Motel Halloween


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Amanda tells her story, "We had a meeting run late and it ran through lunch. Everyone went to lunch, but with so much discussed, I wanted to write my notes immediately. After that, I went down to have lunch. The place is empty save one person. A single nice-looking woman was all by herself, so I sat down with her, asking if she minded. She didn't. I start eating and she starts asking questions. She knew of our group, but not a lot. I filled her in on all the cool stuff we do and the neat things we're working on.

"She wanted to know how bad our loser VP was holding us back. I set her straight. I gave her an example of how he's assisted the group, supported them, and has been an enormous help. My only worry with him was the bitch in charge was abusing him. When a VP oversees a dozen groups and each group has four to ten people, it's not bad. Our group is over 300 now, and we are branching into all kinds of things. I'm afraid we will lose him from burnout and end up with a chump.

"I got so emotional, that tears came to my eyes. The lady says to me, 'I work on the executive floor. We see reports and budgets. Being that they don't generate income, it's hard to determine their value. Hell, we really don't know what they even do, other than everyone is excited about it. Would you be willing to come up to explain to us what you do?'

"I blushed and then said that I would, but first, she should go to the park and follow someone that does not speak English. Watch how they struggle. Then point them at one of our information kiosks or terminals. They use a globe to pick their country to lock in the language. From there, everything they come in contact with, is in their language. Watch them ask questions or interact with an employee. Then call for me and we will talk.

"A week later, I am called to the executive conference room. The lady I talked to ... her name is Beth, and she sits behind a CEO nameplate. Two nice men helped me to sit next to Beth. I wanted to crawl into a hole. I called her a BITCH!"

Everyone chuckles but want to hear the rest of the story.

Amanda continues, "Beth explains what happened, the day at the park with non-English speaking visitors, and how I am going to help explain what our group does. I did suggest that Charlie would be better, but Beth wanted me. I spent two hours explaining the story from friends to senior project, to joining Disney, the explosion of our department, and where we are today. Beth goes on to explain some of the adult capabilities and how the California hotel is equipped. We also got five stars for the experience.

"Afterword's, she explains that she knows about Stan, and wants to add her part to the program. I pointed her to George. Beth and her husband are running the same program tonight at one of the two Disney suites. This has been in the works for a long time. Now, it's ME time. I want my program."

Mary hugs us all, and then runs out of our room.

As Mary runs out, she says, "I can't wait for round two!"

I ask Tiffany, "Lights out please."

She looks at me curiously but turns off the lights.

In the art world, there are many types of art. One form is painting. In the realm of painting, they are many different mediums and techniques. In 1886 a gentleman named Georges Pierre Seurat painted "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" using a technique called pointillism. There are no broad strokes of a brush when using this technique. The image is made up of small distinct dots that form the image.

The picture shows ordinary people dressed per the era in a park along the edge of a lake. There is water, grass, trees, animals, and all ages of people to fill the picture with lots of objects. A picture is two-dimensional. I have a three-dimensional room. I slowly "draw" the picture in 3D for one hour, filling the room and walls. Like the original artist, I draw the "painting" a dot at a time. OK, I'm really doing thousands at a time. I don't clump the dots, they spread out.

Because of the way I'm drawing the room, there are tiny lights throughout the room, as if someone threw a handful of glitter in the air. These are different, they stay in place. In time, things solidify. Nothing is solid, I still have limitations, and for the first time, I hit the limits of our hardware. Some things, like the trees come in first where the people come in last.

I have been fucking Amanda for an hour. She moaned, but she was clearly enchanted with the "painting." When it finished, we all stopped to admire the finished product. That's when I blow their minds. One by one, the people come to "life" and start walking around. The animals are next, followed by flowing water. The people are speaking French for the last part.

I grin as I listen. Because we spent so much time on the translations and testing, there are a bunch of words and phrases I know in about thirty languages. I know some of what their saying.

As we're all watching, Amanda gets excited, "OH, OH, fuck me quick. I don't want this to finish before I do! Come on, Charlie, hurry up!"

I get back in place and start fucking faster even as I say, "No need to rush, they will go until one of us orgasms. Then they turn into a painting again."

As I'm slamming away, Amanda's phone rings. Tiffany picks it up and hands it to Amanda. Amanda won't touch it.

Tiffany says, "You need to take this call."

Amanda is breathing hard, but says, "Fuck you. Speakerphone!"

Tiffany says, "Ummm ..." then answers the phone and puts us on speakerphone.

At hearing Beth's voice, "I slow down."

I hear Beth yell, "Don't slow down Charlie, fuck her good! Ha, ha, ha, haaaaaaa!"

Amanda is annoyed, "This is NOT a good time."

Beth yells out, "NO! This is THE perfect time. My man doesn't last as long. Are the people talking?"

Amanda asks, "What kind of question is that?"

Beth asks again, "Answer me! Are they talking?"

I answer, "Yes Beth. They are talking."

Beth giggles, "I speak French. The people are all talking about you. Did you see the hot babe? She's naked. They're fucking in the park. She's pretty. Only an American brings a bed to a lake park to fuck. Two women are talking about Charlie. They called next."

I yell out, "That group is so fired!"

Beth is serious now, "Oh Charlie. I love that painting and seeing it in 3D and then come to life, was a dream come true that I never even knew I wanted. That was awesome. Come back to Disney tomorrow, we have a lot to talk about. Good night kids. I love you all very much. Bye."

We all say, "Bye," and hang up the phone.

I speed up as Amanda is flying high. No way she lasts long. She screams out in happiness. Everyone in the room is now staring at us. Damn, that is creepy. Amanda is freaking out. I speed up more and the staring people are long forgotten. She has thrusting matters moving at a blur, rubbing her vagina walls and clit.

My hands are grasping breasts and she's red all over from embarrassment as the people stare at us. This isn't her thing, but it affected her in a big way. Amanda is excited and almost bouncing on the bed.

Tiffany is laughing, "It's cool to have people watch you in this state, isn't it?"

Amanda screams out, "NO! NOT COOL! FUCK ME FASTER CHARLIE!"

For the first time ever, Tiffany crossed a line I never thought I would see. Tiffany smiles as she slowly worms her hand into Amanda and starts rubbing her clit vigorously. I stop holding back, she is going to break soon. I already had her on edge. Adding the clit rubbing and she was doomed to a quick orgasm.

Amanda did not disappoint. Amanda nearly lost her voice with her scream's deep and powerful projection. Both Tiffany and I are startled at the impressive voice display. Then she is like a house of cards that had the support removed. She dropped in place. Everything gave out and fell to the bed. She's incredible at breathing in this situation, but it's obvious that nobody's home. She has thoroughly checked out and is off in some far-away place, basking in her orgasm.

Me, I'm still thrusting and shooting my cum. I feel too good to waste my time wondering what happened to Amanda. I know she's OK, this is a frequent occurrence. OK, never like tonight, but you know, it's close to normal for her.

When I finish, I pull out and fall back. Tiffany is exploding with energy. She pounces on me, swallowing my cock to clean it up. She knows to be gentle. I'm too exhausted to care. As Amanda wakes up, Mary walks into our room pushing a cart of drinks and snacks.

Mary happily says, "I wore Trace out. He's sleeping in bed, wrapping up a pillow. I was too excited about the programs and the changes at work. I'm signing up now to test all the adult theme night experiences."

Amanda laughs, the first sign of life from her, "We don't even have an adult division yet."

Mary is still excited, "Great, I will lead it and we will start with the programs from here and Stan's place. Wouldn't it be fun to have a couple pay to have their friends wake up like Stan did? So much fun."

Tiffany is curious, "You serious about heading the division? You're going to have a child soon."

Mary isn't concerned, "There is no way our facility doesn't have a day care. I have stayed at home forever hearing about all the cool stuff you guys do. Yes, I would love to help. Plus, I get to work for my husband and if he gets too full of himself, I can go to Charlie."

They all giggle.

Mary is serious now, "Trace is a great guy. However, that spark had been lost and we had no prospects of our own children. I had been looking around more than I should have. I never did anything, but if a good thing would have come up, I would have jumped at it. Then you all showed up. Charlie intrigued me. Then we had one of your nights. Trace fucked me FOUR times! That one night brought all the fun back to our marriage.

"So, yes, I would love to be involved. What you all do, means everything to me, to us. He doesn't know, but he loves the new adventurous me. I never did this stuff before. It wasn't him; it was me. I was boring. My world opened with hard fucking and exhibitionism."

Her voice trailed off as she was left in thought. Everyone else is drinking her soda and wine along with the bite-sized goodies. After Amanda comes back around, we fill her in and then Kick Mary out. What a day.



"And the winner of this year's New Adult Product of the Year Award, in an almost unanimous vote, is ... ... ... ... Charlie McCormick from Magic Lights and Sound!"

I am stunned. I must talk in front of all these people. There are several thousand people here! Tiffany hits me in the ribs with her elbow. I knew this was going to happen. We tore up the world with our initial announcement almost a year ago, a few days after the last award show.

I slowly get up to a small stadium of people on their feet, applauding and whistling at me.

The announcer continues talking, "Charlie is one of the youngest people to win this award. He's married to his beautiful wife Tiffany, and they have three boys, including the two twins. Charlie's company is majority owned by Disney."

She left out that Amanda had a daughter for Trace and Mary as well as two girls with me that only a few people know about. Unless Tiffany is sick or seven or more months pregnant, we do all the public appearances. Amanda filled in for Tiffany twice.

As I get up on stage, the trophy is of a naked, full-breasted woman holding a dildo and a whip above her head in both hands. I chuckle, shake the gorgeous woman's hand, take my trophy, she kisses me, I blush and then turn to the audience.

I am nervous but I start by saying, "To my darling wife, Tiffany. I did not enjoy that kiss from the gorgeous porn star. Nope. Not one bit."

The audience yells back, "Bull shit," and everyone laughs.

I continue, "So much for my speech. That last interaction pretty much sums up my life. In the worst way, I wanted to be an artist for video games. I was a good artist, studied hard, had excellent grades, and could not get a job. I went with two friends to check out Disney with what we developed in college. The hardware was all Mike, and the software was all George. I just made the artwork.

"As you know, it did well. I put together an evening for my now wife on a lark using our equipment. She, like millions of other adults now, was a huge fan. For me, I pushed myself to try new things. My wife liked the sex. It enabled me to do things and try new things I would never have done. Now, we set interesting situations and play them out for fun. What am I saying? I bet most of you have tried one at home or one of the many motels and hotels that now feature our system.

"Yes, I know it's time. Too bad, this is important. OK, I'll hurry up. Anyways, life at work is fun. I work with so many awesome people, but Beth, Trace, Amanda, and Mary, you make my life worth living. Just in case anyone hasn't seen my stuff yet ... lights please."

The room lights slowly fade then almost went out. A golden rope dropped huge Hershey Kisses through the ceiling where holes opened. If you look closely, there are Minions up there. They are looking over the edges. I see people pointing them out.

Once the table size kisses are on the table, they break open like flowers. Hugging in the center is a man and woman. They both move apart, with the naked woman in doggie, and a naked man behind her. The man and woman are famous porn stars with the man much longer than humanly possible. The man slowly stuffs foot after foot of cock into the screaming woman.

When all done, the guy starts slamming the woman good. Now, I have my fun. As the man slams all the way in, his cock comes out her mouth. That forces her head up. To me, this looks like an old PEZ candy dispenser. Head up. Head down. It's so weird, people are laughing. The woman has two handles on her back. The man pulls back, forcing the woman to straighten up. The man now forces the woman to swing her breasts back and forth.

You know that I enlarged her breasts, so they swing out and hit the people sitting down. They all duck or push away, so they don't get hurt. OK, some do. Some are laughing so hard at the others; they can't move and the breast goes right through them.

They go back to fucking while at the same time, every man has a small devil show up on his shoulder. The Devil says to each of them, "Grope your date. Can you get them free? You win if you can."

Most of the men move behind their dates and are groping their breasts. In this group, there are very few C's and nothing smaller. Soon, I smell horny women. Next, I see naked breasts all around the room. Tiffany is at my side, and she took her own top off. She didn't have a bra.

Now a tiny Angel shows up and he says to the man, "Oh, fuck, this is amazing. Can you get her to blow or fuck you right here? I bet she will only blow you. No way she lets you fuck her here."

The angel did not whisper, so the dates heard the options. In this group, no woman is sitting on her hands or giving a blowjob. In a flash, all the dresses are up or off, and the men are now fucking their women. To liven this up, I fill the place with fans who are ogling the people and cheering them on.

I hear all kinds of encouragement being given to everyone. I don't know the professionals from the nobodies. Tonight, their all equal.

Now imagine this scene. A guy is fucking a woman on each table. With ten people to a table, each table has five couples, half or mostly naked and they're fucking. Then in between, people are watching and offering support and encouragement. I have caused an orgy; or is it? They're not sharing. Yet. Oh my.

As if that isn't enough. The Minions hoist up the people from the tables and replace it with a stack of crates. If you look closely, it says explosives. One Minion at each table, lights a fuse. Of course, some people try to stop the fuses. Good luck with that.

For the next ten minutes, a spectacular fireworks show fills the arena. With the tall ceiling, it's perfect for this. I fill the entire space with streamers, lights, and explosions to cover the ending for each couple.

I'm one of the first to finish. I pull up my pants and watch the spectacular display of sex and fireworks before me. Beth bet me it would work. It sure did. Damn, I owe her a dollar now. I smile.

Tiffany turns around, kisses me, and then with a microphone still on, she says clearly for all to hear, "We're done here. We're going back to our room, and I would say that I was going to rape you, but dammit, you can't rape the willing. Come along stud muffin."

As we leave, everyone near me yelled out, "Look, there goes stud muffin!"

The following year, I was not allowed to accept an award. We won three, and the audience booed until I was let on stage. Oh, what fun.

Once back at our room, we tore our clothes off on our way to the bedroom. We walk through the door naked, only to find a naked Beth and Mary are in my bed.

Beth quips, "So. Stud muffin has returned."

Mary looks angry, "Really? You turn awards night into an orgy! We're Disney!"

Tiffany comes from behind me with hugs and breasts in my back, "I got us four weeks off with no kids so you, me, and Amanda can travel."

With a frown on my face, "Let me guess, there was a price to pay?"

A naked Mary and Beth quickly exit the bed and hand me gold plated "Hall passes" signed by their husbands.

I look sad, "What did they get?"

Beth takes my hand and brings me to the bed where we sit. She presses her breasts into me, which makes me smile.

Beth says in a calm voice, "Not your wife or sister. No. They got something much better. They already have happy wives that will be putting out for a long time to come. They know what your nights do for our marriages. There won't be any issues.

"Almost three years ago, I put you in charge. Since then, you built a building, are in almost every airport worldwide, in most hotels, and you're well on your way to most popular restaurants. We're cheap, professional, and have virtually no competition because you don't gouge the customer.

"I could not be happier with you. The additional adult sector, car software, and grade school software has been amazing. There seems to be no end to what you can do."

Amanda reminds them, "You only have four hours, and your time is ticking."

I say to the room, "Charlie, four, sigma, alpha, two, gamma."

We are back in time, in the Roman era. The room is decorated per the time period with artwork and columns. There are guards watching us.

Amanda stands at my side and announces with trumpets and a loud voice, "Hear ye, hear ye, Charlius Caesar is here to decide with of you two will be his wife and which will die. You must fuck for your life."

I hear Tiffany on the side, "Oh my God. He's gone all ego on us. I need to make the next one."

Charlie looks at me with a predatory smile.

I am forceful with him, "Oh no you don't. You fuck them bitches and make them happy. Oh shit."

A line of Minions is walking into the room. This is going to be an entertaining night.

The end.

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Pete60ukPete60uk10 months ago


Really enjoyed this story.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Loved it but hated ending you should have brought it full circle with Jan and Kate coming back in some way

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I liked the story, but sometimes had to go back and re-read a paragraph for reasons mentioned elsewhere. Add to it, jumping back and forth through time and the confusing of Stan and Charlie. (Charlie is a fighter, then he can't fight at all. Stan is a black belt, but is afreaid of his parents? See what I mean?)

MaxGirth69MaxGirth69over 1 year ago

Fucking Epic! Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story

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