Mother & Son Have Oral Sex Ch. 04


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### MyMomChristinetheIncestWhore ###

Leave? He always stayed overnight. Doesn't she want him to spend the night? Whenever he slept over, she always sucked and fucked him again.

'Oh, oh,' he thought. 'The party is over. After trying and failing to give her an oral orgasm, she may never give me another blowjob ever again.'

If it wasn't enough that he seldom ate her, if it wasn't enough that he seldom reciprocated the oral sexual favor, he barfed on her. He heaved the entire contents of his stomach all over his stunning girlfriend's beautiful pussy. He knew he was close to losing her when he routinely refused to give her an oral orgasm. Now, he knew he had crossed the line when he became physical ill after his girlfriend ejaculated whatever that fluid was in his mouth.

He could have controlled himself from vomiting but, as if she was a man putting a heavy hand to the back of a woman's head to cum in her mouth, she held his head in place. Just as much her fault as it was his fault, she held his head in place to ejaculate a second load of her vaginal hot sauce in his mouth and down his throat. Then, still not letting him go, as if his face was a towel, she rubbed his face all over her soaking wet cunt. If it wasn't enough that he felt like such a cad in not reciprocating the oral sex that she routinely had given him, he couldn't believe he vomited on her.

'What kind of man am I? What kind of boyfriend am I? Why would it sicken me to return the oral pleasure that she has given me? If I were her, I'd dump my ass. If I were her, I'd find someone who appreciates a woman who is as sexual as she is,' he thought while looking at his beautiful girlfriend with shame and embarrassment.

Only, unable to help himself, he couldn't stop the projectile vomit from coming up from his stomach, all the way up his throat, and out of his mouth. He was so disgusted by her gushing so very much fluid in his mouth, not once but twice, that he punctuated that feeling by vomiting on her. It wasn't until she grabbed his head with both of her hands and rubbed his face all over her sopping wet cunt that he felt the wave of uncontrollable nausea. Even though he knew better and even though they had openly discussed what it was and what it wasn't, he couldn't stop from imagining that her fluid was urine and that she had peed an entire cupful in his mouth.

Only, it wasn't just her gushing excessive fluid it his mouth that pushed him back on his heels. It was her overactive, sexual libido that made him question his manhood. Hating to admit it, just as he wasn't man enough for her, she was too much woman for him. Never had he been with a woman who was as passionate about sex. Hard for him to admit but, as a 22-year-old, healthy, and testosterone filled man, sometimes, he just wasn't in the mood to fuck her, to have her blow him, and then to feel guilty for not eating her. Sometimes, he just wanted to hang out with her and talk, watch a movie, go for a walk, or play a game. Sometimes, he wanted to do something else other than having sex.

He wouldn't mind if they did a little kissing and petting while watching a movie and/or talking. Yet, when she was in the mood for sex, which was all the time, she wasn't interested in doing a little kissing, watching a movie, or in talking. She wasn't in the mood to do anything else but to fuck and suck. As if she was the aggressive man and he was the reluctant woman, it was just about sex with her. When she blew him, she didn't just suck his cock, she devoured his cock.

As if she had just been released from a long sentence of incarceration and doing hard time in solitary confinement, she was always starved for sex. Whenever he saw her, she sexually attacked him as if he was the only man left on Earth. Never could he see her without having sex with her, without fucking her hard and fast, and without her giving him a blowjob. His very own, personal nymphomaniac, never saying no to sex and always wanting sex, seemingly she was sexually insatiable.

Obviously the only way to put a knot in her sexual libido was to put a ring on her finger and marry her. No doubt, in the way that so very many women are with men, once they're married, once the Honeymoon is over, and especially once they have their babies, would be the last blowjob he'd ever receive. Yet, instead of complaining, buckling himself in for the ride, he should just go with the flow. When most men wish their women were as sexual as was Ginger, he should have a problem.

Yet, as if she was the testosterone filled man and he was the demure, innocent woman, everything with her was sex, sex, and more sex. With them doing nothing but having sex and going nowhere other than her bedroom, he felt more like her fuck friend than he did her boyfriend. She was a wild woman when it came to sex. If any woman could be happy in the swinging lifestyle as a swinger, that assuredly would be Ginger. Only, she was no swinger. Faithfully loyal and lovingly kind, it was too bad she wouldn't allow his friends to help him pick up the sexual slack. In the way there was tag team wrestling, he wished there was tag team sex. Only, she was a one-man woman.

'Next! You go,' he imagined tagging one of his friends in a long line of men that lined up outside of her bedroom to take his place on the bed. 'I can't fuck her any faster or any harder. Fuck her for me. Make her cum,' he imagined saying while patting his friend on the ass. 'I'll be back in fifteen minutes after I have a cold beer and take a Viagra,' he imagined saying.

As if she had the libido of a horny, young man, most men would love to have a woman like her. As an added bonus to her loving to have sex, most men would love to have a woman who looked as good as she looked and who sucked cock in the way that she did. Only, afraid that he could never give her enough sex to sexually satisfy her, he was exhausted. With them spending all of their time together having sex, sex took a backseat to everything else, even conversation. He felt that he didn't intimately know her in the way that he should intimately know her by now, especially after having dated her for so long.

From their first date at the senior prom, allowing him to cum in her mouth and with her swallowing at only 18-years-old, she gave him a blowjob. Wondering how many other men she sucked off before blowing him, that should have clued him in as to what more to expect. As if he was an actor in a porn movie, whenever he was with her alone, especially in her bedroom, he felt pressure to perform. He felt pressured to give her an orgasm and every time he didn't give her orgasm, he felt bad. He felt horrible. He felt guilty, especially after she made him feel so good.

If only he could eat her, she'd be so happy. If only he could give her an orgasm with his mouth and tongue in the ways she gave him an orgasm with her mouth and tongue, he'd be so thrilled. If only he wasn't as grossed out by her female ejaculation, he wouldn't have vomited on her and she wouldn't have asked him to leave. With her giving him unbelievable blowjobs, he wished he could return the sexual favor by giving her oral pleasure too but he just wasn't into that, especially because of her squirting.

When it came time to eating her, just fumbling around in the dark with his fingers while licking and licking her, he had no idea what he was doing. With one thing feeling like another thing, unlike a hard cock that all women knew what to do with, everything between a woman's legs felt so mushy and squishy. With her always making him cum in record time, he wished she didn't gush as much liquid after he spent such a long time licking her. Eating her was always such a marathon that culminated in her making a sopping wet mess or, more than likely, not cumming at all.

With her always having soaking wet panties, unless she wore a pad, a double pad, he didn't know how she could go out in public like that. If that was him being so wet in between his legs, he'd be so uncomfortable. If that was him being so wet in between his legs, he'd be so embarrassed that he was always so wet and he was wetting and staining his clothes. Only, with her, obviously used to her pussy always being soaking wet, her drenched pussy seemingly didn't bother her in the way that her soaking wet pussy bothered him. A complete mystery to him, somehow she kept her wetness contained and under control.

Another man wouldn't care that she gushed so much fluid. Another man would gobble up her cunt and drink her pussy wine dry without complaint. Not caring if she ejaculated a cupful of liquid in his mouth, another man would give her an orgasm with his fingers and with his mouth but he wasn't that man. Being that she was such a spectacular woman, not mattering one bit, in the way she sucked cock and always wanted sex, another man wouldn't care if she gushed vaginal fluid, urine, or menstrual blood in his mouth. Paying the price of his selfishness, half expecting it and inevitable that it would surely happen, he still couldn't believe what she said next.

### MyMomChristinetheIncestWhore ###

"Let me do it, Michael, please. Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it. I don't mind," she said. "Just go. Please, just leave."

He couldn't believe how much he vomited. He spewed so very much. His puke was such a stinking and embarrassing mess. How could he defile his beautiful woman in such a disgusting way? How could he show such vile outrage for her beautiful pussy? As much as he loved her, he hated himself for not giving her what she so sexually wanted and obviously needed. In the way she gave him oral sex, he needed to give her oral sex too.

"No, it's my mess and I'm so embarrassed," he said.

She looked at him with anger mixed with hurt before she made eye contact with him and blurted out the inevitable.

"I don't want to be with you anymore," she said as he was getting dressed to leave. "I'm sorry," she said looking at him with tear filled eyes. "I can't be with you anymore, not after this, especially not after this."

He looked at her with shocked disbelief.

"What? Sorry? What did you just say? You don't want to be with me?"

He couldn't believe what he had just heard. In the way she looked at him with hurt and confusion whenever he refused to eat her, he looked at her with hurt and confusion that she was breaking up with him.

"I'm done. I can't go through this again with you rejecting me and now with you puking on me," she said looking away from him. "Obviously, I sicken you enough for you to vomit your disgust for me."

He was shocked. He was blown away. Even though he expected it and was half relieved by it, he couldn't believe the woman of his dreams and the love of his life was breaking up with him. He had mixed emotions. Even though he felt happy that his sexual ordeal was finally over. he felt rejected. He felt sad that he was losing the love of his life. Only, unable to admit it to himself, the real love of his life was his mother. Perhaps if Emma wasn't always in his head and in their bed, he'd still be together with Ginger.

"Done? What do you mean? Why are you done? I don't understand. Why are you breaking up with me? I thought you loved me. I thought we were eventually going to get married," he said feeling as if he needed to say that to show her that he was the victim and not the cad. "I thought we were going to have children together."

She shook her head negatively while waving her hand back and forth as if she was giving warning to drivers that the road ahead was closed. Definitely with him having rejected her for years and then puking on her as his final insult, her mouth and her pussy were now closed to him. No doubt, even after learning that she squirted, any one of his friends would, no doubt, be dumping their girlfriends for a chance to be with her. Compared to any other woman, she was such an extraordinary woman. Obviously, he didn't sexually appreciate her enough to eat her and/or to know how to keep her.

"You don't do anything for me. With me always blowing you and you always cumming in my mouth, it's always a one-way street with you. Most times, when you fuck me and then refuse to eat me, I don't even cum," she said.

He took her hand in his.

"I'll change. I'll eat you more. I swear I will, Ginger. I promise I will," he said. Only the mere thought of him eating her again and eating her even more made him feel as if he was going to vomit again. "I'll give you an orgasm every time I'm with you, two orgasms, three even."

She slowly shook her head back and forth while beginning to cry.

"To be honest, Michael, after having thought about it long and hard, I can't imagine being married to you. I can't imagine spending my life with you and having lackluster sex. I need to see stars and hear fireworks when making love and you never make love to me. You just fuck me," she said. "I need to feel that the man I'm with wants me as much as I want him. Unless I'm sucking your cock or you're fucking me, you don't seem to be sexually excited enough by me to even return the sexual favor of eating me."

He looked at her with hurt and shocked disbelief.

"I love you, Ginger. You absolutely, sexually excite me. I'll try harder. I'll change. I promise. I'll do better. I'll wear a condom. I'll stay inside of you longer and won't pull out until you cum. I'll give you stars and fireworks. I promise you, I will," he said. "I'll marry you. Marry me Ginger," he said getting down on one knee and taking her hand in his as if he had a ring and was ready to slip an engagement ring on her finger.

As if his hand was diseased, she pulled her hand away and stood there without talking while looking down at him and at the mess on her bed. When he stood, giving him a deadeye stare, she looked up at him to give him a sad look. When she looked at him with her big, blue eyes, with him no longer filling them with love and happiness, even though he was still physically there, he was already gone from her mind.

"We never make love. You only fuck me. All we do is fuck and then I blow you. Every time you eat me, obviously the reason why I can't cum, I can tell you don't like going down on me," she said. "To be honest, if I stayed with you, I'd be cheating on you. I'd be having sex with someone who wanted to have sex with me. I'd be having sex with someone who gave me an orgasm not only with his cock but also with his mouth and tongue. I don't want to be with you anymore, Michael. I can't be with you. I'm done. We're done."

Unable to respond with anything to salvage their relationship when everything she said was the truth, he was ready to leave.

"I'll get another towel to sop up this mess," he said before leaving.

She grabbed his arm to stop him.

"No," she said. "I'd rather you just go," she said. "Please. I beg you. Just leave. This is hard enough for me as it is."

Unable to respond with anything to salvage their relationship when everything she said was the truth, he left for home.

To be continued...

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MaddogpugMaddogpugalmost 8 years ago
squirting girls

i would love to have a girl friend who squirts that much i love eatting out girls it makes me so hornythe more you cum the more i like it fill me up i love girls to cum alot in my mouth . i would let my daughter cum in my mouth or my mother or cousins nieces aunts grandmothers any one who could squirt in my mouth. thanks for the story send me email if you want

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