Morena and the Matriarch Ch. 05


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"Yes, Mistress," Lizzie told her and curtsied slightly. "Sir..." and she nodded her head to Steven. Then she turned and headed back to the Inn.

"Steven, one of the other Procurers is watching us from the General Store, according to Lizzie," Alyssa told him.

"She's right," he acknowledged without looking up from fixing his saddle. "It's Deanne. She's over by the pickle barrel with her back to us, but she's using the reflection in the window to watch."

"Okay, then do we say 'Hi!' on the way out or just ignore her?"

"Let's ignore her," he suggested. "Knowing she's watching us may come in handy later on."

Alyssa nodded her agreement and mounted up. Steven mounted up as well.

"Let's hit the road," Alyssa told him. "With luck, we'll hit our destination before nightfall."

* * * * * * * * * *

Luck was not something they had a lot of. But preparedness was.

About four hours out of town, they started to crest a hill after which the road wound down to one of the few bridges in the area, across a rather formidable river. Steven called them to a halt.

"Somethin' don't feel right, Missy," he told her. "Come on off the road for a minute."

They rode off into the woods as they had before and Steven dismounted, then walked to the top of the hill, hidden in the woods. He was back in minutes.

"Squad o' the Matriarch's goons down by the bridge. Looks like they've converted it into a toll bridge. That tells me they're renegades. But they're armed renegades. From my point of view, killing them if they try to stop us would be self-defense. But I'd rather not have to prove it in a court of law."

"So what do you want to do?" Alyssa asked. "How far is the next bridge, or ford, or whatever?"

"Actually, we're kinda screwed on that point, Missy," Steven told her. "Next nearest bridge is downstream about ten miles. Next nearest ford would be upstream about five. Both of them take us way out of our way and into hostile territory - not humans, but wolves, mountain lions, bears... the usual predators."

"I got a plan, Missy, but it's subject to your approval."

"So tell me."

"You wait back here with both horses and give me a chance to flank them on the left. Then you ride down and see what their deal is. If they try to extort you, refuse to pay and try to cross the bridge. I'm betting they don't let you through. Back and quarter the horses to the left so I have a clearer shot. I've only got six rounds before I have to reload, so when they turn to deal with me, you take out as many near you as you can. There's only eight of them, so between us, we should be able to take them out, especially given surprise. Then we just gotta figure out what to do with the bodies."

"Okay, can do. How long do you want me to wait?"

"Give me ten minutes," Steven told her, unslinging his shotgun.

"You got it," she told him and he was off into the brush.

She waited the requested ten minutes, then slowly rode over the hill, leading the second horse. And sure enough, as she wound down towards the bridge, she could see a group of men lounging on either side of the old stone bridge, watching her. When she got within hailing distance, she eased left of center of the road but kept riding for the bridge. When she got about twenty yards from the men, they fanned out onto the road, blocking her way.

She reined up, surveying the situation. As a feint, she reached for her bow. A number of pistols appeared.

"I wouldn't do that, ma'am," the one who was obviously the leader told her. "We're just here to collect the Matriarch's toll on this bridge. You pay the toll and there's no trouble for anyone."

No long guns, she thought as she looked at the weaponry arrayed against her. Good.

"There is no toll on this bridge, or any other bridge within the Matriarch's jurisdiction," she challenged them. She made a show of moving her hand away from the bow and dropping it on her leg, sliding her hand - and incidentally, the poncho - up her leg as if to lean on it. It would make it a lot easier to draw the revolver.

"Well, see, that's a problem, then..." the leader told her moving forward a bit. In response, she backed the horses up a bit, angling for the left side of the road. The bandits moved forward, forming a slight semi-circle.

"See, you're refusing to pay the toll," the leader told her. "Maybe we'll just have to take it out in trade..." Some of the men nearby laughed lecherously. "And when we're done with you, we'll just take whatever that is you're carrying."

He took one more step forward and the sharp bark of a 12 gauge shotgun rang out twice and the two men closest to the edge of the road crumbled. As the rest turned to look, Alyssa quickly drew her gun, took the time to cock it to single action, take careful aim on the leader and put a bullet neatly through the back of his head.

Not waiting as Steven's shotgun barked again, Alyssa got off two more rounds in quick succession, one into each of the men who had been standing on either side of the leader. They were still moving, so she had to come back with more precision and dispatch them with another bullet each. The revolver now empty, she drew the carbine from its scabbard as the shotgun accounted for another bandit. There was only one still standing and he looked scared shitless.

Alyssa holstered the revolver as she rode forward towards the man, aiming the carbine at him with one hand. Steven emerged from the side of the road as Alyssa reined in and took the carbine with both hands, sighting down at the man.

He obviously knew he was in deep shit because as Alyssa held up the carbine, he dropped his pistol and raised his hands in surrender.

"You... you wouldn't shoot an unarmed man..." he stated desperately.

"Where did you ever get such a silly idea?" she asked and fired. He dropped where he stood.

Steven didn't say a word as he walked up to her, but she got the feeling he didn't approve.

"I counted two arms," she told him. "Let's deal with the bodies."

"Okay," Steven agreed, looking around before reloading his shotgun and slinging it.

"Haul them over by the river," she told him. "Downstream side. I'll be with you in a minute."

She loaded another round into the carbine and returned it to its scabbard. She also reloaded the revolver, this time deciding to believe Steven and fill all six chambers in the cylinder. Holstering it, she rode over to the bridge and tied off the horses under a tree. Then she walked over to where Steven was piling the bodies, helping him drag in the last couple of corpses.

"We strip 'em, gut 'em, butcher the bodies, burn the clothes, hands and heads, and dump the rest of the parts in the river. We can leave the offal up in the woods... it'll be gone soon enough. Somebody downriver's going to hate us, but tough shit. I don't want them identifiable, just in case they really do work for the bitch."

"Fine by me," Steven agreed and they set about their task. When they finished and got back to the road, Steven walked around, picking up shot shell casings.

"You might want to police your brass," he suggested.

"Already did," she told him smugly. "Just waiting for the rookie to finish up."

"Rookie, my ass," he grumbled, but went about finishing up. Soon, they were on their way again.

After riding in silence for awhile, Steven looked over at Alyssa and asked, "you always kill an unarmed man?"

"Only when they've tried to kill me first," she told him. "And they're never unarmed unless you've personally cut them off yourself. You'd be surprised what kind of shit they can pull with no visible weapon. I don't like taking chances anymore."

"The voice of experience," Steven mused.

"Yep," Alyssa agreed. "That's why I'm in the business I'm in and still alive."

* * * * * * * * * *

The firefight had slowed them down. It was now nearing dusk as the two riders made the turn onto a winding dirt wagon-wheel path that led off towards a number of building set well off the main road. As they approached, they saw cultivated fields surrounding the estate, with livestock, barns, granaries and silos dotted about. The estate itself was the epitome of understated elegance. And surrounding it was a stone wall with barbed wire on top and a single, locked iron gate.

Alyssa and Steven rode up to the gate and not seeing any kind of bell or signaling device, Alyssa called out to see if anyone was there. Moments later, two guards armed with military-style assault rifles flanked the gate. The fact that they were female didn't bother Alyssa at all.

"Yes?" came a tinny female voice from a grating on the gate.

"Mistress Alyssa of Vern's Dale, Procurer, to see Mistress Morena, Rancher," Alyssa announced.

"One moment, please," the tinny voice told her. Seconds later there was an audible metallic clang and the gates swung open. Alyssa nodded to the two guards as she and Steven rode through.

"There will be servants at the front of the house to take the horses unless we tell them we just want to hitch them," Alyssa told Steven as they rode. "With luck, we'll be able to stay the night. Would you be willing to stay with the horses and watch our stuff while I deliver the product?"

"I'm good with that... Mistress," he told her and his meaning wasn't lost on her.

Together, they rode up to the main entrance of the sprawling gingerbread-style house with its wraparound porches and multiple storeys, high arched windows, stained glass and garish paint. It was definitely opulent, but in a classical kind of way - not like the ultramodern glass and steel monoliths pieced back together after the War. And as Alyssa had predicted, servants were waiting for them.

Alyssa and Steven dismounted and Alyssa politely declined the offer of stabling the horses until after she had spoken with Morena. Steven stood quietly by the hitching rail, simply watching, while Alyssa was conducted inside and to a waiting parlor. She'd done this routine before when she'd first come to offer her services to the Rancher.

Soon the matronly woman Alyssa knew as Deidre came to fetch her and take her upstairs to Morena's office. Alyssa slung the saddlebags over her shoulder and followed Deidre. She was shown to a room which was floor to ceiling books on three walls and floor to ceiling glass on the fourth, looking out over the estate. Alyssa was impressed.

More impressive, though, was Mistress Morena rising up from behind a massive oak desk which dwarfed her. Something about her was awe-inspiring, even when she wasn't in her sanctum sanctorum. But here, she was - and her presence filled the room. Alyssa got the feeling that if Morena wanted her dead, that in this place, she could strike her down with one glance and no one would be the wiser.

But this time, Morena looked happy. Anxious, but happy.

"Is that what I pray to the Goddess I think it is?" Morena asked as she came around the desk and closed the distance to Alyssa.

"Eight hundred fifty cc's of Grade Triple-A or higher," Alyssa told her, holding out the bags.

Morena's knees nearly buckled.

"Deidre," Morena said quietly, but the power was unmistakable, "please tell Mistress Stella I need to see her in my office, now." Deidre gave her a nod and hurried away.

"Please sit," she motioned to one of the chairs and Alyssa moved to follow instructions. Morena went back to her desk and pulled out a ledger.

"That would be six thousand, three hundred seventy-five if we're sticking by our original agreement. And you made the deadline, so the twenty thousand advance I'm going to consider an investment. I'll round it up to six thousand five..."

Mistress Stella came running into the room.

"Stella, please take the product from Mistress Alyssa and test it. If it comes back, as she says, Triple-A or better, our ass is saved and Mistress Alyssa gets a bonus."

"Yes, ma'am," Stella told her then picked up the saddlebags Alyssa handed her.

"I want the saddlebags back," she mentioned, and with an "of course," Stella headed off.

"Can I offer you something to drink, Alyssa?" Morena asked, morphing into hostess mode.

"Not at the moment, Mistress," Alyssa told her. "But I could use a place to stay for the night for me and Steven. He's downstairs with our gear."

"Steven?" Morena asked as if tasting the name. "Steven the Smith? From Vern's Dale."

"Yes, ma'am," Alyssa confirmed. "He helped get me and the product here in one piece. We've got a long ride back tomorrow."

"He's a Solo, a free man," Morena checked. When Alyssa nodded, she added, "so will you want one room or two?"

"One will be fine," Alyssa told her. "Unless you have an adjoining suite."

"In fact, I do," Morena told her with a smile. "With indoor plumbing, a kitchenette and a private bath. For VIP guests and you just made the top of the list."

"Thank you, Mistress, that would be great. And there's one other thing while I'm thinking about it..."

"Yes?" Morena prompted.

"It would be really nice if the Post Office at Vern's Dale had your radio frequency so I could get messages delivered to you without having to go through the capitol."

"That, my dear, is an excellent idea," Morena agreed. "I will make sure you have it before you leave. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Nope," Alyssa told her with a bit of smugness. "Just cut the cheque once Mistress Stella confirms what I've told you."

Morena just shook her head slightly at the confidence of this young woman, but she wasn't going to doubt her. She had delivered on everything she'd promised so far. They were interrupted by the sound of running feet pounding up the stairs.

A very breathless Stella burst into the room.

"Oh, my fucking Goddess!!" she virtually yelled at Morena. "They're off the fucking charts! It's the purest product I've ever seen! Ever! Triple-A or better and NO DEFECTS! None!"

She paused a second to catch her breath.

"Morena, we've got the fucking bitch by the short hairs!" she added. "She will never be able to out-produce us! Or..." and she paused to look over at Alyssa, "I mean, out-produce Mistress Alyssa. Let's just please keep this contract going... please."

Morena took a deep breath, finished filling out the cheque, tore it out and walked over to hand it to Alyssa. Alyssa took it, glanced at it, looked at it again closely, then shook her head in disbelief.

"Mistress, this is for ten thousand," she said quietly.

"Like I said, a bonus. And besides, you've just solidified our position beyond impeachment. You probably aren't aware of it, nor do you probably care, but there's a whole lot of politics going on with this regime and we were on the brink of getting cut off for opposing her. With this kind of product, she can't touch us. The Council will come down on our side, every time."

"Right now, throwing money at you is the only way I can thank you. But seriously, me owing you a favor can come in very handy sometimes."

"Mistress, right now all I want is a safe place to clean up, something to eat and a comfortable bed for me and Steven."

"Yes..." Morena drawled thoughtfully. "You do smell like gunpowder. Deidre, please show Alyssa and Steven to the Ambassadorial Suite and assign someone to help them. Thank you, Alyssa. Go get comfortable."

Alyssa was certainly not going to argue, and a little while later, she and Steven were in heaven.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Stella, have a message sent to the Matriarch telling her the product is ready for transport, that I will personally be delivering it and to have a train sent to Bigglesby Station by tomorrow morning. Then order up our coach. We'll leave at sunup. Tell Deidre she's in charge while we're gone, except Rodriguez can handle the stables. I need to go pack."

"Yes, Mistress," Stella acknowledged with an ear-to-ear grin. "Oh, Mother, this is going to be good!"

Morena headed for her room to pack, but spent most of the time mulling over her situation "at court"... or at least, that's how this Matriarch seemed to administer it. Morena was one of a moderate faction that in other times would have been called the Loyal Opposition. This Matriarch tended to see any opposition as treason.

The Council consisted of a fairly even mix of women and free men culled from all walks of life and elected by popular vote for life. A popular recall vote could unseat them, but the inertia was in their favor. Keep doing an adequate job and they stayed in office, career politicians with one eye on the populace and one on their income. Currently there were forty-seven districts under the Matriarch's jurisdiction and three elected representatives from each district for a total of 141 Council members.

Of those, one per district was considered the Senior Representative and sat on the various committees. Who sat on which committee was rotated occasionally with the full Council hashing it out. Of the entire Council, perhaps a third were Loyal Opposition, a third were sycophants and the rest were carefully neutral. Those who worked in the Dept. of Social Development committees wielded the most power, with the Fertility and Health committee being one of the most important.

The current Matriarch wanted desperately to take over Morena's ranch and her stock, to run it herself as a State-owned operation. Morena going bankrupt was the easiest way to seize it, with Morena achieving room temperature running a close second. The thing that kept her alive was the support of the Senior Committee Members, and her ability to produce where no one else could. She had been teetering on the brink, and now Alyssa had just saved her ass.

And she had no delusions about it. Without this last minute miracle from the Grey-eyed Lady of the Wilderlands, she would have gone under. The thing that baffled her was why her own stock was deteriorating? She was starting to suspect foul play, along the lines of the Matriarch having them poisoned in some way Morena couldn't detect. Proving that was going to be a bitch.

So when she went in to the Capitol with 5,000cc-plus of product, 850cc of it platinum grade, she was going to have to be on her toes. She'd take Stella, of course, and a couple of bodyguards, and never be isolated. Alyssa getting Steven to help her was an impressive stroke of genius. In fact, it might be what she needed as well. Of course, it was possible Steven was already contracted to escort Alyssa home. In that case, she could invite Alyssa to stay at the ranch for the few days it would take her to deliver the product, get sign-off and get back.

Hurriedly packing a range of clothing into a couple of bags and throwing necessary toiletries in, she resolved to go ask her new business partner if she could borrow her escort. She gave her bags over to her servants to handle and headed in the direction of the Ambassadorial Suite.

Reaching it, she noted one of her servants sitting in a chair outside the door.

"What are you doing here?" she asked the woman as she approached.

"Waiting, Mistress," the woman replied. "Your new houseguests wanted privacy and told me to take the night off. But I can't, ma'am, without your approval or Mistress Stella's. So I'm sitting here waiting for them to call me or my shift to be over, ma'am."

"I see," Morena mused. "They're not used to having help around for them. Okay, you can go ahead and take the night off, and let the Coordinator know I said it was okay. Anything my guests need can go through channels. Good-night."

"Good-night, Mistress," the servant said and quickly vacated the area.

I hope they got something to eat before they kicked her out, Morena thought. Guess I'll ask when I ask about Steven. She turned the knob and entered the suite.