Morena and the Matriarch Ch. 02


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It would have been a golden opportunity to escape except for the fact that Dosay knew what she was doing and never let them get in a position to overpower her or escape.

"You, Gann... you're up," she told him and Gann moved over to the mantrap, to be let through.

"Okay, stud, let's get you tethered," Dosay told him. She pulled out a metallic contraption that looked kind of like an Arab strap. One ring went around his balls and one went around his cock, holding him firmly. And even more so as he began to come erect. She massaged his manhood for a little while to make sure he'd come fully erect and that the device was essentially locked on. Once erect, the strap cut off the blood from leaving his cock, keeping him hard and making it impossible to remove the strap.

"There's a detonator in there," Dosay informed him. "hooked to a wireless receiver. It won't do anything unless you try to wander away from this room. Then it'll blow off your cock and balls, rupturing your femoral arteries. You might have a couple of minutes to wonder what life will be like without balls before you bleed out and die. Understand?"

"Yes, Mistress," Gann answered.

"Then come on over here and fuck the hell out of me," she told him.

Gann had no idea what she would like... or be like. He figured she was Lyssa's younger sister but the Mistress had said she was twisted... something about rape. So maybe he should keep his cock out of her and his tongue in? But then, why tell him to fuck the hell out of her? He had to admit he didn't have the foggiest.

She started towards a bed in one corner of the room and Gann began to follow her. Then she abruptly stopped, turned and came back to him, grabbing him by his hefty erection.

"I said 'come on over here'," she told him, pulling him hard by his manhood until she got to the bed, then added "'and fuck the hell out of me.' What part of that didn't you understand?" She turned him and pushed him down so he fell on his back on the bed.

Then she pounced. Really. As in, launched herself astride him and impaled herself on his cock. She was dripping wet and she took him all the way in, with a loud, "Goddess! You're a big sonofabitch!" She didn't wait for a response, though, before raising up and plunging down again, using Gann like a meat bayonet to stab her pussy over and over and over.

And because the steel rings were slightly desensitizing, Gann just lay there like an animated dildo, watching as Dosay steadily drove herself to a crashing orgasm, shaking and shuddering over him with low animal moans until she finally calmed down a little.

"I am more than a cock, Mistress," he ventured. "How may I pleasure you?"

"You are what I say you are," she told him vehemently, then softened a bit as she thought about it. "But yes.. that could be good, too..." She raised up and turned around into a sixty-nine position with him and directed him, "make me cum." Then she went down on his extremely turgid member.

Gann didn't have to be told twice. He applied every bit of skill he had to making sure this Mistress was a happy Mistress. With all the potential pain hanging on the walls, in the form of whips and other less pleasant things, he really wanted her happy. She obviously had to be in charge. That was fine with him, as long as she didn't decide to start hurting them.

He made sure he paid attention to everything, from her clit to her anus and everything in between. Sucking, licking, fingering... whatever got a positive response. He knew he was headed in the right direction when she started repeating, "oh, yeah... oh, yeah... Oh, Yeah!... Oh, Yeah! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, you're gonna make me cum! Gonna... CUMMMMM!! FUCK, YES!!...", and she tumbled over. He could feel the strong contractions on his fingers and felt the extra flood of her juices.

He also felt something else, on his belly, but he couldn't see what it was. It was going to be moot, though, because her cries of pleasure had gotten to him and he knew he wasn't going to last long.

"Mistress, you have to ease up if you want me to last," he tried to tell her.

"Ease up, hell!" she told him, redoubling her efforts until she could feel him getting ready to burst. Then she came up off him and turned around again, but this time instead of spearing her pussy, she aimed him for her anus. She was so hot and tight as she slid over him, he couldn't help himself. With a low growl, he started to cum, everything tightening up to the painful breaking point where he went over, spewing rope after rope of semen deep into her ass.

And that seemed to trip her over again. With her own animal mewling and moans, she spat out "Cum in me, you sonofabitch! Cum deep in me! Deep! Fill me with your hot spunk, you man-whore! Oh, my fucking God, I'm gonna CUMMM!!" And she did.

Gann could feel her clamp down on him like she was going to sever his phallus for a trophy. He had a fleeting image of it mounted on the wall, cock rings and all, and he started to laugh. But he caught himself before the Mistress heard him. She was too lost in rolling over her cums... she was just as multiorgasmic as her sister. And that's when he got the surprise.

She started leaking milk on him.

That was what he had felt on his belly... her milk. When she came, she let down. And it was pouring out of her. He had no idea about any kid, but she was definitely pouring over him. And it turned him on. Even without the steel strap keeping him erect, he felt himself heading back up for another cum.

In-fucking-credible! he thought. How do these women do this??? And that was about it for rational thought as his gonads took over. He saw the smile on the Mistress' face as she realized he was coming up again and she just ground even harder onto his cock with her ass.

"You like fucking me in the ass, don't you, boy?" she asked, locking her eyes onto his. "You like being the dirty man-whore. The piece of meat that's gonna get milked for his seed every day for the rest of his miserable life... you like it, don't you?"

Gann could barely whisper, but he managed. "I like it, Mistress. We're not miserable. You treat us nice."

"Yeah? Well enjoy it while you can, stud, 'cuz you're slated for a Rancher. And you're just gonna be a piece of livestock. And you won't even get to fuck the women... they'll take your seed and they'll freeze it and analyze it and select the best and sell it to the women they want to get pregnant. You're special that way, you know?"

"You're fertile. Most all the City males aren't. Even the ones that can still get it up. It takes a Wilderman to make a baby. Sometimes more than one. Not all the women are fertile, either. A couple hundred years and the radiation's still fucking things up. And bad sex makes people nasty... I know. And now it's your turn. So enjoy it, Gann. You and your brother and your friend. I'm going to fuck the hell out of you guys until Alyssa gets back. Then it's over and you'll be livin' on dreams."

"I'm gonna get one more cum from you and then you can go back to the cage and rest..."

She meant exactly what she said.

* * * * * * * * * *

One more, Alyssa thought. The two back in the dugout were pure luck, just like Gann and Roe had been. Two Callunar men, late twenties probably, gathering berries and taking cuttings. Trying to be sneaky and get what they needed before they got noticed... by Procurers or other hunting / gathering parties. They were camo'd up and pretty good at moving through the brush unnoticed. The only reason Alyssa saw them was because she was perched in a tree right over the spot they decided to do their gathering in.

A shock-arrow to the neck had taken out the larger of them. She had to chase the other, but a well-aimed bolo took him down. If their sperm was clean, they were definitely going to be Class AA stock. Dark skinned, like the other Callunar, and really buff. Well muscled but not overdone, abs to die for and tight asses... she was drooling just thinking about them.

They were currently pilled and in the cellar of a burned out cottage she'd appropriated. It was surrounded by briar hedge, which discouraged most people from trying to use it. She had a circuitous path in, unmarked, which made it ideal for her and whatever captures she brought with. Now she just needed one more and she could get back to Dosay and take her catch to Morena.

Oddly, she found herself feeling regret. Gann and Roe had been really good with her. And Hecht, too. It was strange that she felt like she was going to miss them. She'd never really had that issue before. It was always business. Then she spotted the Magic Number Six. But he wasn't alone.


He was with another Procurer, a raven-haired hottie that she wished would just go away. She didn't like the competition. Especially when the competition was good. Deanne was a sexy little package and Alyssa speculated that all she'd have to do was walk naked into a clearing and the Wildermen would just flock around. Taking her capture away from her would be declaring war - not something Alyssa was interested in.

Maybe she could buy the capture from her. At the price she was getting from Morena, she could afford to offer up to three hundred and still make a profit. And three hundred was more than Deanne would see from the other Ranchers. For a moment, she toyed with the idea of capturing Deanne as well, and selling her to Morena as a Fluffer.

But Deanne would have friends and there'd be hell to pay. Better to play it straight.

So she showed herself, walking up to Deanne's position, no weapons out. Deanne was startled, and cautious, but let the apparently unarmed Alyssa approach. It took about ten minutes of haggling, with Alyssa letting herself be slowly talked up to three hundred, and then the new capture - Lott - was hers and she was leading him back to her base.

Okay, that's six, she thought. Back to Dosay to collect the others and make sure they're still in good shape, and then back to Morena's ranch to finish the deal.

* * * * * * * * * *

The inn at Mossy Hill hadn't changed... except for the proprietor. Cross-eyed Charley had finally kicked the bucket and his daughter Prudence had decided to sell the family business to Old Joe, her father's friend. Old Joe was friendly, efficient and accommodating to Morena and Stella and they had no problem staying the night.

Smith, the blacksmith, was still working his forge. Stella figured he probably had a real name, but everybody called him Smith, so she did, too. She wasn't wrong about him being a good fuck, and he still was. At breakfast, she was sitting a little gingerly.

Morena did her best to hide the smile.

"So we're on to Vern's Dale, today," Morena was telling Stella. "And find this Dosay person."

"Yep," Stella agreed. "And hope she can put us in touch with Alyssa, and she with enough good stock to save our collective ass."

"Yeah, that, too," Morena conceded. "Whenever you're ready, I've ordered up the coach."

"Let me buy a big pillow off the innkeeper and I'm good to go," Stella winced.

"Already done," Morena told her. "It's in the coach. I was young and stupid once, too."

"Except I'm not young," Stella pointed out.

"That doesn't rule out stupid," Morena countered. "Let's go."

Morena settled the bill and the two women walked out to the front of the inn where the stable-master had their coach waiting. They only had the one driver and one footman, so it didn't take long to get sorted and be on their way. And it was mid-afternoon when they got to Vern's Dale. A couple of discreet inquiries and they found Dosay's house.

A knock at the door was answered by a young woman that looked enough like Alyssa to be her sister.

"Yes, my Ladies?" she asked. "How may I help you?"

"Are you Dosay?" Morena asked.

"I am," she answered.

"Then I would like to speak to you about the whereabouts of your sister, Alyssa. I am Mistress Morena. This is my personal assistant Stella. And I have a contract with your sister. I need to determine its status."

"Well, she's with the new stock now," Dosay told them and Morena felt a huge wave of relief wash over her. "If you want to come in and wait, I can go get her."

"That would be fine," Morena told her. "We won't be any bother."

"Oh, I know that," the girl responded rather glibly. "Follow me, please."

She led Morena and Stella through a moderately appointed home to a parlor, where she asked the women to wait.

"I don't have a maid or anything," Dosay explained, "but after I tell Alyssa you're here, I can try to rustle up some tea and cookies or something."

"Tea would be fine," Morena told her. "It's a bit dry on the road this summer. But at your convenience. Don't worry about us."

"I won't," Dosay assured her. "I'll be right back." Then she disappeared into the house.

She found Alyssa in the dungeon, going over the sperm analysis reports with all six studs locked up. When Dosay walked in, Alyssa looked up smiling.

"I think we've hit the mother lode, Sis," she told her. "Every one of these guys is more than fifty percent over the top of the Class AA rating. It's like they're Class triple-A, or quadruple-A. I can get four times the equivalent of a Class A out of each of them in half the time. Morena is going to shit."

"I hope not," Dosay told her. "She's sitting on one of my antique needlepoint chairs."

"What???" Alyssa was obviously surprised.

"She and her secretary are sitting upstairs, wanting to meet with you. They drove out from the ranch specifically to get an update from you. I'd say they are rather desperate."

An idea began to form in Alyssa's mind.

"Sis, do you like these guys?" she asked.

"Well, Gann and Roe and Hecht are fun," Dosay told her sister. "Haven't really had a chance to fuck around with Lott and Heath and Sawgrass, other than to take their samples for the analysis. Why?"

"What would you say to becoming a Rancher?" Alyssa asked.

"Becoming what?" Dosay was having a hard time with what she thought she'd heard.

"A Rancher," Alyssa explained. "We've got six off-the-charts studs here. We could keep them and milk them and sell their seed to other Ranchers, like a subcontractor. I'm thinking Morena in particular. Then I don't have to deal with the Matriarch and we have a fairly well guaranteed income. What do you say?"

"I'd say you're nuts," Dosay answered. "But since it's me that's gotta take care of them while you're out hunting more stock, I guess it's me that's nuts. Because I think we could make it work."

"Perfect," Alyssa told her. "Details to follow."

"Per usual," Dosay commented drily. "If at all. Shall I invite the ladies down or are you gonna come up."

"As wasted as I am," Alyssa told her. "I'd rather get a shower first. But I'll meet 'em upstairs. And I'll clean your furniture afterwards."

"Thank you," Dosay acknowledged. "The Ladies are in the parlor."

Alyssa nodded and headed off to meet with the Rancher.

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eideticeideticalmost 8 years agoAuthor

I don't see where it is titled Ch. 9... there was a point after I submitted it where it seemed to get a name change, but it appears fixed now. And there are Chapters 3 thru 10 in flight. I hope you enjoy them...

hanna_ahanna_aalmost 8 years ago
Chapter 9???

What about 2 through 8?

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