Mother-in-Law is Disciplined Ch. 05

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Domestic discipline of wife and Mother-in-Law.
2.8k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/12/2013
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This is a total fantasy written by me for fun. It contains spanking, humiliation and other fetish. Please do not read if this bothers you. All characters are 25 year old or older.


I hear my wife call from upstairs "Daddy may we get up from our nap."

"I will be right up Little One."

I had ordered my wife and Mother-in-law to take a nap like two naughty children. My wife is 25 and her Mother is 48. My Mother-in-law moved into our home because she is being divorced by her husband and she has nowhere to live. She has agreed to be trained to my satisfaction similar to my wife.

I walk up the stairs to the Master bedroom and see both my wife and her Mother still snuggled in the Master bed. I snap my fingers and both girls stand at attention in front of me waiting for my orders. My wife is dressed in her Tinker Bell night shirt and her Mother is in a tee-shirt, double diapers and plastic panties. Both girls are embarrassed holding their eyes downward.

I order my wife to 'Present' and then 'Display.' Two positions she is familiar with from her training. She raises her short pink nightshirt high over her hips and lowers her white Tinker Bell panty to her knees inside-out. I reach down checking for any pee stains or if her panty is wet. To my surprise her panty is damp. "Why is your undie damp Missy?" I ask?

"Sir my panty is wet because I have been thinking of you," She answered.

"Did you touch yourself young lady?" I further question her causing her face to blush.

"No Master one of my rules is no touching without your permission," She answers quickly.

Taking my index finger I swipe her slit causing her to groan. I take my dripping finger and place it in her mouth rubbing it on her tongue and lips. She begins to suckle on my finger causing her to get wetter

I skip to Katherine, who is amazed at the control I have over her daughter. She remembers Karen as a strong-willed spoiled brat, who listened to no one. Now she is totally obedient and submissive. I give the same two orders I gave to my wife of 'Present 'and 'Display.' Katherine lowers her plastic panties and both diapers to her knees and stands at attention.

"Did you wet your diapers Missy?" I ask? Forcing her to answer me in a child-like voice: "No Sir."

I reach down to her diaper and check for myself. "Very good Young Lady, do you need to go potty?"

"Yes Daddy," she answers in a low voice.

"Okay Karen will take you and she will go herself. You will use the child's potty in the bathroom and then both of you take a shower and report back here. We are going shopping this afternoon for new clothes for Katherine," I order.

I swat both of them on their bare behinds and send them on their way. Meanwhile I pick out two juvenile outfits for them to wear to the mall and lay them on the bed. Some 30 minutes later they both enter the bedroom wrapped in two towels. They smell fresh and are sparkling clean.

"Did you empty the potties girls?" I ask?

"Yes Daddy." They reply in unison.

"You may get dressed for shopping. Your clothes are on the bed. Karen you wear the pink dress and Katherine you wear the yellow dress," I say. On the bed are two children party dresses with a crinoline, included in the outfit: are panties, white sox and black Mary Jane shoes. They are shocked at the outfits I picked for them. They thought they would be wearing jeans and a tee-shirt something more appropriate for a 25 and 48 year old.

Nevertheless they glance at each other and begin to get dressed. They first pull up their Disney Princess panties, which are white cotton full-cut decorated with either Cinderella or Snow White. They then help each other with their girlish training bras and finally the crinoline and the 50's style dress followed by the short white sox and Mary Jane shoes.

Each dress button up the back and has a white collar. The dress has a ribbon which ties in a bow in the back around the waist. The crinoline flares the dresses, so if they are not careful it will allow people to see their panties. They then braid each other's hair into two pigtails making them look even younger.

"Okay girls lets go we will take your diaper bag in case I need to diaper one of you. Reaching the garage, I turn and lower their panties, so they are sitting on their bare bottoms and place a pacifier in each of their mouths and buckle their seat belts.

It takes about 20 minutes to reach the store, which is located on the other side of town on a side street. I park the car in a spot near the door. I unbuckle both girls making sure each are still sucking on their pacifiers. "Hold hands," I order, as I pull their undies up over their hips. My Mother-in-law is completely embarrassed to be treated like a small child by her 35 year old son-in-law, but she obeys. I hand the brightly covered diaper bag to my wife to hold.

"Girls we are going to buy some clothes for Kathy to wear. I want her to be as well trained as you Karen," I say. "I know she is your Mommy, Karen, but she needs to be brought down a peg," I see my 25 year old wife smile and shake her head. Katherine's head drops with embarrassment. She is hoping that no one she knows sees her dressed like a child.

The store is a large two story brick building with no windows and one door, which has small letters saying 'The AB Store - By appointment only.' Underneath the letters are the words 'Elizabeth Conover Owner and Manager.'

I take my pass card and swipe the lock. The door buzzes and opens into a large lobby. It is brightly colored in pastel with pictures of animation characters on the walls. It gives a very child-like appearance. Kathy looks around in amazement having never shopped in this type of store.

Within a moment Elizabeth Conover exits the elevator and walks over to us. Upstairs are offices and the mail order section. On this floor are the items for sale to the public. Beth is a very confident 45 year old dressed neatly in a Blue and White Ann Taylor dress with low heeled shoes and tanned legs. She has an appealing figure from her exercising daily. She has shoulder length light brown hair.

She stops in front of me and gently curtsies with her eyes down saying: "Hello Sir how may I help you." As she lifts her skirt I get a glance at her powder blue silky bikini smiling I answer: "I am here to shop for my wife and Mother-in-law."

Beth returns the smile and asks me to follow her to a private room near the lobby. We enter the room, which is tastefully decorated with a few leather lounge chairs, smaller children's chairs, plus a straight-backed chair in the center of the room labeled 'Spanking Chair."

"I like your choice of dresses," She indicates as she walks around both women. Beth knows both my wife from high school, as she has twin 25 year old girls, and has met my Mother-in-law at various functions. I can see my Mother-in-Law starting to fidget, as the inspection continues.

"Are they wearing diapers or little girl panties?" She asks staring into the eyes of Katherine embarrassing her further.

"Girls Present and show Miss Conover." My wife lifts her party dress and crinoline quickly over her hips revealing her white cotton Cinderella panty. However, Katherine stomps her feet and angrily says: "No way will I lift my dress for your inspection I am 3 years older than you." They have removed their pacifiers.

She has fallen into Elizabeth's trap, as Elizabeth glances in my direction, and I nod as to give her permission. Beth, who is 45, grabs the chair which is labeled the 'Spanking Chair.' She places it in the center of the room and grasps Katherine's ear and marches her over to the chair. She sits and Katherine lands over her lap. Her party dress flips up exposing her Snow White panty.

Beth takes her time raising the crinoline and silky dress over Katherine's head. She then lowers her panty to her ankles exposing her full bottom, which is still red from my spanking her earlier. "Place your hands on the floor to my left and spread your legs the width of your shoulders," she orders with a firm swat to her bare behind.

Katherine obeys quickly her bottom already sore. "Now turn your toes inward on the floor I do not want you to clench your cheeks." Again my 48 year old Mother-in-law obeys. I can see she is mortified to be over the lap of Elizabeth.

From her side Beth unclips a hairbrush attached to her belt. The hairbrush has a large wooden surface made of oak. The rubber handle is easily gripped for convenience. I watch as Elizabeth taps Katherine's two cheeks as if to get a feel for how hard she will spank her. Katherine moans knowing the sting will be very difficult to bear. She does not want to cry.

In one smooth motion Beth lands two swift swats on Katherine's sit spot at the crease of the thighs. Katherine's stoic promise to herself not to cry disappears, as she feels the sting and immediately starts to sob. Each swat lands further up her firm wide buttocks right to her fleshy middle cheeks. The stinging blows of the hairbrush land, making Katherine's backside a blotchy fiery red, until finally the punishment is finished.

Elizabeth looks at me with Kathy still sobbing over her lap. Beth continues to tap Kathy's red backside lightly and asks me if Katherine has a job. When I indicate she is not working she asks if Katherine could work at the store. Beth indicates she would supervise her personally. I agree.

The door to the private room opens and one of Beth's twin 25 year old daughters enters. She sees my wife, who went to high school with her, standing by my side with her dress still positioned over her hips. My wife was very popular in high school and used to torment Tina and her twin Lisa almost daily. She also spots Karen's Mother over her Mother's lap and smiles.

"Tina please hand me a plastic glove, some Vaseline and a medium anal plug. Kathy is very tight and I want to stretch her." She orders. Tina quickly gets the items mentioned and hands them to her Mother. "Now go greet Mr. Taylor."

Tina stand in front of me eyes lowered. She is wearing a short thigh high skirt with a button up blouse, white sox and comfortable shoes. She is a younger version of her Mother in appearance and demeanor. She curtsies in front of me greeting me by name showing me her yellow cotton panties. I nod and she lowers her skirt.

"Please sit Sir and I will show you the store catalogue. Meanwhile, Kathy's backside is being stretched by Beth's thumb and forefinger, The Vaseline is on the anal plug and Elizabeth as wedged it between my Mother-in-Law cheeks into her bum hole making her squirm back and forth. A slap to her backside stops her fidgeting. "Okay Young Lady you may rise."

Katherine stands immediately and hops from foot to foot until Beth gives her a look. Her skirt and crinoline falls back in place, but her panties remain at her ankles.

As I sit in the comfortable leather lounge chair I review the store catalogue noting at of the items. The store contains: a vast assortment of panties, school uniforms, little girl dresses, adult toys, diapers, pajamas, baby items, and medical fetish equipment.

"Both of you kneel at my side," I say pointing at my two girls. They quickly position themselves as directed. They kneel with legs spread, dresses raised and back straight with both of their mouths wide open. I ask Tina to get the girls another pacifier preferably the large 6 inch Nuk. She comes back very quickly with the perfect Adult Nuk and places them in each of their mouths. In addition she pins two baby-like bibs around each of their necks to protect their dresses from the drool, which will occur.

"Over here Missy." I say pointing at Elizabeth. She is a single Mother and I have disciplined her and her daughters before, so she has a perplexed look on her face. She stands in front of me as I sit in the lounge chair.

"Present Missy," I order in a low firm voice, which she has heard before. Her face turns red; as she remembers my instructions from the last time I was in the store. She sees her daughter looking at her as well as my two girls. Slowly she grasps the hem of her fancy very adult Ann Taylor dress and pulls it up her long tanned legs. She stops at her upper thighs and looks pleadingly at me. I flip my finger in an upper motion and she continues raising her dress upward revealing the bottom of her silky powder blue undies.

Beth abruptly stops and says very rudely: "No you can't make me show my underwear. You don't own me." She says and lets her dress fall back down to her knees," She folds her arms very defiantly saying: "I am 45 years old and will not be treated like a child." The room goes silent wondering what will happen. I slowly walk over to the wall and retrieve the whippy cane from its place on the hook.

"Girls come over to the caning stool," I say and watch as Kathy (panties at her ankles), Tina and Karen come to the designated spot. I swish the cane several times making the girls jump. I hear Elizabeth say: "I am sorry Sir I will do as you say," as she raises her dress quickly above her hips revealing much too tight a powder blue bikini.

"Too late Young Lady," I say as I grasp her left ear and march her over to the caning stool. The stool is a bright red with a cushioned seat and is about waist high. I lay her over the seat so her head is almost touching the last ring on the stool and her panty clad backside is sticking up into the air. In this position her skirt falls down her back and over her head. Her silky bikini is fully on display. It is one size too small so the silky material wedges in between her bottom slit and the cheeks below her buttocks are on display.

I can hear her sobbing that she will be good and not to cane her, but of course I ignore her little girl pleas. Standing to her left side, as I am a right-handed, I tap her bottom crease right where it meets her upper thighs and swing my arm backward. My arm comes forward and with a snap of my wrist I land the first of several cane marks on her upper thighs and lower buttocks. She does not react immediately as the sting reaches the brain a few seconds after the swish, but then she yells and jumps on the stool. I can see the red cane welt form from left to right. Again I land another swish just below the first on her upper thighs. My arm swings backwards and the cane swishes through the air with a loud sound and lands directly on her exposed panty clad buttocks. Beth is now sobbing like a six year old not a 45 year old Mother of twins.

I can see that Kathy, who was spanked earlier by Beth, enjoying herself. Both my wife and Katherine are sucking on their pacifiers with glee. Finally I stop the caning after some 12 strokes and help her onto her feet. She holds her bottom and starts her spanking dance rubbing her cheeks and upper thighs.

"Enough Missy," I order and she stands still. I take my handkerchief and have her blow her nose. I wipe the tears from her eyes and once again order her to "Present." This time there is no hesitation and her dress is raised over her hips exposing the grown up panty.

I tell Tina to bring her Mother to the bathroom and to change her into a diaper and plastic panties and to report back to me It is now time to shop for my two girls, who are standing next to me wide-eyed. I watch as Tina takes her Mother's hand and heads to the restroom.

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Gym52Gym52about 1 year ago

After re-reading this story, I must say that it is a pleasure to read this total fantasy. What a pity that you appear not to have progressed further with this work there are three mature women in their forties and five in their twenties all obedient to his instruction, you could easily have continued with the teaching and the use of alternative punishments and humiliations to each of the women, remember that in fantasy bodily areas other than the buttocks and thighs can be targeted. Congratulations on the use of the groove whip in earlier chapters, that can be a very effective punishment if allowed to stray forward the ship can hit from the Mons Venus back via the clitoral good and labia to what I believe the Americans call the taint, if pulled back the tip of the whip thong will strike on the anus, the later would be extremely effective if the woman under punishment had already received an enema but had not been given permission to evacuate the bowels.

As a FANTASY as you mention at the start of each chapter, all practical and ethical issues are negated.

Gym52Gym52over 2 years ago

Fun to read. Mothers in law and formerly bratty wives can be extremely difficult to control in any situation. Can we please hear more about the neighbour and her daughters, many thanks for publishing your work here.

pip46pip46about 4 years ago
More please

There has to be more of this story you cannot leave it like this

Nitro70652Nitro70652almost 9 years ago

I will begin with saying that I do enjoy your stories. Clearly fantasy, considering the legal ramifications of such treatment of a modern female these days. Though I have to add that I believe women these days could benefit from such discipline. Well written to a point. Only a few words out of place, not caught by spell check because they aren't spelled wrong, just no proof reading. My only other criticism would be the repetition from each chapter to the next. Perhaps you are trying to have each chapter able to stand on its own. Only you know that. But good enough to draw Me in and want to read all 5 chapters, so well done.

4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

You list none under your fetishes. You have at least one very strong one based on your writings.

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