Morena and the Matriarch Ch. 09


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She was hunkered down, waiting for dark, when the Major started to regain consciousness. Alyssa had a quick debate with herself about whether to just inject her again, but for some reason, compassion won out.

"I'm going to have to knock you out, again," she told the Major. "Do you want to pee and get something to drink first?"

It took a minute for the somewhat groggy Major to process the request, but she eventually told Alyssa she'd prefer to pee and drink.

"Okay," Alyssa told her, "I've done right by you so far. I'll push my luck. Put your hands behind your neck." When the Major complied, Alyssa hooked a strap around the Major's neck and tied it to the handcuffs.

"This is faster than completely untying you and all that crap," Alyssa told the Major. "Stand up over here. I'll drop your pants, you can squat and piss, I'll wipe you and put your pants back on. Agreed?"

The Major nodded her agreement and Alyssa did as she'd said. Then she freed the Major from the neck strap, allowing her handcuffed hands back in front. She handed the Major a canteen of water.

"Don't drink too much," she told her. "Just enough so you don't dehydrate on me. I'm going to have to sedate you again. It'll be the last time, as far as I'm concerned."

"Thanks," the Major told her. "You're being a lot more considerate than you need to be. Is there something you want from me? Or are you just a kind-hearted person by nature?" Alyssa didn't miss the slight bit of sarcasm in the Major's voice.

"All I want from you is the truth, when the time comes," Alyssa told her, then settled back and waited for the light to fail. As dusk deepened, she told the Major it was time to get ready to travel. She injected the Major again and put her on her horse.

When she was satisfied with the lack of light, she headed into the corn, wending her way to the house. She stopped when she got to the edge of the field. Assessing the distance, she pulled out a blanket from her saddlebags and spread it over the Major, to hide her from view. Then she picked up a stone and threw it at the gate. It made a satisfying, metallic clang! as it bounced off. It also got the guards curious. So Alyssa started off towards the gate at a trot, leading her horse and its cargo.

The guards automatically shone their lights on the movement, revealing Alyssa, horse and load.

"Alyssa for Morena!" she whispered vehemently as she drew near, before the guards could challenge her. "And douse that light!"

The guards did kill their lights and open the gate, but they stood in a circle to block Alyssa from any further movement once she was inside the walls and the gate could be secured behind her. One of the guards approached her.

"What is your business here?" she asked quietly, picking up on Alyssa's desire for secrecy.

"I have a prisoner I need to deliver to Mistress Morena, along with the story of her capture. And I need to do it with as much secrecy as possible. I am absolutely certain that Mistress Tara will have posted spies around this ranch."

The guard nodded and walked over to the body hanging across the back of the horse. She pulled back the blanket and looked at the unconscious prisoner.

"Kirsch!" she spat out in surprise, then turned to the other guards.

"Get this prisoner secured in the house, and the horse to the stable. Tell our Mistress that Mistress Alyssa is here to see her. Mistress, you can go with the prisoner, if you like."

"I like," Alyssa told her. "Lead on."

Twenty minutes later, Alyssa and Morena were standing in one of the guest bedrooms with two guards in the hall and the Major still sedated on the bed.

"So that's basically it," Alyssa finished recounting Deanne's treachery and the raid. "Goddess willing, the guys got away and the Matriarch's Special Forces have no idea where this one is."

"Okay," Morena acknowledged. "First things first. We give her a counter-agent for the sedative. She'll want to use the bathroom. Then we should feed and water her. Also, a change of clothes might be in order. I'll have my people take care of her. Would you like to join me for dinner? I have a message to send, but then I'm free."

"Works for me. Can I have a room to shower and change?"

Morena had a guard show Alyssa to a room while she went to send a message to Mistress Irina Sarkov, President of the Council.

Have important evidence, she sent. Can you pick up? Living proof.

Then she went to meet Alyssa for dinner. It was during dinner that the reply came back.

Be there by morning. Irina.

She also received a message from Steven via the Vern's Dale Post Office. Wanted, Procurer, it said. Vicinity of Mirror Lake or Settlers' Ruin. It looked like a Want Ad. That one she turned over to Alyssa.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Do you understand that you've been duped and are engaged in treason?"

It was early morning and Morena was standing in the Major's room, grilling her, with Alyssa standing nearby.

"I am not aware of any treason, Mistress," the Major answered. "I received direct orders from the Matriarch, my Commander-in-Chief, and I executed them. Nothing about them appeared unlawful."

"So you were just a good little soldier, following orders," Morena shot back. "Didn't it strike you as odd that the orders did not come down your regular chain of command?"

"I often receive orders regarding sensitive missions directly from the Matriarch, or from my Regimental Brigadier, Mistress. I saw nothing suspicious about this."

"You saw nothing suspicious about orders to pick up a citizen and her property on grounds of treason with no warrant and no adjudication documentation?"

The Major looked a little uncomfortable. "In hindsight, it might have seemed a little strange," she admitted. "However, I have been involved in many covert operations, with the consent of the Council, where warrants were not required. It didn't immediately raise any red flags."

"Are you willing to tell the Council exactly what you've told me? To stand by your oath to support and defend our Republic and its Constitutional Monarchy?" Morena asked.

"Classified or at a public trial?" the Major asked. "A public trial would get me killed."

"Classified, initially," Morena told her, "but you'd have to realize that if a subsequent investigation warranted it, you might be required to testify in public."

The Major was silent for several moments.

"I would stand by my oath," she finally stated.

Morena nodded. "Thank you," she told the Major. "Breakfast will be available soon. The Council is coming to collect me and my evidence this morning. That would be you and Mistress Alyssa. Continue to cooperate and no harm will befall you... even from the Matriarch."

"I am not sure you can make that promise, Mistress," the Major told her. "But I understand the sentiment and realistically know my odds. I will cooperate."

Thank Goddess for someone in the military with some sense and some integrity, Morena thought.

* * * * * * * * * *

The lighter-than-air ship touched down just after False Dawn. Council President Sarkov debarked, along with two of the Council's Elite Guard. Morena and Alyssa conducted them to the Major's room. With prompting from Morena, the Major recounted her orders and the raid, up to the point where she lost consciousness. Alyssa then filled in other details, leaving specifics like the evacuation of the guys out of it.

"You have convinced me," the President told Morena and Alyssa. "I want you to come to Capitol with me. I would also like it if you would get me ten 20cc blood samples from your stock to bring with, for analysis."

Morena sent Stella off to roust Rodriguez and get the samples. She also told Stella that in her absence, the ranch was to be considered under siege and no trespassers would be allowed to live. The stock was to be protected at all times and everyone was to be on high alert.

The President and her guards, Morena, Alyssa and the Major boarded the President's airship and they took off. It was not nearly as opulent as the Matriarch's train, but was comfortable enough, with a lounge, dining facilities, baths with showers and sleeping berths. With a top speed of nearly 100 miles per hour, the streamlined airship was able to get them back to Capitol in just over twelve hours. They did not run into any weather or winds aloft problems and the trip went off without a hitch.

Upon their arrival, the President's ship docked at the Council's private airfield atop the Council Headquarters building. Morena, Alyssa and the Major were conducted to guest quarters.

"It is not that I don't trust you," the President explained to Major Kirsch, "but rather that I can't. Since you must be considered a hostile witness, I will be placing you in your own room -- comfortable, I assure you -- with an armed guard stationed outside your room. Do not try to leave. If you need anything, use the phone in the room to request assistance. It will be limited to Room Service, Housekeeping and the Operator. None of them will put you in contact with the Matriarch or any of her employees."

"Of course, Madame President," the Major replied. "I expected to be in isolation as soon as I agreed to tell the truth of my situation."

"Excellent, and thank you," the President told her. "Morena, Alyssa, would it bother you to share a room? It would make it easier on me to keep track of you and provide for your protection. And Alyssa, we will not confiscate your firearms or bow as we normally would. We will consider them necessary for your self-defense. Do not let me down on this. Morena's credibility, and yours, will make a significant difference in convincing first the Committee and then the Council that a full investigation is warranted."

The two women looked at each other and then back to President Sarkov.

"Not a problem, Madame President," Morena told her.

"Not a problem here, either," Alyssa told her.

"Then I will have you shown to your room. I will let you know before morning when I can arrange a meeting of the Committee to go over your evidence. I am also going to ask the University's Micropathology Department to check these blood samples for tainting."

"Do you really want to go advertising that we may be on to how they're fucking with me?" Morena asked. "The University has to be involved somehow."

"I don't intend to go to the Department, actually," the President smiled, "but rather, an up and coming pathologist who owes me a favor and would love to advance her career."

"Oh." Morena got the point.

They bade each other a good night and Morena and Alyssa were escorted to a small suite with parlor, bath, kitchenette and a bedroom with twin beds.

"Morena, I'm still tired from the trip," Alyssa told her as they settled in. "I'm going to sack out for awhile, until they tell us when the meeting is."

"I'm right there with you," Morena agreed. "Except I'm going to get a shower first."

"That sounds excellent," Alyssa told her. "Let me know when you're done and I'll grab one, too."

"Why not join me?" Morena asked. "Save water, save time... and I'm pretty good at scrubbing backs. If you want."

Alyssa was a little surprised but figured, what the hell? Even if Morena was making a pass at her, she'd already set Morena up with fucking Steven. Maybe turnabout was fair play.

"Sure," she told her, then walked to the door and locked it.

The two women walked to the bedroom and disrobed, each throwing their clothes on one of the beds, then headed for the bath. A minute to get the temperature up to a comfortable warm and they both stepped in.

Morena wasn't joking about giving a mean back scrub. In fact, she meticulously went over Alyssa's body, cleaning away all the dirt and grime that had worked its way into Alyssa's skin after so much time on the road. In a word, she pampered her. She lathered her hair with the expensive conditioning shampoo supplied with the room. She used a loofah-style sponge to exfoliate as much of Alyssa's skin as she could reach, including her pussy and anus areas and her breasts. She was gentle and thorough and by the time she was done, Alyssa felt like she'd been peeled. Not literally, of course, but she felt really, really good.

So she decided it was her turn to return the favor, and she did, paying just as much attention to Morena's body as Morena had paid to hers. They were in there long enough that Alyssa started to worry about running out of hot water... until she realized it was a building supply and was probably essentially endless.

When they got out, they spent time going over each others' rough patches of skin with body lotions designed to rehydrate and repair damage. And they definitely came out of it smelling like girly-girls. Morena decided to fix them each a nightcap... a combination of Anisette and Kahlúa, which tasted like a chocolate-licorice candy and which Alyssa had never had before. Morena raided the kitchenette for cheeses and crackers and made a little feast for them, which she spread out on the bed Alyssa had chosen, and they picnicked cross-legged and chatted about nothing. And finally, when they decided to turn in, Morena turned down her bed and then gently spoke to Alyssa.

"You know, Alyssa," she started. "When you hooked me up with Steven and sent me off to Nirvana, I never really got a chance to share pleasure with you. It seemed minor compared to the royal fucking he was giving me..."

"Yes?" Alyssa asked. "I hope it was to your liking..."

"Oh, it was definitely to my liking," Morena smiled. "It's just... something was missing. So I'm going out on a limb and asking, and 'no' is an appropriate answer, and... would you come to bed with me? Snuggle up and talk and giggle and make love and just enjoy each other? Guys are great for fucking... but I think women are better for intimate, gentle, stress-relief."

Alyssa thought about it for a minute.

"You know, you're not the first woman to proposition me," Alyssa told her, and Morena nodded her understanding. "But that was probably the smoothest. And sure. Why not? I'm not all that practiced, but if sincerity counts, I should do alright."

Morena patted the bed. "Great... then come on over."

Alyssa moved over and killed the lights, sliding into the bed with Morena.

She found out that a shower was not the only place Morena was meticulous in giving pleasure.

* * * * * * * * * *

They were still cuddled in each others' arms amidst disheveled sheets and passed out cold when the phone rang at 8am.

Morena groggily reached out and answered it.

"Good morning," President Sarkov said cheerfully.

"You know something I don't know?" Morena asked in a husky, grumpy voice. "Or is that just wishful thinking?"

"I take it you had a late night," Sarkov laughed. "Are you both, perchance, in the same bed?"

"Not your business," Morena grumbled.

"You are absolutely right," Sarkov agreed. "What is my business, and yours, is that the Committee meeting is set for 10am. I will have an escort outside your room at 9:30, so you have about an hour and a half to freshen up. Business casual will be fine."

"Thank you, Madame President," Morena told her as Alyssa sat up in bed. "We will be ready."

"Hey, Beautiful..." Morena jostled Alyssa as she hung up the phone. "Wakey-wakey... we've gotta get up and get going..."

"I'm awake," Alyssa told the pillow. "I just don't want to be..."

"Shall we shower separately this morning?" Morena laughed.

"Well, showering together last night got us in this condition this morning, so yeah, we should probably shower separately. You go first, I'll get the coffee going."

"Damn," Morena breathed, looking at Alyssa's naked body half out of the sheets, "you really are a beautiful woman. And sensible. Okay, I'm off to the shower..." She eased her well-exercised and slightly sore body out of the bed and walked towards the bath.

"You are, too, by the way," Alyssa commented after Morena's retreating ass. Then she slid out of bed and headed for the kitchenette to start up a pot of the Elixir of Life. She made some toast and cut up some fruit so that by the time Morena was out, her breakfast was ready.

While Alyssa was in the shower, Morena decided to go her one better and after rummaging through the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator, she added scrambled eggs with cheese and sausage to the breakfast fare. Well fed, both women dressed in "business casual" and awaited their escort.

The escort showed up precisely at 9:30am and twenty minutes later, Morena, Alyssa and the Major were sitting at a table in a Hearing Chamber. This one didn't have a judge presiding... it had a long table to hold the Committee members and other tables arrayed facing them, plus a small gallery behind. Today, there were no visitors and the doors were sealed off by guards.

Over the next ten minutes, the seven members of the Committee filed in and took their appointed seats, flanked by their administrative assistants and sundry other official personnel. When all were seated, President Sarkov sounded the gavel.

"We are gathered to review the status of a complaint of invasion of privacy, trespassing and theft of intellectual property initially filed by Mistress Morena of Falconwood against persons unknown at that time. This is a closed hearing and is deemed Classified. It is not to be discussed with anyone outside these chambers who is not a member of the Committee or its staff."

"Mistress Morena, do you understand and agree?"

"Yes, Madame President, I do."

"Mistress Alyssa of Vern's Dale, do you understand and agree?"

"Yes, Madame President, I do."

"Major Kirsch of the Matriarch's Special Services, do you understand and agree?"

"Yes, Madame President, I do."

"Then we will review the complaint. After that, we will allow Mistress Morena to add any further information she has gathered. The Committee will then add anything we have uncovered and we will determine whether to continue forward with an indictment."

The meeting proceeded smoothly, except for the glaring looks of hatred from Mistress Glendora the Sycophant towards Morena and Alyssa as they testified to the spying by Deanne and her subsequent message to the Matriarch's Chief of Security, leading them to believe she was the accomplice in the raid on Morena's. They subtly pointed out that with a subpoena, more hard information might be attainable, without mentioning the Postmistress or Steven. Alyssa described the raid on her home by a Spec-Ops SWAT team, her capture of Major Kirsch and subsequent interrogation at Morena's. Overall, they painted a picture of the Matriarch, or one of her immediate staff, as abusing her authority and issuing unlawful orders abrogating the rights, privileges and immunities of the Citizenry. That she, or the staff she was immediately responsible for, had in fact committed the treason she was accusing others of doing.

When the Major testified to the manner in which she had received her orders, and why she had not questioned their legitimacy at the time, and that she would have refused to obey them if she had known they were unlawful, Mistress Glendora just about had a stroke.

She looked shocked and then furious, her skin turning red as she sat and fumed, and finally she could not restrain herself anymore. She jumped to her feet and shouted "You disloyal bitch!" at the Major. "How dare you testify against your Matriarch?!?! You should be taken out and shot!!"

The President nodded towards two guards who moved to restrain the raging Committeewoman.

"I believe our Committee member has lost her ability to be a trier of fact and is unable to impartially review any further evidence. I believe her actions compromise the classified nature of this inquiry and therefore order her remanded to the Central Hospital's psychiatric ward, to be held in isolation in the Sensitive section until the investigation is concluded and her mental stability reviewed," the President stated. "She is not to have contact with anyone who works for or with the Matriarch, other than representatives of this committee, until the status of any possible indictment is determined."