room seemed to spin behind her closed eyes. With one hand, she tugged at her remaining buttons, her fingers fumbling slightly, then pulled the material back. Cool air wafted over her breasts, and she felt her nipples tighten. She wondered what it would be like to feel Simon's mouth there.

Stop it. He's your cousin.

With a groan of frustration, she twisted slightly, one leg pulled up over the other, and with one hand at her waist, the other yanked down on her zip at her side.

She didn't know why her legs felt like jelly. Her hand slid underneath her skirt and down between her thighs, and she gently rubbed herself where she throbbed lightly, then guiltily pulled away. She couldn't do that while he was in the house.

She must have dozed lightly, and she blinked slowly, gazing up at the ceiling. The room was dim, the lamp beside her bed casting a small glow. Her eyes widened as they rested on her cousin sitting beside her on the bed. He watched her, a curiously intense look on his face that made her shiver.

"Hi," she mumbled. She frowned, uncertainty washing through her as her mind tried to catch up. She gazed down and her eyes widened as she realised the buttons of her top were undone and pushed aside to reveal her pale pink bra. Her hands slapped over the upper mounds of her breasts as a blush stole up over her cheeks.

"Hey," he murmured teasingly, his hand running up beneath her skirt. She squirmed as he pushed her skirt up around the tops of her thighs, revealing the lacy trim of her stay-ups and a glimpse of her rainbow stripped knickers. She knew it wasn't right, but was not sure what she wanted to do about it as heat stole over her. Her legs scissored slowly on the bed as he trailed his fingers up her inner thigh, finding it ticklish, yet strangely liking it.

A heady throbbing was beginning between her thighs, and she wondered about that.

Instantly she stilled as he slipped his hand between her knees and spread her legs as far apart as her loosened skirt would allow. She swallowed hard as he gazed down at her, his green eyes seeming to burn through her knickers as a thumb gently traced the lacy edging down between her legs.

"Simon, what-" her words halted as his fingers slipped beneath the thin cotton band and closed over her mound, and she moaned softly on the bed. The feeling was so intense she brought her knees together in shock.

"Don't you like that?" he asked her.

Taylah thought about it, and even though she wanted to say no, she knew it was a lie. She liked the feel of him touching her. Had imagined him to touching her for ages, she finally admitted to herself.

Simon could have groaned as he thighs relaxed slightly. The motion told him she wasn't quite giving him permission, but not exactly telling him to stop either. How much was curiosity, and how much was the vodka he poured in her pepsi, he didn't know. She only had one glass, so it couldn't be just the vodka.

He pushed her skirt up, and she let him. She chewed on her lip when he pushed her panties to the side, revealing a glimpse of her honey thatch. His fingers circled her ankles and drew her legs wide apart so they dangled over the sides of the bed. The bed shifted as he settled one knee on the bed, then the other, until he was kneeling between her wide thighs. Any thought of closing them against him was now a lost opportunity.

Simon gazed down at her, the tiny cotton bra and the skirt pushed up around her waist, the creamy handful of flesh above the lacy-topped stockings. The glimpse of curling thatch where one side of her panties were bunched up and caught in her slit. The sweet, heady fragrance of her made him ache. He wondered if another guy had ever had the good fortune to touch her there. Would she let him?

What had started off as curiosity and a bit of a lark after one too many beers had ended up somewhere else entirely. Finding her on her bed with her pretty bra on display and all that soft, silky flesh had thrown him. He had stood filling the doorway, gazing down at her laying on the bed, the hallway light and her lamp casting beckoning shadows over her pale flesh. He didn't know how long he stood their feeling as though he had been kicked in the gut.

Without knowing how, he had found himself touching her, wanting to see all of her. Nothing more, he silently promised himself. Just a light exploration before getting the hell out of there and doing something really stupid.

"Simon?" she whispered. She was gazing up at him from beneath lowered lashes.

"I just want to look at you," he told her, unmoving on the bed, taking all of her in with his eyes. "Take you bra off for me." It was more appeal than command.

After what seemed like hours, and every minute of those hours he expected her to say "go to hell", she reached beneath her. With a bit of wiggling, her bra loosened. But she couldn't take it off with her shirt on. All he had to do was hook his finger beneath the thin band that joined the two pink cups together, and tug it loose.

He did. His mouth went dry. His dick surged.

"God, you're beautiful," he told her, unable to take his eyes from the delightful pale mounds with their budding pink tips peeking beneath the loose pink bra. How was he to know his cousin would look like this under all those boring, buttoned-up clothes.

He drew her hands over her head, placing them firmly on the pillow. Then trailed his fingers down their undersides until they loosely closed over her breasts. She didn't protest, simply watched him from beneath those lowered lashes.

Just one taste. Then he would leave her. He pulled off his t-shirt and flung it over the side of the bed. Then leaned over her, hands on the mattress on either side of her. She lay waiting, her breasts rising and falling with a betraying swiftness that was like a siren's call.

Seeing his cousin like this, with her skirt pushed up about her hips and her breasts bared to his gaze, was doing strange things to him. Did she know how incredibly sexy she looked with those innocent eyes and seductive body?

He trailed his mouth down the valley between the soft mounds, breathing her in. She reminded him of strawberry lollipops. Only she tasted better. He knew she would stop him eventually. Hell, he would stop this. Eventually.

He lightly settled his weight on top of her. His mouth closed over a tender nipple, and she arched, her hands coming down to capture his head. But not to pull him away. Satisfaction surged through him as her fingers sunk into his hair while breathy moans escaped her as he nibbled and sucked on her.

Did she know she was pressed against the ridge of him straining his jeans, and every wiggle sent bolts of lightening to his gut? He couldn't believe he was hard for his shy cousin. She wasn't his type. He liked blousy tits and great cheeks. Yet there was something incredibly fresh and quietly sensual about Taylah that drew him and wouldn't let go of him.

He couldn't lie and say he hadn't thought about her in this way before. But it was strictly fantasy. She was strictly off-limits. He didn't know how long her played with her small breasts, but he knew she liked it by the dampness of his jeans where they rubbed against her panties.

His mouth moved up, over her chest and throat. One hand slid beneath her head, finding the band on her pony-tail. He tried to untangle it as gently as he could. Her fingers helped him, and she pulled the band free. He sighed against her throat as his fingers sifted through long silken hair, and again he breathed in strawberries. As he settled his length against her, he wondered if she would let him kiss her on the mouth. He wanted to. He had a burning need to.

His mouth brushed over her cheek, over her chin. His mouth caressed her slowly, teasingly. His intention was clear, but he gave her every opportunity to turn her head, to stop him. But she didn't. With a groan, his mouth found hers.

He kissed her, slowly and gently at first, not wanting to scare her off. Her hands settled tentatively at his waist as she kissed him back. She was slightly timid and uncertain, but soon that melted away as their tongues tangled and the kisses deepened.

He thought his jeans would burst. He rubbed himself slowly, almost casually against her. The friction was killing him.

He rolled on to his side, and she followed him, her naked breasts pressing against his chest as her hands latched behind his neck. His hands wandered down her back, finding her sweet bum and dragging her up tight again him.

The kisses went on and on, and he slid a hand on her knee. He drew it up, seeking her panties. Then his hands slipped beneath the band of her panties and gripped her cheeks, massaging them. She didn't resist him when he pushed one thigh between hers and drawing her thigh up high over his.

How far would she let him go in this madness? His hand slid slowly down between her thighs from behind to brush against her slit, and she jumped. But she didn't stop kissing him, only moaned against his mouth.

Taylah was soaking. Simon burned with the knowledge. She liked what he was doing to her. He couldn't believe how sweetly eager his cousin was for him. Simon wondered how she would react if she experienced an orgasm with another person for the first time. Even if it was just with his fingers. He just had to convince her to let him.

His finger curled in her damp folds, lightly forging ahead, not wanting to startle or scare her off. She shivered as he gently delved in her heat, then caressed her with long, gliding stokes along her swollen valley. Would she let his finger slide into her virgin pussy? Please, yes, please. He slid the tip of his index finger in, up to the first knuckle. His rock hard cock hardened even more, if possible, at the way she clenched down on it. Hell.

He moved his hand from her warmth, and before she could protest, slipped it over her belly and down the front of her knickers. Her breathing was hectic, face flushed, as he slid a finger in deep while his thumb teased her nub. His tongue matched the thrusts of his probing finger, and it wasn't long before he felt the first quivers of her impending orgasm.

His other hand dropped from where it teased her nipple to struggle with the top button of his jeans. He managed it, before dragging down the zip and wrestling his cock free of his boxers. It sprung forth, thick and heavy and pulsing with the need to be where his finger was plundering her silken heat. But he wouldn't, couldn't. He just wanted to rub it against her, feel her wet heat on him.

She was crying out as she tensed beneath him, her body quivering as it tore through her. Then there was no more thinking about what he was doing, it was just going to happen.

He rolled her beneath him. His hand in her panties drew them to the side. His shaft slid along her dewy folds before replacing his daring finger in her quaking sheath.


"Don't say no, not now," he groaned against her temple. He felt as though he would die if she denied them this. She was going to say something, so he kissed her, hard. She squirmed beneath him as he probed her virginal entrance with his blunt head. Then he was pushing against her body's natural resistance as he sunk in her, her tight pussy walls yielding. Her panties rubbing against the side of his shaft only seemed to incite him.

Her back arched, and he pressed down on her with a hard thrust, breaking through her cherry. In some part of his mind he knew he just took his cousin's virginity, that this was wrong on so many different levels, but his body's demands could not be denied. He needed this. Her.

"Let me in, Tay." He slid deep, groaning, encouraging her with gentle kisses.

They both moaned as he seated himself fully inside her. He forced himself to hold impossibly still, until finally she began to relax around him. "I'll make it feel better," he promised her, licking the tear that escaped down her cheek. He knew she had to be hurting, that it wasn't easy the first time for girls, but she wasn't screaming for him to pull out.

He began slowly, easing out a bit before pushing back deep. Her legs wrapped about his hips as she buried her face against his throat. She felt incredible, tight and wet, clamped around him like a fist. He wanted nothing more than to thrust so hard he came out the other side. But he had to make it good for her, he told himself, over and over. He held him self back, taking it slow, sinking deep within her with surging glides. This was wrong, his head screamed, but he couldn't stop burying himself in her tightness, his body's instincts taking over.


Taylah lay beneath him, panting and flushed. She didn't quite know how things got so out of control. One minute they were kissing and touching, the next he was pushing inside of her. She knew it was wrong, but before she could stop him her virginity was gone. It had hurt like a firebrand, and the shock held her still and she felt him there. All of him. Deep inside her. Then he was moving on her, in her.

Soon it had become bearable as he thrust in her. After a while, the pain from his thick hardness invading her began to mix with twinges of intense pleasure that radiated out from between her thighs. And then it didn't feel so bad at all.